Language Arts 2019

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To determine a students' independent reading level, a teacher listens to the student read orally and identifies the level of text at which the student can read

96% of the words accurately

Choose sentence that contains no error

My dad asked, "Where did you put the paper, pencils, and crayon?"

A kindergarten journal entry is given. Student draws a picture of the sun and writes the letter 's'. Which of the following would a teacher expect to see from this students journal progress sequentially through the stages of development?


Which of the following methods teacher indicates a student's oral reading behavior using a series of check marks and notes?

a fluency inventory

Which of the following is the best definition of prosody?

a linguistic term that describes the rhythmic patterns of speech using changes in pitch, stress, and duration

Which of the following phrases from a social studies textbook signals to the reader that an important idea is being discussed?

a primary concern

Which of the following elements of legibility would a student use to analyze their own handwriting?


Which of the following class characteristics could be assessed only by observation?

amount of student time on task

A 1st grade teacher encourages students who are ELLs to read each basal reading story five times to their caregiver. The purpose of this oral reading is to increase


A teacher has a group of students who have not mastered print orientation concepts, which of the following materials could appropriately be used for instruction?

big books

The most effective strategy for increasing students' reading fluency is?

choral reading

One of the ways to demonstrate the relationship between revision and audience is through


Which of the following word recognition method would be most effective for teaching the following words? rattlesnake, mailman, fireplace, anchorwoman

context clues

Students are being considered by a classroom teacher for recommendation to a remedial reading program based on standardized and informal test scores. The teacher should recommend

continue with grade level instruction

In a 6th grade class language arts lesson on storytelling, a teacher wants students to use visual representations in lieu words to tell their autobiography. Which of the following activities would be best match the learning objective?

creating a picture book

After the students have read an essay about the responsibilities of US citizens to vote in elections, teacher asks about the authors purpose, biases, appropriateness of title, and accuracy of information.This promotes what type of thinking?


Using conversation to move a piece of writing to give voice to a character is an example of


A teacher is concerned about a student and feels there may be difficulties that are interfering with their academic work. The teacher wants to draw attention to the student and feels writing about it would be positive way to address the issue. Which modes of writing would be most effective?

dialogue journal

A 1st grade teacher is reading a big book to students. While reading, the teacher moves a pointer under the words. On which emergent literacy concept is the teacher focusing?


A small group of 2nd graders are having difficulty understanding the concept of using a question mark or a period when writing sentences. What strategy to use to help?

distributing various worksheets giving the children extensive practice writing questions and statements

A 1st grade teacher notices that his students are having trouble composing original piece about books and supplying reasons for their opinions. He wants to help them formulate an organized plan for visualizing the elements in the book. What should he do?

double-entry journal

A 3rd grade student uses a sheet of paper divided into two columns to respond to a story. What form of written responses to the literature is being used?

double-entry journal

A teacher's class has written paragraph about their summer vacation. the teacher has asked that they read their paragraphs and check carefully for mechanical errors. this teacher is teaching the class to


A child who uses "mock" letters when asked to write a sentence is in which stage of writing?


After students read a detective story in their basal reader, a teacher asks them to make a judgment about the guilt or innocence of the main character. What type of thinking is the teacher encouraging?


A 1st grade teacher administers a midyear assessment to each student in the classroom. He identifies three students who are unable to decode con-vow-con pattern words. Which of the following methods should the teacher implement to best help develop decoding skills in these three students?

explicit instruction

Teacher provides direct word study instruction beginning vow-con and con-vow-con and progressing to con-con-con-vow-con and con-con-con-vow-con-con words is using

explicit systematic instruction

A 5th grade class visits a museum exhibit on artifacts from Egyptian culture. The students worked in small groups to write their understanding of the taped explanation of the exhibit. This language is an example of


Which of the following is a prerequisite or readiness skill for handwriting?

eye-hand coordination

A 2nd grade teacher wants her students to participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about texts. Which of the following would best promote positive listening and speaking skills within collaborative convo?

follow rules for discussions such as gaining the floor in respectful ways

A teacher develops a set of word cards emphasizing the -at sound. He identifies the first words as bat. The teacher points out the letter differences and how the pronunciation of each word changes when the beginning consonant letter is changed. The teacher is teaching the students to use

graphophonemic use

The following poem is which type of poetry? Spider web shinning Tangled on the grass with dew Waiting quietly


Which of the following strategies would be the most efficient to assess a student's ability to apply phonic decoding skills?

having the student read a grade level passage orally and nothing decoding errors

A student who has difficulty understanding the implied message of a story most nearly needs further instruction in which of the following comprehension skills?


