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The genitive singular of tu is a. Tui b. Tuorum c. Vestrorum d. Vestrum


You will be seen is rendered into Latin as a. Videbimini b. Videbitis c. Vides d. Videbamini


He is being held a. Est tenet b. Tenet c. Tenetur d. Est tenentur


The imperative plural maere is a. Manate b. Manite c. Manete d. Noli manere


The third person plural future tense form of sum, esse is a. Ero b. Eritis c. Erunt d. Erimus


Which form is nominative a. Me b. Te c. Nos d. Eum


Which of the following is not based on the stem a. Amant b. Amat c. Amo d. Amatis


Which word does not belong to the group by meaning? a. Miser b. Lacrima c. Gaudium d. Doleo


Rex ira movetur is best translated a. Anger moves the king b. The king moves his anger c. Anger is moved by the king d. The king is moved by anger


The forms nobis and vobis are pronouns in the same what cases?

Dative and ablative

This construction of the accusative case is called a

Indirect statement

T or F the genitive singular of ager it agri


T or F the verbs sum and possum do not have passive voice


Pugnabatur means a. It was being fought b. It had been fought C. She was fighting d. He fights


The term which indicates a singular or plural noun is a. Case b. Number c. Direct object d. Nominative


Identify the case and number of sorori a. Nominative plural b. Genitive singular c. Dative singular d. Ablative singular


Suus, sua, suum is a a. Personal pronoun b. Demonstrative pronoun C. Reflexive adjective d. Personal adjective


What is the meaning of postea a. Poet b. Girl c. Afterwards d. And so


What is the second person singular present passive of capio?


The citizens were proud OF THEIR RENOWNED LEADER a. Ducum celebrum b. Ducium celebrium c. Ducium celebrum d. Ducum delebrium


Videmur is best translated as a. We see b. We were seeming c. We will be seen d. We seem


T or F the third person singular of sum is sunt


Most of the second declension nouns are what gender?


In the sentence paries quem Pyramus verba dicit respondere non potest what is the antecedent and the relative pronoun

Paries, quem

Latin verbs have how many persons?


The infix of the future tense for first and second conjugation verbs is


What is the present passive infinitive ending of third conjugation verbs?


The present active infinitive ending of fourth conjugation is


The genitive plural ending forr all third declension i-stem nouns is


All nouns with a genitive singular ending -is belong to what declension


There are how many principle parts in most latin verbs?


The future indicative of the -io verbs of the third conjugation are similar to the forms of the verbs of what conjuation


A macron distinguishes the ending of the _____ from that of the nominative singular? a. Ablative singular b. Genitive singular c. Nominative plural d. Accusative singular


Appropinquabunt is a. Third person plural future acive b. Third person plural future passive c. Third person plural present active d. First person plural present passive


Examples of good men in literature can strengthen the knowledge of life a. Exempla virorum bonorum in litteris scientiam vitae firmare possunt b. Exempla viroum bonorum in littera scientiam vitae firmari potest c. Exempla viri boni in littera scientiam vitae firmare possunt d. Exempla viri boni in litteris scientiam firmari potest


He likes his own house is best rendered into latin as a. Amat suam casam b. Amat eius casam c. Amat eam casam d. Amat ei casem


In a Latin sentence containing a passive verb? a. The subject recieves the action b. There is always a direct object c. Auxillary verbs are necessary d. Infinitives cannot be used


In the question corpusne meum cadet sicut villae meae saxa, what case is saxa a. Nominative b. Genitive c. Dative d. Accusative


In the sentence Ea verba propter amorem tui dico, tui is what kind of genitive? a. Objective b. Plural c. Partitive d. None of the above


In the sentence quibus puellis libros dabas? Quibus is an a. Interrogative adjective b. Interrogative pronoun c. Relative pronoun d. Noun


In the sentence, avunculus meus Miseni erat classis praefectus, praefectus agrees with a. Avunvulus b. Miseni c. Classis d. None of the above


In the vocabulary entry for felix, the word felicis is the a. Genitive singular for all genders b. Feminine nominative singular c. Dative plural for all genders d. Masculine accusative plural


Neuter plural accusative forms always end in


Prope me ponitur ignis is best translated as a. The fire is placed near me b. I am placed near the fire c. Place me near the fire d. The place of the fire is near me


She thinks that her SISTERS LOVE THEIR PET a. Sorores delicias amare b. Sororis deliciam amare c. Sorores delicias amant d. Sororis deliciam amat


Tell me Britany in which country do you live? a. Habitas b. Habitat c. Habitatis c. Habitant


That girl is able to remain in the water for a long time a. Puella in aqua diu manere potest b. Puella in aquam diu manere possum c. Puellae in aqua longe maneo potest d. Puellis in aquam longe maneo possum


That translation of an infinitive is preceded by the word a. To b. With c. They d. You


The Romans love to tell stories to (their) sons and daughters a. Romani filiis et filiabus fabulas narrare amant b. Filii et filiae romanis fabulam narrare amant c. Filio et filiae fabulis romani narrare amant d. Romani ad filios et filias fabulas narrare amant


The best Latin version of The man was taking care of his own body is a. Homo suum corpus curabat B. Homo eius corpora curabat c. Homo sui corpus curabat d. Homo sua corpora curabat


The form nos is a. First person pronoun b. Second person pronoun c. Third person pronoun d. Demonstrative pronoun


The future active of respondet is a. Respondebit b. Respondebitur c. Respondebat d. Respondebatur


The future of stas is a. Stabis b. Staberis c. Stes d. Stabas


The genitive plural of nos is a. Nostrum b. Nostrorum c. Nostris D. Nostrarum


The imperfect and future forms of debemus are a. Debebamus, debebimus b. Debebamur, debebimur c. Debemur, debebimur d. Debemus, debebimus


