Later Paul- Exam 1- Reeves

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A lot like the wisdom of Solomon

o The invisible attributes of God are visible in what he has made and people can investigate the world they should be able to find and they found God. o They had God but they fell short by becoming satisfied with their own gods and idols

who or what is the main subject of Pauls letters>

GOD is the major subject of Paul's letters. Theology is his center. What God has done, is doing, and will do. What god does through Jesus

how would the world see in what Paul is preaching

o The world would see what He is preaching is shameful and Paul believes it is honor. o Or is it the emphasis on faith? The gift of God of Jesus on the cross

Romans the Righteousness of God

I. Introduction (1:1-17) II. Probatio and Refutatio: Faith in Jesus (1:18-11:36) III. Probatio and Refutatio: Living for the Lord (12:1-15:13) IV. Peroratio: Conclusion (15:14-16:27)

why does Paul write chapters 2-14, 16

he gives his most elaborate view of the gospel

Prayer and why hasnt paul came to see people in Rome

o V.9-10 he then explains why he hasn't come and see them yet after 16 years. ♣ He has heard about them and they have heard about him. ♣ Why hasn't he come? He has prayed and asked God but God has prevented it, but now by the will of God he can come

Who is Christ to Paul. V 3-4

o Paul's first view of Christ: The one He promised beforehand through the prophets o Paul describes Jesus as the son of God -2 ways

unrighteousness (1:26-32) • Who are the fools?

o Some argue this is Paul's argument against those of "wisdom" philosphers o Some say it is Paul talking against Israel history of being polytheist o Dr. R think it is in the Greco-Roman sex ethic

how do humans become so unrightous?

That is what Paul is getting at. And the reason humans are so immoral is because of IDOLATRY o In the OT it wasn't till Ezra reformation that they started becoming monotheist. Before that Israel was polytheist. • The source of all unrighteousness is ungodliness

Paul did not write but dictated letters

(1) A collection of his fav quotes, arguemens he already made or something he liked he heard (2) When he was in prison he had to rely on a secretary a lot and he maybe just said do this hear and that there

Martyn negative

(1) If the law says cursed is the one who hangs on a tree, then why would God raise Christ from the dead. Did the law get it wrong? (2) (35 min)The reason Paul brings up the Stoicheia (the basics, fundamentals) is because the jews believe that there is powers behind wind, water, fire, stars. They are angelic powers. IF God gave the law and shred the powers and they rebelled they used the powers against us. Therefor the law that was given to the angels and then given to Israel is no longer good. What God meant for good the Angels ruined it. The law was used against Christ and against humanity (a) he believes the laws were not from God but angels (3) the law is malevolent power used against us. (4) The cross deconstructs those against God and reconstructs those who come to Christ- Jesus defeats the enemy by giving in to the enemy, defeats the curse by becoming the curse. The Cross is an end of the world event- an apocalyptic event Paul thought Christ was Cursed but on the Christopheny he saw Christ as God in Messianic glory- that's why Paul says the law is an old thing that passed away.- paul see's it as enslavement. Through the Cross we find victory in the law of sin and death. (1) Problem: (a) Paul quotes a law: why would paul quote a law that enslaves. In Martyn theory he should not associate with law at all.

Luther: paul objected the law because it suggested a work righteousness.

(1) If you do the work you will get to heaven. (2) Works of law is code to Paul as someone trying to earn salvation to God. (3) For Luther that is why Paul was so excited to preach the Law. Road to Damascus was existential to Paul He no longer had to preform works but had the grace of God

Honor is the only game in town

(1) It was a way of being able to police individual person- made the world orderly. Their was a hierarchy for each honorable group (2) Honor defined success- since a persons worth was determined by their social group, honorable recognition established an individuals significant (3) Either trying to get honor from someone or protecting your honor from someone else. (4) Paul believed God gave him honor of being the apostle to the Gentiles

some could read but not write

(1) It was all caps, no punctuation, no space,- scholars say the only people that who knew how to read were those who were familiar.

problem with luther

(1) Luther was reading paul through his own experience through Catholic church. (2) Luther read with his own dissatisfaction and frustration through catholic church- if you obeyed all these things the catholic church said you were going to heaven by paying indulgences. Baptism saved you from going to hell for Adam sin but you have to cover your own sin through indulgences. If you don't you spend time in Purgatory. By buying indulgences you knock of time in purgatory. (3) Luther did not have right view of Judaism. Obeying law doesn't have to do with going to heaven or hell, its not really talked about in OT. When you die you go to your fathers. If you obey God you get land, descendents and are fruitful- it comes in this life.

An Individual: big bang theory

(1) Marcion put forth what he thought was canonical which was part of Luke's book and Paul letters minus pastoral, accused of being gnostics (2) Goodspeed suggested it to be an individual- Paul had faded into oblivion, and when acts came out a person decided to collect them l (3) Knock, student of Goodspeed says he knows who gathered letters and it was Onesimas and that's why Philemon is in there because (4) The book argues paul is the letter collector because letters were so hard to make.

