LDRS 3000 Final (Purcell)

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Leadership decisions include: a. Task or relational. b. Overt or covert. c. Monitor or take action. d. Internal or external.

(Answer is e. A,C, and D ONLY!)

Leadership vs. Management: a. Only management involves the use of influence b. Management is primarily concerned with order and consistency of organizations. c. Leadership is concerned with establishing direction, aligning people and motivating individuals within the group.

(Answer is: D. All of the Above)

For leaders, McGrath's critical leadership functions include which types of group leadership functions? a. Diagnosing group deficiencies b. Preventing deleterious changes c. Forecasting environmental changes

(Answer is: d. All of the above.)

You have recently been made a department head of the new regional office. In getting to know your departmental staff, you have noticed that one of your inexperienced employees is not following through on assigned tasks. She is enthusiastic about her new job and wants to get ahead in the organization. - What development level is this employee at?


As a director of the sales department, you have asked a member of your staff to take charge of a new sales campaign. You have worked with this person on other sales campaigns, and you know he has the job knowledge and experience to be successful at new assignments. However, he seems a little unsure about his ability to do the job. - What development level is this employee at?


Which of the following is not a subordinate benefit of a high LMX?

Decreased communication

Path-Goal theory suggests all of the following except:

That leaders need confidence and articulateness

In which step of the leadership creation steps of the Leader Member Exchange theory are followers more concerned about self-interested goals?

The Stranger Phase

Leaders hold a position of leadership as a result of the way other group member respond to them and the leadership role is given to the person as a result of the individual's communication ability is:

Emergent Leadership

Organizations that utilize Leader Member Exchange Theory tend to have less of which of the following?

Employee turnover

What type of Skills Based Component? The pharmacist is able to dispense medications and counsel more efficiently since the new electronic record system and computer software was updated and linked to the clinic's medical record portal

Environmental Influences

According to House, the following is NOT one of the specific types of behaviors commonly exhibited by charismatic leaders:

Giving structure to complex tasks.

A low LPC leader would perform best in which situation?

Good leader-member relations, high structure, strong power

Which of these is NOT part of the role of the leader based on Path-Goal Theory?

Have a fixed leadership style

Transformational leadership

Helps followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the group.


High Directive/High Support


High Directive/Low Support

Having the oil changed in your car is an example of

High structured

Which answer best describes the elements of a model of transformational leadership?

Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration

This model has the leader distancing himself/herself from taking active responsibility for results to avoid getting entangled in problems

Impoverished Management Model

Leaders who are relationship motivated are better suited to which kind(s) of environment(s)?

In the middle

Within the framework of the Leader Member Exchange Theory, which group tends to have expanded roles or responsibilities within their job positions?


Which of the following is an accurate description of how LMX theory works?

In-group members are more likely to receive more time and support from the leader

One key result of positive leader/member relationships that leads to positive results within an organization is:

Increased employee empowerment

A criticism of transformational leadership is that it treats leadership as a personality trait. T/F


A mistake commonly made is to call a work group a "team" but treat it as a collection of individuals. T/F


A strength of the transformational model is the emphasis it places on followers' needs, values, and morals. T/F


According to Bass, charisma is a necessary but not sufficient condition for transformational leadership. T/F


According to path-goal theory, when jobs are very complex, supportive leadership should be provided


According to team leadership theory, individuals other than the formal leader can perform the critical leadership functions. T/F


All of us have a dominant style of leadership, but we also have a backup style to which we fall to when our dominant behavior does not work. T/F


Business ethics is NOT a different kind of ethics—you should live your life as you would lead your business and visa versa


Charismatic leadership is often described in ways that make it similar to, if not synonymous with, transformational leadership.


Charismatic leadership is often described in ways that make it similar to, if not synonymous with, transformational leadership. T/F


Charismatic leadership transforms follower's self-concepts and tries to link the identity of the followers to the collective identity of the organization. T/F


Conduct and character are the two domains of ethical theory. T/F


Contingency Theory can be used to figure out why somebody is ineffective in a position even though they are conscientious, loyal, and hard working. T/F


Contingency Theory can be used to predict whether a person who has worked well in one position can be equally effective if moved to another position. T/F


Criticisms of transformational leadership are that it is elitist and antidemocratic, and it suffers from heroic leadership bias.


Current research on groups focuses more on team variables than on exclusively on outcomes of team performance. T/F


During the partner phase of leadership, making the leader and subordinate have reciprocal influence on each other.


Effective team leaders need to have a wide repertoire of skills. T/F


Ethical theory provides a system of rules or principles, which guide us in making decisions about what is right or wrong. T/F


Flatter organizations refer to the trend of shifting decision-making powers upward in the organizational hierarchy. T/F


Heifetz uses the term "holding environment" to mean one with trust, nurturance, and empathy. T/F


Heifetz, Burns and Greenleaf all believe that the leader/follower relationship is central to ethical leadership. T/F


Heifetz, Burns and Greenleaf, all suggest that an ethic of caring is important in organizations. T/F


Laissez-faire leadership represents the absence of leadership


Laissez-faire leadership represents the absence of leadership. T/F


Leader effectiveness should be assessed along with team effectiveness in the team leadership model. T/F


Networking and advocating are examples of external team leadership actions. T/F


Pseudotransformational leadership could be described as a form of socialized leadership.


