Lab 2: Heart

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normal bp


collect & drain oxygen-poor blood from the right atrium; drain directly into right atrium

anterior cardiac veins

arises from left coronary artery

anterior interventricular artery

located in anterior interventricular sulcus

anterior interventricular artery

provides oxygen-rich blood to the anterior portion of the heart

anterior interventricular artery

oxygen-rich blood travels from left ventricle through ASL valve to rest of body


arises from l. coronary artery

circumflex artery

located in coronary sulcus; supplies l. atrium & posterior left ventricle w/oxygen rich blood

circumflex artery

The Great, Middle, & Small Cardiac veins & anterior cardiac veins return the oxygen-poor blood back to the Coronary Sinus, which drains into the right atrium

coronary circuit

circuit delivers oxygen rich blood to all cardiac muscle cells via the left & right Coronary arteries, Anterior & Posterior Interventricular arteries, Marginal artery & Circumflex artery

coronary circuit

collects oxygen-poor blood from the cardiac veins then drains into the right atrium

coronary sinus

cardiac cycle: diastole - systole -

diastole - relaxed systole - contracted

sound, S2, close of semilunar valves, beginning of ventricular diastole


collects & drains oxygen-poor blood from the anterior portions of right and left ventricles

great cardiac vein

companion vessel to anterior interventricular artery

great cardiac vein

located in anterior interventricular sulcus

great cardiac vein

receives oxygen-poor blood from lower limbs & abdomen

inferior vena cava

delivers oxygen-rich blood to left side of head

l. common carotid artery

passes posterior to pulmonary trunk; branches into anterior interventricular artery

l. coronary artery

delivers oxygen-rich blood to left arm

l. subclavian artery

arises from ascending aorta (2)

left & right coronary artery

connective tissue anchoring aortic arch to pulmonary trunk

ligamentum arteriosum

sound, S1, close of AV valves, beginning of ventricular systole


arises from right coronary artery

marginal artery

located lateral portion of the right ventricle

marginal artery

provides oxygen-rich blood to the lateral side of the right ventricle

marginal artery

collects and drains oxygen-poor blod from the posterior portions of the right and left ventricles

middle cardiac vein

companion vessel with posterior interventricular artery

middle cardiac vein

pulmonary artery carries oxygen __ blood from RV to lungs


veins are oxygen ___; arteries are oxygen ___


arises from right coronary artery

posterior interventricular artery

located in posterior interventricular sulcus

posterior interventricular artery

supplies oxygen-rich to posterior walls of ventricles & interventricular septum

posterior interventricular artery

delivers oxygen-poor blood to lungs

pulmonary arteries

exceptions to artery carries oxygen rich and veins carry oxygen poor

pulmonary artery and vein

Oxygen-poor blood flows to the lungs, via the pulmonary arteries, from the right ventricle through the pulmonary semilunar valve. Oxygen-rich blood flows back to the left atrium, via the pulmonary veins, passes into the left ventricle through the bicuspid/ martial valve, entering the systemic circuit.

pulmonary circuit

oxygen-poor blood travels from right ventricle through PSL valve to lungs

pulmonary trunk

delivers oxygen-rich blood to heart

pulmonary veins

blood flow 3 circuits

pulmonary, systemic, coronary

delivers oxygen-rich blood to right arm & side of head

r. brachiocephalic artery

heart in coronary sulcus; branches into marginal artery & posterior interventricular artery

r. coronary artery

pulmonary vein carries oxygen __ blood from lungs to LA


companion vessel to marginal artery, collects & drains oxygen-poor blood from muscle cells that compose the lateral right ventricle

small cardiac vein

receive oxygen-poor blood from upper limbs & head

superior vena cava

Oxygen-rich blood flows to tissues all over the body, via various blood vessels, from the left ventricle through the aortic semilunar valve into the ascending aorta. Oxygen-poor blood flows back to the right atrium, via the inferior and superior vena cava, then passes into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve, entering into the pulmonary circuit.

systemic circuit

blood pressure is : __/__


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