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The clause "It is inherently unequal to educate students with disabilities in separate facilities" helped give educational opportunities to students with disabilities. Which famous court case did this clause come from?

Brown v. Board of Education

During a school-wide screening as part of a multitiered system of support (MTSS), a teacher notices that a student's results are well below grade level in reading. This student is new to the school, but the parents report the student had no issues at the previous school. What should the teacher do next?

Notify the parents of the results so they are well informed throughout the process


changes the presentation, location, and timing of student responses, but does not change expectations or standards

One modification that could be made in materials used by students with mild disabilities is

changing the grade level difficulty

To identify students with specific learning disabilities, IDEA 2004 encourages school districts to use processes to determine whether a student responds to

research-based interventions


changes the expectation of the learning activity.

What essential MTSS component is described? MTSS restructures the educational system by creating shared responsibility and collaboration between general and special education to ensure the needs of all students are met.

.shared leadership


10 days per year Manifestation determination meeting needed after 10 days which will determine if disability is impacting or causing concerning behavior If you do proceed, by law you are required to provide FAPE. This includes, going to the home of the child and/or provide services that they are entitled to according to their IEP Behavior Intervention Plan- BIP- with a disciplinary action for student with serious emotional disability Ensure needs of students are being met

6 Principles of IDEA


Which law uses this assessment provision? Eligibility determination requires nondiscriminatory assessment procedures. Requires eligibility reevaluation prior to a "significant change" in placement.


Which law uses this definition of disability? A person with a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life function.

504 It is true that ADA uses this same definition. However, ADA includes a qualifier: The person must be qualified for the program, service or job.

If a student is suspected of having a learning disability, how long do schools have to complete an evaluation under the provisions of IDEA?

60 calendar days after receiving parental consent

What is the legal justification for Special Education?

Brown v Board of Education

referral for special education services?

A referral is a document requesting an evaluation to determine if a student qualifies for an education disability under IDEA. A referral can be requested by a parent, school staff member, or related service personnel.

Which of the following problems should trigger a referral under Section 504?

A student is referred by his or her parents or teacher for evaluation under Section 504. A student returns to school after a serious illness or injury A student was referred to special education but a decision was made not to evaluate him or her. A student has a chronic health condition A student was referred to special education but was determined not to be eligible for services under the IDEA

Which law uses this assessment provision? Detailed statements from a disability service provider Detailed statement from a medical professional Functional assessment as required by the agency Personal journals or logs


FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education)

As guaranteed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), schools must provide each qualifying child with disabilities a program of education and related services individually designed to meet that child's unique needs and from which the child receives educational benefit including being prepared for further education, employment, and independent living; this provision of education and related services is without cost to the child's parents or guardians, except for fees equally imposed on the parents or guardians of children without disabilities. Every IEP you write must be designed to deliver FAPE to a student based on that specific student's unique needs.

What did Larry P. v. Riles (1979) find regarding standardized tests used for assessment and placement in special education?

Assessment testing biases result in discrimination of students from different cultural, social, and linguistic groups.

What did Hobson v. Hansen determine about using standardized aptitude tests for special education assessment and placement?

Assessments, ability tracking, and ability grouping systems cannot be culturally or racially biased.

LRE is based on which factors?

Benefits of peer modeling interests of students who are not disabled. The stigma of separate placement

Which education model would support examination of a student's medical history to obtain insights about present behavior?

Biophysical model

Two major court cases helped define how FAPE is to be delivered

Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley (1982) Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District (2017).

A popular software program designed for struggling readers is used often at your school. You notice teachers ask students without reading difficulties to sit next to the struggling readers and help them answer questions correctly. What response or action should you take?

Bring the problem to the attention of your superior or principal. This is a misuse of specially designed services for specific students to improve reading.

Cases that go the ball rolling

Brown, Mills, PARC Really established special education, civil rights and then the entitlements related to IDEA

How can special education teachers strengthen active listening skills?