T/F : It's possible to predict whether a leader will be effective in a particular setting, by measuring a Leader's LPC score and the 3 situational variables.


Elena is a sales manager who encourages her employees through motivation to be committed to and a part of the shared vision of the organization. Elena is demonstrating which factor of transformational leadership?


The Skills-Based Model of Leadership has all of the following characteristics except:

Integrity is another trait that helps one to be a leader

Which factor of transformational leadership supports followers as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues?

Intellectual stimulation

The text highlights five leadership traits, central to the list of leadership traits identified in the various studies. Which of the following was included in that list:


The three definitions of authentic leadership are

Intrapersonal, developmental, and interpersonal

Which of the following is NOT a strength of the situational approach?

It accounts for demographic differences in subordinates

Servant leadership has been called a paradox because

It asks leaders to serve and influence others at the same time

Team goals need to be very clear. T/F


Team leadership capacity includes shared leadership and encompasses the entire team. T/F


Teams with distributed leadership have some advantages over single leader teams. T/F


The Team Leadership Model provides the leader or a designated team member with a mental road map to diagnose team problems. T/F


The developmental perspective of authentic leadership emphasizes balanced processing and relational transparency.


The functional perspective on group leadership contends that the leader has a special responsibility for group effectiveness. T/F


The influence dimension of leadership places an enormous ethical burden on leaders. T/F


The situational approach is designed to match subordinate development level with a particular leadership style. T/F


The theory of virtue-based ethics suggests that practicing good values leads to increased virtuousness. T/F


The two major domains of ethical theory are conduct and character. T/F


Theoretically, subordinates move along the development continuum from D1 (low competence/high commitment) to D4 (high competence/high commitment). T/F


Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. T/F


Transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models. T/F


Transformational leadership views leaders as social architects. T/F


Name the factor that is NOT a part of the Five-Factor Personality Model.


which of the following is not a disadvantage of LMX theory

It directs our attention to the importance of the leader-member dyad

LMX theory is criticized because:

It divides subordinates into two different groups which may appear as discrimination

A strength to using the trait approach to leadership is:

It is backed by decades of research

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the trait approach:

It is no longer used and interest has essentially died off

Which of the following is not true regarding the Style Approach:

It tells the leader how to behave

Which answer best describes Human Skill?

Knowledge and ability to work with people.

Which Theoryof leadership suggests that it is important to recognize the existence of in-groups and out-groups within an organization?


Which of the following is a way in which LMX theory can be applied:

LMX can be used to raise leader awareness of the relationships they have with subordinates

Which of the following concerning LMX theory is true?

LMX theory focuses on the relationship between a leader and a subordinate

The first major study to challenge the trait approach was conducted by:


The correct order of the leadership creation steps according to the Leader Member Exchange Theory is:

Stranger Phase, Acquaintance Phase, Mature Phase

House notes that charismatic effects are more likely to occur in:

Stressful Situations

Kouzes and Posner's five practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished include all of these except:

Support contingent reward

Toby is an employee at CVS/Pharmacy. Everyday he is constantly shunned by his fellow co-workers due to his lack of speed and competency at production. He is shy and is the type of person that needs comfort and encouragement in order to advance his skills. What type of leadership should a manager portray with Toby?

Supportive Leadership

During a speech given by your department director, he repeatedly emphasizes the importance of reaching goals set by the organization. He then goes on to lay out the framework to accomplish the goals. According to contingency theory, which best describes your director?

Task Motiviated

High regard for both task and relationship behaviors

Team Management Model

The three basic administrative skills set forth by Katz in the Three-Skills Approach are:

Technical, Human, Conceptual

Tracy is an employee with CVS Pharmacy. She is given a task that requires her to call customers as a part of quality assurance. She is not given any protocol to follow nor does Tracy have any experience with calling patients. The task structure proves ambiguous and unclear. What type of task has Tracy been given?

Unstructured Task

Leader Member Exchange Theory was originally derived from the concept of:

Vertical Dyad Linkage

When are leaders more effective to a group or environment?

When skills match management level

Which of the following is not a reason subordinates become part of the in-group?

Willingness to stay within job and task guidelines

Transformational leadership: a. Creates a connection between leaders and followers. b. Increases the motivation and morality of followers. c. Helps followers reach their full potential. d. All of the above.

d. All of the above!

A leader with a low LPC score would be most effective in

extremely favourable or unfavourable situations

Bass and Avolio suggest that transformational leadership cannot be taught since it results from innate leadership characteristics t/f


Fiedler contends that it makes sense to try to train leaders to adapt their leadership styles T/F


Servant leadership can be effective in any organizational context t/f


The first step in becoming a servant leader is to aspire to lead


The research on authentic leadership is well-developed.


a problem with LMX theory is that it appears to be unrelated to positive organizational outcomes. T/F


according to path-goal theory directive leadership is least effective when followers are inexperienced and when the task is unstructured. T/F


from the framework of contingency theory cleaning the milkshake machine at mcdonalds is not a good example of a structured task. T/F


in-group relationships are based on the formal employment contract (defined roles). T/F


personality and other personal characteristics are unrelated to the process of how in-groups are formed T/F


subordinates in the out-group receive more information and concern from their leaders than do in-group members. T/F


Pseudotransformational leadership

focuses on the leader's own interests rather than the interests of others

a factor that appears to influence the impact of servant leadership on outcomes such as personal and organizational job performance is __

follower receptivity

• What are the five stages of group development, according to Tuckman and Jensen? What occurs during each of these stages of group

forming, storming, norming, preforming, adjourning

the concept that servant leaders care about the personal well being of their followers is best expressed by which characteristic of servant leadership?


