L4 今天几号 jīntiān jǐ hào?(What's today's date)- Sentences

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Today is March 3rd.

今天三月三号(Jīn tiān sān yuè sān hào)。

What's today's date?

今天几月几号(Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào)?

Today is Friday.

今天星期五(Jīntiān xīngqī wǔ)。

What day is today?

今天星期几(Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ)?

Today is March 31st.

今天是三月三十一号(Jīntiān shì sān yuè sānshíyī hào)。

What's the date today?

今天是几月几号(Jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào)?

How old are you(to ask the age of someone young)?

你几岁(Nǐ jǐ suì)?

How old are you( to ask the age of an adult or peer)?

你多大(Nǐ duō dà)?

What about yours?/ How about you?

你的呢(Nǐ de ne)?

When is your birthday?

你的生日是几月几号(Nǐ de shēngrì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào)?

How old are you(to ask the age of an elderly person)?

您多大年纪(Nín duō dà niánjì)?

My birthday is January 3rd.

我的生日是一月三号(Wǒ de shēngrì shì yī yuè sān hào)。

Tomorrow is 8th.

明天八号(Míngtiān bā hào)。

What's tomorrow's date?

明天几号(Míngtiān jǐ hào)?

(Wishing you) Have a great weekend!

祝你周末愉快(Zhù nǐ zhōumò yúkuài)!

(Wishing you have a) Good luck!

祝你好运(Zhù nǐ hǎoyùn)!

(Wishing you a) Happy birthday!

祝你生日快乐(Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè)!

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