The plural of carpe in the motto carpe diem is a. Carpite b. Nolite carpe c. Nolite carpere d. Carpete


The sentence vilicus dicit se debere multa in villa reparare is best translated as A. The steward says that he has to repair many things in the villa b. The steward says that he had to repair many things in the villa c. The steward will say that he has to repair many things in the villa d. The steward used to say that he had to repair many things in the villa


The singular negative imperative of delere is a. Noli delere b. Noli dele c. Noli delete d. Noli delite


The soldiers were LUCKY in battle a. Felices b. Felici c. Felicis D. Felicibus


The son of my friend is a poet a. Filius amici est poeta b. Filii amici est poetam c. Amici poetae esst filii d. Amici filius est poetarum


Third conjugation -io verbs have an i added to the active forms of the first person singular and the a. Third person plural b. Second person singular c. Second person plural d. Third person singular


To what does eam refer to in the sentence senectus ad nos omnes veniet etiam imparatos. Itaque eam exspectare debemus. a. Senectus b. Nos c. Imparatos d. Villa


Tua, mea, et nostra is best translated as a. Yours, mine, and ours b. His, hers, and its c. Him, her, and they d. You, and and us


Vipsania owes her son a long letter a. Vipsania filio epistulam longam debet b. Vipsania filium longam epistulam debet c. Vipsania filium longum epistulae debet d. Vipsania filio longae epistulae debet


What is the correspnding imperfect passive plural of conspiceris (3rd io) a. Conspiciebamini b. Conspicibaris c. Conspiciebaris d. Conspicebamini


What is the meaning of the latin word from which we derive "subterranean" a. Land b. Water c. Sailor d. Farmer


What is the third person plural perfect active form of studere? a. Studuerunt b. Student c. Studebant d. Studuerint


What neuter forms always end in the letter a? a. Nominative and accusative plural b. Dative and ablative singular c. Dative and ablative plural d. Genitive and dative singular


What third declension ending is the same as the nominative plural? a. Accusative plural b. Genitive singular c. Dative singular d. Ablative singular


Which farmers will give me the fields?" is best rendered into Latin as a. Qui agricolae agros mihi dabunt? b. Quae agricolae agros mihi dabunt c. A quibus agricolis agri mihi dabuntur d. Qui agricolae agros mihi dabuntur


Which friends will be seen by you? Is best rendered into latin as a. Quae amicae a te videbuntur? b. Quos amicos a te videbis? c. Cuius amicae a te videbuntur d. Quarum amicae a te videbunt


Which of the following does not translate habemus a. We did have b. We have c. We were having d. We do have


Which of the following has a predicate nominative? a. Mars dues est b. Puella lupam amat d. Lupa ad aquam ambulat c. Romulus et remus crescunt


Which of the following is a passive infinitive? a.teneri b. Amavi c. Timui d. Iussu


Which of the following is a prepositional phrase? a. Ad aquam B. Romulus et remus c. Itaque rhea silvia d. Est dues


Which of the following is not a meaning of animus? a. Friend b. Mind c. Spirit d. Soul


Which of the following verbs is in the plural? a. Amamus c. Sum c. Parat d. Habes


Which word is used to translate a noun in the genitive case? a. Of b. To. c. By d. With


Your name is best rendered into latin as a. Tuum nomen b. Tua nomen c. Vester nomen d. Vestro nomen


Match A. The girl's letter. A bonis viris.... B. She is able. Doceri C. We were able. Dum fabulas narrant D. They are accustomed to save. Epistulam puellae E. By the good men. Es F. While they tell stories. Multi pueri G. To be taught. Possumus H. Many boys. Potest I: you are. Solent servare J: they are. Sunt

A bonis viris: E Doceri: G Dum fabulas narrant: F Epistulam puellae: A Es: I Multi pueri: H possumus: C potest: B solent servare: D sunt: J

In the third and fourth conjugation the vowels of the future tense are - and -

A, e

The preposition cum is always followed by what case?


When the preposition in means in or on it is followed by what case?


In this construction the subject is not in the nominative case but in the what case


What case is used to identify the direct object of a sentence?


In the sentence the friends whom I see every day are my best friends whom is rendered into latin as - case because it is used as a - in the relative clause

Accusative, direct object

In the sentence the hatred which the enemies have for each other must be forgotten which is best rendered into latin as - case because it is used as a - in the relative clause

Accusative, direct object

What voice is used when the subject is doing the action?


Instead of the genitive case of the first and second personal pronouns, the possesive what is formed?


Meaning of postea


Change the number of the capitalized word: AGRICOLA terram curat


We know that the girl LOVES the sparrow


What is the ablative singular of the latin word animal, animalis, n


The nominative plural of animal, animalis, n is


The word in a main clause to which a relative pronoun refers is called the


What determines the gender and number for a relative pronoun?


Match A. For my country. Apud ciceronem... B our fear. Urbs sua... c. His soldiers. Pro patria.. d. At cicero's house. Milites eius.. E, then. Timor nostri... f. Fear of us. Soror sua.... g. Her sister. Licet mihi... h. Their city. Timor noster... i. For, in fact. Tum... j. I am allowed. Enim....

Apud ciceronem: D Urbs sua: H Pro patria: A Milites eius: C Timor nostri: F Soror sua: G licet mihi: J timor noster: b tum: E enim: I

What is the nominitive and genitive singular forms of the latin word that means water?

