KINS 137 Final

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What are the 3 aspects of political race consciousness?

1. Diagnostic function 2. Aspirational goal 3. Activist project

What are the current trends regarding racial minorities in sport leadership positions?

Career length in central positions are longer > Marginalized groups have limited positions and management positions. > Coaches come from leadership positions

Social Class

Categories of people who share similar social position based on economic resources like income, wealth, occupation, and social connection.

What are some solutions to financial barriers in sport? Demonstrate a social imagination when answering this question.

Community programs - Scholarship opportunities - Public transportation routes - Gear give back - Increasing funding/ fundraisers involving community and outreach programs

What is the relationship between social identities, privilege, and oppression?

Dominant groups who claims to have authority and puts down other groups they view that doesn't fit their perspective as dominant.


How one is identified as male/female. While sex may be the biological term related to one's genitalia, gender is socially constructed and refers to the ways we think about masculinity and femininity.

According to Krane, in what ways has sport become more inclusive for LGB athletes and in what ways is it still exclusive

Inclusive Men's professional sport leagues in Australia support the anti-homophobia and inclusion framework aimed to eliminate LGBT discrimination in sport. UK, football has endorsed Football v Homophobia position US, NHL partnered with You Can Play, a program dedicated to ensuring equality, respect and safety for all athletes regardless of sexual orientation. Current attitudes of LGBTs in sport are generally positive. US magazine SPORTS ILLUSTRATED found 86 percent of respondents are okay with openly gay men participating in sports. Exclusive Prejudice, priveleged atittudes Hegemonic masculinity refers to a priveleged and socially supported set of attitudes, behaviors, and values considered ideal for males Priveleged form of femininity, or hegemonic femininity, includes being graceful, gentle, compassionate, caring, and emotional, femal athletes who were strong, muscular, and competitve often were considered masculine and stereotyped as lesbian Social expectations embracing hegemonic masculinity and feminity laid the foundation for homonegative sport climates Heterosexism specifically refers to discriminatory attitudes that disregard people who are not heterosexual, whereas heternormativity reflects an ever-present cultural bias in favour of heterosexuality and the omission of other forms of sexuality. Homonegativism, transnegativism, heterosexism, and heteronormativity create an atmosphere in which LGBT athletes feel compelled to conceal their sexual orienation or gender identity for fear of negative treatment. Transgenerder athletes often have to fight for their ability to participate in the league/team consistent with their gender identity

What are barriers for physical activity for people with disabilities at each of the levels of McLeroy's social ecological model?

Intrapersonal- attitudes Interpersonal- Social support/others views on people with disabilities Institutional- Knowledge of people within institutions, design and construction of buildings. Community- Stronger relationship between rehabilitation and community based sport and exercise programs. Policy- funding for programs, training, architecture, transportation.

Identify/explain an intervention that you could help implement to promote change at each of the levels.

Intrapersonal- providing information to address anxieties and negative attitudes about sport and physical activities. Interpersonal- Providing structural pathways such as ramps instead of stairs. Health care and recreation sectors can continue to promote physical activity as being for everyone regardless of barriers. Institutional- provide knowledge and awareness to health care professionals and organisational staff so they can intervene by providing social support and adapting activities. In other words, provide inclusive environments for people with disabilities. The goal is to make facilities truly accessible to everyone. Community- Providing a good relationship between rehabilitation and community based sport and exercise programs so that patients with disabilities can experience a smoother transition from hospital based to community based physical activity. This communication would help because they would both be informing each other on the equipment barriers needed. Policy- provide funding for transportation because people with disabilities are typically lower SES. Training of fitness professionals with information to support people with disabilities. Health care and recreation sectors can work together to push policies that will alleviate transportation and building accessibility.

According to Krane, how can you help make more inclusive climates for LGB athletes and fans?