Leader-member exchange theory directs our attention to the importance of communication in leadership by:

highlighting the need to create mutual trust, respect, and commitment

all of the following are characteristics of out-group members except

innovative ideas

which type of leadership gives no feedback and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs


which of the following is not an outcome of servant leadership:

leader empowerment

Servant leadership works best when

leaders are altruisitc and have motivation to help others

Before LMX theory, researchers treated leadership as something

leaders did to all of their followers

According to Avey, Palanski, and Walumbwa (2011) the impact of ethical leadership on follower organization citizenship behavior (OCB) and deviant behavior...

- Ethical Leadership is positively related to follower OCB and negatively related to deviant behavior. - The relationship between ethical leadership and deviance is moderated by the self-esteem of the follower

Effective _______ _______ and _______ are the outcomes of leadership.

-Problem solving -Performance

What 3 themes dominated leadership definitions during the 1950s?

1. Continuance of group theory 2. Leadership as a relationship that develops shared goals 3. Effectiveness

List four examples of how the trait approach works.

1. Focus of Trait Approach 2. Strengths 3. Criticisms 4. Application

Name 5 major leadership traits and describe at least one?

1. Intelligence 2. Self confidence 3. Determination 4. Integrity (the quality of honesty and trustworthiness) 5. Sociability

Contingency Theory can be characterized in three factors, what are they?

1. Leader-Member Relations 2. Task Structure 3. Position Power

What 3 major research influences were used to create the style approach theory?

1. Ohio State Studies 2. University of Michigan 3. Blake and Mouton on the Managerial Grid

which of the following is not a factor of transformational leadership:

management by exception

The benevolent dictator is a characteristic of a. Opportunism b. Paternalism c. Maternalism

Answer is "D. B & C"

What is the contingency theory concerned with? a. Leadership style b. Situations

Answer is "c. Both A and B"

Leaders who score low on the LPC scale are better suited to which kind(s) of environment(s)? a. Favorable b. Unfavorable c. In the middle

Answer is "d. A and B"

According to the Contingency theory, a task considered to be structured when______ a. Requirements of task are clearly stated b. Path to accomplishing task has few alternatives c. Completion of task can be clearly demonstrated

Answer is "d. All of the above"

What is or are the situational variable(s) that the Contingency theory evaluates? a. Task structure b. Positional power c. Leader- membership relationship

Answer is "d. All of the above"

Which of the following correctly define an "obstacle" as per Path-Goal Theory? a. A leak in the ceiling above a worker's cubicle. b. An unfair time schedule that de-motivates an employee c. Task-oriented confrontations with other employees

Answer is "d. All of the above"

What is a strong Position Power? a. When a leader does NOT have the ability to reward followers b. If a leader can hire employees c. If a leader can fire employees

Answer is "d. Both B and C"

Which management skills are the most important for middle management? Choose the BEST answer. A. Technical B. Human C. Conceptual

Answer is "e. A, B, and C"

Which of the following are characteristics of a "subordinate" as per Path-Goal Theory? a. Desires for control b. Internal Locus of control c. Self-perceived level of task ability d. External Locus of Control

Answer is "e. All of the above"

A leader's respect for others is shown by: a. Listening closely to subordinates. b. Being empathic. c. Being tolerant of opposing points of view.

Answer is D. All of the Above

Altruistic service can be observed in : a. Mentoring. b. Empowering. c. Team building.

Answer is D. All of the Above

Burns contends that: a. Leadership has a moral dimension. b. Leaders should move followers to a higher level of morality. c. Leaders should be involved in followers' personal struggles with conflicting issues.

Answer is D. All of the Above

Teleological theories include the following: a. Ethical egoism. b. Utilitarianism. c. Altruism.

Answer is D. All of the Above

The Task Behavior: a. Facilitates goal accomplishment b. Help employees achieve their objectives c. Does not focus on interpersonal relationships

Answer is D. All of the Above

Using servant leadership, respect for others is shown by: a. Listening closely to subordinates. b. Being empathic. c. Being tolerant of opposing points of view.

Answer is D. All of the Above

Greenleaf 's theory of servant leadership: a. Says leaders should be concerned with society's "have-nots." b. Was based on studies of university professors and students. c. Requires a strict delineation of servant-leader roles. d. Was influenced by writings of Hermann Hesse.

Answer is E. A and D ONLY!

Characteristics of team effectiveness include: a. Unified commitment. b. Results-driven structure. c. External support. d. Collaborative climate.

Answer is e. All of the Above!

The situational approach is based on which of the following parts: a. Leadership styles b. Development level of followers c. Leadership traits

Answer is: "D. A & B"

Transformational leadership: a. Helps followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the group. b. Results in performance that goes well beyond what is expected. c. Is a process in which leaders and followers exchange efforts for specified rewards.

Answer is: A and B ONLY

Until recently, most leadership traits could best be described as: a. Qualitative b. Lacking in an organizing framework

Answer is: C. Both A and B

Determination includes: a. Getting the job done b. Showing dominance when needed c. Good organizational skills

Answer is: D. Both A and B

Virtue-based theories:

Are about leader's character.

