LAS 204

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What are the differences between a quantitative and qualitative approach to the study of comparative politics?

A quantitative approach is useful when comparing many different countries because it is based on statistical methods.

What is the third wave of democratization?

A wave of successful attempts to democratize.

What was the Great Leap Forward?

A policy of rapid industrialization under Mao leading to massive famine.

What is horizontal accountability?

All of the above -Checks and balances -When politicians are held accountable by bureaucrats -Constraints on power

What are the manifestations of the current security crisis in Mexico?

All of the above -Crime organizations fighting the state -The state fighting criminal groups -Violence between rival criminal organizations -Displacement and forced disappearances -Human rights violations from government forces

Which of the following is part of China's rise?

All of the above -Declining poverty -Increased military capabilities -Increased trade dominance in the region

What were the main characteristics of PRI political hegemony?

All of the above -Elimination of political opposition -Control of political of the three branches of government -Political control at the federal state and munincipal levels -Unbreakable loyalty to the president

What are the main challenges of Mexico's democratic consolidation?

All of the above -Lack of economic development -Severe economic inequality -Organized criminal violence

Prior to colonial intervention in East Asia, what was China's role in East Asia?

Dominance over the region, with other neighboring territories engaged in "tributary" relationship

Which of the following could be considered the least effective approach for state officials to legitimize power?

Employing force and coercion in an effort to ensure that there are no challenges to one's rule.

In broad strokes, what explains why many European countries have a multi-party system?

European countries had numerous and deep social, religious, economic, and political divisions, leading to multiple parties.

What type of electoral manipulation do authoritarian regimes prefer?

Ex ante manipulations such as arresting candidates and harassing the opposition.

Which of these is the most politically influential branch of the Russian federal system?


What was the main economic framework of the New Spain Viceroyalty?

Extractive industries and agriculture.

A polyarchy is most likely to emerge when the costs of toleration are high and also the costs of suppression are low.


Which of these positions was not held by Vladimir Putin during his career?

Foreign Minister

Who was Mao Zedong?

Founder of Chinese Communist Party

Which description best describes the Mexican Revolution?

Fratricidal struggle between multiple military leaders

What describes the Westminster model of parliamentarism?

Fused powers between executive and legislative branch and a majoritarian electoral system.

What describes the Westminster model of parliamentarism?

Fused powers between executive and legislative branches, plus a majoritarian electoral system.

What is a relatively new source of contestation or conflict in British society?


According to countless Russian domestic public opinion surveys which of these leaders consistently rates as the least popular?


Who was the last leader who governed the Soviet Union?


Identify the country that has a parliamentary system.

Great Britain

What are the two mechanisms through which modernization theory operates?

Growth of middle class & change of societal values.

Why did David Cameron resign in 2016?

He supported Remain and lost the RU referendum.

Why is Emiliano Zapata important in Mexican political history?

He was a revolutionary leader who fought for land distribution in the South of Mexico

Which of the following factors tend to lead to autocracy?

High natural resources

Which of the following is true for autocrats that hold elections?

If they are deposed, they will be treated better

What differentiates Direct Proportional Representation (DPR) from Single Member District Plurality (SMDP)?

In DPR, the share of the national vote is directly converted into a share of seats in parliament.

What differentiates Direct Proportional Representation from Single Member District Plurality?

In DPR, the share of the national vote is directly converted into a share of seats in parliament.

In Mexico, what was the effect of a series of electoral reforms that started in 1977?

Increased political competition from opposition parties

Which of the following would best describe the intuition behind the concept of "institutions"?

Institutions are the rules of the game (incentives and constraints) that shape the behavior of political actors

Which of the following would best describe the intuition behind the concept of "institutions"?

Institutions are the rules of the game (incentives and constraints) that shape the behavior of political actors.

Module 1 Quiz

Introduction to Comparative Politics

The term "corporatism" refers to...

Involvement of large interest groups such as workers or peasants in the structure and functioning of the state

Which of the following territories is NOT part of the UK?


All of the following statements refer to modern state, EXCEPT FOR?

It governs a homogeneous, uniform nation.

What is uprooting democracy?

It is a democracy that scores high in terms of horizontal accountability but low in terms of vertical accountability

What is delegative democracy?