Kauer and Krane emphasized the concept of inclusive excellence, in which embracing diversity and "challenging normative assumptions about gender and sexual orientation" will promote excellence. Sport psychologists can have a lead role in helping teams achieve inclusive excellence. Help athletes create team norms around excellence that encourage acceptance and inclusion. Zero-tolerance policy for prejudicial language regarding sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity. Sport psychologists can mentor team leaders to be inclusive and compassionate which can empower them to become role models. Athletes can be encouraged to join an advocacy group and model acceptance for their peers. Athletes then will have opportunities to learn from teammates different from themselves.

What is the difference between a medical model of disability and a social model of disability?

Medical model says people are disabled by their impairments and differences. These should be fixed by medical ways. Medical model looks at what is wrong with the person rather than what they need. Social model says disability is caused by the way society is organised. It looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for people with disabilities. This model looks to make people inclusive as compared to the medical model.

What is a negative role that sport plays in promoting racial equality? What is a positive role?

Negative: colorblindness is hurtful because you should not forget about race identity and history. Sprinting and sprinters are given rationalized attributes. - Positive diagnostic function: why they initially thought the way they thought. > Aspiration goal: attacks real meaning to race project; sport and PE's success in bringing people together and diminishing any racial differences.

What is Title IX and when was it passed?

No person in the United States of America shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation under any educational program or activity receiving federal assistance. Passed in 1972 by Richard Nixon

Based on Anderson and McGuire's study, how did the coaches in the study recreate orthodox masculinity?

Observations show that the coaches use the terms 'poof', '******', and 'pussy' (along with a number of other misogynistic terms) with regular frequency. After a player fails to properly complete a play, a coach yells, 'Don't be a ****ing poof'; and when another player tells his coach that he does not think he should practice because of an ankle injury, the coach says: 'For God's sake, what are you, gay?' 'The head coach talks about gay people in ugly and disparaging ways'. Once, when discussing the fact that Mark has a gay roommate, the coach even went off about how '****ing gross' it must be to see the roommate bring a guy home. The coaches also use a good deal of misogynistic talk in their attempt to 'relate to' or 'motivate' their athletes. David says: 'He's always talking about women as bitches, and saying stuff like, "Hey, did you nail that bitch last night?" He really steps over the line, even about guys' girlfriends'. David adds: 'I don't think it's a good situation when a coach is giving out harsh girlfriend banter!'

What are some suggestions for improving the ways that female athletes are portrayed in the Media?

Promote women sports because participation is at an all time high. Ensure that the qualitative and quantitative differences and their effects become requisite curricular content for journalism, sport management and other related majors.

What is color blindness? Is it hurtful or helpful in sport? Explain your answer.

Refusing to accept and understand individuals whose life/lived expansions differ from you due to specific social identities. - Yes, it is hurtful because you are not accepting the difference that are evident and dictate a relationship. The refusal to accept and understand individuals whose life/ lived experience differ from you due to specific social identities. - Denies those around you their lived experiences - HURTFUL all the time in sport

What are barriers for women in sport?

Researchers show that, across a variety of sport contexts, the media portrayal of female athletes tends to differ in its tone, production, and focus, all of which result in a more negative depiction of female athletes and women's sport female athletes encounter ''symbolic annihilation'' from a lack of media coverage,but the insignificant amount of coverage they do receive tends to reinforce the gendered hierarchy of sport the titles of numerous women's championships are gender marked: J.S. Fink / Sport Management Review 18 (2015) 331-342 333 the Women's World Cup (soccer), the Women's NCAA Final Four (basketball), the United States Women's Open which serves to establish the male event as the ''standard'' and the women's event as ''other'' Highly accomplished female athletes are often ''infantilized'' by sport commentators by referring to them as ''girls'' or ''young ladies'' whereas skilled male athletes are rarely (if ever) referred to as ''boys'' In another example of differential framing, male athletes' success is more often attributed to talent and hard work, while female athletes' achievements are often attributed to luck, a strong male influence, or emotion Yet another way in which the sport media reinforces patriarchal sovereignty is to focus on female athletes' (hyper) femininity and heterosexuality which serves to degrade their athletic accomplishments and athleticism

How does social class affect the sports that people participate in?