Which best explains leader-member relations as stated within the contingency theory?

Atmosphere of the group and the degree of confidence and loyalty felt toward the leader

The result driven behavior is a characteristic of:

Authority Compliance Model

What type of leader uses creative deployment of self through positive self-regard, and emphasizes their strengths rather than dwelling on weaknesses?


Fiedlers LPC measure has been criticized with regard to its validity and lack of correlation with other leadership measures. T/F


LMX challenged the assumption that leaders treated followers in a collective way, as a group using an average leadership style. T/F


Leaders can both serve and influence their followers at the same time. t/f


Path-goal theory is based on motivation principles drawn from expectancy theory


a strength of the transformational model is the emphasis it places on followers' needs, values and morals T/F


according to Bass, charisma is a necessary but not sufficient condition for transformational leadership T/F


during the first phase of leadership making the interactions within the leader-suboridnate dyad are generally low quality. T/F


during the partner phase of leadership making the leader and subordinate have reciprocal influence on each other T/F


in LMX theory the dyadic relationship is the focal point of the leadership process. T/F


later studies LMX showed that high-quality relationships between leaders and subordinates produced less employee turnover T/F


transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers. T/F


• Impoverished (1,1)

• Minimal effort exerted to get work done is appropriate to sustain organizational membership • Leader unconcerned with both task and interpersonal relationships • Going through the motions, but uninvolved and withdrawn • 1,1 leaders - have little contact with followers and are described as indifferent, noncommittal, resigned, and apathetic

• How does the style approach work?

• Offers a means of assessing in a general way the behaviors of leaders • It's descriptive, not prescriptive • Primarily a framework for assessing leadership in a broad way, as behavior with a task and relationship dimension

T/F: External locus of control refers to a subordinates believe that they are in in control of their work and have a say in decision making processes.


The construct of servant leadership can be summarized as an altruistic calling. T/F


The emergence of a vision should originate only from the leader, not the followers within the organization. T/F


The ethics of leaders have little impact on the ethical climate of their organizations. T/F


The style approach provides a universal style that works for every situation and produces consistent results. T/F


Transformational leadership's view of ethics is really the same as that of the other approaches to leadership. T/F


Under the situational approach to leadership, there is one universal leadership style that is considered superior to all others. T/F


Virtue-based theories of ethics focus on the conduct of leaders rather than who they are as people. T/F


What is ethical is Always Right. T/F


Ethics -

Focuses on the virtuousness of individuals and their motives.

Who is credited with the studies of the contingency theory?

Fred Fiedler

All of the following are strengths of LMX theory except:

Fully outlines the process on how to develop high quality exchanges


Makes a leader believable and worthy of trust

This style of leadership provides a happy medium between the task behavior and the relationship behavior:

Middle of the Road Management Model

A leader with a high LPC score would be most effective in:

Moderately favorable situations

McGrath describes diagnosing group deficiencies as part of


The Leadership (Managerial) Grid was designed by:

Blake and Mouton

What are the five types of power identified by French and Raven?

1. Referent Power - Based on followers' identification and liking for the leader. 2. Expert Power - Based on followers' perceptions of the leader's competence. 3. Legitimate Power - Associated with having status or formal job authority. 4. Reward Power - Derived from having the capacity to provide rewards to others. 5. Coercive Power - Derived from having the capacity to penalize or punish others.

Katz states leadership depends on three basic personal skills. What are those?

1. Technical 2. Human 3. Conceptual

What are the four leadership styles?

1. high directive-low supportive 2. coaching approach 3. supporting 4. low supportive-low directive

• Name and discuss the five styles on Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid

9x9. authority, country club, impoverished, middle of the road, team

Describe and give an example of the differences between a good leader and a problem solver.

A leader is someone that overseas and makes decisions for the better of the company, and a problem solver is someone that thinks outside of the box and is able to find a solution for any situation. In addition, a problem solver does not have to be in a leadership position and is able to adapt at any level. A good example will be my ex co-worker. She holds that same position as i do, and when there would be a situation that needed immediate attention, she will be the one to solve it. Our boss at that time was great, but she had problems confronting certain issues.

According to team leadership theory, the leader is primarily

A medium for processing of information

What does a leader's effectiveness depend on according to the contingency theory?

Ability of leader's style to fit situation

John is a manager at Kroger Pharmacy. He has employees that require constant goals and challenges in order to be motivated. What type of leadership should John portray to his employees?

Achievement-Oriented Leadership

The interpersonal definition of authentic leadership views leadership as

Adapting to the beliefs and values of followers.

During the early phases of leadership making, leaders look for what qualities in followers?


Having a higher IQ

Can be counterproductive

Which leadership style in the Situational Approach uses a high directive and high supportive style?

Coaching style

Leaders' use of physical force to get their way is which kind of power?


the opposite of servant leadership is

Coercive Leadership

According to Zaccaro, principled leadership influences team effectiveness through these processes:

Cognitive, motivational, affective and integrative.

What are task motivated leaders primarily focused on?

Completing the task

Ethical theories fall within two broad domains:

Conduct and Character

Which of the following past leadership concepts is related to "supportive leadership" from Path-Goal Theory?

Consideration Behavior

Which of the following is a strength of the theory?

Contingency theory is predictive and provides useful information about type of leadership that's effective in certain contexts.

Management by exception involves

Correcting misbehavior by employees.

