Law Enforcement communication and information systems- BLET 2020

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-Color -Year -Make -Body -All other -License tag number

NCIC handling code 3

-Contact TSC during this encounter -do not retain or arrest this individual unless there is evidence of a violation of federal, state, or local statutes -do not alert subject that his/her name appears on a watch list

NCIC handling code 4

-Officer safety and informational purposes only -do not arrest unless there is evidence of violation of federal, state, or local statutes -terrorist screening authorities should be contacted

criminal history record info files


functions of DCIN

-SBI's Division of Criminal Information Network maintains state's law enforcement/criminal justice computer network -links local, state, and national criminal justice agencies (police, sheriff, highway patrol, Department of Correction, SBI, FBI, district attorneys, and DMV) -DCIN provides access to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies hours a day

ABC's of police communications

-accuracy -brevity -clarity

serving warrants/criminal summons and other processes

-advise communication of your activity and exact location -officer should request verification of all warrants before execution --local agencies maintain local warrant files --in most counties, the clerk of court, criminal magistrate, police, and sheriff's office maintain local warrant files --officers should contact these through communication center, DCIN, or telephone, to verify warrant is in hand with agency --name, address, and any other available descriptions should be provided to obtain a correct match

requirements for wanted/missing person entries

-agency must have supporting documentation on hand -no delay for making an entry -DMV or criminal records checks should be made to obtain additional identifiers -provide all known alias info and physical descriptors -provide vehicle info when available

NCIC handling code 2

-approach with caution -may be a detainer available from the Department of Homeland Security for this individual -immediately contact TSC to ascertain if a detainer is available

NCIC handling code 1

-approach with caution -subject of an arrest warrant -contact TSC

know how radio works

-ascertain that your radio is on -vehicle-mounted units have indicator lights: green= receiver is on and transmitter is ready to use; red= button is depressed and radio is in transmit mode

always give mileage when

-beginning tour of duty -transporting prisoners, suspects, victims, juveniles, etc. -give location of starting point and destination as well as starting mileage to telecommunicator (log the starting time as given by telecommunicator) -inform the telecommunicator when you arrive at destination and give ending mileage (log ending time as assigned by telecommunicator) -ending tour of duty

phonetic alphabet

-clarify names that could be easily misinterpreted over radio, including street names, towns and cities, and brand names -specify alpha characters that occur in a series of alpha/numeric characters such as VIN, serial or model numbers, etc. -international and police phonetic alphabet (need to be familiar with both) -never substitute words from one alphabet for those in another (confusing and misunderstanding) -do not use make-up words in place of either alphabet -use appropriate phonetic alphabet when spelling names -use correct phonetic alphabet when broadcasting alpha/numeric information

International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network- NLETS

-communication system established by law enforcement and criminal justice agencies for interstate exchange of criminal justice info -NLETS computer system allows communication between each of the 50 states and Canada

immigration violators

-criminal agencies who have been convicted of a felony and deported from the US -records entered only by Immigration and Customs Enforcement

inquiries into AOC files

-criminal defendant name inquiry -criminal court record -criminal defendant individual record -defendant/witness court schedule

Telephone as a tool

-customer service: viewers customer, protect and serve, have positive attitude and control of temper -Telephone etiquette: attune phone demeanor to service, be civil, understanding, polite, and respectful, -communicating artfully: flexibility, empathy, professionalism

Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Automated Data (CJLEADS)

-database of comprehensive information about criminals that can be accessed via the web in seconds -integrates data found within the state's various database -created to replace the data from multiple systems and places, thus reducing the risk of overlooking critical data and improves the information needs of law enforcement agencies

Think about what you want to say before

-easy to lose train of thought after beginning a broadcast message -use more airtime, trying to correct mistakes

Crisis callers

-emotions, emotions, and more emotions: Don't take it personally -categorizing the caller: each call unique; caller has different/no coping techniques -reaction to panic: use customer service skills, let them know what you are doing, and control your feelings -persistent repetition: repeat same question using same words and tone of voice, and increase firmness until control is gained -dealing with stress: recognize stress levels and talk about what is bothering you with a friend or professional, find hidden rewards- respect physical and emotional wellness

Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LInX Carolinas)

-federal cooperative regional system for sharing law enforcement data contained in the electronic records management systems (RMS) and the computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems of the participating local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies that is updated daily -created after USS COLE bombing and 9/11 terrorist attack