Aqua, aquae

Third declension neuter i-stem nouns end in -e and what else in the nominative singular

Ar or al

Meaning of athleta


What is the second person singular and plural present passive forms of audio, audire

Audiris, audimini

All of the following takes a complementary infinitive except a. Possum b. Sum c. Debeo d. Soleo


Ceaser gave a reward to the good poet a. Poetae bonae b. Poetae bono c. Ad poetam bonam d. Ad poetam bonum


Change est to the corresponding plural forms a. Esse b. Sunt c. Estis d. Sum


Choose the verb form which does not belong on the basis of voice a. Vocantur b. Debemus c. Parari d. Iubemur


Do not flee is best rendered into latin as a. Noli fuge b. Nolite fugere C. Noli fugite d. Nolite fuge


From what case do we form the base of a noun? a. Nominative b. Genitive c. Accusative d. Ablative


He think that her EYE ARE BEAUTIFUL a. Oculi pulchri sunt b. Oculos pulchros esse c. Oculos pulchras esse d. Oculi pulchrae sunt


I am telling a story a. Fabulas narrat b. Fabulam narro c. Fabula narrare sum d. Fabulae narro sum


Identify the case and number of pacis a. Ablative plural b. Genitive singular c. Dative plural d. Nominative singular


Identify the part of speech of est a. Conjugation b. Verb c. Preopsition d. Adverb


In the phrase propter amorem mei, mei is what kind of genitive? a. Partitive b. Objective c. Possesive d. Personal


In the sentence Part of you will go to the game- of you is a. Objective genitive b. Partitive genitive c. Modifying genitive d. None of the above


In the sentence ad homines navigare decrevit qui prope montem Vesuvium habitabant, qui is a. Masculine nominative singular b. Masculine nominative plural c. Neuter nominative plural d. Neuter nominative singular


In the sentence iubebas milites liberare iubebas is best translated as a. You will be ordered b. You were ordering c. You will order d. You were ordered


In the sentence quid agis dulcissime rerum, dulcissime is a. Nominative b. Vocative c. Imperative d. Indivative


In the sentence, cuius amicus est?, cuius is a/an a. Interrogative adjective b. Interrogative pronoun c. Relative pronoun d. Noun


In which principal part do we find the stem for the present tense? A. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth


Lucius and Lucia, you are taking care of the land very well. a. Terrae, lucius et lucia, optime curant b. Terram Luci et Lucia optime curatis c. Terrae luce et luci, optime curas es d. Terram, lucius et lucie, optime curo sum


Mane! is best translated as a. You (sg.) remain b. You (sg.) remain! c. You (pl) remain d. You (pl) remain!


Most verbs in the first person singular end in -o. What other ending sometimes is used? a. -t b. -m c. -mus d. -s


On which principal part is the present passive verb based? A. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth


Parabor is best translated as a. I will prepare B. I will be prepared c. I am preparing d. I am being prepared


The adjective pauci can modify all of the following except a. Equi b. Exemplari c. Homines d. Flammae


The camp of the enemy is being destroyed by brave men a. Castra hostium a fortibus delentur b. Castra hostiorum a viribus fortibus delentur c. Castra hostium a viris fortis deletur d. Castra hostum a fortis deletur


The field of the good farmer is large a. Ager agricolae boni est magnae b. Ager agricolae boni est magnus c. Ager agricolae bonae est magna d. Ager agricolae bonae est magnum


The future active form of potes is a. Poterit B. Poteris c. Erit d. Eris


The future tense of videbatur is a. Videbat b. Videbitur c. Videbit d videtur


The masculine and feminine endings of third declension adjectives follow the pattern of ubrs, urbis in all forms except a. Genitive singular b. Ablative singular c. Genitive plural d. Accusative plural


The men and women of the city feel death is coming and aid is not being given by their king a. Viri et mulieres urbi sentiunt nors venit et auxilium a rege non datur b. Viri et mulieres urbis sentiunt mortem venire et auxilium a rege non dari c. Viri et mulieri urbi sentiunt mors venit et auxilium a regi non dat d.vires et mulieres urbis sentiunt mortem venire et auxilium a regi non


The pronoun form mihi is a.dative plural b. Dative singular c. Ablative singular d. Ablative plural


The sentence est mihi domus rustica is best translated as a. Like my house, i am rustic b. I have a rustic house c. I am like a rustic house d. It is a rustic home


The sentence, the man whose son will speak will not be able to hear him is best rendered into latin as a. Vir eius filius narrabit non potest audire eum b. Vir cuius filius narrabit non poterit audire eum c. Vir cuius filii narrabit non poterit audire eum d. Vir eius filii narrabit non poterat audire eum


They were bother BY THE MANY SPARROWS in the park a. Multis passeres b. A multis passeribus c. Multis passerum d. Multis passeris


Third conjugation -io verbs do not have an -i in the a. First person plural passive and second person singular passive b. Second person singular passive and the active infinitve c. Active infinitive and first person plural passive d. First person plural active and third person singular passive


Viri in casa filios agricolae vident a. The farmers see the sons of the men in the hosue b. The men in the house see the sons of the farmer c. The sons see the men of the farmer in the house D. The sons of the man in the house see the farmer


We were looking at the horses in the road a. Ad equos in via spectamus b. Equos in via spectabamus c. Equis in viam spectabamur D. In equos in viam spectamur


What ending distinguishes a present infinitive a. -s b. -re c. -o d. -tis


What is the corresponding imperfect passive of cupis (3rd io) a. Cupietur B. Cupiebaris c. Cupebaris d. Cupebatur


What is the sign of the imperfect in all four conjugations a. Ie b. Ba c. Bo d. Es


What part of speech describes a verb? a. Noun b. Adverb c. Pronoun d. Verb


What translation of the underlined word best fits the context of the sentence: Tunc multos equos in agris VIDEBAMUS sed nunch non sunt? a. We did see B. We used to see c. We were seeing d. We kept on seeing


