Kobo Abe

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Birth and Death?


Where was awarded a special jury prize in 1964?

1964 Cannes Film Fedtival

What was his original name and why did he change it?

Alienated from his own militaristic and nationalistic homeland, he changed his name from Kimfusa to the more Chinese sounding Kobo.

Who is his work often compared to?

Grand Kafka, Eugene Ionesco, and Samuel Beckett

What school did he go to and what year?

In 1948 he received a medical degree in Tokyo University, instead he pursued a literary career

Where did he spend his childhood?

Manchurin city of Murkden, occupied by Japanese army from 1931 to 1945.

What awards did he receive?

Recipient of the Post-WarnLiterature Prize; the Alutagawa Prize, and of two awards for drama: the Kishida and Kanizaki Prizes

Best known novel?

The Woman in the Dunes. Made into a successful film directed by Teshigahara Hiroshi

Where was he born?


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