Which of the following models stresses interpersonal relationships at the expense of task completion

Country Club Management Model

Transformational leaders are social architects because they

Create shared meanings for people within their organizations.

Utilitarianism is concerned with:

Creating the greatest good for the greatest number

You have recently been made a department head of the new regional office. In getting to know your departmental staff, you have noticed that one of your inexperienced employees is not following through on assigned tasks. She is enthusiastic about her new job and wants to get ahead in the organization. - Which is a good example of the most appropriate leadership style?

Define the steps necessary for her to complete the assigned tasks and monitor her performance frequently.

• Define the path-goal theory. What is the main focus of path-goal theory? What are the major components of path-goal theory?

Definition: Path-goal theory centers on how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals Emphasizes the relationship between the leader's style the characteristics of the subordinates the work setting/ task characteristics Perspective Goal - To enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation Motivational Principles (based on Expectancy Theory) Subordinates will be motivated if they believe: they are capable of performing their work that their efforts will result in a certain outcome that the payoffs for doing their work are worthwhile

Which of the following is not a component of the Skills-Based Model of Leadership?


• What are the six dimensions of team leadership identified by LaFasto and Larson?

Dimension 1: Focus on the Goal • Define the goal in a clear and elevating way • Don't play politics • Help team members see their relevance to the goal • Keep the goal alive Dimension 2: Ensure a Collaborative Environment • Make communication safe • Demand a collaborative approach • Reward collaborative behavior • Guide the team's problem-solving efforts • Manage your ego and personal control needs Dimension 3: Build Confidence • Get results • Make team members smart about key issues & facts • Exhibit trust by assigning responsibility • Be fair and impartial • Accentuate the positive • Say "Thank You" Dimension 4: Demonstrate Sufficient Technical Know-How • Know your stuff • Get help Dimension 5: Set Priorities • What must happen / what must not • When priorities change Dimension 6: Manage Performance • Require results (make performance expectations clear) • Review results (give constructive feedback and resolve performance issues) • Reward results (recognize superior performance)

In Path-Goal Theory, what type of leaders focus on giving detailed instructions about what is expected?


What style of Path-Goal leadership revolves around subordinates having characteristics such as dogmatism and authoritarianism?


Jenny is an employee with Walgreens. She is very particular in her work patterns and timeframes. She values her work structure and when something is changed in her process, she is discouraged. As her manager, which of the following leadership styles will work best with Jenny and her need for structure?

Directive Leadership

Path-goal theory suggests that leaders should respond to dogmatic/authoritarian followers from a:

Directive Style

What are the four types of leadership qualities assessed by Path-Goal Theory?

Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement Oriented

• Identify and describe the four leader behaviors.

Directive: gives subordinates task instruction Supportive: being friendly and approachable as a leader Participative: invites subordinates to share in decision-making Achievement-Oriented: challenges subordinates to perform work at the highest level possible

• What are the characteristics of in-group and out-group subordinates?

Expanded/negotiated role responsibilities (extra-roles) = in-group Relationships marked by mutual trust, respect, liking, and reciprocal influence Receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern than out-group members Formal employment contract (defined-roles) = out-group How well the subordinate works with the leader and how well the leader works with the subordinate Whether subordinates involve themselves in expanding their role responsibilities with the leader Whether subordinates negotiate to perform activities beyond the formal job description In-Group More information, influence, confidence, & concern from leader More dependable, highly involved, & communicative then out-group Out-Group Less compatible with leader Usually just come to work, do their job & go home Personality

The use of technical work groups to solve production problems increases commitment based on

Expert Power

The power Bill Gates had when he and Paul Allen started the Microsoft Company is

Expert? - Not sure about this one...

The Judge, et al. Big Five meta-analysis study demonstrated __________ to have the highest correlation with leadership


A servant leader focuses on using institutional power and control. T/F


According to path-goal theory, directive communication is least effective when followers are inexperienced and when the task is unstructured.


An altruistic leader acts so as to create the greatest good for herself or himself. T/F


Bass and Avolio suggest that transformational leadership cannot be taught since it results from innate leadership characteristics. T/F


Concern about the ethics of leaders is a relatively recent phenomenon. T/F


Conclusive evidence suggests that High-High leadership style is most effective. T/F


Current focus has shifted to the study of group dynamics and development of social science theory. T/F


Deontological theory focuses primarily on the consequences (ends or purposes) of an individual's actions. T/F


Ethical egoism is concerned with doing the greatest good for the greatest number. T/F


High LPCs are more motivated by tasks.


If team goals are unclear, an internal relational intervention is needed to focus on building commitment. T/F


In the Leadership Member Exchange theory the in-group relationships are based on the formal employment contract (defined roles).


In virtual teams, task functions are more critical than in traditional, face to face teams. T/F


Leaders involved in TOP Management do not need to have any technical skills whatsoever. T/F


Low LPCs have a primary need to relate to people and a secondary need to get the job done.


Most experts agree that team leadership is a simple process. T/F


One problem with contingency theory is the lack of research to support it


Ryan White was more of a transactional leader than a transformational leader. T/F


Self-regulation and self-concept are dimensions of the interpersonal definition of leadership


Servant leadership stresses the role of personal influence in the leadership process.


• What are the criticisms of situational approach?