Which case is used for the indirect object? a. Genitive b. Dative c. Accusative d. Ablative


Which case is used to show possesion? a. Accusative b. Genitive c. Ablative d. Nominative


Which of the following does not belong grammatically? a. Amici b. Dari c. Filii d.agri


Which of the following is a nominative? a. Puella b. Puellae c. Pullis d. Puellam


Which of the following is an ablative of manner a. In urbe b. Magna fortitudine c. Civibus d. Armis


Which of the following is in the accusative case? a. Aeneas b. Didonem c. Mercurius d. Iuppiter


Which of the following is not a nominative plural? a. Acria b. Forti c. Pauca d. Celebres


Which of the following is not ablative singular? a. Passere b. Tenere c. Sorore d. Amore


Which of the following is not genitive a. Nemini b. Catilinae b. Mulierum D. Ciceronis


Which of the following means intend? a. Debes dare b. Habeo in animo c. Habere vult d. Veneno necare


Which of the following sentences would need an ablative of agent when translated into latin? a. Pablo was hit by a flying rock b. The town was taken by ceaser's soldiers c. Marcus traveled to rome by wagon d. Cornelia saved herself by user her wits


Which two cases have the same endings in the singular a. Ablative and accusative b. Dative and genitive c. Nominative and genitive d. Dative and ablative


Which two cases have the same singular ending in the second declension? a. Nominative and genitive b. Dative and ablative c. Nominative and ablative d. Genitive and dative


With whose friends were you waiting in the villa? Is best rendered into latin as a. Cum quibus amicis in villa ambulas? b. Cum cuius amicis in villa ambulabas c. Quocum amicis in villa ambulabis d. Quibuscum in villa amicae ambulabant?


You and I are waiting for the teacher a. Exspectas b. Exspectamus C. Exspectant d. Exspectatis


You ought to be able to walk now a. Nunc ambulare possi debes b. Nunc ambulare posse debes c. Nunc ambulare potes d. Nunc ambulari potestis


in the sentence, quem videbis? quem is a/an a. Interrogative adjective b. Interrogative pronoun c. Relative pronoun d. Noun


she loves a good story a. Amare b. Amat c. Amo d, amas


the future active form of es is a. Erit b. Eris c. Poteris d. Poterit


A present passive infinitive always ends with the letter a. -e b. -o c. -i d. -a


Agricolae terram a. Vides b. Videt c. Vident d. Video


An indirect object is most often found in sentences with a verb belonging to all of the following categories except a. Giving b. Showing c. Moving d. Telling


Aurea mediocritas means a. Mediocre air b. Mild air c. A perfect balance d. Mediocre hearing


Both the sailor and the poet tell stories a. Narrat b. Narramus c. Narrant D. Narratis


Boys and girls can be taught a. Pueros et puellas docere possunt b. Pueri et puellae docere possunt c. Pueri et puellae doceri possunt d. Pueros et puellas doceri possunt


How does the first person singular form differ from the present passive forms of the first and second conjugation? a. Translation b. Singular endings c. Stem vowel d. Plural endings


Identify the case of tenebrae a. Ablative B. Dative c. Nominative d. Accusative


Identify the part of speech of postea a. Noun b. Conjunction c. Adverb d. Interjection


In the sentence Unusquisque nostrum apd Maecenatem locum suum habet nostrum is a. Accusative singular masucline b. Nominative singular neuter c. Genitive plural masculine d. Accusative singular neuter


In the sentence animus fortis avunvulo erat, avunculo is in what case? a. Nominative b. Genitive c. Dativve d. Accusative


In the sentence donas mihi - dextram, we understand a. Meam b. Nostrum c. Tuam d. Vestram


In the sentence, puellae, quibus libros dabam erant amicae, quibus is an a. Interrogative adjective b. Interrogative pronoun c. Relative pronoun d. Noun


MANY MEN WERE WAITING FOR THEIR FRIENDS but they did not come a. Multi amicis exspectant b. Multi vires amicis exspectantur c. Multi amicos exspectabant d. Multi vires amicos exspectabantur


Mutabor is best translated as a. I changed b. He will be changed c. I will be changed d. It will be changed back


On account of the war, citizens, your city is being attacked a. Propter bellum, civi urbs tuus oppugnatur b. Propter bello, civis, urbes tua oppugnantur c. Propter bellum, cives, urbs tua oppugnatur d. Propter bello, cive, ubres tuus oppugnatur


Th negative imperative of doce is a. Noli doce b. Noli docite c. Noli docere d. Noli doces


The best translation of cadet (3) is a. He falls b. She fell c. It will fall d. He had fallen


The form ludetur is best translated a. It is played b. It was being played c. It will be played d. It plays


The form scribunt is a. Third plural future active b. Third plural future passive c. Third plural present active d. Third plural present passive


The future passive form of credebant is a. Credebantur B. Creduntur c. Credentur d. Crederentur


The future passive of narrat is a. Narrabatur b. Narrabit c. Narrabitur d. Narrabantur


The gender of the adjective will agree with all of the following except a. Vir b. Poeta C. Bellum D. Filius


The imperative plural of discede is a. Discedete b. Noli discedere c. Discedite d. Nolite discedere


The imperative plural of ducere is a. Duce b. Duc c. Ducite d. Ducere


The imperfect and future forms of tango are a. Tanges, tangetis b. Tangor, tangimur c. Tangebam, tangam d. Tangebar tangebam


The sailor is preparing to tell a story a. Nautae fabulam narrant parant b. Nauta fabulas narrare parant c. Nauta fabulam narrare parat d. Nautae fabulas narro parat


The second conjugation is distinguished by a A. Short e b. Long i c. Long e d. long o