Richer people are more physically active. Can be further looked at by the neighborhood and the available resources such as facilities. Parents who perceive their neighborhoods as unsafe will not let their kids play outside. Lower SES families have very little spare time because they are always working. Educational knowledge has an impact because lower SES may not know the health benefits of physical activity.


Stacking can be defined as placing athletes in certain positions based on racial stereotypes. For example, whites are commonly thought of as smarter and more intelligent than African-Americans, and thus pushed to play positions like quarterback and center in football, and pitcher and catcher in baseball. These positions are commonly associated with requiring intelligence and quick decision-making. On the other hand, African-Americans are often pushed to play positions like running back, wide receiver, and defensive back in football, because these positions are commonly thought of as reactionary positions, and requiring greater athleticism. These prejudices are unfair, and should be eliminated.

What does a PRC enable students to consider?

That the valorisation of the black athlete and the subordination of the white athlete signify deeper and darker ills, and asymmetrical power relations in sport and wider society. . Their own colour blindness and the colour-blind ideologies of sport. . Their reductive racialised ideals of 'natural' sporting difference. . Sport as a contested site of struggle in an arena they may have thought benign. . How they and others are constrained and limited by their own ideas and effortlessly channelled into particular sports How the invisibility of whiteness forces the majority of students in this group to begin to see themselves as raced and implicated in all discussions of 'race' talk. . Their passivity for a more active politics so that regardless of background, transform- ation can occur in an activist project. . Why they do not just say...nothing is wrong

In what ways did participants in Anderson and McGuire's study contest misogyny and homophobia?

The men on this team seem to be contesting orthodox requisites of masculinity through their attitudinal expression and behavioral patterns concerning women Everyone in general thinks that [rugby players] they must be really arrogant womanizers. But these guys are not! Take John for example. He has been with his girlfriend for a few years. And you will never see him even approach a woman in a pub. You will never hear him say anything degrading about women. Here, at least one of the players looked at him discouragingly. Of key importance is that where these terms were once used frequently and maliciously, they are now hardly ever heard, and men who do use them receive no agreement or support from their teammates. none of the 24 teammates use the words 'poof' (the equivalent of 'fag' in America) to provoke players on other teams; and only two players (Joe and Dan) were noted as using this discourse among players on their own team Consistent with other studies of men who exhibit inclusive versions of masculinity, we theorize this to be because men on this team are gay-friendly. and participant observations show that these rugby players are enthusiastically accepting of gay men For these men, there is no aggressive calling of opponents as '******s', 'poofs', or 'queers', and there is no aggressive defense of oneself as heterosexual, either. They do not incorporate homophobic language into their rugby songs; and they do not use homophobia in an attempt to motivate one another.


a group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics


a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities


biologically and physical

social identity

characteristics placed on individuals or others as well as internalized, Example: ethnicity, race, class, ability status, gender, sex, sexuality

Inclusive masculinity

does not segregate men and women no marginalization based on gender - Can exist in one organization - Cultures value masculinity more

cultural capital

forms of knowledge, educational credentials and skill


gives advantages, favors, and benefits to members of dominant groups at the expense of members of target group unearned and given whether that privilege is wanted or not

What is the relationship between race and class?

higher SES are more physically active than those with lower SES theory of Bourdieu (1991) emphasizes the importance of the symbolic capital that is related to a ''correct'' lifestyle, which for people with higher SES may be recognized as a healthy body. Another example is someone who smokes, low fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity are considered middle class

Orthodox/Toxic masculinity

masculinity predicated on homophobia, misogyny, physicality and bravado - Men more dominant than women - Damaging for both men and women

Economic Capital

money, property, and other assets

Social Capital

networks or influence or support based on group membership


people have a gender identity that differs from the gender assigned at birth and/or their physical sex


several variations of sex characteristic- chromosome, gonads, sex hormones, genitals


the face or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition (Anglo, African American, European, Mexican)

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