Sanders theory- positive

(1) Paul is not a jew that is beating himself, like Luther proclaims, but instead he is "blameless". Obedience to the law is covenant loyalty (2) Paul thought he needed everything in the law to have a right relationship with God. The atonement to the law made everything right. (3) HE was happy because righteousness is found in Christ, the law is no longer a requirement for righteousness. (4) Romans was not written against Judiasm but for Christians. Jews and Gentiles. (a) The solution of Christ makes Paul realize there is a problem. A problem of holding up the law makes you become a Jew. Paul said all you needed was faith in Christ like Abraham Calls Judaism covenantal nominism- the role of the law is earthly blessing

Campbell- negative

(1) Says parts that quote the law in Romans 1-3,4 is not Paul but an interlocutor.

a) There are also co-authors- Timothy, Silas. Other people there making the argument. Helping write the letter.

(1) That is why we is used (2) If corporate authorship is true with a secretary it would be hard to say it is a pure letter of Paul meaning saying every word is from him. (3) That's why scholars question some authorship that say it is not Pauline. (Where do they get that) (4) Such diverse content with variety of form and devices, it reflects the community/ cooperation that lies behind the production of a letter

Ritual preserve the Sacred

(1) They believed rituals were a way of negotiating a world that was sacred and profane (common) place , rules/ rituals were made before you entered a sacred place. (a) If you were coming into the gods world you had to do rituals for that god (2) Taboo's/ rituals for when you gave birth and in death (3) You better do things to show your reverence to gods because they decided fertility, sickness, and etc. (4) Sin is a contagion that invites the wrath of God (a) Paul talking about taking Lord Super (5) Worshipping the right god in the right place the right way

a) Different levels of illiteracy. Some could write but not read

(1) You had to make your own paper, pen, and ink- but to write legablly under those circumstances were hard- secretaries wrote legeballly (2) Paul even talks about how he is writing in large letters. Either because he had trouble seeing, or it was because he had trouble writing.

3) everyone needs friends in high places

(1) cannot survive on your own- kinship and friendships with wealthy would help you out (a) built on politics, economics, religious (b) why marrieges were arranged to keep economic resources close to home, but also to maintain honor to the family (2) the only way for most people to get ahead in the Med world was to become beneficiary of a wealthy person (3) it was the rich who functioned as banks of the time (4) you want to be a friend with someone who is above you socially and politically (a) 99% of the world was held by 1% of the population (b) 40% lived at or below poverty level- enough food to last a couple days (c) how do you make it in the world, what do you do? (i) You make friends with wealthy by giving them gifts, the hard part was getting one to accept your gift (ii) If they accepted your gift then you have sealed a relationship and wealthy person has responsibility for your social security- you reflected the status of the wealthy person (iii) People would give there own son- they would be overjoyed to offer him to a wealthy man if he wanted him The prodigal son who says he can go out and make it on his own doesn't make it. Prodigals always fail because they have no one they can count on- he went to a foreign place where he had no family and friends so is no accepted. Of course he failed- the surprising part is not the son but they would say the foolish father. And Jesus says that is a great picture of God's grace

2) it takes a village to raise a child

(1) individual accomplishments did not define the signicance of a person. Identity was wrapped up in the reputation of his family, community, and people group- Dyadic personality (2) you couldn't find out who you are until you found out who were your from- your family, social group, community- oppostiee of our world of who we get to choose who we are, if you turn your back on that and a rebel of what is laid out for you, you are selfish (3) the way you are on your personal appreace defined who you are - physio (a) the blonde people of the north are dumb and not bright- Barbarians (b) people of the south, dark people are lazy and oversexed (c) greek- small headed, olive skin- not pure white of north or dark south, so intelligent made to rule the world (4) steryotypes are good in there world- stick with people of own kind (5) men were built for work and and ladies for house when paul introduced himself he said were he was from

new Perspective

(1) says that the old characterization of Judaism is wrong. The main reason Paul rejected the law is because a literally interpretation of the law would make them become Jews, rejected the law because it exluded the gentiles by definition. Paul said God will accept the gentiles as they are, they don't need to become gentiles- his gentiles are children of Abraham because they have the faith of Abraham. And are saved because atontment of Jesus Christ

Wright Positive

(1) the reason paul objected to law is because law was a tutor that leads to Christ and Paul says Christ puts an end to the Law. The law was not eternal but temporary in order to help Israel find Chrsit. Christ is the answer, the climax of the covenant. (2) If you are a jew that follows the law you will find Christ because Christ is the goal of the law. (3) Supports Calvin:

all things from God/gods

(1) you were predestined- you became a tent maker because your family were tent makers, a king because your fam (2) the land they lived on were given by their gods therefor your religion was declared- youi lived on this land you were in that relgion (3) there was even gods of different trades- you got your job cause a god gave it to you (4) spiritual gifts were given by gods (5) there was no sense of upward mobily- the Gods already decided for you (6) you were what your family and village was (7) gods give out resources necessary of living but never more than you need, world of limited goods- only so much of everything, created a dependence. (a) Crucial to make sacrifices so gods will bless them Israel belived there God was loving and kind and gave out freely

Paul reads the Hebrew scripture like a Jewish man, 5 ways Jews interpreted the scriptures

1. Midrash 2. Pesher 3. Allegorical 4. Typology 5. Intertextuality:

(1) It was a way of being able to police individual person- made the world orderly. Their was a hierarchy for each honorable group

(a) Honor came ultimately from God- kings, priest, fathers, MEN. (b) Trickled down to if you honor God he honors you. If you honor those above you they will honor you (c) Hierarchy- not about authority but honor

(2) Honor defined success- since a persons worth was determined by their social group, honorable recognition established an individuals significant

(a) How do you keep someone to act within the group, bring honor? If you were rebels you were then shamed- public beatings, turn backs to them, separate lip (sticking tongue out or menial tasks A shameless and unpredictable person was kicked out of group.