The initial link

-first impressions: you represent help to the color and be mentally and physically prepared for anything -speed of response: answer your phone quickly, answering quickly shows professionalism, sharpness, attentiveness, and concern -Final outcome: use common courtesy no matter what, termination of call affects how the field units are received, control temper even if caller can't

Radio settings

-handheld radio is adequately charged -know what channel to be using for specific radio transmissions -know how to maneuver from radio channel and public address system -cannot transmit mobile radio within proximity of handheld unit and vice-versa because of feedback -mobile data terminal (MDT) improper use can result in policy violations -if you have malfunctioning, report immediately and get working equipment

microphone techniques

-hold mic 1-2 inches from mouth -hold mic slanted toward face at a 30-45 degree angle -talk across mic -use normal voice -don't rush your mic or talk too fast -always identify unit before transmitting your message; assigned patrol vehicle, use car number -with background noise, place mic against larynx and speak in normal voice


-identifiable descriptors -arrest info -court disposition data -custody/supervision -inquiry can be made using a name only if other info is not available; more info used the better the accuracy for a hit

gang file and known or appropriately suspected terrorist file

-identifying info regarding violent criminal gangs and terrorist organizations and their known members -watch listed by Terrorist Screening Center (TSC)

uses of criminal history/investigations

-investigations -bond hearings -court proceedings -issuance of weapons permits -criminal justice employment

juvenile offenders

-laws of the state of residence of the parent, guardian, person, or agency, entitled to legal custody of such juvenile -juveniles who are adjudged delinquent who has escaped from an institution vested with legal custody or who have absconded probation or parole and juveniles charged with the commission of a delinquent act that would be a crime if committed by an adult and has fled from the state where the act was committed

record inquiries

-made upon request of an officer or investigator and is made using info supplied by such requestor (more info used, more likelihood of obtaining a correct match)


-maintains an Interstate Identification Index (national identification index for criminal histories) -No record response should not be taken to mean that the subject does mot have a criminal record -response means only that the subject does not have an index on that particular computer

North Carolina Administrative Office of the courts

-may contain info on felony, misdemeanor, and traffic charges against individual -an AOC response, which indicates an unserved warrant on file against an individual, is not probable cause to arrest the individual

Out-of-state date available through NLETS

-out of state vehicle registration -out of state driver's license info -out of state boat registration -out of state criminal history info -out of state probation, parole and corrections info -hazardous materials info -out of state criminal justice related administrative messages -Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC) -National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) -Immigration and customs enforcement -out of state sexual offender records

standard format for broadcasting personal descriptions

-physical description (head to toe) -clothing descriptions (head to toe and inside-out) -weapons stated last- the last thing said is the first thing remembered

stolen articles

-property or merchandise identifiable by a unique serial or owner-applied number -appliances, bicycles, livestock


-state model year -all vehicle can be described as a 95 Chevrolet or 86 Ford -All vehicles on road were made after 1900

unidentified persons

-unidentified deceased -unidentified catastrophe victims -unidentified living persons (amnesia victims, young children, etc)

Do not use pronouns

-use words that describe who you are talking about -use words such as suspect, victim, and witness -address other officers by their unit call sign or number

general radio procedures

-voice quality -composure -courtesy

5 W's

-where -what -when -who -weapons

when stopping vehicles, the following info must be broadcasted

-your unit number and exact location of the stop -license number, and state if possible, of the vehicle number stopped -brief description of vehicle and how many occupants -nature of the stop

CJLEADS 2 objectives

1) system will provide a comprehensive view of an offender's NC criminal info in a single web-based application 2) system will allow users to develop a watch list of persons of interest and will notify the users when that person of interest has a change in status, such as an arrest warrant, pending court date, or release from custody

always give location when

1. Responding to a suspicious person 2. Stopping a vehicle 3. You leave your patrol car.

requirements for property entries

1. Serial numbers, makes and models 2. Owner-applied numbers on all non-gun items 3. OAN CANNOT be used on gun entries. 4. VIN and license plate info. should be provided on stolen vehicles in order for the record to be retained for 90 days.

