Latin American history

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Area de libre comercio de las Americas

A US initiative to reduce trade barriers. Was initiated by NAFTA(North Amercian Free Trade Asociation)

Jose Vasconcelos

After the Mexican revolution, he saw mestizaje as an advantage, rather than disatvantage, because it provided the seed for a future "raza cosmica". Alejo Carpentier believed that the mestizaje made the Caribbean the cradle of a new civilization Vasconcelos thought a true Meixcan identity could arise from mestizaje

The Conquest of the Aztec and Inca Empires (1519-1533)

After the New World was discovered, Spain soon realized that it was an incredibly valuable resource that should be pacified and colonized. Only two things stood in their way: the mighty Empires of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru, who would have to be defeated in order to establish rule over the newly-discovered lands. Ruthless conquistadores under the command of Hernán Cortés in Mexico and Francisco Pizarro in Peru accomplished just that, paving the way for centuries of Spanish rule and enslavement and marginalization of New World natives.

1936 Spain

"The Republic Popular Front" won the elections setting off a civil war between themselves and the insurgent Nationalist elements of their goverment which was led by General Francisco Franco.

Jorge Luis Borges

Argentina's most prolific writer. His most famous books, Ficciones (1944) and The Aleph (1949), are compilations of short stories interconnected by common themes such as dreams, labyrinths, libraries, mirrors, animals, fictional writers, philosophy, religion and God. His works have contributed to philosophical literature and also to both the fantasy and magical realism genres.

Juan Manuel de Rosas

Argentine dictator, caudillo and powerful figure around1829. Created a cult known as mazorca around his personality.

Gabriela Mistral

Chilean educator, poet and diplomat. Common themes are contemplations of death, motherhood and faith. She was latin America's first author to win a nobel prize of literature in 1945.

Pablo Neruda

Chilean poet, main themes are historical power of Latin America. Nobel Prize laureate in 1971.

Gabriela Mistral

Chilean poet, the first Latin American writer to win the Nobel Prize

The catholic church end of 19th century, beginning of 20th

Church was more influential in rural areas. Urbanization and industrialization undermined church's role. By the early 20th century most LA countries had effectively separated the affairs of Church and state.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Colombian author known for "realismo magico"-the mix of supernatural and every day events. Won nobel prize for Literature for his novel "Cien anos de Soledad".


Copper, gold, precious minerals In the North coast they keep llamas, sheep and goat-like animals The Andes mountain ranges divide the country into 3 regions: The Pacific Coast,desert-like place, the sierra, which is dominated by the Andes and the jungles of the Amazon, which cover 60 percent of the country. The university of San Marco, the first university on the continent, found in 1551.


Corn, cotton, coffee, bananas, tobacco Largest cattle raising country in Central America Largest country in central America

Hernan Cortes

Discovered and distroyed the Aztec empire in 1521

Francisco Franko

In 1939 he defeats the republic's forces and establishes a dictatorship which lasts until his death in 1975.

Early reactions against Positivism

In the early 20th century a reaction began against positivist ideas. This led to the discreditation of liberalism in 1920s. 3 events stimulated this:defeat of Spain by the US in 1898, because

Rodo, Ariel

In this literary work, Rodo contrasts two forms of society symbolized by Ariel and Caliban. Caliban is associated with the U.S. and represents a new kind of "barbarism"- matieralism, imperialism, lack of morals etc. By contrast, Ariel represents civilization, which is characterized by spirituality, morality, the spirit of ancient Greece and Rome.


LA intelectuals viewed progress and modernization with suspicion; therefore, they started upon a quest for their national essence-for argentinidad, mexicanidad, and so on. For whole of 20th century, the issue of national identity would dominate cultural life. Such a quest gave an intelectual dominant role in the society. In the past, that role had belonged to the church. NOw, artists were appointed into offices. For example fidel Castroappointed Alejo Carpienter as Cuba's ambassador.

First Spanish republic 1873

Lasted only 11 months.


