KTP General Info
VP of Internal Affairs of KTP UMich?
Agnes Mar
VP of Membership of KTP UMich?
Archana Chandran
Both Directors of App Development of KTP UMich?
Arinjoy Das, Flynn Lyon
Director of Social Engagement of KTP UMich?
Carolina Mondragon-Tadiotto
Director of Community Service and Philanthropy of KTP UMich?
Christopher Shang
Founding Date
January 10, 2012
Director of Digital Strategy and Social Media of KTP UMich?
Jenny Ni
Both Directors of Women's Empowerment of KTP UMich?
Jill Uy, Krupa Shanware
VP of Professional Development of KTP UMich?
Kelly Zhang
Current President
Lily Medway
President of KTP UMich?
Lily Medway
Both Directors of Website Development of KTP UMich?
Natalie Ramirez, Isabelle Donoghue
Name all members of OG exec board (separate by comma and space)
Nisha Dwivedi, Jacqueline Fontaine, Jing Guo (President), Brian Mansfield, Denny Tsai, Julie Varghese, Louise Vongphrachanh (President)
What are the 5 Pillars of UMD? (separate by comma and space)
Professional Development, Alumni Connections, Social Growth, Technological Advancement, Academic Support
VP of Engagement of KTP UMich?
Qayf Rasul
VP of Technical Development of KTP UMich?
Ronith Ganjigunta
VP of Finance of KTP UMich?
Shrey Pandya
When was KTP officially recognized by UMich?
Spring, 2014
VP of Marketing of KTP UMich?
Sujay Mehta
What does KTP stand for?
The Love For Technology
VP of External Affairs of KTP UMich?
Thomas Joppich
We, the active members of Kappa Theta Pi Professional Technology Fraternity at the University of Maryland, do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose, functions, and progression be realized to its fullest extent.
Color Codes
blue(#458FFF), green(#19FF19)
Technical Mission
develop the knowledge and skills needed to create tomorrow,
Social Mission
establish lasting and profound relationships within a passionate community
Professional Mission
learn how to build strong connections with innovative companies