The sentence Te relinquere nolo is best translated a. I do not want you to leave b. You don't leave c. I don't want to leave you d. You are leaving unwillingly


The sentence quid pro te facere possum is best translated as a. What can you do b. Why don't you do this for yourself c. What can I do for you? d. Why am I able to do this instead with you


The verb sum can be intransitive or can be followed by a a. Direct object b. Indirect object c. Predicate nominative d. Another subject


We live at home with (our) sons a. In domo cum filio habemus b. Cum filiis domi habitamus c. In domo cum filiis habitamus d. Cum filio domi habemus


What part of speech expresses emotion? a. Conjugation b. Preposition c. Interjection d. Pronoun


Where is the stem vowel of the first conjugation absent in the present passive? a. Second person singular b. Third person plural c. First person singular d. Second person plural


Which noun does not belong by gender? a. Nauta b. Ager c. Casa d. Rivus


Which of the following can be both singular and plural form? a. Puellarum B. Puellis c. Puellae d. Puellas


Which of the following does not belong by case a. Puerorum b. Viae c virum d. Puellarum


Which of the following does not belong to the same conjugations as the others? a. Fugio b. Cupio c. Scio d. Capio


Which of the following does not form its imperfect with the same sign as the rest? a. Fugio b. Teneo c. Possum d. Ago


Which of the following is a conjugtion? a. Est b. Curat c. Itaque d. Bene


Which of the following is in the imperfect tense? a. Ambulat b. Putat c. Erat d. Videtur


Which of the following is in the passive voice? a. She is being silly B. I shall be ready c. You are being chosen d. Will they be attending class today?


Which of the following is not passive? a. They were sent b. He was killed c. We were happy d. She was elected


Which of the following is well-named? a. Philia because she is so athletic b. Terrence because he is a farmer c. Amy because she is loving d. Louis because he is a good sailor


Which of the following requires an i be added to the form the corresponding imperfect a. Mittimus (3) b. Agimus (3) c. Capimus (3-io) d. Relinquimus (3)


Which of the following would be used as a direct object? a. Filia b. Filiae c. Filiam d. Filiis


Which two cases have identical plural ending in each declension? a. Nominative and genitive b. Dative and accusative c. Dative and ablative d. Nominative and accusative


Which two cases have the same plural endings in both the first and second declension? A. Nominative and genitive b. Genitive and accusative c. Dative and ablative d. Accusative and ablative


Why ARE YOU BITING MY FINGER? a. Digitum meum mordere b. Digto meo mordere c. Digitum meum mordes d. Digito meo mordes


You should not fear the man in the river a. Vir in rivum non timeo b. In rivo viros non timetis c. Virum in rivo non timere debes d. In rivo viri non timeo debetis


the boy and girl were being burned by the flames of love a. Puer et puella a flammis amores ardebant b. Puer puellaque flammis amori ardebant c. Puer puellaque flammis amoris ardebantur d. Puer et puellae a flammis amoribus ardebantur


the imperfect tense indicates all of the following types of action in past time except a. Continual b. Customary c. Completed d. Repeated


which verb does not belong by person a. Narratis b. Tenes c. Debent d. Vocas


What is the feminine form of the adjective celer, celeris, celere


Match A. I have many books B. We sent C. He gave D. Do you have a sword E. they did take F. We were able G. You have sent H. Many friends I. We were waiting J. You were ceperunt... dedit... estne tibi gladius... exspectabamus... fuistis... mihi sunt multi libri... misimus... Misisti... multos amicos... potuimus...

Ceperunt: E dedit: C Estne tibi gladius: D Exspectabamus: I Fuistis: J mihi sunt multi libri: A misimus: B misisti: G multos amicos: H potuimus: F

They know YOU THINK about gifts at holiday time


What type of infinitive appears with a verb like possum?

Complementary infinitive

To go through the motions of giving all the possible ending for a latin verb is called


Match a. You were. Conspicibantur... b. We were able to. Dabamus.... c. We were giving. Eras... d. You were coming. Esne aeneas.. e. In a cave. In spelunca... f. He understands and says. Intellegit dicitque... g. I was being called. Poteramus... h. A new land. Terram novam.. i. Are you aeneas. Veniebas.... j. They were being observe. Vocabar....

Conspicibantur: J Dabamus: C Eras: A Esne aeneas: I In spelunca: E intellegit dicituqe: F Poteramus: B Terram novam: H Veniebas: D Vocabar: G

Matching A. I do not love you. Cum filio..... B. the house of the farmer. In agris.... c. In the fields. In via.... D. Who are you friend. Cum amicis.... e. The souls of poets. Te non amo.... f. On the road. Casa agricolae.... g. With friends. Filium non video.... h. The son of a sailor Filius nautae...... I. I do not see my son. Animi poetarum.... J. With the son. Quis es tu amice

Cum filio: J In agris: C In via: F cum amicis: G te non amo: A casa agricolae: B filium non video: I filius nautae: H animi poetarum: E Quis es tu amice: D

Match A. The Greeks. Cupi...... B. We capture cities. Graeci.... C. We make plans. Urbes capimus.... d. To be desired Fortes.... e. The trojans. Graeca... f. Troy. Consilia capimus... g. Because. Terra liberorum h. Land of the free. Quia i. A greek woman. Troiani j. The brave. Troia

Cupi: D Graeci: A Urbes capimus: B Fortes: J Graeca: I Consilia capimus: C Terra liberorum: H Quia: G Troiani: E Troia: F

"Romans care for their own soldiers" is best rendered into Latin as a. Romani curant eius milites b. Romani curant eorum milites c. Romani curant sui milites d. Romani curant suos