Long period of economic progress and political stability in Mexico, when Porfirio Diaz ruled. The Porifriato rested on the personal authority and patronage of one man: it was a supreme form of caudillismo


Major products are coffee, bananas, and sugar


Managed to conquer every tribe in the Mexican valley. Their capital was Tenochtitlan

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Mexican nun, poet, one of the most prestigious scholars of all times. Wrote about women's rights.

Octavio Paz

Mexican poet and writer, won nobel prize of literature in 1990.


Mixes fiction and reality. Erotic desire


Modernist attraction to primitivism strengthened a developing interest in contemporary indian communities.Manuel Gonzalez Prada, had laid the foundations for indigenismo.

Diego Rivera

Moved from an early cubist phase towards a style that depicted the struggles of the Meixcan nation

Los reyes catolicos

Name for queen Isabel of Castilla and prince Ferdinand of Aragon.They remarried in 1469, defeated last Moor king, expelled Jews, and reorganized the inquisition.


Named after Simon Bolivar rich mineral reserves: copper, zinc, lead, sulfur and gold Salar de Uyuni-world's largest salt flats Highest indigenous population ratio in all Americas Spanish, Quechua and Aymara are equally recognized

Ruben Dario

Nicaraguan poet Introduced modernismo to Latin America Known as the "prince of castillan letters"

Ruben Dario

Nicaraguan poet, "Prince of Spanish Literature" or the "father of modernism"

Antonio Machado

One of the most loved and respected poets of 20th century. His poems are short and deal with fundamental themes.

Costa Rica

Principal products are coffee and bananas one of the oldest democracies in Western Hemisphere Does not have an army The only country in Central America that is mostly made up of Caucasian people

Juan Ponce de Leon

established a Spanish colony in Puerto Rico in 1508. Found Florida in 1513

Dr. Francia

Ruler of Paraguay since its independence of 1814. Known as a tyrant, but also implemented many reforms. The absolute rule established by him provided Paraguay with a stability unmatched even by Costa Rica and Chile.


Spain lost the possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines in the treat of Paris

Early 1960s-The spanish American boom

Spanish American literature received international acclaim World class literature Borges, Neruda, Octavio PAz

Modernist movement

The catalyst of LA culture in the 20th century. It arose from a sense of disillusionment with the idea of progress, with the scientific rationalism. It wanted to destroy the established forms in order to create a more authentic experience. It was a revolt against anything that appeared obvious or conventional.

"El Periquillo Sarniento"(the itchy parrot)

The first major novel in LA, written by Mexican Fernandez de Lizardi. It was an attack on the corruption and injustice in colonial society and advocated liberal values-freedom of thought and speech.

The gauchesque genre

The gauchesque genre had its origins during the wars of independence in the River Plate area. It was influenced by the Spanish tradition of the cuadro de costumbres. Gaucho costumbrismo appealed to the romantics because it seemed to reflect a truly American way of life.

Aves sin nido Clorinda Matto de Turner

The idealizing Indianism of 19th century romances was to give way to preoccupation with the actual condition of Indian communities.This concern was foreshadowed in "Aves sin nido". It describes the degradation of the Indians and since no way of restoring their dignity and well being.


The most advanced of Indian civilizations. Lived in what is Yucatan Peninsula, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Garcia MArquez

The most famous of 60s novelists his themes emerged from Hispanic tradition-thwarted love, quixotic idealism, honour, loyalty, force of destiny Cien anos de soledad-the most celebrated Latin American novel. The novel reads as a metaphor for failure, the failure of LA's independent history. Its narrative is that of realismo magico. humor El general en su laberinto-described the days of Simon Bolivar as he hade his way to exile in failing health after the collapse of his authority in Gran Colombia. As the great hope for LA unity fades, Bolivar senses that the new republics are entering a labyrinth-a long history of turnoil in which national identity and modern culture would appear to be violently at odds with each other


The second republic was declared after the dictator named Primo de Rivera was overthrown.

Domingo Sarmiento, Facundo, o la civilización y la barbarie

The single most influential literary work in Latin American literature. Adresses the question of nation-building. Refers to gaucho as a negative,uneducated, barbarous character Asociates barbarism with America, and civilization with the Enlightenment ideas of Europe By barbarism, Sarmiento means the lack of good goverment based on legitimate authority.