By practicing active listening often and seeking mentorship

Sara is a fourth grader with an IEP. Lately, she has been withdrawn and does not participate in activities. Her special education teacher is concerned and has been gathering data about the frequency of these behaviors and how it has been affecting her learning. The teacher has requested an IEP meeting to discuss the concerns with the parents and the rest of the IEP team. The parents returned the meeting notice and marked they would not be attending. The teacher thinks the reason they declined is because they know Sara has regressed and are tired of hearing the same things. How can the teacher proceed to provide support at school and home?

Call the parents to let them know about Sara's regression and try to find a time they can meet. If they still decline, set up a second IEP meeting, inviting the parents, and hold it with the team. Parents are not required to attend any type of meeting. During this meeting, the team may decide that additional services or changes are required to meet Sara's educational needs. Parents would get a copy of the new IEP after the meeting even if they do not attend.

What should a special education teacher do prior to creating a behavior intervention plan for a student needing support with behavior issues?

Conduct a functional behavior assessment

Which method is an appropriate implementation of screening for multitiered systems of support (MTSS)?

Conducting universal screening early in the year

What are school district responsibilities related to IEE (independent educational evaluation)?

Consider the results of the IEE The IEE is independent from the school district. While the district MAY consider the information in the IEE, it is under no obligation to accept and implement IEE recommendations.

A new student has joined your class midyear. He is hard of hearing, uses American Sign Language, and recently left a residential school for the deaf because his parents felt he was not receiving an adequate education. There are sign language interpreters as part of the student's accommodations. The student tells you that he cannot understand the words in the textbook for the class because it is too complex for him. Which steps or actions should you pursue?

Contact the administrator and request a review of the student's records. Advocate for a special education evaluation on the basis that the student needs additional educational and learning support. It is not uncommon for families to try different schools if their child is in special education. The challenge of a special education teacher is identifying if their student is receiving the full benefit of services. Certain disability categories may have bias in services provided. Advocacy for the student needs to happen at the level of the individual.

When providing informal and formal testing for a student with a suspected learning disability, which criteria must evaluation instruments meet to be appropriate, according to IDEA?

Culturally, linguistically, developmentally, and age appropriate

In which case was it established that the general education classroom is not always the the LRE for a specific student?

Daniel RR

The primary purpose of Part B of the IDEA is to

Delineate the educational requirements of the law for school-age children

A seventh-grade student of color recently moved to a new school. The school is concerned about the student and refers him for special education testing. The school psychologist administers a group IQ exam that was biased toward Eurocentric culture which was not the student's culture. The exam determines that the student 's IQ is below average and qualifies him for special education services. Which cases relates to this scenario?

Diana and Larry P.

Which case ensures a student's right to FAPE, regardless of native language?

Diana v. California State Board of Education In this case, nine Mexican-American students were placed in special education classes based on an assessment delivered in English. This case ruled that assessments related to eligibility for services must be delivered in the students' native language. It also determined that IQ testing cannot be the only form of assessment used to determine placement.

After completing the year as a new teacher, you are pleased to find out that many of your students have positive praise for you. As class rosters are being completed for the upcoming new year, you discover students assigned to you next year have behavioral and emotional challenges. You ask the principal for clarification. The principal explains that she collaborated with the special education teacher and determined that you would be the appropriate fit based on student needs, teaching styles, and learning styles. As a new teacher, you feel that you are not qualified due to lack of experience or formal training working with students with emotional and behavioral challenges. What response aligns with standards of the profession?

Discuss with the principal that you do not have the education, training, and professional capacity to work with students with disabilities. If a teacher does not have the appropriate skills or training to work with specific students or a disability, this is a disservice to the student, family, and the profession. It could also violate several laws and rules. It would be an injustice to the students who do not have disabilities in the classroom because the teacher would be dedicating disproportionate resources to meet the needs of these specific students. Principle 2 of the CEC Code of Ethics states special educators are committed to "Maintaining a high level of professional competence and integrity and exercising professional judgment to benefit individuals with exceptionalities and their families."