A sailor works... a. In casam b. In terrae c. In via d. In aqua


All of the following translate mittebam except a. I used to send b. I was sending c. I kept on sending d. I did send


All of the following verbs are transitive except a. Teneo b. Voco C. Amo d. Habito


Both nouns and verbs have a. Case b. Principal parts c. Tense d. Number


Choose the ending that does not belong on the basis of number A. -tur b. -or c. -ris d. -mini


Distinguished Romans should have great rewards a. Romani praeclari magnos praemios habere debent b. Magna praemia romani praeclari habitare debent c. Magnos paremios romani praeclari habitare debet d. Romani praeclari magna praemia habere debent


Examples of a good life can be preserved in books a. Exempla vitae boni in libros servari potest b. Exempla vitae boni in libros servare possunt c. Exempla vitae bonae in libros servare potest d. Exempla vitae bonae in libris servari possunt


He saw MANY OLD MEN on the street a. Multis senibus b. Multi seni c. Multum senum d. Multos senes


How many conjugations are there in latin a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four


I have the appearance of my mother a. Forma habet B. Formas habemus c. Formae habes d. Formam habeo


I think that MY SISTER OUGHT TO BE A STRICT TEACHER a. Soror mea magistram severam esse debet b. Soror mea magistra severa esse debet c. Sororem meam magistra severa esse debere d. Sororem mean magistram severam esse debere


In the sentence vilicus dicit se debere multa in villa reparare what case is multa a. Nominative b. Genitive c. Dative d. Accusative


In the sentence, vilicus dicit se debere multa in villa reparare what case is se? a. Nominative b. Genitive C. Dative d. Accusative


Latin nouns have all of the following EXCEPT a. Number b. Case. c. Gender d. Tense


Lucili is what case in the clause, id tibi dicam, Lucili a. Ablative b. Genitive c. Dative d. Vocative


Neuter endings of third declension adjectives follow the pattern of a. Tempus, temporis b. Gaudium, gaudii c. Caput, capitis d. Mare, maris


Non solum pueri praemia dari debent sed etiam puellae a. Rewards ought to be given not only to the boy but also the girl b. They ought to give not only the boy's rewards but also the girl's c. not only ought the boys to give rewards but also the girls d. Not only boys but also girls ought to be given rewards


Poteratisne hostes vincere? a. Weren't you able to conquer the enemy? b. Could the enemy be conquered c. Couldn't the enemy be defeated d. Were you able to defeat the enemy


The Romans see the camp of the Greeks a. Romani castraorum Graeci vident B. Castra romanorum graeca videt c. Graeci castris romanus videt D. Romani castra Graecorum vident


The best translation of amabo te, narra mihi fabulam is a. I loved you when you told me a story b. I would love you if you would tell me a story c. I will tell you a pleasing (loveable) story d. I will you, tell me a sotry


The best translation of vir de consilio suo cogitat is A. The man think about their plan b. The man thinks about her plan c. The man thinks about his plan d. The man thinks about his own plan


The boy and the girls are very afraid of the wolf in the field of the farmer a. Pueri est puellae valde timent lupae in agrum agricolam b. Pueri et puellae lupam in agricolae agris valde timet c. Pueri est puellae lupae in agricolae agro valde timentis d. Pueri et puellae lupam in agro agricolae valde timent


The ending -um in the second declension indicates all of the following except a. Accusative singular masculine b. Nominative singular neuter c. Accusative singular neuter d. Genitive plural masculine


The first person plural future tense form of possum, posse is a. Potero b. Poteritis c. Poterunt d. Poterimus


The form petam is A) accusative feminine singular B) first person present active C) first person present passive D) first person future active


The form petentur is best translated as A) they are being sought B) they were being sought C) they will seek D) they will be sought


The girl was saved BY A BRAVE SOLDIER a. A militi forti b. A militi forte c. A milite forte d. A milite forti


The grammatical term used to indicate the time in which an action is taking place a. Stem b. Person c. Number d. Tense


The imperative plural is of ponere a. Pone b. Ponere c. Ponete d. Ponite


The imperfect and future forms of datur are a. Dabantur, dabuntur B. Dabatur, dantur c. Dabatur, dabuntur d. Dabatur, dabitur


The nominative case is used for the predicate nominative and the a. Verb b. Direct object c. Object of a preposition d. Subject


The sailors are waiting for their beautiful daughters a. Filiae pulchrae a nautis exspectantur b. Nautae filiabus pulchris exspectant c. Nautae filiis pulchris exspectantur d. Nautae filias pulchras exspectant


The sentence The girls with whom we will walk will be friends is best rendered into latin as a. Puellae, quibuscum ambulamus, poterunt amicae b. Pullae, quibuscum abulabimus, sunt amicae c. Puellae, quibusum ambulabamus, erant amicae d. Puellae, quibuscum ambulabimus erunt amicae


We are often judged by our teachers a. Magistras semper iudicamus b. Magistris semper iudicari possumus c. De magistris saepe iudicare possumus d. A ,agistris saepe iudicamur


We should come with you is best rendered into latin a. Debemus cum vestri venire b. Debemus cum vestris venire c. Debemus cum tuis venire d. Debemus vobiscum venire


What preposition is used with an ablative of agent? a. Ex b. De c. in d. ab


When an active verb in a sentence is changed to the passive form the direct object becomes a. An ablative of agent b. The indirect object c. A predicate nominative d. The subject


Which of the following does not belong gramatically a. Ab b. De c. ex d. Ad


Which of the following does not belong on the basis of gender? a. Dues, dei b. Equus, equi c. Nox, noctis d. Hostis, hostis


Which of the following does not contain a substative? a. Multi ad americam navigant b. Dei malas non amant c. Aeneas cum amicis ad Italiam navigat d. Viri feminis pulchris dona dant