At the beginning of the year, a teacher wanted to determine students' independent and instructional reading levels. Which of the following assessment instructions is most appropriate?

informal reading inventory

A teacher wants to identify and apply successful method for developing listening and speaking skills in her 1st grade classroom. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate in developing listening and speaking skills in these students?

instruct students to build on others ideas by responding to their comments

Each 2nd grade students have a hard copy of a classroom magazine. The teacher wants to incorporate the electronic version into her large group lesson. Which of the following would be best way for the teacher to share the online resource during lesson?

interactive white board

A teacher has a small group of 1st grade students who have very limited sight word and few decoding skills. Select the most effective strategies the teacher can use

labeling objects in the classroom, molding books that have controlled vocabularies and providing explicit phonics instruction

Which of the following has the strongest influence on a child's ability to understand ------ stories that are read or told to the child?

language development

Based on current research, spelling instruction is most effective when the emphasis is on

learning letter patterns that recur in spelling

The following poem is what kind of poetry? ending is: Pete, eat, fly, eye, meat


A 1st grade teacher reads aloud a short descriptive passage. The children are then asked to draw a picture of what is described. What skills would be the best strategy?

listening comprehension

Which of the following best describes passive listening?

listening to a book on CD and wearing headphones for privacy

While reviewing beginning of the year test data, a kindergarten teacher notices that the students were unable to consistently hear initial sounds in words. Which of the following activities help with this?

listening to tongue twisters

Mrs. Bankroft wants her students to write an essay that would cause them to consider the way they have currently acquired and used language. What kind of essay would be the most appropriate for this purpose?

literacy autobiography

Students read the following paragraph about Italy. Teacher asks, "How many tourists visit Italy each year?" this teacher is trying to check what type of comprehension?


Which of the following is most important when selecting literature shared reading experiences with a class of culturally diverse students in an inclusive setting?

matching students reading levels to the selected literature

A 4th grade teacher wants students to read with fluency and in expression. To achieve this objective, the teacher reads aloud every day. This type of instructional strategy is called


A teacher helps students comprehend a text by encouraging them to ask themselves questions to be sure they understand what they are reading. this reading comprehension strategy is know as


Pinky the pig. Which of the following modes of writing was the excerpt taken?


Which mode of writing consists of the main focus as entertaining including stories, poems, and plays?

narrative writing

Which of the following is a measure of a student's emergent oral skill set?

nonsense word fluency

What kind of assignment was used for a student whose test score is reported as being at the 84th percentile?


A social studies teacher would like to know if her students knowledge of social studies is similar to that of other students throughout the US. What type of test would best give teacher this info?

norm-referenced intelligent test

Childhood obesity is common problem in our society. Students often out cooked veggies on their plates to please cafeteria staff. Which mode of writing is being used?


In a 1st grade class, three students are unable to blend sounds to help decode unfamiliar words. Which should be used to teach them this skill?

phonics approach

A 3rd grade student is working at 2.5 instructional reading level. The student enjoys reading but has difficulty with comprehension. When unable to pronounce many of the words within a passage, what would be the first type of assessment to give?

phonics test

A teacher has given the class a research project. Students are allowed to choose any topic from their social science textbook. Which characteristics online encyclopedia would be most valuable for student researchers?

pictures that accompany the articles

Which activity would best help students to understand the authors organization of a content-area test?

preview topics and subtopics

A teacher and class write a language experience story about their trip to the zoo. Class reads the story together as the teacher sweeps a hand along the lines of text. This is a good pratice to develop..

print concept

When reading a book to a kindergartener, a teacher changes tone of voice to show different characters, pauses at commas, and changes pitch to show punctuation. Which component of fluency is the teacher demonstrating?


A 4th grade teacher notices that the students have a nice penmanship during the handwriting lessons but on other assessments, their writing is illegible . how can teacher alleviate this problem?

provide extra handwriting homework

3rd graders have listen to their teacher reads the humorous patterned book "Just for You" The teacher intends to collect their work in book to be loaned out in the media center. The children are now in the process of illustrating their own sentences. Which of the following are the children preparing?