Lack of an empirical foundation raises theoretical considerations regarding the validity of the approach. • -Further research is required to determine how commitment & competence are conceptualized for each developmental level. • -Conceptualization of commitment itself is very unclear. • -Replication studies fail to support basic prescriptions of situational leadership model. • -Does not account for how particular demographics influence the leader-subordinate prescriptions of the model • -Fails to adequately address the issue of one-to-one versus group leadership in an organizational setting • -Questionnaires are biased in favor of situational leadership

Which leadership theory examines the relationship between followers and leaders to evaluate leadership?

Leader Member Exchange Theory

Which of the following leadership theories emphasizes the specific relationship between the leader and each subordinate?

Leader-member exchange theory

Which situational variable is categorized by group atmosphere, degree of confidence, loyalty, and attraction followers feel for their leader?

Leader-membership relations

Servant leadership works best when _____.

Leaders are altruistic and have a strong motivation to help others

Which is true of the LMX 7:

Leaders fill out one survey for each individual subordinate

Graen and Uhl-Bien's prescriptive LMX model concluded that:

Leaders should aim to make all subordinates part of the in-group

What is defined as the ability to use one's knowledge and competencies to accomplish a set of goals and objectives?

Leadership skills

Does the skills approach mean that anyone who learns the right skills can be a good leader?

Learning the right skills does not make a person a good leader. A good leader is one who knows how to apply those skills. Personality is the key element in making leadership skills successful. A person cannot simply learn skill sets and be a good leader. They must learn those skill sets and know how and when to apply them in specific situations.

Power that any elected official has is


People accept the orders given by their supervisors in an organization because of

Legitimate Power

As a director of the sales department, you have asked a member of your staff to take charge of a new sales campaign. You have worked with this person on other sales campaigns, and you know he has the job knowledge and experience to be successful at new assignments. However, he seems a little unsure about his ability to do the job. - Which is a good example of the most appropriate leadership style?

Listen to his concerns but assure him he can do the job and support his efforts.


Low Directive/High Support


Low Directive/Low Support

Are technical skills more important in the lower or higher levels of management?

Lower levels of management

The following is a strength of the style approach:

Major shift from personality traits to leadership behavior

What type of Skills Based Component? Sharon expresses she will take on the responsibility of becoming president of her organization because she wants to see her chapter get best chapter award and wants to part of that change to do so.


Internal relational leadership actions include all of these except:

Networking and forming alliances.

The Judge, et al. Big Five meta-analysis study demonstrated __________ to be the only factor to have a negative correlation with leadership.


According to Contingency theory, which leadership style is best?

No leadership style is best in all situations

how does situational work

Often used in consulting because it's easy to conceptualize and apply Straightforward nature makes it practical for managers to apply Breadth of situational approach facilitates its applicability in virtually all types of organizations and levels of management in organizations

The leader behavior description questionnaire (LBDQ) is a component of

Ohio State Study

The selfish leader is a characteristic of:


Leaders tend to spend less time with and share less work related resources with which group?


In Path-Goal Theory, what type of leaders invite subordinates to share in the decision-making process?


Each week your supervisor holds a meeting in which he invites you and all the other employees to give feedback regarding current projects. According to path-goal theory, which behavior best describes your supervisor?

Participative -

The theory that describes an organizations goals and the path to achieve them is called_______.

Path-Goal Theory

What type of leadership theory focuses on motivating subordinates to accomplish designated goals?

Path-Goal Theory

Which of the following statements are true?

Path-Goal Theory creates a sense of dependency among subordinates

Which of the following leadership theories expects the leader to continually be concerned about subordinate motivation?

Path-goal theory

What type of Skills Based Component? Kayden went out and celebrated after receiving great evaluations on her case project in which she headed.


Team effectiveness is evaluated on these desired team outcomes:

Performance and development.

A criticism of transformational leadership is that it treats leadership as a personality trait.


What type of Skills Based Component? The doctors at Methodist Hospital ask the clinical pharmacist for a recommendation on an antibiotic regimen that would work on elderly patient who had a positive culture for pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Problem Solving Skills

Tasks that are unclear and ambiguous call for leadership input that

Provide Structure

The five principles of ethical leadership include all of the following EXCEPT:

Provides Service

Tasks that are unclear and ambiguous call for leadership input that:

Provides Structure

The Leadership Trait Questionnaire is useful in that it:

Provides leaders with traits which they can improve upon

A leader who has a high LPC score leans more towards which leadership style?

Relationships motivated

Leaders' power to provide pay raises and promotions is


You have recently been made a department head of the new regional office. In getting to know your departmental staff, you have noticed that one of your inexperienced employees is not following through on assigned tasks. She is enthusiastic about her new job and wants to get ahead in the organization. - What leadership style would be most appropriate with this employee?

S1 (Directing)

• What leadership styles are identified in the Situational Leadership II model?

S1 directing s2 coaching s3 supporting s4 delegating

As a director of the sales department, you have asked a member of your staff to take charge of a new sales campaign. You have worked with this person on other sales campaigns, and you know he has the job knowledge and experience to be successful at new assignments. However, he seems a little unsure about his ability to do the job. - What leadership style would be most appropriate with this employee?

S3 (Supporting)

Identify the term that does NOT describe neuroticism.


According to this leadership theory, leaders should be held accountable for failing to anticipate future trends and problems in the organization

Servant leadership

In comparison to the trait approach, the skills approach emphasizes that ...