A- phonetic alphabet







Color information needed except in events where multiple calls are being reported it also involves other relationships in the car, personal information, descriptions, and past history




Determines the potential severity of the situation



National Instant Check System (NICS)

FBI maintains NICS, which is a national database for determining whether an individual is disqualified under state/federal law from purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm










In any volatile situation, ask about weapons, type of weapons, the availability of weapons, or if there's any mention of weapons -Never send field units to potentially dangerous situation without advisement on weapons








Location of the incident in color are always the first question









3 parts of a broadcast message

Preamble Text Authority


Priority assignments often directly related to win a call has occurred; never assume when something has happened always ask —Especially on belated calls, a timeframe will be needed



Files maintained by NCIC

Wanted persons Missing persons unidentified persons US Secret Service protective foreign fugitives violent gang/terrorist organizations.

stolen vehicles

a vehicle is any motor-driven conveyance designed to carry an operator except for boats -cars, trucks, tractors, airplanes, motorcycles, riding lawnmowers, trailers, etc.

all other

all additional information -most important related to vehicle descriptions -allows to positively identify vehicle you are attempting to locate -broadcast special antennas, body damage/custom paint jobs, or equipment like fog lights

keep your broadcast message brief, if possible

blocking airtime could prove dangerous to other officers needing to get on the radio


body style

record updates

entries should be updated by entering agency if -additional identifiers are obtained at any time in the ongoing investigation -original data entered is incorrect

identity theft

file will allow law enforcement agencies to enter information into NCIC on victims of identity theft

foreign fugitives

fugitives wanted in another country who may be in the US -records entered only by US Interpol

NC Sexual Offender Registration Files

identifying info on persons convicted of certain sex offenses who are required to register with the sheriff of the county in which they reside -info is entered only by local Sheriff's Office

NC Concealed Handgun Permit File

identifying information on persons who have applied for and have been issued permits to carry concealed handguns -info entered only by the issuing Sheriff's Office

United States Secret Service Protective

individual who may pose a threat to a protectee such as the President -records entered only by the US States Secret Service in DC

adult offenders

individuals, including juveniles, who will be tried as an adult, for whom a federal, felony, or misdemeanor warrant is outstanding, also includes probation and parole violators


keep color description simple -use primary colors and describe from top to bottom


make all conversations short by complete use proper codes and clear speech


make sure info that you broadcast is correct be exact in giving locations, descriptions, etc


name of manufacturer -Ford mustang, Toyota Corolla

protection orders

national file of domestic violence orders entered by NC and other states

sexual offender registry

national file of registered sexual offenders entered by NC and other states

record removal

once stolen property is recovered or wanted/missing person is apprehended, your agency must immediately remove that property or persons record from DCIN/NCINN files -responsibility of case officer or detective to request the removal of record

North Carolina Warrant Repository (NCAWARE)

only houses info specific to NC -helps officer identify specific info on individuals and gently enhances officer safety -AOC developed NCAWARE

missing persons

person who has been reported missing and meet one of the following -disabled -endangered -involuntary -runaway juvenile -catastrophe victim -other

convicted person on supervised release

persons under the supervision of a criminal justice supervision agency and convicted of felonies, serious misdemeanors, or federal crimes

North Carolina Department of Corrections records (DOC)

records responses can include DOC photographs, parole status, and other descriptor info

Be courteous and impersonal

refer to all officers and telecommunicators by their units or call sign, not by name

stolen securities

serially numbered securities that are negotiable and exchangeable for cash and are identifiable by a unique serial number (money orders, traveler's checks, stocks, bonds, etc.)


speak in a clear, distinct voice. do not mumble, talk in low tones, or raise the pitch of your voice use your normal voice

front-end clipping

talking before the mike is keyed

NCIC (National Crime Information Center)

the nation's largest database of computerized criminal information on wanted felons; people on parole; criminal history; and stolen items such as automobiles, boats, guns, and securities -located in Clarksburg, West Virginia

rear-end clipping

unkeying the mike before you are through talking

recovered vehicles file

vehicles in custody of law enforcement agency that is not reported stolen and the owner is unknown or cannot be contacted

felony vehicles

vehicles that are not reported stolen but have been used in the commission of a felony

felony guns

weapon believed to have been used in the commission of a felony, and the location is unknown

recovered gun

weapons (abandoned, seized, or found) for which no stolen or lost gun report exists and in possession of law enforcement or is readily available for examination -all guns must contain serial number

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