(1) The book argues paul is the letter collector because letters were so hard to make.

(a) It was common for letter writers to keep a copy because it was so risky (b) That is why we have some and don't. he kept the ones he wanted and had time to make a copy (c) David Tromich argues for partial Pauline collection: He copied the weighty ones. And then someone like timothy adds but dr. Reeves argue paul collected alll

why was it anti-Roman

(a) Jesus was king- and they wanted no other king (b) The cross- romans saw it as the worst death- the only people who were crucified were imperial subjects who would commit treason and defy Rome. The cross was a sense of avoidance, don't do this, Paul imbraces the cross inspiring treason. (c) Anti-imperial- Paul encourages recipients to live as citizens not in Rome but in Heaven. (i) Christians should live to alegence to Christ and not America.

Knock, student of Goodspeed says he knows who gathered letters and it was Onesimas and that's why Philemon is in there because

(a) Onesimas a bishop collected them- and Philemon is there because he wanted it. He wanted to bring Paul back and make him relevant. (b) It was him who wrote ephesians as a cover letter (c) If paul didn't fade away, and acts wasn't written so late, that defeats his theory. l

Dunn theory- positive

(a) Paul does not object the whole but The parts of the law Paul objects to is Jewish social boundry markers, the identity markers for jews. (i) Circumcision, Sabbath, and dietary codes Paul wants his people to obey the law but they don't have to become jewish. parts of the law that set jews apart (1) Paul kept the law as Jew- encouraged women head dresses, had timothy circumcised, went to the temple

(4) Paul believed God gave him honor of being the apostle to the Gentiles

(a) Paul turned his back on where he came from and even called it trash so he could follow Jesus. Paul, like Jesus, embraced what is shameless and foolish. (i) Was ran out of every town except Corinthl (b) In most of his letters Paul defended his honor He only boasted about his weaknesses, and said he was the least honorable apostle

(3) Either trying to get honor from someone or protecting your honor from someone else.

(a) People would do this through lying and deceit (b) Honor was jealously guarded and quickly defended- (c) Would happen through public challenges - boasting and jealousy were defense mechanisms

New perspective-

-sanders: Paul objects to the law on Christians terms not Jewish terms Paul did not have a problem with the law while he was a Jew but realized the problem through Christianity. PAuls problem with the law became a problem after the Christopheny -Dunn: (1) Against Sanders: if the law is no longer needed for Jews and Gentiles than why would Paul quote the law when speaking on how to live right. Preached against the law by quoting the law

I. Medittarrrean world 1. 5 social items of the MED world in the time of Paul

1) all things from God/gods 2) it takes a village to raise a child 3) everyone needs friends and high places 4) Honor is the only game in town l 5) Rituals preserve the sacred

Paul's 4 major statements about the law

1. According to Paul the Law brings curse, death, slavery (22min) 2. Christ is the end of the law/ the law leads to Christ (Rom 10:4, Gal 3:24) 3. The law has never justified sinners before god (Rom 3:20, Gal 2:16, Rom 8:3) 4. Only Christians via the spirit fulfill the requirements of the law. Rom 8:4, 2 Cor 3:6, 8, 18. Gal 5:18l

Paul the Roman

1. According to the letters of Paul you would never know he is a roman citizen, luke tells us that. 2. Paul has a love/ hate relationship with Rome.

Producing a letter

1. Cost: very expensive to create a letter of Paul a) 2-3 thousands to produce a copy of Romans b) secretaries charged by line 2. delivery/ caring for Paul letters 3. Often times someone would have to read the letter to the recipients. a) Scribal literacy was around 2%

Judgment of God against ungodliness and unrighteousness (1:18-3:20)

1. Fools who approve of ungodliness and unrighteousness (1:18-32) 2. Judges who practice ungodliness and unrighteousness (2:1-3:20)

original recipients are missing

1. It was very important because it cost a lot to write a letter and you had to make your ink and paper and have the skill to write legible. It was incredible necessary for Paul to write these letters. Paul had no idea that it would be in the bible someday but he knew it was inspired by God. So what is the occasion of the letter to the Romans the Philippians and so on, who are they to receive a letter? a) Paul a jew writing to people who are not Jews but a new religion for them b) This was originally God's word to the Phillipians and Romans etc through Paul. What were they going through