Antonio de Nebrija

famous for writing the first Spanish grammar book

Jorge Manrique

famous poet who wrote poetry to honor his father

The Alliance for Progress

US programme of aid and reform in 1961 under Kennedy. Its aim was to prevent Cuban-style revolutions by promoting social reforms and economic development.

Andres Bello

Venezuelan humanist, major works in fields of philology, law, philosophy and education. He was in effect the founder of the modern University of Chile Advocate of cultural reconciliation with Spain and building bridges with the European past in order to civilize the barbarism of America. He did not renounce americanismo, rather he produced the first important work on an Americanist theme. In his Alocucion a la poesia, he exhorts the spirit of poetry to leave Europe and come to the virginal lands of America.

"Los de abajo" Mariano Azuela

Written by a liberal doctor who joined Pancho Villa's forces Shows how revolution fails to deliver its promises of reform and justice. The first novel that most sharply questions the notion of progress, and presents the actual social reality of LA as an enigma.

Benito Juarez

Zapotec Indian lawyer Known as the great reformer, dedicated to equal rights for indigenous people, and democracy, as well as separation of church and state. His "reforma" did just that. Defeated and expelled the French

Francisco de Quevedo

a satirical writer

Generation of '98

as as a result of War of 1898, Spain lost what was left of its colonial empire. At a wake of this disaster, a group of Spanish intelecuals got together to examine the cultural and spiritual state of their country. The intellectuals included in this group are known for their criticism of the Spanish literary and educational establishments, which they saw as having characteristics of conformism and ignorance, and a lack of any true spirit.

Jorge Luis Borges

avant-garde, cubismo, ultraismo. "Ficciones' "Aleph" Realismo magico Ultraismo was an ecclectic movement taking its cue from cubism, futurism and Dada, desire to shock and experiment

Impact of Ariel

awakened a general desire for cultural affirmation A renewed sense of americanismo Stimulated resentment against US cultural influence.


bananas its colon free trade zone is the largest in Western Hemisphere Smallest populated country in the Americas


bananas petroleum is the economy's mainline also coffee, cacao, flowers, shrimp, tuna Cotopaxi is the world's tallest volcano The Galapagos islands are also a point of interest

King Juan Carlos

becomes the head of state after Franco's death. He puts effort into dismantling the totalitarian apparatus left from Franco.

Esteban Echeverria

brought romanticism to Spanish America. Rose against Manuel de Rosas opression of liberals in "El Matadero"-the slaughterhouse. Helped foundd the "Asociacion de Mayo", a group of young anti-Rosas activists


cattle is the principal industry leader in production of cotton tobacco and sugar are agricultural staples Smallest Spanish-speaking country in South-America


coffee topsoil, bananas, petroleum U.S. largest exporter of flowers


coffee, cocoa petroleum is the base of the economy world's 7th largest oil reserve Salto Angel-world's tallest waterfall

Pedro de Valdivia

conquered Chile and defeated "los Araucanos". Also founded the city of Santiago, Chile in 1541.

Benito Perez Galdos

considered the most important Spanish novelists of the 19th century. Violent critic of religious intolerance and social injustice


creative Marxist thinker For him, the Indian heritage was the source of cultural authenticity The Cuban revolution's desire to create el Hombre Nuevo and Che Guevara's emphasis on the peasantry as the revolutionary class owe their idead to Marriategui

Juan Ramon Jimenez

creator of pure poetry

Mariano Jose de Larra

critical essayist who wrote under different pen names

Velasco Alvarado

declared Quechua as the official language of Peru in 1960s


disclaiming the heritage of Spain by envoking an ideal vidion of the Indian past

Fray Vasguez de Coronado

discovered the Grand Canyon while searching for the 7 cities of "Cibola".

