lab 2
internal oblique
Name the muscle
Depressor anguli oris
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
epicranial aponeurosis
name the muscle
external intercostal
name the muscle
external oblique
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
inferior oblique
name the muscle
inferior rectus
name the muscle
internal intercostal
name the muscle
lateral rectus
name the muscle
latissimus dorsi
name the muscle
levator labii superioris
name the muscle
levator scapulae
name the muscle
name the muscle
medial rectus
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
superior oblique
name the muscle
superior rectus
name the muscle
name the muscle
transversus abdominis
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the bone
name the bone
name the bone (anterior-medial view)
name the bone (posterior view)
Capitulum of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
Radial tuberosity of the radius
name the bone and bone feature
anterior tibial margin/crest of the tibia
name the bone and bone feature
coronoid fossa of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
coronoid process of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
gluteal tuberosity of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
greater trochanter of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
greater tubercle of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
head of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
head of the fibula
name the bone and bone feature
head of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
head of the radius
name the bone and bone feature
head of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
intertubercular groove of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
lateral condyle of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
lateral condyle of the tibia
name the bone and bone feature
lateral epicondyle of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
lateral malleolus of the fibula
name the bone and bone feature
lesser trochanter of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
lesser tubercle of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
linea aspera of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
medial condyle of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
medial condyle of the tibia
name the bone and bone feature
medial epicondyle of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
medial epicondyle of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
medial malleolus of the tibia
name the bone and bone feature
neck of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
olecranon fossa of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
olecranon of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
patellar surface of the femur
name the bone and bone feature
radial fossa of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
radial notch of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
styloid process of the radius
name the bone and bone feature
styloid process of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
tibial tuberosity of the tibia
name the bone and bone feature
trochlea of the humerus
name the bone and bone feature
trochlear notch of the ulna
name the bone and bone feature
ulnar notch of the radius
name the bone and bone feature (anterior view)
name the muscle
name the muscle
orbicularis oculi
name the muscle
orbicularis oris
name the muscle
pectoralis major
name the muscle
pectoralis minor
name the muscle
psoas major
name the muscle
quadratus lumborum
name the muscle
rectus abdominis
name the muscle
rhomboid major
name the muscle
rhomboid minor
name the muscle
name the muscle
serratus anterior
name the muscle
serratus posterior
name the muscle
name the muscle
splenius capitis
name the muscle