Pauls letters have rhetorical structure

1. KNOW PAGE 37 1. Depending on the occasion we expect a certain style Aristotle wrote a book on how we should speak in each occasion: a) Past: judicial, in court room, accusation and defense b) Present: epidictic, typical talking about Ceasar ceremony, relied on praise and blame c) Future: deliberative, such as the speaking to the Senate, benefit and harm, d) A Persuasive speech/ arguement produces action 2. Some of Paul's letter form to these handbooks and Rhetoric. He understand his letters are not for one event and expected it to be repeated. a) Persuasive speech in letter form. His letters were arguments that was supposed to fill the gap for him not being there


1. Life altering event for Paul 2. Was paul converted or called on the road to Damascus. 3. To Paul the gospel was more than a message but a way of life 4. Paul knows what he is doing is anti-cultural as he uses sarcasm but sometimes he is surprised for instance in Jerusalem he gets mobbed almost to death and the romans protect him as there was a plot to kill him 5. Paul takes the the cross and Jesus Christ seriously- nothing else mattered to him. which is against people in his time and in America a) He didn't have a manual or courses how to be a minister he just had a zeal for Christ to take it to the end of the earth. l

Paul the Pharisee

1. Only really known in the land of Jerusalem 2. Paul probable could speak and read Hebrew. 3. Called himself as part of the tribe of Benjamin a) Says he is not just any Jew- he could read/ speak Hebrew and was from the tribe of Benjamin. 4. When we think of Pharisee we think of hypocrite- its what Jesus calls them. 5. Paul is a Pharisee and that is why he quoted the law.

Ancient letter writing and Paul

1. Page 88 temporary formatting 1. Biggest diffenece between Paul and others is how long his was. His had to be rolled like a scroll 2. Paul has Apestorlaria letter writing 1. Paul also used Chaiasm. A-B-C-C-B-A a) Center of letter is climax of letter not the end b) Romans 8 is climax 2. Intelocotur- paul uses

II. Living in the Greco- Roman World A. Paul in relation to the greek, roman, and Jewish world

1. Paul was a Diaspora Jew (scattered Jews)- lived outside the land of Israel 1. Paul was born in Tarsus- the number one place outside of Athens to get an education. 1. He moves to Jerusalem


1. The components of importance of secretaries back then go farther than what we can understand

i. Who does Paul think he is writing to a church he did not start, and telling them to get it together. How dare he act as there apostle

1. The reason paul writes a pastoral letter to the church of Rome is because Paul is an apostle to the gentiles and if there is gentiles in your church then he is their apostle and has authority. 2. Explains how the righteousness of Christ calls us to all be one

If all he wants is help from Rome why would he add all this making his most expensive letter, $4000

1. Those who believe in his personal purpose say that Paul is saying sense idk you and you dk me then here is what I believe and the gospel, an appeal to help me I believe- a righteous god through faith thats why we get his most systematatic view of the gospel- because they needed to know what he belived problems

collection of Pauls letters

1. Two ways pauls letters were collected Why is Philemon in our bible

Paul is missing

1. When we read we devotionally read. The lord talks to us through scripture and we hear it. But often times the author, Paul, is missing. We need to spend time listening to what Paul is saying on his terms not our terms. His words may actually mean different then what we think. We often think paul thinks the way we do. But really Paul's view of Christ might be different than our. We are going to try and make sense of who Paul is. Instead of making us the center of text "lord speak to me," set ourself aside and think, "what did paul think of this." Yes it is Gods word to us but it was first his word to them. a) He is a jew, wrote letters in greek, a roman citizen, going to take gospel to Gentiles- was he leaving his religion of Jew to become Christian? He compares his Jewish past to trash, says everything has become new, and uses Jewish scriptures and terminology. (1) Could of went anywhere but went to Cyprus first and then headed west. Why did he head west? All roman roads lead to Rome (2) Christophany- the appearance of Christ, Christ appeard several times to Paul.

the original form is missing

1. it was a letter not a theological argument of Paul. Paul wrote a letter. How did letters work in those days? What was its purpose? What was the formula of a letter, style? We take Phil 4:13 out of context 2. There was conventions of letter writing in Paul day- it was a formula of what you wanted to say. 3. People wrote letters to make long term contact, it usually was just one page- Philemon was a little long for a typical letter. So Romans was very long 4. Letters are not Paul lecturing, preaching, a) The letters of Paul is answering a question or the response to an argument, IT is one side of the argument b) Just because Paul says something doesn't mean that is the problem in the church

other readers are missing

1. there is a lot of people who come before us, within the church and scholarship who has read these scriptures many times and carefully, they have a lot to say 2. personal perceptions govern spiritual decisions a) Paul wrote many more letters than the 13 in the NT, a scholar made the decision to put them in there. Millions of decions had been made before you were able to pick up a bible and begin reading. b) God is so big his will can be done thorugh humans like us, inspire scripture that is in so many languages. Didn't set it up for only one person to read it but multiple people went into producing the bible in your hand. c) Often times Paul is the author but not the writer like in Romans d) Often times Paul was in prison so he had to have help

I. Paul as Author and a letter Writer. READ PAUL THE LETTER WRITER

A. Ancient letter writing and Paul B. Secretaries C. Producing a letter D. How was the letters of Paul collected

Paul the Apostle

A. Does Paul qualify to be an Apostle? - Does the bible show what it took to become an Apostle? B. Christophany c. Paul as a letter Writer. l