Republica Dominicana

economy based on agriculture sugar cane, cocoa ,coffee, plaintains, corn world's largest open-pit gold mine


el periodico Sur

Bartolome Mitre

finally broke the power of caudillos and assumed Argentine presidency in 1862. Founded the newspaper La Nacion, which developed into one of the great organs of the Argentine press. Mitre shared the ambivalence of Argentine romantics towards the common people:they were portrayed as agents of barbarism at times, and yet idealized on other occasions because of their folk culture, the basis of an authentic American identity.

Cristobal Colon

founded the first European colony, known as Santo Domingo


from Spain, combination song, music and choruses and dance. The most famous composers are Francisco Asenjo Barbieri and Tomas Breton.


he related caudillismo is a cultural phenomenon that first appeared during the early 19th century in revolutionary South America, as a type of militia leader with a charismatic personality and enough of a populist program of generic future reforms to gain broad sympathy, at least at the outset, among the common people. Effective caudillismo depends on a personality cult.

Lope de Vega

his most famous works were dramas Father of modern comedy, as well as the creator of the National Theatre of Spain

Horacio Quiroga

important figure, both as a pioneer of the short story and as one of the most powerful exponents of the theme of man's weakness before natural forces. The familiar dichotomy in Quiroga's short story themes was civilization vs Barbarism.

The generation of '27

influenced by the baroque movement The year 1927 was the tercentenary of death of great baroque poet Luis de Gongora Shared desire to work and experiment with avant-garde and unconventional styles Gabriel Garcua Lorca and Alberti were the leaders Lorca was killed in the spanish civil war by the nationalist forces in 1936. With this, as well as the fact that Franco's Nationalist won the civil war, modernist developments were cut short

Generation of '27

influential group of poets and writers that arouse in Spanish literary circles between 1923-1927, essentially out of a shared desire to experience and work with avant-garde forms of art and poetry. Writers and intellectuals celebrated an homage in the Ateneo de Sevilla, which retrospectively became the foundational act of the movement.


intense nationalism claims to benefit the working class National unity "social justice"-supported by the image of Eva Peron, she became the "symbol" of social justice. It was through Eva's efforts that Argentine women won the right to vote in 1947. Peronism can be a regarded as a form of caudillismo of industrial society. Its clients were workers who consented to being organized by state into loyal unions in exchange for social and economic benefits. Justicialismo-"decalogue" of worker's rights and invested the state rights over private property, land and natural resources. Rights and political freedoms were steadily eroded by the Peronist state


introduced by Ruben Dario with the publication of Azul, 1888. The movement was felt to be "modern" because of its Frenchness. The rapid spread of LA modernismo indicates that Catholicism was losing its central place in the culture of educated creoles.

Emilia Pardo Bazan

introduced naturalism and established contact between European and Spanish literature. She wrote mainly about her home, the region of Galicia.


largest empire on earth at its height. Cuzco was the capital and the riches city in th New World. Located in Andres, from Ecuador to Chile, parts of Argentina and Bolivia.


largest producer of copper and mineral ore grapevines and cereals world's longest country


legal system, employed by Spaniards in the new world. The owner(encomendero) employs Native Americans, and vows to protect them and teach them the catholic faith and, in return, the Native American works for them. There was corruption in this system, and abuse was very common.


livestock and grains are major revenue self-sufficient economy German, Spanish and Italian immigrants make up most of the population, Native indians represent a small percentage Largest Jewish population in LA

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

located the Pacific Ocean in 1513


main producer of sugar cane worldwide known tobacco quality

Puerto Rico

main staple is sugar cane the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and technology industries are a rising addtition

Bartolome de las Casas

missionary known as the "The apostle of the Indians' because he dedicated himself to making a better life for the Indians

Alfonso X

most prominent figure in Spanish literatue of Middle ages translated texts

Jose Ortega y Gasset

philosopher and essayist who sought to depict Spain's spiritual values and traditions

Miguel de Unamuno

philosopher, critic, poet, and a novelist. One of his favorite topics was the gap that exists between faith and reason, and between lack of faith and the desire of immortality.

Francisco Giner de los Rios

philosopher, professor, and great educator of intellectuals. He founded "La Escuela Libre de Ensenanza", center of liberal ideas.