It is a democracy that scores high in terms of vertical accountability but low in terms of horizontal accountability

Where does China rank in terms of world economies?

It is second behind the US [correct]

After 2015 the Brexit issue was a source of tension for the Labour party. What was the source of that tension?

Its leadership and members of parliament were in favor of Remain; a substantial portion of it's electorate were in favor of Leave.

Which of these societal groups looks to be prospering in Putin's Russia and especially when compared their experience in the past?


What is vertical accountability?

Just B&C B: when citizens constrain politicians C: accountability from below

In a presidential-parliamentary (semi-presidential) system, the overriding responsibility for representing and expressing the country's national interest to the outside world primarily falls on the:


In a presidential-parliamentary (semi-presidential) system, the overriding responsibility for representing and expressing the country's national interests to the outside world primarily falls on the:


Which of the following historical explanations illustrate the rise of the modern European state?

Pressures to raise taxes to protect the state and finance modern military resulted in state building.

What was the Tiananmen Square Crisis?

Pro-democracy movement in 1989 forcibly broken up by Chinese military

What was Deng Xiaoping's approach to foreign policy?

Promoted friendlier ties with neighboring countries and the US in order to spur economic development.

What is China's approach to protests?

Protests are allowed selectively in ethnically-Han areas

Which of the following has Xi Jinping not done?

Raised the idea of liberalizing political reforms

In June 2018 the Putin-Medvedev government announced a major policy change that enraged much of the Russian population. What change was announced?

Raising of the retirement age

The post-Soviet Russian economy (1992-present) can be described as:

Regulated market economy

The post-Soviet Russian economy (1992-present) can best be described as a:

Regulated market economy

Which of the following a central tenet of the "China model" of autocracy?

Reliance on performance when promoting lower level officials

Which of the following is not a profound change that comprises what is called Russia's "Quadruple Revolution?"

Religious Revolution

Tony Blair changed the Labour party and created 'New Labour' by?

Repealing the old Labour party manifesto calling for nationalization of companies.

Which of these best describes the Putin period "Public Chambers?"

Representative and advisory bodies

What were the main characteristics of Porfirio Diaz's dictatorship?

Repressive relied on a technocratic elite and favored foreign interests

Module 4 Quiz


What is an example of an authoritarian regime that holds multiparty elections?


Which of these countries has a presidential-parliamentary (semi-presidential) system?


Why did Theresa May resign in 2019?

She failed to pass the RU Withdrawal Treaty.

Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is known for all the following EXEPT FOR?

She joined the European single currency.

Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is known for all the following except for?

She joined the European single currency.

Why do authoritarian regimes hold elections?

Single-party regimes no longer acceptable.

Which of the following developments do NOT pose a threat to the OECD countries?

Social welfare state expenditures.

Which combination of actors are most likely to bring about an elite-led transition to democracy?

Softliners in government & moderates in the opposition

The term "Immortal Regiment" refers to whom?

Soviet citizens who served in World War II fighting Nazi Germany

Which of these is not an explanation for why democratization happened in the third wave, as per Huntington?

Stalemate between the government and the opposition

What is an important political innovation that has helped China stabilize its rule since Mao and Deng's death?

Term limits for high-ranking political officials including the General Secretary

When is polyarchy more likely to occur?

When the costs of suppression outweigh the costs of toleration.

The dilemma of "paradigm blindness" is an important outcome of:

"cherry picking" of facts

The definition "a community of people that share a common identity, language, culture, and/or history" refers to:

A nation.

A single-party system is basically:

A non-democratic political system.

What was the Cultural Revolution?

A period in which Mao Zedong mobilized China's Red Guard to oust lower ranking party officials.

Final Exam


According to various public opinion surveys this age cohort exhibits the highest level of support for Vladimir Putin:


For about how many years did the PRI stay in power?

70 years.

What are the negative consequences of not allowing re-election in Mexico?

All of the above -a. Politicians are not accountable to citizens -b. Reinforces politician's loyalty to the party instead of to the people -c. Does not favor the continuation of long-term programs

Which of the following is part of China's rise?

All of the above -declining poverty -increased military capabilities -increased trade dominance in the region

Which of the following responses qualifies as a type of democracy?