I. Introduction (1:1-17)

A. Exordium: Greeting (vv. 1-7) B. Narratio: Thanksgiving and Prayer (vv. 8-15) C. Propositio: Gospel of God: Righteousness by Faith (vv. 16-17) (essence of argument)

Probatio and Refutatio: Faith in Jesus (1:18-11:36)

A. Judgment of God against ungodliness and unrighteousness (1:18-3:20) B. Righteousness of God through Faith (3:21-5:21) C. Questioning the Righteousness of God through Faith (6:1-11:36)

I. Paul the Theologian

A. Paul view of the law -Pauls view of Primarily the Pentatuach/ Torah is complicated 1. Old perspective on Paul 2. New Perspective

Narratio: Thanksgiving and Prayer (vv. 8-15)

Prayer:8- Paul Thanks God for Rome faith and reputation Why paul wants to come to Rome o Ministry: 11-12: Impart some spiritual gift to them o Evangelism: 13-15: He wants to obtain some fruit among them

Paul is a Pharisee and that is why he quoted the law.

a) But he is also talking about a law free gospel b) Said gentiles could join the faith and not be circumcised c) Did not force his people to keep the Sabbath and dietary codes. d) Paul thinks the law is dead. Opposed to the law

1. Two ways pauls letters were collected

a) Churches: snowball theory- recived gradual over long period of time (1) Over 300 years churches began to collect the 13 letters of Paul. (2) Problem is is that we have longer and shorter list of paul b) An individual collected it: big bang theory.

The components of importance of secretaries back then go farther than what we can understand

a) Different levels of illiteracy. Some could write but not read b) Some could read but not write- also different levels c) Paul did not write letters but dictated them to secretaries taking awhile to write d) There are also co-authors- Timothy, Silas. Other people there making the argument. Helping write the letter.

he moves to Jerusalem

a) Grew up with a greek education and roman citenzship and had studied under Gamaliel, a Rabbi- a jew. b) Most Jews want to go towards Jerusalem but Paul wanted to go everywhere c) Paul didn't see his diaspora as a curse but a blessing, especially since God called him to the gentilesl

Was paul converted or called on the road to Damascus.

a) How did Paul know that it was Jesus voice. b) Paul's zeal for the law has became zeal for Christ and Pharisee would say this is not our law- then he takes it to Gentiles and says you can follow Christ without the law. c) Paul was not converted as he still read Hebrew scriptures, followed Israel's God and still son of Abraham. (1) When paul was with people under the law he lived under the law and when he lived with people in the law he acted within the law (2) He moved between the social groups.

what three worlds does Paul belong too

greek rome Jew

Suggestions to the problem of Paul's view of the law being good and bad

a) In many parts of the bible people give an optimistic view and a negative view and that is what Paul is doing- Moses and Aaron b) Pay attention to what he doesn't say to as much as he does say.

P46 AD 200

a) Includes Hebrews b) has Romans through 1 Corinthians c) no pastorals scholars vary on how many letters and paul even refers letters we don't have


a) Looking at a persons life as a paradigm for their life. b) Adam is the first Adam and Christ is the second Adam a) they typology of Christ is seen in the story of Adam

old perspective on Paul

a) Luther: paul objected the law because it suggested a work righteousness.

Paul has different view of Apostle

a) Means: sent officially with a message from a ruler b) Jesus called the original 12 and paul says he was sent by Jesus to take the message to the Gentiles c) People question his aposticy and he questions others 2. Grounds his aposticy in the Chistopheny

A. Does Paul qualify to be an Apostle? - Does the bible show what it took to become an Apostle? 1. What is the Criterion to be an Apostle? In Acts 1

a) One of the disciples who followed Jesus b) Can only be 12- c) You couldn't just claim it / d) Followed from baptism to death. (1) Two only made the cut

love/ hate relationship with Rome

a) Paul is actually his last name- Paulis (Roman Name), really don't know his first or middle name, b) His jewish name was Saul: known as son of father (1) Saulbar son of (whoever his father is) c) There is no place in the bible that paul changed his name to paul- it is a myth (1) We call him Paul because of his Roman citizenship- he was born a citizen (2) How to become a roman citizen? Born, pay and military d) Paul acted and spoke like a roman. He stayed around Rome, as he moved west he got in less trouble. He desired to go to Spain where Rome had a great military e) But he was always brought before the matreses as a criminal- Paul gospel was considered a threat to the Roman way of life.