Which of the following is not a vocative? a. Tullia b. Puer c. Agricolae d. Servius


Which of the following is not an infinitive a. Solere b. Posse c. Esse d. Saepe


Which of the following sentences translated into latin would use the dative case? A. Lets go to the beach B I would love to visit them C. Did you give the poison or did he D. Clare is entrusting her life to you


Which two cases have the same plural endings? a. Nominative and genitive b. Genitive and dative c. Dative and accusative d. Ablative and dative


Which two forms in the second declension are the same? a. Nominative singular and accusative singular b. Genitive singular and dative singular c. Nominative plural and accusative plural d. Genitive singular and nominative plural


Which word does not belong by gender? a. Agricola b. Poeta. c. Nauta d. Terra


the present passive infinitive of an -io third conjugation verb is formed by a. Changed the final -e to an -i b. Adding -e to the stem c. Adding an -ei to the stem d, dropping the -ere and adding an -i


Typically the genitive case is used to show possession but what other case is also sometimes used?


What case is used for the indirect object?


What is the definition for filia


Give the meaning of the capitalized word: agricola FILIAS curant


My brother says HE OUGHT to come to the party


The pronouns, is, ea, and id primarily follow the pattern of first and second


A. Of a sparrow. Deliciae... B. With a finger. Oculis..... C. With eyes. Verba..... D. Of sisters. Passeris..... E. Mistresses. Amores... F. Pet. Digito... G. Old men. Dominas.... H. Peace. Soroum... I. Loves. Pax... J. Words. Senes.....

Deliciae: F Oculis: C Verba: J Passeris: A Amores: I Digito: B Dominas: E Soroum: D Pax: H Senes: G

The third person plural perfect active indicative of dico is


She thinks her mother TEACHES her well


I think YOU ARE a goodd student


The general think the soldiers ARE in the fort


T or F Tenebrae only has singular forms


T or F The noun puer mean purity


T or F There is an imperative form for all three persons


T or F a relative pronoun always take the same case as its antecedent


T or F appropinquabantur is future passive


T or F nauta is a feminine noun


T or F neuter nominative plural forms always end in -i


T or F the imperfect tense indicates completed action in the past


T or F the largest of the four conjugation is the fourth


T or F the noun castra belongs to the first declension


T or F the noun vinculum means posion


T or F the perfect active endings are the same as those used in other tenses


T or F the perfect tense indicates continuous action in the past


T or F the preposition a/ab takes the accusative case


T or F the present tense means "not perfect, not accomplished"


T or F the verb credo, credere is followed by the ablative case


T or F the verb possum means to place


T or F the verb timeo means to hold


T or f the future equivalent of sunt is erant


True or False the imperative form is an example of a verb voice


What is the feminine form of the adjective facilis, facile


True or False an adverb is work that modifies nouns or pronouns?


True or Flase a poeta is a sailor


Match A. Iustos. Filias... B. Bonas Agricolarum..... C. Iusto. Praemia.... D. Bonorum. Poeta... E. Magna. Animos...

Filias: B Agricolarum: D Praemia: E Poeta: C Animos: A

The ...... part has the "i" subject built right in

First principle

What determines the case used for a relative pronoun

Function in the relative clause

One can determine the declension of a noun by looking at what singular case?


What case is used to show possesion?


What is the definition for puella


What auxiliary verb does the perfect tense use in English when it refers to an action just completed before the present?

Have or has

Meaning of curat

He/she/it cares for

Meaning of est

He/she/it is

Meaning of amat

He/she/it loves

Meaning of ambulat

He/she/it walks to

The present stem is used for creating the forms of what three tenses

Imperfect, present, and future

What are the three latin verb tenses formed on the present stem

Imperfect, present, and future

Matching A. Of the good athletes. In castra.... b. In the great war. Agricolae boni.... c. To italy. Qualis poeta..... D. Of the good farmer. Athletarum bonorum... e. For just men. In magno bello.... f. What kind of poet. Viris iustis..... g. A big boy. In castris..... h. Out of the water. Ad italiam....... i. In the camp. Puer magnus..... j. Into the camp. Ex aqua........

In castra: J Agricolae boni: D qualis poeta: F Athletarum bonorum: A In magno bello: B Viris iustis:E In castris: I Ad italiam: C Puer magnus: G Ex aqua: H

The mood used for simple statements of fact is the


A construction which begins with a very of saying, thinking, knowing, or telling is followed a type of construction whose verb is an


In a negative command the word noli is followed by the


What is the neuter form of the adjective ingens (ingentis)


What type of verbs typically identify states of being, remaining, coming, and going

Intransitive verbs

I know I ENVY all poets


What is the second person singular passive of iubeo, iubere?


The second person singular passive in the present tense differs from the same verb form in the future only by the absence of a


The girls think they are STAYING in town tonight


Match a. Between us. Mox..... B. Red berries. Poma rubra... c. In a cave. In spelunca... d. Secretly. Poterunt... e. Now, already. Iam... f. Meanwhile. Clam... g. Into the cave. In speluncam... h. They will be able. Inter nos... i. They will be seen. Interea... j. Soon. Videbuntur...

Mox: J Poma rubra: B In spelunca: C Poterunt: H Iam: E Clam: D In specluncum: G Inter nos: A Interea: F Videbantur: I

Second declension nouns with a nominative singular ending -um are what in gender


What is the gender of consilium, consili


What case is used to identify the predicate nominative of a sentence?


What case is used to identify the subject of a sentence?