All of the above (a, b, and c) a: representative democracy b: direct democracy c: participatory democracy

Which of these is not an achievement of the governing Putin team (2000-present)?

All of the above are achievements of the governing Putin team

What is a Machiavellian conflict?

All of the above.

What is horizontal accountability?

All of the above. -Checks and balances -Constraints on power -When politicians are held accountable by bureaucrats -A liberal aspect of democracy

Which statement is true about the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and Orthodoxy?

All statements are true

A two-party system is usually the product of:

An electoral system based on single member district plurality.

Under Xi Jinping's leadership of China, which of the following constitutional changes have taken place?

An elimination of term limits

Which contemporary US state(s) was/were not part of the New Spain Viceroyalty?


What is one possible benefit of authoritarian rule?

Better ability to make long-term policy.

What does mestizaje mean?

Blending of Spanish and Indigenous peoples

The 2019 election was a resounding victory for?

Boris Johnson and the Conservative party.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

Britain has no written constitution.

The House of Lords is?

Britain's unelected upper house.

The argument that "where you stand depends upon where you sit" is applicable to which political decision-making model?

Bureaucratic Politics Model

What was the ideological profile of the PRI?

Catch-all party

During the Putin period (21st century) the Russian federal government waged war in which of these regions inside the Russian Federation?


Module 6 Quiz


What do we know about citizen trust in the Chinese Communist Party?

Chinese citizens express high levels of trust in surveys

What were the main elements of the Liberal Reform period?

Civil liberties and church-state separation

What are the main characteristics of the "import substitution" system of economic development?

Closed economy state-led industrialization local production

Who is the most powerful official in the Chinese political system?

Communist Party General Secretary

The British monarch yields influence over?

Crown's real estate and family business.

What was one policy that Deng Xiaoping undertook to increase economic growth?

Decollectivize agriculture

What is the minimalist definition of democracy?

Democracy must have, at a minimum, free and fair elections

Module 3 Quiz


Which of the following phrases accurately describes democratization?

Democratization is a non-linear process that can easily fail

Which of the following is an example of ex-post electoral manipulation?

Destroying ballotgs with votes for the opponent to alter the final vote tally.

Which of the following reforms did Tony Blair successfully achieve during his term as Prime Minister?

Devolution of legislative powers to local parliaments in Scotland and Wales.

What would most accurately describe China's political system?


In a semi-presidential system, which of these is a role of a head of government:

Managing and coordinating the government.

What was the Cultural Revolution?

Mao Zedong mobilizing Red Guard to publicly shame lower ranking party officials

What are the possible constraints on the powers of a British prime minister?

Members of her/his party including members of parliament cabinet members and party members.

Module 7 Quiz


What was the main source of power of the Aztec empire?

Military strength & taxation

What is the trend for authoritarian regimes and elections?

More hold them than ever before.

The definition "a community of people that shares a common identity: language, culture, history" refers to:


Note which of the following is not one of the four priority projects promoted by Putin and Medvedev since 2003?

National Security

Which statement is true of the Jewish People - and individual Jews - in Putin's Russia?

Never in Russia's history have the Jewish People - and individual Jews - had more freedom of maneuver than now

According to Robert Dahl's, how many democracies operate in the world today?


Which of the following characteristics apply to the concept of democratization?

None of the above.

According to Dr. Willerton, which of these countries could be said to not have a political elite

None; all have a political elite

According to Dr. Willerton which of these countries could be said to not have a political elite?

None; all have political elite

Among the following criticisms directed at Putin and his team which of the following is a criticism drawn by most Russians?

Not reining in widespread corruption

A dominant party system is found in countries where:

One party wins elections year after year in spite of competitive and free elections.

Why does Vladimir Putin conclude that "the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest calamity of the 20th Century?"

Only 1 & 2 are correct -25 million Russians found themselves outside of Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed -The Us was left with unchecked superpowers

What are some factors that may increases the costs of suppression by the government?

Only A & B A: International pressure against violence B: A large majority of the population opposing the government.

Why is Deng Xiaoping important for China's recent history?

