lab 8

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The science that specifically studies the origin, evolution, form, and spatial distribution of landforms is environmental chemistry. geography. geology. geomorphology.


Human-induced mass movements produce a category of processes known as debris flows. mass wasting. translational slides. scarification.


At any one moment, approximately ________ of fresh water flows through Earth's rivers and streams. 13,000 km3 (3,100 mi3) 104,000 km3 (25,000 mi3) 22 percent (an amount equal to that in groundwater) 1,250 km3 (300 mi3)

1,250 km3 (300 mi3)

As the discharge of a stream increases, which of the following also happens? Width, depth, and velocity all increase. Channel width increases but channel depth decreases. Stream channels narrow, become shallower, and lose velocity. The rate of flow decreases.

Width, depth, and velocity all increase.

Watersheds are defined by stream orders. continental divides. drainage divides. fluvial units.

drainage divides.

Chemical weathering is greatest under conditions of temperatures below freezing. lower mean annual rainfall and temperatures. higher mean annual rainfall and temperatures. rainfall of less than 25 cm (10 in) per year.

higher mean annual rainfall and temperatures.

Which of the following is a type of chemical weathering process? frost wedging hydrolysis salt crystal growth exfoliation


A landslide differs from a debris avalanche in that a land slide moves much more quickly than a debris avalanche. the materials in a landslide are not saturated with water. a land slide moves much more slowly than a debris avalanche. the materials in a debris avalanche are not saturated with water.

the materials in a landslide are not saturated with water.

John Wesley Powell put forward the idea of base level, which refers to an imagined surface that extends inland from sea level, and is inclined gently upward. a level below which a stream cannot erode its valley. flat plateaus. an evolutionary cycle of landscape development. Both A and B are correct.

Both A and B are correct.

In 1973, part of the flat ground on which a subdivision was located became saturated and began to flow toward the Saint Lawrence River at speeds of up to 26 kmph (16 mph). The ground that flowed consisted of silts and clays-not large, rocky regolith. What type of mass wasting event was this? Earth flow debris avalanche lahar soil creep

Earth flow

Which of the following is false regarding joints? Joints enhance the rate of weathering. Joints enable more water to move through the ground. Joints are small, localized fault planes along which movement occurs. All of these are true.

Joints are small, localized fault planes along which movement occurs

The dynamic equilibrium model refers to a theory involving the cyclic or evolutionary development of a landscape. an important concept first stated by John Powell. a balancing act between tectonic uplift and rates of reduction in a given landscape. a sequential development of landforms.

a balancing act between tectonic uplift and rates of reduction in a given landscape.

If you journeyed to the headwaters of the Rio Grande River in New Mexico, you would find that the material in the channel consists of large cobbles and boulders. However, if you then traveled to the mouth of the river as it enters the Gulf of Mexico, you would find that the channel bed material is composed of sand and silt. The process responsible for this type of change in sediment size is abrasion. hydraulic action. suspension. solution.


A cutoff on a meandering stream results in the formation of a point bar. a levee. an oxbow lake. a terrace.

an oxbow lake

Which of the following is not exogenic in nature? erosion weathering batholith formation mass wasting denudation

batholith formation

If Earth did not experience endogenic processes, the landscape would be rugged and of great relief as a result of uplift in the absence of weathering and erosion. consist of high mountains and hills with smooth, gentle slopes. be of very low relief as a result of weathering and erosion in the absence of uplift.

be of very low relief as a result of weathering and erosion in the absence of uplift.

The total possible load a stream can transport is its ________, whereas a stream's ability to move particles of specific size is its ________. bed load; sediment load capacity; competence competence; capacity discharge; competence

capacity; competence

As a stream's carrying capacity decreases, which of the following sizes of sediments will be deposited last? clay gravel silt sand


In the Andes Mountains of South America, entire towns of thousands of people have been buried suddenly when snow fell from high on a mountain side, melted on impact, and then mixed with loose materials that traveled downhill as a viscous fluid. This type of catastrophic event is known as a lahar. rock fall. debris avalanche. slump. slide.

debris avalanche

Physical weathering is greatest under conditions of higher temperatures and precipitation, wetter, warmer climates. lower temperatures and higher precipitation. temperatures that reach below freezing. a lack of moisture at the surface.

temperatures that reach below freezing.

The engineers who built the Vaiont Reservoir in Italy should have anticipated the possibility of a ________ because the valley in which the dam was located had hillsides made of sedimentary rock that tilted downslope toward the reservoir. lahar debris avalanche rotational slide translational slide

translational slide

The dynamic equilibrium model of landscape evolution emphasizes a balance among forces, form and process-rather than cyclical stages of development. True False


Which of the following are the principal active agents involved in chemical weathering? water, oxygen, carbon dioxide magnesium, water, limestone nitrogen, oxygen, argon oxygen, silicon, aluminum

water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

Other than the rock itself, the most important chemical substance needed for the majority of weathering processes is carbon dioxide. oxygen. nitrogen. water.


Which of the following lists of processes are in the correct sequence as to their occurrence in nature? deposition, erosion, transport, weathering weathering, erosion, deposition, transport weathering, erosion, transport, deposition weathering, deposition, erosion, transport

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

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