What role do administrators serve in an IEP meeting?

District representative during an IEP meeting

Until 1990 the IDEA was known as the

Education for All Handicapped Children Act

How you will identify whether an English Language Learner has a disability is complex. What are the requirements for assessment of an ELL student for IEP eligibility determination? Mark all that apply.

Ensure the selected assessments measure the extent to which a student has a disability and requires special education and not measure the student's English language skills. The assessments are administered in the students primary mode of communication Determine the language the student normally uses and test in that language

The primary purpose of Part D of the IDEA is to

Fund activities that support the education of students with disabilities (e.g., teacher training programs, research).

Which cases focus on this principle of IDEA: non-biased, multidisciplinary evaluation?

Hobsen v Hanson, Diana, and Larry P

Cases-Use of IQ scores

Hobson VS Hansen Diana Larry P

Which three cases pertain to non-biased, multidisciplinary evaluation?

Hobson v Hansen, Diana, Larry P.

Cases-Disability Related Behavior

Honig VS Doe

Which law uses an IEP as the planning document?


Which law uses this assessment provision? A comprehensive, nondiscriminatory eligibility evaluation in all areas of suspected disability conducted by a multidisciplinary team; reevaluations every three years


Which law uses this definition of disability: 13 categories plus the state/local definition of developmentally delayed


Part B of IDEA serves students of what ages?

IDEA has four parts, which combined cover children from birth through 21. But Part B only covers children from 3 through 21.

What significant ruling for special education came from Larry P. v. Riles (1979)?

IQ assessments cannot be used as the sole basis for identifying students with a disability.

There several laws that address rights and access for individuals with disabilities. _________________ addresses rights, protections, and education specifically for students in schools, while the _________________ addresses rights and accessibility for all individuals in both public and private sectors.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) /Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)

IEP are part of _______________. 504s are part of _________________________.

Induvial with Disabilities Education Act/Section 504 of the Rehabilitative Act of 1973

The case in which the U.S. Supreme Court first addressed the issue of related services and the IDEA was

Irving ISD v. Tatro

What is the description for the ethical perspective of Critique?

Is the law itself just? What are things the way they are?

When making an eligibility determination, IDEA 2004 does not allow a student to be determined to have a disability and be eligible for special education if the determining factor is

Learning English as a new language

In ______, the court extended a previous decision to include all children with disabilities.

Mills v. Board of Education, District of Columbia

Which court case ruling led to the IDEA principle of "Zero Reject?"

PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania This case established that children with mental retardation had the right to a public education in Pennsylvania. The ruling also specified that the state should provide education and training equal to that of their peers, which paved the way for more inclusive learning environments that allowed students with disabilities the right to receive an education in the least restrictive environment.

What are three symptoms that are typically experienced by a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Struggling to sustain attention Being easily distracted by extraneous stimuli Having difficulty remaining physically still

What are the requirements for informing parents of the Procedural Safeguards, according to the provisions of IDEA?

Parents must be advised of the Procedural Safeguards at least once a year.

A kindergarten student, Malik, is having difficulty with emotions and behavior that are negatively affecting his school environment. The school staff calls a planning meeting with Malik's parents to determine ways they can help him at school. Malik's parents invite his private therapist to the meeting. Two weeks after the meeting, the therapist recommends that Malik be tested for special education. The school denies the request for testing since it did not come from Malik's parents. Which part of IDEA has been violated in this scenario?

Persons with knowledge about a student may make a referral to determine eligibility for special education services

During an IEP annual review, which portion of the IEP should the team review first?

Present levels of performance

The Rowley and Endrew cases provided today's rules for when FAPE is being delivered. Which is the correct definition of FAPE?

Procedural correctness in implementing IDEA requirements and the student makes progress in the general education curriculum.