Opened up China's economy by allowing foreign investment and promoting exports

In characterizing Vladimir Putin's continuing powerful position in the Russian Federation political system and society Dr. Willerton characterizes Putin as a:

Paramount Leader

According to Dahl, what two dimensions are essential for a polyarchy to exist?

Participation & contestation

What are the two necessary and sufficient components for democracy?

Participation & contestation

What is the most prevalent form of autocracy today?

Party-dominant regimes

What is the most widely observed form of autocracy today?

Party-dominant regimes (also called hybrid regimes or electoral autocracies)

What type of parties often develop in less developed or democratizing or authoritarian countries?

Patronage-based parties that tie voters to the politician through an exchange of goods for votes.

What is the "100 Years of Humiliation"

Period of Japanese colonial dominance in China

Module 5 Quiz

Political Institutions

Which of the following definitions better fits the concept of "political culture"?

Political culture refers to people's psychological orientations (knowledge and emotions) towards the political system

Which of the following definitions better fits the concept of "political culture"?

Political culture refers to people's psychological orientations (knowledge and emotions) towards the political system.

What was the main reason for the creation of the PRI political party?

Political pact among revolutionary factions

In a presidential-parliamentary (semi-presidential) system the overriding responsibility for representing and expressing the country's national interest to the outside world primarily falls on the:


What is the Central Organization Department?

The Chinese Communist Party's department in charge of vetting candidates for promotion

How does EU membership lend support to devolution (and wishes for Scottish independence)?

The EU enables the regions (Scotland) to engage with the world through the EU.

All of the following features define the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy EXCEPT FOR:

The Speaker of the House is often the deciding vote in a parliamentary vote.

All of the following features define the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy, except for:

The Speaker of the House is often the deciding vote in parliament.

State capacity and autonomy refer to?

The ability of officials (elected or not) to pursue and implement policies on behalf of society.

What is not a potential benefit of elections in autocratic regimes?

The autocrat can always reduce unrest among the public by holding elections.

What does "5 de Mayo" (May 5th) commemorates in Mexico?

The defeat of the French invaders in 1863 (should actually be 1862 - I think there's a typo)

Who constitutes the 'shadow cabinet' in British politics?

The leadership of the largest opposition party in parliament.

What would be the least effective approach to legitimizing power (by elected and/or state officials)?

The least effective approach to gain legitimacy would be to rely on force and coercion.

What happened to the levels of crime and violence in Mexico after the government launched a full scale "war on drugs" in 2006?

The levels of crime and violence increased

Identify the statement about Russia of the Putin period (2000-present) which is true.

The life expectancy of Russian men has risen significantly

Which of these is one explanation for why democratization happened in the third wave, as per Huntington?

The loss of legitimacy of the military regime.

What is the purpose of political science and its subfield comparative politics?

The objective is to formulate hypotheses and test them to generate predictions and rules.

Which of the following characteristics does not apply to the concept of democratization?

The process of democratization always looks the same.

The gigantic gas corporation Gazprom proposed in 2006 and the then-Governor of St. Petersburg agreed to build an 87-story Gazprom skyscraper in the center of the city. Considerable opposition arose and a protracted public struggle occurred. What was the ultimate outcome from this Gazprom initiative?

The skyscraper was built on the outskirts of St. Petersburg as planned

The EU 2016 referendum disclosed deep splits in British society between Leave and Remain voters. Which of the following was not one of the divisions?

There was a gap between men and women voters (a gender gap).

What impact do elections have on authoritarian regimes?

They lead to short-term risks of instability, but generate long-term stability

Which of the following is NOT a function of a political party?

To seek influence over a single issue, important to a particular interest group.

What was the function of the informal rule of "el dedazo" (finger pointing)?

To select the presidential successor

Advances made in horizontal accountability may have a negative impact on vertical accountability in a democracy.


Which party gained popularity among British voters by promoting anti-EU sentiments?

UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Module 2 Quiz

United Kingdom

The name of Vladimir Putin's platform party is:

United Russia

What was one of the main achievements of the postwar British welfare state?

Universal health care

What was one of the main achievements of the postwar British welfare state?

Universal health care.

The 2015 parliamentary election goes into history as the election that?

Was a major victory for the SNP.

Who was the first leader of post-Soviet Russia?


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