Ask people to participate in planning the activity
Attempt to get somebody in a good mood before asking for what you want
Displacement of responsibility
Blaming others for your own responsibilities because of something or someones else did
What highschool did Mr. Adams go to
Moral Justification
Doing something you know is wrong for a good result
_____power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to the rest of the members of a group
Most emotional intelligence (EQ)researchers agree that emotional intelligence cannot be developed
Smart but inexperienced leaders tendto be more effective in stressful situationsthan less intelligent, experienced leaders
individuals with high levels of technical competence are unlikely to belong to a leader's in-group.
Diffusion Responsibility
Justify your actions because someone else is doing the same thing
A personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor (usually someone two to four levels higher in an organization) acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protégé is known as
Which of the following terms is most likely defined as the ability to intentionally pay attention to the present moment while letting go of judgment?
Advantageous Comparison
My actions weren't as bad as someone else's
In the OCEAN model, the personality dimension that is concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new information is known as
Openness to experience
5 different traits
Openness to experience contentiousness extroversion agreeableness Neuroticism emotional intelligence
A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her __________ power to influence them
individuals who score low on openness to experience tend to be
Choice of clothing can affect one's power and influence
Having a high level of technical competence is important because many leaders, particularly the first-line supervisors, often spend considerable time training followers.
Influence tactics refer to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors
Leaders tend to have higherextraversion scores than nonleaders.
Leaders who can empathize and get along with others are often more successful than those who cannot
Power is defined as the ability of an individual to produce effects on others
Research has shown that openness toexperience is an important component ofleadership effectiveness and seemsparticularly important at higherorganizational levels or for success inoverseas assignments.
Inspirational Appeals
Use enthusiasm or motives
rational persuasion
Using facts or evidence
Pressure tactics
Using threats or persistent reminders to influence
4 values for trust
Vision Empathy Consistency Integrity
According to the OCEAN model,individuals who appear as insensitive,socially clueless, pessimistic, cold, and grumpy are most likely to score low in
The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as
coercive power
Which of the following words is most often associated with the word "management"?
According to the Five Factor Model(FFM) or OCEAN model of personality,which of the following dimensions primarilyinvolves behaviors that are highly likely tobe exhibited in group settings and aregenerally concerned with getting ahead inlife?
The interactional framework for analyzing leadership includes
followers, leaders, and situations
is assigned and individualized
Which of the following definitions of leadership is fairly comprehensive and helpful?
the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals
What is the first step while conducting a GAPS (goals, abilities, perceptions, standards) analysis?
to clearly identify what one wants to do or where one wants to go with one's career over the next year or so
Legitimizing tactics
use request based on your position/ authority in the organization
Leadership is most associated with words like