Data Based Individualization

Progress Monitoring (2)-the teacher gathers progress monitoring data and evaluates these data against a student's instructional or behavioral goals to determine progress. If the student's progress is sufficient, the teacher continues to implement the intensified program, evaluate progress, and adjust goals as appropriate. However, if the student's progress is insufficient, the teacher will need to further intensify the intervention. Diagnostic Assessment (3)- help teams determine the nature of the intervention change needed. If after receiving the intensified version of the secondary intervention program the student's progress is insufficient, the team uses progress monitoring data, in combination with other diagnostic information and analysis of the current program, to identify intervention changes that may be effective for the student. Diagnostic assessment tools may include standardized measures, error analysis of progress monitoring data and work samples, or a functional behavioral assessment, among others. These assessment data allow teachers to identify specific areas of difficulty when a lack of progress is evident, and can inform decisions about how to adapt the intervention. Adaptation of the Intervention (4): Using multiple data sources, the teacher or team makes a decision to adapt the intervention program to target a very specific need. Strategies for intensifying an intervention often occur along several dimensions. Quantitative changes (e.g., smaller group size, more time) are often the first step in the intensification process, but they are often not sufficient for students with the most intensive needs. As a result, additional qualitative changes may also be necessary, such as altering: *the way content is delivered (e.g., more carefully aligning skills with students' needs, providing more systematic, explicit instruction), *how a student responds (e.g., more opportunities or practice with feedback), or *the environment (e.g., providing instruction in a setting that minimizes distractions). Continued Progress Monitoring, Analysis, and Adaptation (5): After revising the student's instructional program, the teacher continues to collect progress monitoring data to determine whether the student's response is adequate. As needed, the teacher may also conduct further diagnostic assessment, adapting the intervention iteratively, thereby allowing for alignment of the intervention with the student's unique learning needs.

Dyslexia is a name for learning difficulties in which area?


Across the hall are two teachers whom you work with closely and are also good friends. The three of you are discussing the dread of "IEP season" and how creating new goals and performance levels is tedious work. One of the teachers suggests everyone get together at their home over the weekend to complete all the IEPs at once and support each other. What is the next step in response to this collaboration?

Remind the teacher that IEPs should not be taken outside of the school and revising IEPs is a legal and confidential process that should not include other teachers.

The administrator calls a staff meeting one week before the statewide assessment period. The administrator informs everyone at the meeting that students who seem to struggle with multiple-choice items can be given simple clue prompts but not the obvious answer. Which action can a teacher take that supports professional ethics?

Report the meeting and information to an administrator and human resources because the suggestion constitutes violation of multiple rules and laws. Administrators are bound by laws and rules of federal mandates, school districts, and school ethics and expectations. Unless specifically included in a student's IEP or test accommodations, no teacher should assist a student during a test.


Rowley Endrew Daniel RR

Which case(s) informed this standard? The IEP must be federally compliant and the child must benefit from the services provided by the district so that s/he receives educational benefit.

Rowley and Endrew

What was the key ruling of Board of Education v. Rowley (1982)?

Schools only have to provide children with disabilities access to education equal to that provided to other children. Board of Education v. Rowley was the first Supreme court case to address any issue in IDEA. The focus was to "give content to the requirement of an 'appropriate education."

In which of the following ways does Section 504 differ from the IDEA? Mark all that apply.

Section 504 is enforced by the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education. IDEA is enforced by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education. Section 504 applies all ages of people with disabilities; IDEA serves students birth - 21 (or at high school graduation)

Which law eliminates barriers that would prevent students from full participation in programs or services offered to the general school population?

Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits recipients of federal funds from discriminating on the basis of disability.

Which three conditions are necessary for students to be considered eligible for special education services?

Students must require special education services because of their disability. Students must have one of the disabilities identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) eligibility categories. Students must experience an adverse educational or functional impact due to a disability.

residential facility

Students who receive a special education in a public or private residential facility, at public expense, 24 hours a day.

separate class

Students who receive special education and related services in the regular classroom for less than 40% of the school day. commonly known as self-contained classroom wherein pupils, usually those with more sever disabilities, receive full time instruction or, in a modified version, participate in nonacademic aspects of school activities. classroom is located in typical school building.