When we think of Pharisee we think of hypocrite- its what Jesus calls them.

a) Pharisee were lay people: Sunday school teachers, not professional, not getting paid, but thought God would bless them for there helping of people b) Studied the scripture, experts who interpreted the law. and knew it really well. Thought if people obeyed the laws of God- blessings would come. Land- descendants- blessings.


a) Rather than a repeated story- don't care about the history, it looks for the principle behind the text. b) Rom 2:29 not circumcised in the flesh but of the heart


a) Rather than give someone an argument you bring up an imaginary opponent putting words and questions in there mouth. b) But you don't put your opponents strengths up in an argument


a) Results in taking the promises God made and prophecies and claiming there fulfillment. b) Rom 11:25-29, quoting Isaiah and claiming through Christ this word is fulfilled


a) Running commentary on the text, group of texts put togeter: Rom 9:6-29 b) Two arguments Rabbi would make (1) Qal Wahomer: qa means minor and Wahomer means large. Compares minor vs major- compares the death of Adam to the death of Christ (2) Gezerah Shawah: Argument from analogy, text is put side by side that is very close. Rom 4:1-12 quotes genesis 15 and Psalms 32, he is clashing these texts to show the truth of Abraham, an uncircumcised man, that God holds up as holy

Paul was born in Tarsus

a) Significant place of greek education b) Greek rhetoric and writing c) Free city of rome He derived most of his understanding of how he interpreted text to his jewish life.


a) Similar to Gezerah Shawah but not as deliberate or connected b) Its when a rabbi telescopes 2 biblical texts draws them together by means of common circumstance, expression, common story and personality Relies on the word echo-sets it apart: not drawing specific reference but is implied through the words he uses

how outsiders saw Jews

a) Strict monotheist- Romans even called them atheist b) Sabbath rules and laws- kept it holy and would withdraw from society and worship c) Known for very strict sexual ethic: jews did not participate in the sexual lifestyle as the world around. (1) People went as far to say that men didn't have desires because of circumcision. (2) Just shows you how off people can think of whats going on on the inside. (3) Did romans see Jews how we see Amish.

He wouldn't deliver himself because

a) The letters was a way for his presence to know what to do b) Travel was demanding- limited and difficult. c) He would send it cause he couldn't make it but got word that the church needed his word after he left so would send the letter d) The only question is why would he send Corinth 4 letters to announce his coming. (1) Trying to lighten the blow (2) Some made fun of him saying he was scared/ coward and not a good speaker and so he criticized them through letter. (3) If he sends a letter it would silence hecklers. l e) HE wanted his pastoral presence- if there is a problem they should here from him.

temporary formatting 1. Paul has Apestorlaria letter writing

a) Typically 1page b) Great way for common people to reach family far away c) Philemon is the shortest of Paul's letter but is still long for his day a) Jewish greeting b) Thanksgiving c) Heart: body of letter (1) Stylized formula d) Postscript

Paul was a Diaspora Jew (scattered Jews)- lived outside the land of Israel

a) Was diaspora a curse or a blessing? (1) Both because they are outside the land but a Blessing as they were the light to the gentiles- they were a landed people, they were outside of the land were many of God's blessings occurred. b) Is the land a curse or a blessing? (1) Both: Blessing because you are in the land but cursed when there is famine and they have to leave the land. a) Paul seemed to be at home outside the land l

1. Why is Philemon in our bible?

a) Written to individual in church, not explicitely theological, short, not preached from b) Written to a person about a slave who ran away about not making him go back to work. Paul had the slave deliver the letter back to him


a) because when Christ died on the the cross the old things passed away and are made new. Through Jesus death he deconstructed the law and reconstructed those to follow Jesus. (1) The law that was supposed to bring life brought death to Jesus. Law says cursed is the one who hangs on a tree, Christ died on a tree- Paul see's the cross as the end of the world. (2) Objected law because it doesn't help anymore (3) Some apocalyptic views are hard to accept because they say law didn't work because did not give the law but the angels did. Yeah angels did play a key role but it came from God.

old perspective

a) luther- workbased form of righteousness. God puts good works on one side and bad on the other and makes his judgments on which way it falls - Paul objected the law because it offered salvation basesed on human merit- paul came to belive no one could keep the law entirely (1) Jews think the law is perfect because they have a safty net in the law. They can offer sacrifices and offerings to atone for their sins (2) Old- misconception of Judaism- believe they are going to hevean cause God chose them- election is God grace (3) Gentiles? God fearers will go to heaven

delivery- how were they delivered

a) they had a postal service but only used for Roman documents b) they would send a letter with someone traveling to the area. (1) Merchants are letter carriers. - trademan or craftsman sailing that direction (2) They will find that person or find someone to deliver it to that person. c) Risky to communicate the letter Paul would send someone he knew to send the letter since it was so big and he expected them to preform the letters correctly. The presentation of the text was just as important as the text

Why did Paul write Romans? 2 reasons

a. For himself or benefit of the Romans i. Paul had personal or pastoral reason for writing ii. When he wrote to the church he had never visted the church or Rome iii. This is Paul best work theologically


a. Letter was meant to help them in matters of faith, b. to explain the purpose of his ministry, c. to ask for support of his mission to Spain, i. why Spain? Paul has eschatological purpose- paul is convinced the faster the gospel gets to the coastlands the quicker Jesus comes back. Fulfilling Isaiah 66 that it was the end of the world ii. im coming to Rome because I want you to help me get to spain- he looks at where he has been and checks it off wanting to go to new territory d. and to ask for their prayers in light of the dangers awaiting him in Jerusalem.


a. to tell him his plans to visit them, b. relationship: he wanted to establish friendship by exchanging sprititual gifts c. share the gospel: that he hoped to add to there converts to their number d. calling to bring about the gentiles

