KINE 1304 test 3

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diabetes mellitus

A group of diseases characterized by elevated blood glucose levels.

a need for oxygen in the heart that exceeds supply

Angina pectoris is caused by


Organ that secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine and hormones into the blood stream.

coronary heart disease

a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart

congestive heart failure (CHF)

an abnormal cardiovascular condition that reflects impaired cardiac pumping and blood flow; pooling blood leads to congestion in body tissues

an irregular heart beat

an arrhythmia is


disease of the heart and blood vessel


our heart contracts approximately how many times per day?

Non-modifiable risk factors of type 2 diabetes

1. Age 2. Ethnicity 3. Genetic and biological factors

Modifiable risk factors of type 2 diabetes

1. Body weight 2. Dietary choices 3. Level of physical activity 4. Sleep patterns 5. Stress level

Complications of diabetes mellitus

1. Diabetic coma 2. cardiovascular disease 3. kidney disease 4. amputation 5. eye disease and blindness 6. infectious diseases 7. tooth and gum disease

symptoms of diabetes mellitus

1. Thirst 2. Excessive urination 3. Weight loss 4. fatigue 5. nerve damage 6. Blurred vision 7. Poor wound healing and increased infections.

1- genetically altered cell 2- hyperplasia- cells divide more rapidly than normal. 3- dysplasia- cells change form. 4- in situ cancer- cells stay in one place. 5- invasive cancer- cancer cells invade normal tissue and enter blood and lymph; metastases form at the distant sites.

5 stages of tumor development


Cancers that arises from epithelial tissue- skin, glands, and the lining of internal organs. The most common types of cancer. Major sites include the skin, breast, uterus, prostate, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.


Condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes - daily requirements

Daily insulin injections or infusions. Monitor diet and exercise levels careful.

type 2 diabetes - how it develops

Develop slowly. Cells throughout the body begin to resist the effects of insulin. Overtime, The body may not produce enough insulin. Usually caused by an abundance of free fatty acids.


Elevated blood glucose level.

type 2 diabetes

Form of diabetes mellitus in which the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use insulin correctly.

Type 1 diabetes

Form of diabetes mellitus in which the pancreas is not able to make insulin, and therefore blood glucose cannot enter the cells to be used for energy

gestational diabetes

Form of diabetes mellitus in which woman who have never had diabetes have high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy.


Hormone secreted by the pancreas and required by body cells for the uptake and storage of glucose

causing injury to the artery walls.

Hypertension probably contributes to atherosclerosis by ____.

Insulin resistance

State in which the body cells failed to respond to the effects of insulin; obesity increases the risk that cells will become insulin resistant.

capable of mutating and invading surrounding structures

a malignant tumor is different from a benign tumor because a malignant tumor is _____.


a non-cancerous tumor is called_____.


a physician who specializes in the study of tumors is known as a(n) ______.


any substances that causes cancer is called ___.

malignant disease of the white blood cells

best describes leukemia?

angina pectoris

chest pain occurring as a result of reduced oxygen flow to the heart


conditions characterized by deposits of fatty substances (plaque) on the inner lining of an artery

myocardial infraction

damage to the heart muscle due to lack of blood supply is called _____.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

if an artery in the limb becomes blocked, the result is...


melanoma is cancer of the _____.

1- oxygen-poor blood travels through large vessels, the VENAE CAVAE, into the hearts right upper chambers, the RIGHT ATRIUM. 2- after the RIGHT ATRIUM fills, it contracts and pumps blood into the hearts right lower chamber, the RIGHT VENTRICLE. 3- when the RIGHT VENTRICAL is full, it contracts and pumps blood through the PULMONARY ARTERY into the lungs. 4- in the lungs, blood picks up oxygen and discards carbon dioxide. 5- the oxygenated blood flows from the lungs through the PULMONARY VEINS into the hearts LEFT ATRIUM. 6- after the LEFT ATRIUM fills, it contracts and pumps blood into the LEFT VENTRICLE. 7- when the LEFT VENTRICLE is full, it pumps blood through the AORTA- the body's largest artery- for distribution to the rest of the body's blood vessels.

path of the blood starting with when blood comes back into the heart from the body and END with the blood leaving the heart to the body.


sustained elevated blood pressure


the American cancer society recommends routine use of mammograph to detect breast cancer for women overage ______.


the arteries that branch from the aorta and provide blood to the heart muscle itself are the ___.

relaxation of the heart

the definition of the term Diastolic Blood Pressure is

Contractions of the heart

the definition of the term Systolic Blood Pressure is


the heart muscle is referred as the


the largest artery in the body is the ____.


the largest blood vessel that receives blood from the left side of the heart and distributes it to the body is called the _____.

vena cava

the largest blood vessel through which blood from the lower extremities is returned to the right side of the heart is called____.

lung cancer

the most common cause of cancer deaths in the US is ___.

breast ; lung

the most common form of cancer in women is ____ cancer, the most common cause of cancer DEATHS in women is ______.


the most common form of cancer is ____.

tightness or pressure in the chest

the most common symptom associated with angina is


the small blood vessels that connect the arteries and veins are the ____.


the two upper chambers of the heart in which blood collects before passing to the lower chambers are called ______.


the type of stroke caused by plaque formation that narrows blood flow or a clot that obstructs a blood vessel is called ___.


the type of stroke that is caused by a rupture of blood vessel is called ___.

tobacco use

what contributes to about 1/3rd of all the cancer deaths

heart attack

when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, the result is ...


when a malignant tumor spreads to sites distant from the primary tumor, the process is known as _____.

Low HDL and High LDL

whos at greater risk for CVD?


Cancer arising from connective and fibrous tissue such as bone, Cartilage, or striated muscle.


Cancer of the blood-forming cells, which resides chiefly in the bone marrow.


Cancer of the lymphatic tissue- One of the bodies infection-fighting system.

myocardial infarction

a blockage of normal blood supply to an area of the heart - also called a heart attack


a cerebrovascular accident is another name for a


a condition occurring when the brain is damaged by disrupted blood supply; also called cerebrovascular accident

fat & meat

a diet high in ______ & ______is linked to increased risk of colon and prostate cancer.

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