What is least restrictive environment?

Students with disabilities should spend as much time as possible with peers who do not receive special education. one of the most crucial legal requirements in special education. This law states that students should not be unnecessarily segregated unless educationally necessary.

Cases-Related Services


The U.S. Supreme Court held in ______ that catheterization qualifies as a related service

Tatro v. State of Texas, 1980

nondiscriminatory evaluation

Tests are administered in the child's native language. Tests are appropriate for the child's age and characteristics. More than one test is used to assess the presence of a disability. A knowledgeable professional administers and interprets assessment results. Assessments occur in all areas of suspected disability

Anna, a middle-school student, has just started at a new school in the middle of the school year due to her parents relocating for a new job. Anna's first language is French, but she is near fluent in English. The school she had previously attended had a French/English bilingual education program. Because Anna has dysgraphia, she received special education services at her previous school. What happens to Anna's IEP and services after transferring to the new school?

The IEP and services stay and continue with Anna until a new evaluation is completed if the state has different requirements regarding evaluation processes.

What is the correct definition of reasonably calculated?

The IEP team will use their expert judgement informed by the child's progress, the child's potential for growth, and the views of the child's parents.

Which of the following administrative agencies monitors LEA (Local Education Agency) and SEA (State Education Agency) compliance with the IDEA?

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

What is the Rowley standard for FAPE?

The Rowley standard for FAPE states that the IEP is procedurally correct and the student receives a reasonable opportunity to learn which results in making progress in the general education curriculum.

A case conference is set to convene in a few days, and the general education teacher is not going to be available for the conference. The teacher has agreed to provide additional input to help develop the IEP. What is true regarding the general education teacher's attendance at this conference?

The general education teacher can be excused if the parents agree prior to the conference.

Mark all the elements that relate to LRE.

There is value in peer interactions for students with and without disabilities. Expectations for settings other than the general education classroom may be too low Separation is stigmatizing

The parents of a student with a disability complain that their child is not performing at grade level despite receiving special education services and interventions. What should the special education teacher tell the parents?

They have the right to request a review of their child's IEP.

The parents of a student with a disability are in an IEP meeting for their child. The parents do not agree with the IEP that is presented in the meeting. What should be the first step for these parents?

They should talk with school officials to try to reach an agreement.

Jack is an eighth-grade student. An IEP meeting has been convened to discuss the data gathered for him. The IEP administrator states that the team has determined Jack does not have a learning disability; therefore, he does not qualify for special education services. According to the data and his teachers, Jack can respond and complete classwork without interventions. The parents disagree because Jack does not receive high grades. How should the team explain the decision to his parents?

To have an educational disability, Jack must experience unresponsiveness despite differentiated instruction and intervention.

Multitiered systems of supports (MTSS) is used as an umbrella term that encompasses both response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). True or False


What are the key elements of an MTSS framework?

Universal screening, progress monitoring, data-based decision-making, school-wide support, and family involvement

A school would not be required to provide the notice of procedural safeguards to parents in which situation?

When their child's special education teacher will be taking a leave of absence for medical reasons. Parents would appreciate being notified when there is a change in personnel that might affect their child's learning, but this would not require the school to provide the notice of procedural safeguards.

Free appropriate public education *FAPE

Zero reject policy Two major components: (1) the services provided must be free, meaning they must be provided at public expense and at no cost to the parents and (2) the services provided must be appropriate for the student, based on the student's individual, unique needs. 3 The definition of FAPE also requires that the special education and related services provided meet the standards of the state educational agency; include an appropriate preschool, elementary, or secondary school education in the state involved; and be provided in conformity with the student's individualized education program.

A complete IEP must include all of the following except. . .

a description of home visits and parent interviews.

What is RTI - Response to Intervention?

a general education framework that focuses on addressing academic concerns early


a written statement for each child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised at least once a year by a team including educators, parents, the student whenever appropriate, and others who have knowledge or expertise needed for the development of the student's special education program. The key word is individualized.