Fools who approve of ungodliness and unrighteousness (1:18-32)

a. ungodliness (1:18-25) b. unrighteousness (1:26-32)

personal reasons purpose

i. At the beginning and end of the letter (Rom 1:11-13) end: (Rom 15- 32)

Pastoral purpose

i. You can infer from the greetings to the 5 house churches in Rome, that those of the same social class greeted together. Divided ethnically and socially 1. List of jewish names (Priscilla and Aquilla), then some slave names, then some have greek names 2. Paul is saying these things should not divide each other there is only one people under ONE GOD. 3. How did this happen? The edict of Claudius removes all Jews from Rome and when Nero came in he removed the edict. After 13 years when the Jews came back there was people upset about who should be leaders of the church- gentiles or the Jews from before so they just split. Paul wrote this letter 2 years later telling them to sort out problems

a. Problem: some major theology that does not show up-

i. the return of Christ,- if Paul is writing everything he believes why would he omit this ii. in 1:18- 8:39 is argument about gospel-theological purpsoe, 9-16: seems to have a pastoral purpose, 9-11 Jewish and gentile Christians are not getting along, 12-16: inlight of what we know how should we belive, problem between strong and the weak. iii. PAUL WAS NOT TRYING TO GET DOWN ON PAPER EVERYTHING HE BELIEVED iv. This is why some belive Romans is Pastoral because he is trying to help the Jews and Gentiles and he uses his theological beliefs to support that.

what is paul claiming by saying to the jews first and then too the greeks what does he mean by jew first

is Paul claiming that God is not a Tribal God • Jews first because it is announced by the prophets- he has been in the business of saving Israel from the very beginning and now he is extending it to everyone. • Paul is explaining how the gospel came into the world- from the Jews, to Christ, to everyone.

Why the Jump from the righteous of God in 16-17 to the wrath of God revealed in 18-32. 4 possibilities

o 1. He can move so quickly because he is speaking of the Character of God. You cant speak of the goodness of God without talking about the wrath. The blessing and the judgment. o 2. He can move so quickly to the wrath of God because The gospel he preaches reveals both in the cross of JC. o 3. Paul is setting up a contrast. Talks about the problem of the wrath of God before he can get to the solution- righteousness of God o 4. Argument of interlocutor. It is the interlocutor that keeps wanting to bring up wrath of God while Paul is wanting to talk about righteousness.

3 interpretive questions in verse 17

o 1. what does Paul mean by "in it the righteousness of God is revealed"? o 2. What does from faith to faith mean? o 3. What is paul quoting in "but the righteous man shall live by faith" is quote from the Hebrew or greek text?- Hab 2:4

ungodliness (1:18-25) • What does he claim when he talks about revelation and wrath of God as argument against the fools

o 18-19 The truth of God has been suppressed. Because the knowledge/ revelation of God is evident- it can be seen in cration and within you ♣ Knowledge of God for greeks rest inside him and Jews it is held with God o 20-21 Story of regression of the loss of knowledge of God assumes a prior knowledge of God o 22-24This regression reveals that humanity made the wrong choice about God

is God wrath passive or Active?

o Active: you did this so im going to punish you like this o Passive: you decided to mistakenly make this decision so here you go

main idea for Paul here

o If our knowledge of God cannot lead to worship then we create our own gods. If we don't acknowledge him for who he is we don't know who we are. They have exchanged the truth for the lie and worship creation over Creator

Paul signs on as a bond servant of Jesus Christ. v1-2 what did it mean to be a salve in 1 C

o In today's terms, a slave is a bad thing, in 1 c world a slave were not equal to each other some even had more freedom then a free man ♣ To be a slave of a powerful man was an honorable position- position of power • It had everything to do with the slaves skill ♣ Paul is making a claim of honor- He is a slave of Christ the highest person/ ruler to ever live, he has power and you better listen o Not just a servant but an apostle ♣ Its Pauls relationship with Christ that reveals who he is. Who Paul is, is who Christ is. ♣ Paul cant talk about Christ without his status

5-7 back to Paul

o Jesus is the one who called him to be the apostleship to Gentiles o It was Pauls duty to bring about the OBEDIANCE of all the Gentiles- this includes all of the gentiles in Rome. ♣ This is why Paul wrote to Romans even though he did not start the church.

how pual uses it

o Paul uses homoerotic behavior as an example of a deprived mind of choosing the lie of themselves over truth 26-28 but Paul also puts many others sins on the same plain of homoerotic behavior in 29-32.he is showing how even though we know the ordanince of God we rebel against it. Paul says if you want to talk about condemning them, what about those who gossip and those who lust. Don't we want them all to share their faith, all sinners

When they failed to see God in Creation they fell into Idolatry

o V23: They exchanged the glory of God for idols and therefore God gives them over to their lust o 25: they exchange the truth of God for the lie. Result- God gives them over to degrading passions. (Homoerotic behavior) o 26: they exchange natural sexuality- they desire men for men and women for women- God gives them over to a depraved mind

why is PAul not ashamed

o this implies some are ashamed or some may think he should be ashamed ♣ why would romans be ashamed: because of the cross of JC o Why is he not ashamed ♣ It is the power of God in salvation ♣ What is emphasis, power or those who believe Pauls? • Power in God divine salvation • Or the universality of God loving Jew and the greek.