Skills and abilities of a leader can be learned and developed as opposed to it being an innate ability

______ _______ skills are the capacity to understand people and social systems.

Social judgment

Position power is strong if:

The leader has the authority to hire/fire followers

According to early leader-member exchange theory which of the following is false

The leader usually expects extra duties from out-group members

Which of the following is a STRENGTH of the Skills Model?

The skills model makes leadership available to everyone since skills are competencies that people can learn or develop

Which of the following statements about authentic leadership is false?

The theoretical approach is based on real-life examples.

Rationality entails:

The use of data and facts to influence others

The trait approach was first challenged because:

There was no consistent set of traits that applied across many different situations

Using contingency theory, in a highly unstructured task..

There would be usually be several ways to do something

Identify and describe the subordinate characteristics.

These are behaviors the leader must identify in the subordinates in order to determine the best leader behavior to practice. Need for affiliation Preferences for structure Desires for control Self-perceived level of task ability

Followers with an internal locus of control believe:

They are in charge of the events that occur in their lives

Identify and describe the three phases in leadership making defined by Graen & Uhl-Bien

Three phases of leadership making which develops over time Stranger phase Acquaintance phase Mature partnership phase

Emotional intelligence does NOT include the ability

To effectively manage emotions within oneself but ignore them in relationships with others

In team leadership theory, two of the leader's primary decisions are

To monitor or take action

What was one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership?

Trait Approach

To create change, transformational leaders:

become strong role models for their followers

Ray was chosen by his boss to lead a team of coworkers during a companywide project. Ray spent a lot of time getting to know each of his individual team members and fostering intergroup relationships. Throughout the project, the people on Ray's team developed a deep sense of unity and relatedness to one another. Which characteristic of servant leadership best describes Ray's methods?

building community

which three antecedent conditions have an impact on servant leadership

context and culture; societal effect; follower receptivity

During the acquaintance phase of leadership making, subordinates tend to focus

on both their own and the group's interests

• How is Leader-Member Exchange similar to or different than other theories/approaches in the Northouse text?

only one that is diatic

Which of these listed as being a contributing factor to the creation of out-group members?


servant leaders do all of the following except

rely on followers to independently initiate growth

helping followers to grow and succeed and creating value for the community are both behaviors of which type of leadership

servant leadership

which of the following statements is false:

servant leadership is the most effective in situations when subordinates are not open to being guided

House notes that charismatic effects are more likely to occur in

stressful situations

according to the 10 characteristics of servant leadership stewardship is:

taking responsibility for the leadership role

The mature partnership phase is not characterized by


• What is the focus/definition of the Situational Approach?

• "Leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of subordinates." • Emphasizes adapting style - different situations demand different kinds of leadership • Definition • Comprised of both a Directive Dimension and Supportive Dimension • Each dimension must be applied appropriately in a given situation • Leaders evaluate employees to assess their competence and commitment to perform a given task

• Middle-of-the-Road (5,5)

• Adequate organizational performance possible through balancing the necessity of getting work done while maintaining satisfactory morale • Leaders who are compromisers; have intermediate concern for task and people who do task • To achieve equilibrium, leader avoids conflict while emphasizing moderate levels of production and interpersonal relationships • 5,5 leaders - described as expedient; prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, swallows convictions in the interest of "progress"

• How could you apply the Leader-Member Exchange approach in real world leadership situations?

• Applicable to all levels of management and different types of organizations • Directs managers to assess their leadership from a relationship perspective • Sensitizes managers to how in-groups and out-groups develop within their work unit • Can be used to explain how individuals create leadership networks throughout an organization • Can be applied in different types of organizations - volunteer, business, education, and government settings

how does it work

• Centered on the idea subordinates vacillate along the developmental continuum of competence and commitment • -Leader effectiveness depends on • assessing subordinate's developmental position, and • adapting his/her leadership style to match subordinate developmental level • • "The Situational approach requires leaders to demonstrate a strong degree of flexibility."

• Identify and describe the task characteristics.

• Design of subordinates' task • Organization's formal authority system • Primary work group of subordinates

• What two behavior patterns are used to influence others in the Situational Leadership II model?

• Directive (task) behaviors • Supportive (relationship) behaviors

• Authority Compliance 9,1

• Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work such that human interference is minimal • Heavy emphasis on task and job requirements and less emphasis on people • 9,1 leaders - seen as controlling, demanding, hard-driving & overpowering

• What is the focus/definition of the style approach

• Focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act • Descriptive, not prescriptive • Emphasizes the behavior of the leader

• S2 - Coaching Style

• High Directive • High Supportive • -Leader focuses communication on BOTH goal achievement and supporting subordinates' socioemotional needs • -Requires leader involvement through encouragement and soliciting subordinate input followers: some competence, low commentment

S1 directing

• High Directive • Low Supportive • -Leader focuses communication on goal achievement • -Spends LESS time using supportive behaviors Followers: Low competence, High competence. developing

• S3 - Supporting Style

• High Supportive • Low Directive • -Leader does NOT focus solely on goals; uses supportive behaviors to bring out employee skills in accomplishing the task • -Leader delegates day-to-day decision-making control, but is available to facilitate problem solving followers: mod-high competence, low commentment

• What were the two types of behaviors identified in the Ohio State studies?