Which of the following is the best definition of automaticity in reading?

quick and effortless reading of words by sight born in and out of context

A teacher wants to improve students' metacognition as they read. The most effective method to use for this is

read and think aloud

An activity in which the participants read aloud a selection as though it were a play is a

readers theatre

Characteristics of historical fictions include

realistic characters in historically accurate settings

A 5th grade teacher has a culturally diverse class of students who are at-risk readers when selecting reading materials for the class, the teacher should select books

representatives of student's cultures and supportive students' varied reading levels

Students need to further develop on an original draft of writing as a part of


A teacher wants the students to become more skillful in composing sentences. Which of the following activities would produce the best result?

rewriting sentences in a corrected composition

The most helpful strategy for students learning to write a persuasive essay is to ask them to

role-play their intended audiences prior to writing

Speculations about possible future events is an element frequently found in

science fiction

A student scored at the 80th percentile on a standardized reading achievement test. This indicates that the student

scored as well as or better than the 80% of the norming group

Which instructional method would help students categorize the following words? shred, flake, crumble, bake, broil, fry, stir, toss, fold, broiler, mixer, blender

semantic mapping

Which of the following assessment procedures would most effectively measure students' understanding of word meaning?

sentence generation using the words

Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?


On Friday afternoons, students in a 4th grade reading class reread a story selection with a classmate then read in unison with each other, and finally, choose a new book to read together. What activity is this?

shared reading

After Mrs. Smith's 2nd grade class has read Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs which of the following activities would best help the students become aware of the joys and hardships of having aging relatives?

sharing stories about personal experiences with elderly family members

Which of these word recognition methods would be most effective for teaching the pronunciations of the following words? what, have, where, they

sight word instruction

Administering a high-frequency list for students to read orally would be an appropriate procedure for assessing

sight-word knowledge

Identify the literacy device used in the following example: His nose was red as a rose


In an effort to save money safely engage learners and to provide exposure to higher order thinking processes many science and social studies departments are using which of the following?

simulation software

By definition, poetry should contain

soothing rhythm

A student wrote the following, "I wnt to da bech." Which type of writing is this?

string letters

Which word recognition skill would be most effective for teaching the following words? disagreeable, reappearance, substandard, intramural

structural analysis

Which of the following skills should students decode the following words? infiltrate, intervene, disarm, transport

structural analysis and phonics

Which of the following activities most effectively supports students utilizing technology as a learning resource in the 5th grade language arts setting?

students creating a podcast showing research they gathered

The use of a reading survey is to identify students'

students reading interests

Read passage from Leslie Marmon Silo's poem "story from Bear Company" Which of the following approaches would be most useful in developing an interpretation of the poem?

studying related language and contextual word meanings

In the following sentence, an ELL used 'no' for 'did not' "he no did his homework" What type of mistake did the ELL make?


Choose the most appropriate instructional method for developing vocab

teaching students to use the graphemic elements in words

A student has good work attack skills but she does not seem to remember what she reads. What strategy would be most helpful for student?

teaching the student comprehension strategies such as predicting and self-questioning

Research has indicated that one of the best strategies for teaching students to understanding expository text is

teaching the text structures in mini lessons and having students write those attributes

An ELL scored at the 31 percentile on the writing portion of the ESOL placement section which is a standardized test. Which of the following is the best explanation of the assessment result?

the ELL will be placed in the ESOL program because the score was as high as or higher than 31% of the other students who took the section of the test

The correlation between the results of a final exam and the results of a standardized test taken just prior to the final is -0.65. Based on this info, which is the most likely conclusion?

the standardized test and the final exam appear to be measuring different content

Which of the following reflects direct reading approach sequence?

the teacher prepares students for reading with vocabulary and background information, conducts oral reading, and provides for silent reading

Which of the following would be the best supplement to utilize with ELLs during vocabulary instructions?

translation dictionary

Which of the following activities would be most effective in stimulating the development of oral language for primary students?

using puppets to retell or create stories

Many members of a 2nd grade class have difficulty remembering which words are spelled with the letters i-o and which are spelled without o-i. Which of the following methods would best help them overcome?

using word walls with i-e and e-i patterns

Which of the following skills are both productive?

writing and speaking

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