KINE 2850 Exam 2 Study Guide

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What two muscles pronate the forearm?

Pronator Teres and Pronator Quadratus

The Subclavius, Serratus Anterior, and Pectoralis Minor are responsible for?


At which joint do pronation and supination occur in the forearm?

Radioulnar Joint ; Transverse

The Middle Trapezius and Major/Minor Rhomboids are responsible for?


The wrist has how many degrees of freedom?


Dorsal Interossei


Function of the Suprispinatus?


Abductor pollicis brevis

Abducts thumb at metacarpophalangeal & carpometacarpal joints

Palmar Interossei

Adducts carpometacarpal joint

Adductor Pollicis

Adducts the thumb

Where is the Acromioclavicular joint located?

Between the acromion and the clavicle

Where is the Coracoclavicular joint located?

Between the clavicle and the coracoid process.

Where is the sternoclavicular joint located?

Between the clavicle and the sternum

Where is the Glenohumeral joint located?

Between the scapula and the humerus

Flexes the elbow regardless of forearm position:

Biceps Brachialis

Most effective when the forearm is pronated


The Pectoralis Minor, Lower Trapezius, and Serratus Anterior are responsible for?


The Major/Minor Rhomboids, Pectoralis Minor, Levator Scapulae and Serratus Anterior are responsible for?

Downward Rotation

The Upper Trapezius and Levator Scapulae are responsible for?


Which muscle extends the 5th finger concentrically?

Extensor Digiti Minimi


Extensor Digitorum Extensor Digiti Minimi Extensor Indicus

Keeps the muscles from bowstringing during flexion

Extensor and Flexor Retinaculum


Extensor carpiradialis brevis Extensor carpiradialis longus Extensor carpiulnaris

Function of the infraspinatus?

External Rotation

Function of the Teres Minor?

External rotation/extends


Flex metacarpophalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints of fingers

What motions occur at the humeroulnar joint? In which plane of motion do these occur?

Flexion and Extension ; Sagittal

What are the four motions of the wrist?

Flexion, Extension, Hyperextension and Circumduction

Wrist AND Finger FLEXORS

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Adductor Pollicis Longus Flexor Digitorum Profundous

What joint is referred to as the ACTUAL shoulder joint?

Glenohumeral Joint

Functions of the Subscapularis?

Internal Rotation/Adduction

Which does the shoulder joint have more of: Mobility or Stability?


Opponens digiti minimi

Opposes (flexes and laterally rotates) carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of little finger

Opponens Pollicis

Opposes the thumb (Medially rotates and flexes)

Wrist Flexors:

Palmaris Longus Flexor Carpiradialis Flexor Carpiulnaris


Palmaris Longus Flexor Carpiradialis Flexor Carpiulnaris

On which side of the body are the elbow flexors located?


What joint is referred to as the only attachment of the shoulder girdle to the trunk?

Sternoclavicular Joint

Which muscle supinates the forearm?


The Shoulder Girdle refers to?

The clavicle and the scapula

The Upper/Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior are responsible for?

Upward Rotation

The biceps brachii is most effective when the forearm is:


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