A School Psychologist

administers individual intelligence tests, personality inventories, and observations. Provide a variety of data gathered from their assessments and observations to assist the team

According to the Supreme Court in Rowley, IDEA established a "basic floor of opportunity." The court defined this as

an education equal to that provided to students without disabilities.

IQ tests

are useful predictors of school achievement. measure academic aptitude

In 1990 what two disability categories were added to IDEA?

autism spectrum disorder and traumatic brain injury

Section 504 and the ADA are similar in that they both primarily address

discrimination, access and removal of barriers

A common learning challenge associated with a learning disability that makes it difficult to complete math tasks, such as addition, subtraction, and division is


The ADA is similar to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, however, the ADA

extends the scope of 504 Both laws focus on preventing discrimination, providing access, and removing barriers. 504 applies in agencies receiving federal funding. ADA applies in all areas.

According to the two-part Daniel RR test, in judging a school's compliance with LRE the court first must ask whether the child could be educated in the regular classroom with supplemental aids and services. If they cannot, the court must ask. . .

if the child been integrated with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.

What are due process rights and procedural safeguards under IDEA? Mark all that apply.

independent educational evaluation parent participation dispute resolution options confidentiality of information stay put right access to education records informed written consent procedural safeguards notice

Students with this disability have deficits in taking care of themselves.

intellectual disability

Students with this disability may take longer to learn things because of IQ limitations.

intellectual disability

What is prior written notice (PWN)

is written notification from the school telling parents that it is considering making certain decisions or taking certain actions regarding the child's education. The purpose is to provide parents with information so that they will be able to participate in the decision-making process

The case of PARC (Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens/Children) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is important because

it paved the way for students with intellectual disabilities to attend public school admittance, LRE, and due process.

Performance assessment

knowledge or skills are evaluated by having students perform an experiment, demonstrate a skill, or develop a product to show their understanding

PL 94-142

mandates meaningful parent involvement

The initial evaluation timeframe

must be conducted within 60 days of receiving parental consent for the evaluation, or if the state establishes a timeframe within which the evaluation must be conducted, within that timeframe.

Specific learning disabilities are attributed primarily to ______________ disorders.


Read the example of the academic difficulties students may face, and match it with type of learning disability it describes. The student experiences difficulty following a classroom demonstration which causes difficulty understanding conclusions and in replicating the demonstration.

nonverbal learning disorder

A reevaluation

not more than once a year and must occur once every three years (triennial review) The public agency and the parent may agree that the reevaluation is unnecessary [34 C.F.R. 300.303(b)(2)]. If such an agreement is reached, the three-year reevaluation need not be conducted. However, the public agency must continue to provide FAPE to the child.

Specific Learning Disability

often characterized by an unexplained challenge learning in a particular content area such as reading. example: Eva is a sixth-grade student who is a math whiz but has a difficult time comprehending what she reads in class. Eva gets along with everyone. She works hard. She finds herself reading and rereading the same pages, trying to find meaning in the text. Additionally, Eva experiences difficulty following directions, often missing important steps. She finds herself falling behind in class and feeling as though she cannot keep up with her peers.

LRE (Least Restrictive Environment)

part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) says that children who receive special education should learn in the least restrictive environment. This means they should spend as much time as possible with peers who do not receive special education. Your child should be with kids in general education to the "maximum extent that is appropriate." Special classes, separate schools, or removal from the general education class should only happen when your child's learning or thinking difference — a "disability" under IDEA — is so severe that supplementary aids and services can't provide your child with an appropriate education.

Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) instruments, or ________, typically include a ____________ of items from the curriculum.

probes, short sampling

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

protect the privacy rights of parents and children by requiring parental consent before private information about a student record can be shared with others. provides procedures for parents and students over the age of 18 to correct educational records they feel are not accurate. Parents and students over the age of 18 have the right to view these records. School districts must comply with a request by a parent or student over the age of 18 within a reasonable amount of time. A reasonable amount of time is usually considered to be 45 days or less after the request for records.

what schools must do to provide FAPE under IDEA.

provide related services to help child benefit from special education provide accommodations and modifications to help child make progress in the general education curriculum create an IEP to meet the unique needs of the child teach child in the leas restrictive environment provide special education to meet unique needs of child

Accommodations make changes in the learning environment that

provide the student access to the general education curriculum

A guidance counselor

provides aptitude test information and counseling services May also work with the team to develop or modify the student's class schedule

An occupational therapist

provides evaluation of fine motor skills, living skills, and self-help skills May screen, evaluate, provide direct services, or consult with teachers and parents. They may recommend appropriate assistive technology for the student.

Members of the multidisciplinary team include

school psychologist school nurse Gen Ed Teacher Social Worker SPED teacher Education Diagnostician Physical therpaist Behavior Consultant Speech/language therapist audiologist occupational therapist school counselor parents

Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District (2017).

stated that the expectations for a child's progress must be appropriate based on that child's circumstances. The decision reinforced the importance of focusing on the individual needs of a particular child, a major principle of IDEA. The decision focuses on the responsibility to offer specially designed instruction to meet the child's unique needs.

Regular Classroom

student spends at least 80% of the school day inside regular class


students placed in and receiving a special education in a hospital or homebound program

How does the purpose of an IEP differ from the purpose of a 504 plan?

students who receive an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must have a disability that meets the criteria outlined under IDEA. A Section 504 plan is appropriate for a student who might not meet the disability criteria but still has a disability that significantly affects their ability to learn in the general education classroom. Only students with an IEP qualify for specialized education services, but students who have a Section 504 plan can also have some accommodations or modifications to help them access the curriculum and learn in the inclusive environment.

separate school

students who receive special education and related services in a public or private separate date school for students with disabilities, at public expense, for more than 50% of the school day.

resource room

students who receive special education and related services in the regular classroom between 40-79% of the school day. students are "pulled out" of the regular classroom and receive specialized instruction or services in a separate classroom for limited periods of time. services may be individualized or offered in small groups

Curriculum-based assessment

students' performance is compared to that of classroom or school peers, not to a national sample, as is the case for most norm-referenced tests.

The primary vehicle or mechanism for providing a free appropriate public education is the

the IEP requirement of the IDEA. Under IDEA, the IEP is primary vehicle to deliver FAPE: free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet the child's unique needs and prepares the child for further education, employment and independent living.

An important distinction between the Section 504 responsibilities of elementary and secondary schools and those of postsecondary schools is that in elementary and secondary schools ____________, while in postsecondary schools_____________.

the schools have an affirmative duty to locate and serve students with disabilities; students must self-identify.

When an IEP teams determines a student's placement, which the following factors may be considered in deciding on the placement?

the student's IEP the LRE mandate of the IDEA. proximity of the proposed placement to the student's home school.

Differentiated instruction

the what and how of instruction is tailored to the student learning needs and preferences

504/ADAA impairment

used to refer to those students who qualify as having a disability under Section 504/ADAA, but who are not eligible for special education and related services under IDEA. As long as they also meet the "need" criterion, they are entitled to special education services as a protection under Section 504/ADAA

Portfolio assessment

writing samples may be collected over time to show the development of writing skills

When is a school-age student not eligible for special education services?

• the student does not meet the criteria for one or more of the 13 IDEIA disability classifications indicated in this chapter, or • the student meets the criteria but does not require special education services to benefit from instruction, or • the IEP team has concluded that limited English proficiency or the lack of instruction in reading or math is the determining factor in making the eligibility determination.

When is a school-age student eligible for special education services?

• the student meets the criteria for one or more of the 13 IDEIA disability classifications indicated in this chapter, and • the student requires special education services to benefit from instruction, and • the determining factor in making the eligibility determination is not limited English proficiency or lack of instruction in reading or math.

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