The three cases of neuter nouns which have the same forms are

Nominative, accusative, and vocative

Put the cases in order: Dative, nominative, genitive, ablative, and accusative

Nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative

An adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in

Number, case, and gender

An adjective agrees with its noun in - , -, and case, but not necessarily in declension

Number, gender

Matching: A. The "to" form of a verb. b. The term for "singular" or "plural" c. The term describing the subject as a speaker. d. A group of verbs operating in the same way e. The long mark over a vowel f. The "doer" of the action of a verb g. How subjects and verbs fit together h. An english word formed from latin i. The time of a verb j. The pieces of a latin verb Number.... Derivative... Conjugation.... Principle parts.... tense... Subject... Infinitive... Person.... Macron... Agreement...

Number: B Derivative: H Conjugation: D Principle parts: J Tense: I Subject: F Infinitive: A Person: C Macron: E Agreement: G

The first principal part of a Latin verb usually ends in the letter


What type of genitive is used in the phrase: love of country?


The Romans say they are PREPARING for war


What type of genitive is used in the phrase: a group of us?


Match A. Into my city. Patres... B. In my city. Se gerit... C. We are coming. In ubre mea.... d. He behaves. Venimus.... e. Who. Sciri... f. Because of the war. Quis... g. Heads. Propter bellum..... h. I am heard. In urbem meam.... I. Senators. Capita... j. To be known. Audior...

Patres: I Se gerit: D In urbe mea: B Venimus: C Sciri: J Quis: E Propter bellum: F In urbem meam: A capita: G audior:H

What tense indicates either a single act in the past or a completed action


Change the number of the capitalized word: filia POETAM amat


I know I AM ABLE to do math


Mihi sunt multi amici. Mihi is a dative of


What is the second person singular form of possum


What is the third person plural perfect active indicative of possum


Match: A: nominative. Preposition... B: feminine. Number........ C: singular. Case........... D: with. Gender....

Preposition: D Number: C Case: A Gender: B

In whose villa are you staying? Pronoun or adjective


Quis and quid are examples of the interrogative -


To whom do you give money? Pronoun or adjective


What is your name? Pronoun or adjective


Who says that the trees are old? Pronoun or adjective


Whose book is this? Pronoun or adjective


In the sentence puella, quae Pyramus amat, est bona what is the antecedent and the relative pronoun

Puella, quae

Interrogative adjectives are identical in their forms to the - pronouns


When conjugating possum, the root pot- changes to pos- before a/an


What principle part is most helpful for determining the conjugation


What conjugation is soleo, solere

Second conjugation

Meaning of lupa


Give the second person singular future passive form of specto


Remove the final -re from the infinitive form the find the latin


An adjective used alone, ie, with a known implied is called a

Substantive adjective

T or F One should not use non to form a negative imperative


T or F The vocative singular form of amicus is amice


T or F a prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by a noun


T or F a relative cause is like an adjective because it modifies a noun


T or F adjectives have all three genders


T or F enclitics like -que and -ne are particles that are attached to the end of a word


T or F epistle is a fancy way of saying letter


T or F first and second conjugation verbs form the future tense in the same manner


T or F intransitive verbs do not have direct object


T or F passive voice is when the subject is receiving the action


T or F second declension masulcine nouns have nominatives that en in either -us or -r


T or F the adjective pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum means beautiful


T or F the forms petunt and fugiunt both belong to the third conjugation


T or F the fourth conjugation present passive infinitve ending is -iri


T or F the future equivalnet of poteratis is poteritis


T or F the latin noun littera has different meaning in the singular and the plural


T or F the latin word exemplar, exemplaris, n is a third declesnion i-stem noun


T or F the latin words for both hello and goodbye have to be well as their basic meaning


T or F the neuter noun castra is plural in form, but singular in english meaning


T or F the noun filius means son


T or F the passive infinitive is translated by using the -ed form of a verb after the words "to be"


T or F the perfect active ending are the same for all conjugations


T or F the preposistion cum takes the ablative case


T or F the preposition ad takes the accusative case


T or F the third person singular imprefect form of sum is erat


T or F the two letters ba are the common element in the formation of the imprefect tense


T or F the verb cogito means to think


T or F the verbs possum, debeo, and soleo usually take a complementary infintive


T or F the verbs sum and possum have no passive voice


T or F third conjugation -io verbs show a characteristic -i before certain endings


T or F third declension i-stem nouns end in ium in the genitive plural


T or F third declension nouns with a monosyllable nominative and a stem ending in two consonants are i-stems


T or F when a possessive adjective refers to the subject of the sentence it is called a reflexive adjective


What is the nominative and genitive singular forms of the latin word that means land?

Terra, terrae

What english word is often implied in the above construction although it is not expressed in the latin


Masculine and feminine nouns in the third declension have endings that are

The same

If a latin verb ends in nt its subject must be


Is, ea, and id are pronouns of what person?


The perfect stem is found in what principle part?


Verbs ending in -io which have an infinitive ending of -ere belong to which conjugation?


Do, habeo, and video are examples of what types of verbs


True or False Rome was founded in 753 BCE


True or False a pronoun is a word that takes place of a noun


True or False an agricola is a farmer?


Latin verbs have how many numbers?


The characteristic vowels of second declension are o and


To bid two people "goodbye" in latin you would say


Meus is to tuus as noster is to


What is the second person plural passive of video, videre


The irregular noun vis may be easily confused with the latin word - which is the latin term for man


What is the first person plural passive of voco, vocare


What case is used to address someone?


Ego is to nos as tu is to


Give the meaning of the capitlazied word: nauta AQUAM amat.


Meaning of bene


The relative pronoun can be translated who or


What auxiliary verb is used to translate the future tense in latin


The characteristic vowel of the first declension is a. E b. I c. A d. U


T or F the latin word mos, moris, m is a third declension i-stem noun


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