Federico Garcia de Lorca

poet and dramatist who focused on folkloric themes and traditions. His works deal with passion.

Vicente Blasco Ibanez

popular all over the world. Great defender of republican ideas and of individual freedom. He was imprisoned on several occasions because of his political ideas.

Pio Baroja

principal novelist of the generation of '98. His novels contain a lot of action.

Effects of the Spanish Civil War on the literature

profound effect on literature and daily life Many writers were against the dictatorship of Franco and left the country to continue writing in other countries. Some were incarcerated and died.

Jorge Guillen

pure poetry, which is poetry created from concepts and abstractions.

Jose Joaquin Olmedo

raised the question of cultural identity. In his "La Victoria de Junin", while Olmedo praises the creole heroes of the war, he also introduces a consciously indigenous element, as the spirit of the Inca Huayna Capac predicts the final victory over the Spaniards at Ayachuco.


regarded scientific method as the only means to the truth. "scientific politics" came very close to an officially sanctioned racism-Indians, mestizos and blacks tended to be regarded as irredeemably unskilled,or obsacles to the nation's progress. Mexican cientificos, like Sierra provided a modernizing rationale for the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz.

Jose de Espronceda

romantic poet compared to Byron

Dona Barbara bt Romulo Gallegos

set in plains of Venezuela, narrates the struggle of young city-educated lawyer to make good his claim to a hacienda against the eponymous female caudillo, a violent half-caste who bewitches and corrupts men. In the novel Gallegos tries to show how a hero is able to overcome the sinister power of Dona barbara and introduce rule of law, clear property rights and efficient production to Venezuela.

Garcilaso de la Vega

soldier and poet, who truly represented the Renaissance. He introduced Spain to new forms of poetry, such as the sonnet.

El Salvador

strongest economy in Central America Coffee is the main product, also produces sugar cane and cotton The only Central American country without a coastline to the Caribbean sea The smallest country in Central America Nahuatl is prominent in all parts


sugar, bananas, coffee


tea leaves and wood are the most important products landlocked Guarani is a dominant language

Domingo Sarmiento "Facundo"

the barbarism of lawlessness and violence could be brought under control by modern civilization based on the rule of law and a system of education informed by the humanism of European Enlightenment.

Manuel De Falla

the most famous Spanish composer of 20th century.

Camilo Jose Cela

the most famous contemporary Spanish novelist and short story writer. He wrote La familia de Pascual Duarte. It possesses a mocking tone. The novel is about a boy whose family has been affected by the Civil war and is on the margins of the society. He discovers that violence is the only way to resolve his issues.

The triple alliance war

was a military conflict in South America fought from 1864 to 1870 between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. It caused more deaths proportionally to the number of actual combatants than any other war in modern history, and particularly devastated Paraguay, killing most of its male population. This war was as much an ideological war as a struggle of power, a conflict between "civilization" and "barbarism", according to the porpaganda of Argentina and Brazil.

La reforma

was a period halfway through the 19th century in the history of Mexico that was characterized by liberal reforms designed to modernize Mexico and make it into a nation state. The major goals in this movement were: Land reform—redistribution of land, separation of church and state, and increased educational opportunities for the poor, the majority of the country's population. The liberals' strategy was to sharply limit the traditional privileges land holdings of the Catholic Church and thereby revitalize the market in land.


world's major producer of silver Produces corn, beans, cotton, and potatoes Ciudad de Mexico was found by Hernan Cortes Most populous country in Latin America

José Hernández El gaucho Martin Fierro

written well after the fall of the caudillo Rosas in 1852, when Sarmiento himself had become president of the republic. Hernández realized in a single work of art the enormous mythic potential of the gaucho. By transforming the gaucho into an ambivalent national symbol, he crystallized the problem of national identity which all the Latin American republics would experience.

Miguel de Cervantes y Saavendra

wrote Don Quixote. Satirical novel whose underlying message was the conflict between idealism and materialism.

Jose Martinez Ruiz

wrote essays and novels. His works compare the old Spain to the modern one in a simple and natural language.

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