Pauls letters are

occasional and not Systematical letters 1. Therefor we do not know everything Pauls belive 2. But the essence, the center of Paul's thought is Justification BY FAITH a) This sparked the Protestant reformation b) But many scholars today say it is not this, but his center his the Righteousness of God brought by faith 3. They were occasional but there was contingency for his writing,

Why did paul object the law?

old perspective new perspective apocalptic

the challenge of interpreting Paul letters when we devotionally read

paul is missing original recipients the form other readers are missing

Calvin view

the law leads to Christ and that's why you obey law, positive view of law and Pauls positive words, Luther dwells on the negative view of law and negative words

who is letter to and what does Paul do in greeting

• Paul is giving Credibility and reason why he has authority to write in this greeting. • Letter is to the beloved of God in Rome- saints

Exordium: Greeting (vv. 1-7)

• Paul signs on as a bond servant of Jesus Christ. v1-2 • Who is Christ to Paul. V 3-4 • 5-7 back to Paul

the judgment of God is in what voice

• The judgment of God is a passive God the way Paul tells the story. They have to suffer consequence of their own choice. God allows sin to run its course as an act of judgment

Propositio: Gospel of God: Righteousness by Faith (vv. 16-17) (essence of argument)

•purpose of arguement Entire letter unfolds these claims • 1st: Paul is not ashamed of the Gospel:

Paul describes Jesus as the son of God -2 ways

♣ Davidic Pedigree: Son of God because born of seed of David- according to flesh he is son of God • Speaking in Jewish terms- This is the KING ♣ Divine power: Declared the Son of God through power of Resurrection • Paul believes the resurrection from the dead proves Jesus as Son of God- Jesus didn't raise himself, Father God raised HIM

22-24This regression reveals that humanity made the wrong choice about God

♣ Godliness: worship ♣ Righteousness: holy life ♣ God revealed himself: These fools have not responded to God in the right way- there first response was to dishonor God and not thank Him, the lack of gratitude leads to futile mind which leads to a foolish heart, which leads to idolatry, and that leads to immorality ♣ When you dishonor God you dishonor your own body.

greco-roman sex ethic

♣ Greco-roman sex ethic: what is the purpose of sexual pleasure?, Jews believed it was a byproduct of God rule for being fruitful and multiply, Greco-roman put pleasure first and then a child is a by product ♣ Greco-romans also believed that you were not to waste pleasure on wife because they are supposed to be honored as the mother. It would shame and dishonor the wife to just use it as pleasure because she was for child bearing. So what do they do? Romans believed it was a good thing to be gratified through prostitute or slave either a boy or a girl. Homoerotic behavior was good and normal. Jews did not believe that- they should only have sexual fulfillment with his wife thorugh procreation. ♣ Today: we talk about homoerotic behavior has an identity, they didn't proclaim that back then. Paul is not talking about sexual orientation because they did not think that way 30 min: Dr. R thinks the emphasis of Paul is comdeming all homoerotic behavior because it does not glorify God. Reeves does not believe homoerotic behavior is condemning but that it does not glorify God. Many gay chirstians choose to be single because they do believe in traditional view of marriage. It is an intrinsic value, we didn't wake up one day and choose to love girls. It becomes sin when they sexualize it and lust for the men like men who think of women. We hold Gay man at a higher standard

2. What does from faith to faith mean?

♣ In light of 2-7: is from Judaism to Christianity- Progression of law to gospel. ♣ from first to last it is all about faith -Source and result- source of the faith is those who have gone prophets and the result is faith- ♣ Christ faith and our faith: first faith is faithfulness of Christ- and second faith is our faith in believing in him- from Habakkuk

Why Paul wants to come to Rome o Ministry: 11-12: Impart some spiritual gift to them

♣ Paul see's you gifted as a universal and not just in the church ♣ Why spiritual gifts are given to Paul • Spiritual gifts are given for the common good and not individual- 1 Cor. - depends on the need of the church and not you • Your spiritual gift depends on what church you are in.

why Paul comes to Rome o Evangelism: 13-15: He wants to obtain some fruit among them

♣ he wants God to use him in Rome so gentiles will be added to their number- know this because of obligation in verse 14. ♣ Fruit is conversion on gentles ♣ Will speak Gospel to Greek and Barbarians- he will speak to the wise and the foolish ♣ Eager to preach gospel to belivers and unbelivers

1. what does Paul mean by "in it the righteousness of God is revealed"?

♣ it can mean righteous, justified, victicate/ justify. 3 interpretations • Could refer to the character of God- who God is and how he saved the world • A righteousness given by God- a status- a right relationship • Speaking of an ethical standard of God- behavior-

3. What is paul quoting in "but the righteous man shall live by faith" is quote from the Hebrew or greek text?- Hab 2:4 ♣ Who is the righteous man?

♣ the answer is neither ♣ Paul quotes partly Hebrew and partly greek there is no pronoun, his or my, it is just faith • Hebrew says man will live by his faithfulness • Greek says God says righteous man will live by My faithfulness ♣ Who is the righteous man? • Is it the proud man who is talking or God giving an encouraging word of not shrinking back

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