• Initiating structure - leaders provide structure for subordinates o Task Behaviors - organizing work, giving structure to the work context, defining role responsibility, scheduling work activities • Consideration - leaders nurture subordinates o Relationship Behaviors - building camaraderie, respect, trust, and liking between leaders & followers

• What are the two ways through which the Leader-Member Exchange theory works?

• LMX Theory works in two ways: it describes leadership and it prescribes leadership

• According to Leader-Member Exchange Theory, what is the focal point of the leadership process?

• Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory • Conceptualizes leadership as a process • that is centered on the interactions between a leader and subordinates • LMX Theory makes the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers the focal point of the leadership process • Directs our attention to the importance of communication by highlighting the need to create mutual trust

• What are the weaknesses of Leader-Member Exchange?

• Limited trust and support from supervisors • Few benefits outside the employment contract

• S4 - Delegating Style

• Low Supportive • Low Directive • -Leader offers LESS task input and social support; facilitates subordinates' confidence and motivation in relation to the task • -Leader lessens involvement in planning, control of details, and goal clarification • -Gives subordinates control and refrains from intervention and unneeded social support Followers: high competence, high support. Developed.

• How could you apply the style approach in real world leadership situations?

• Many leadership training and development programs are designed along the lines of the style approach. • By assessing their own style, managers can determine how they are perceived by others and how they could change their behaviors to become more effective. • The style approach applies to nearly everything a leader does.

• What are the strengths of situational approach?

• Marketplace approval. Situational leadership (SL) is perceived as providing a credible model for training employees to become effective leaders. • Practicality. SL is a straightforward approach that is easily understood and applied in a variety of settings. • Prescriptive value. SL clearly outlines what you should and should not do in various settings. • Leader flexibility. SL stresses that effective leaders are those who can change their style based on task requirements and subordinate needs. • Differential treatment. SL is based on the premise that leaders need to treat each subordinate according to his/her unique needs.

• Define paternalism/maternalism and opportunism. How do these fit into the Leadership Grid?

• Paternalism/ Materialism • leaders who both you 1,9 and 9,1 without integrating the two • The "benevolent dictator" acts gracious for purpose of goal accomplishment • Treats people as though they were disassociated from the task • Regards the organization as a family • Makes most of the key decisions • Rewards loyalty and punishes non-compliance Opportunism • People adapt and shift to any grid style needed to gain maximum advantage (for personal gain)

• What are the strengths of Leader-Member Exchange?

• Preferential treatment • Increased job-related communication • Ample access to supervisors • Increased performance-related feedback

• What are the criticisms of the style approach?

• Research has not adequately demonstrated how leaders' styles are associated with performance outcomes • No universal style of leadership that could be effective in almost every situation • Implies that the most effective leadership style is High-High style (i.e., high task/high relationship); research support is very limited

• What are the strengths of the style approach?

• Style Approach marked a major shift in leadership research from exclusively trait focused to include behaviors and actions of leaders • Broad range of studies on leadership style validates and gives credibility to the basic tenets of the approach • At conceptual level, a leader's style is composed of two major types of behaviors: task and relationship • The style approach is heuristic - leaders can learn a lot about themselves and how they come across to others by trying to see their behaviors in light of the task and relationship dimension

• What are the two main categories of behaviors in the approach?

• Task Behaviors Facilitate goal accomplishment; Help group members achieve objectives • Relationship Behaviors Help subordinates feel comfortable with themselves, each other, and the situation

• Using the major components of the theory, how does the path-goal theory work? (Table 7.1)

• The leader's job is to help subordinates reach their goals by directing, guiding, and coaching them along the way • Leaders must evaluate task and subordinate characteristics and adapt leadership style to these • The theory suggests which style is most appropriate for specific characteristics

• Country Club (1,9)

• Thoughtful attention to the needs of people leads to a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere and work tempo • Low concern for task accomplishment coupled with high concern for interpersonal relationships • De-emphasizes production; leaders stress the attitudes and feelings of people • 1,9 leaders - try to create a positive climate by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, noncontroversial

• What were the two types of behaviors identified in the University of Michigan studies?

• Two types of leadership behaviors conceptualized as opposite ends of a single continuum • Employee Orientation o Strong human relations emphasis • Production Orientation o Stresses the technical aspects of a job

• What are the main strengths and criticisms of Path-Goal theory?

• Useful theoretical framework. Path-goal theory is a useful theoretical framework for understanding how various leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction of subordinates and their work performance. • Integrates motivation. Path-goal theory attempts to integrate the motivation principles of expectancy theory into a theory of leadership. • Practical model. Path-goal theory provides a practical model that underscores and highlights the important ways leaders help subordinates. Criticisms Interpreting the meaning of the theory can be confusing because it is so complex and incorporates so many different aspects of leadership; consequently, it is difficult to implement. Empirical research studies have demonstrated only partial support for path-goal theory. It fails to adequately explain the relationship between leadership behavior and worker motivation. The path-goal theory approach treats leadership as a one-way event in which the leader affects the subordinate

• Team (9,9)

• Work accomplished through committed people; interdependence via a "common stake" in the organization's purpose, which leads to relationships of trust and respect • Strong emphasis on both tasks and interpersonal relationships • Promotes high degree of participation & teamwork, satisfies basic need of employee to be involved & committed to their work • 9,9 leaders - stimulates participation, acts determined, makes priorities clear, follows through, behaves open-mindedly and enjoys working

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