Leadership Challenge

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Leaders must not only be clear about their personal guiding principles but also make sure that there's agreement on ______ among everyone they lead. And they must hold others accountable to those values and standards. PG 45

A set of shared values

Because encouragement is more personal and positive than other forms of feedback, it's more likely to accomplish something other forms cannot. PG 285

Strengthening trust between leaders and constituents. Encouragement, in this sense, is the highest form of feedback.

Because you're leading a group of people, not just leading yourself, you also have to make certain that the actions of your constituents are consistent with ______. PG 74

The shared values of the org

Exemplary leaders strive to create the conditions that make flow possible. That means they need to continuously assess their constituents' capacity to perform in the context of the challenges they face. such assessments requires attention to______. PG 257

The skills and the will-power of each person they lead

There are a # of ways you can create conditions so that your constituents will be ready and willing to serve the initiative in tumultuous as well as tranquil times: PG 168-169

- Create a can-do attitude by providing opportunities for people to gain mastery on a task one step at a time (training) - Mental simulation - Find ways for people to stretch themselves. Set the bar incrementally high er, but at a level which people feel they can succeed - Providing visibility and access to role models, especially among peers, who are successful at meeting the new challenges

World class performance isn't possible unless there's a strong sense of shared creation and shared responsibility. Exemplary leaders make the commitment to foster collaboration by engaging in these essentials: PG 218

- Create a climate of trust - Facilitate relationships - Collaboration is a critical competency for achieving and sustaining high performance

Performance improves when leaders publicly honor those who have excelled and who have been an example to others. that is why exemplary leaders make a commitment to celebrate the values and victories by mastering these essentials: PG 134

- Create a spirit of community - Be personally involved

1) In our own research, we've found that shared values make a significant and positive difference in work attitudes and commitment for instance, shared values: 2) Periodically taking the org's pulse to check for values clarity and consensus is well worthwhile it ______. PG 60

1) - Foster feelings of personal effectiveness - Promote high level of company loyalty - Facilitate consensus about key org goals and stakeholders - Encourage ethical behavior - Promote strong norms about working hard and caring - Reduce levels of job stress and tension - Foster pride in the company - Facilitate understanding about job expectations - Foster teamwork and esprit de corps 2) Renews commitment

1) The 5 practices of exemplary leadership framework when leaders do their best they ______ PG 3 2) What is the foundation of the relationship between leaders and their constituents? PG 5

1) 1- Model the way 2- Inspire a shared vision 3- Challenge the process (PG 15) 4- Enable other to act 5- Encourage the heart 2) Credibility

1) The second commitment of "Model the way" is? 2) You either lead by example or ______. 3) leading by example is how you provide the evidence that you're personally committed. It's how you make you values.... 4) Being a credible leader means you have to ______ the values. You have to put into action what you and others stand for. PG 74

1) Leaders "set the example" 2) Don't lead at all 3) Tangible 4) Live

1) Exemplary leaders don't impose their visions of the future on people, they________. PG 131 2) Exemplary leaders also communicate what makes their constituents, work group, org, product or service singular and ________. PG 134 3) Although ever unit w/in a corp, public agency, religious institution, school or volunteer associate must be aligned w/the overall org vision, each can express ________. PG 135

1) Liberate the vision that's already stirring in their constituents. 2) Unequaled 3) Its distinctive purpose w/the larger whole

We've also found that in the best orgs, everyone, regardless of title or position, is encourage to ______. That's because in these places, people don't just believe that everyone can make a difference, they act in ways to develop and grow people's talents , including their leadership capabilities. PG 14

Act like a leader

You Can Influence Peoples Behavior simply by giving the task or the Team a name that ________. PG 143

Evokes The Kind of Behavior implied by the name

The consistency and pervasiveness o these findings about the characteristics of admired leaders - people who would be willingly followed - are the rationale for the Kouzes-Posner first law of leadership: PG 38

If you don't believe in the messenger, you won't believe in the message

The 1st step a leader must take along the path to becoming an exemplary leader is ______. It's a step toward discovering personal values and beliefs. Leaders must find their voice. They must discover a set of principles that guide decision and actions. They must find a way to express a leadership philosophy in their own words and not in someone else's. PG 42


Exemplary leaders make he commitment to search for opportunities to get extraordinary things done. They make sure they engage in these 2 essentials: PG 159

- Seize the initiative - Exercise outsight

Over a 5yr period, the financial performance of ords where senior leaders were identified by their constituents as "strongly" engaged in using the 5 practices were compared w/those orgs whose leadership was significantly less engaged in the 5 practices. Bottom line? Net income growth was nearly ______ times higher and stock price growth nearly ______ times higher than their counter parts for those publicly traded orgs whose leadership was highly engaged in the 5 practices. PG 27

1) 18 2) 3`

1) The best leaders elicit nearly ______ times the amount of energy, drive, commitment, and productivity from their constituents compared to their counterparts at the other end of the spectrum. 2) When people reflect on their own experience, it becomes crystal clear that leaders ______. 3) The best leaders are the best ______. PG 334

1) 3 2) Make a difference 3) Learners

5yr period of research... The groups composed of friends completed, on average, more than ______ as many projects as the groups composed merely of acquaintances. In terms of decision-making assignments, groups of friends were over ______% more effective than groups of acquaintances. Other studies have shown that employees who have a friendly relationship w/their manager are ______ times more satisfied w/their jobs. PG 289

1) 3x 2) 20% 3) Two and a half

1) When asked how effective the leader is the score from those working w/leaders who are seen as being clear about their leadership philosophy are more than ________ than those score received from constituents who view leaders as not very clear about their leadership philosophy. 2) Leaders who have a clear leadership philosophy are nearly ________ more likely to be trusted by their constituents than those unclear about their leadership philosophy. PG 47

1) 40% higher 2) 30%

1) We found that people who work more, rather than less, engaged in each of these learning tactics (taking action, thinking, feeling, accessing others) were also more engaged in the ________. 2) Researchers Bob Eichinger, Mike Lumbardo, and Dave Ulrich report that in their studies, the single best predictor future success in new and different managerial jobs is ________. PG 202

1) 5 Practices of exemplary leadership. 2) Learning agility.

1) According to a global stud of CEO's, 2 of 3 most significant sources of innovative ideas are from where? 2) Studies into how the brain processes info suggest that in order to see things differently, and hence creatively, you have to bombard you brain w/thing it has ______. 3) This kind of novelty is vital... because the brain, evolved for efficiency, routinely does what? **moving beyond habitual thinking patterns is the starting point to imagining truly novel alternatives. PG 172

1) Actually outside the org - *this means honing you 'outsight' 2) Never encountered 3) Takes perceptual shortcuts to save energy

1) Critical incidents present opportunities for leaders to teach important lessons about ________. PG 89 2) Research shows that when leaders want to communicate standards ________ are much more effective means of communication than are corporate policy statements data about performances and even a story plus the data. PG 91-92

1) Appropriate norms of behavior 2) Stories *info is more quickly remembered and accurately remembered when it is first presented in the form of an example or story.*

1) Self-determination can be enhanced in a # of ways, based on 3 core principles which ensure that people are able to decide for themselves: ______. 2) What term fo researches use to describe those actions that employee take that are above and beyond their job descriptions or task requirements - that make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary individual and org performance? PG 247

1) Choice, latitude, and personal accountability 2) Organizational citizenship behavior

1) In a world that's trying to do more w/less, competitive strategies lose to strategies that promote: ______. 2) The motivation for work diligently on one's own job while keeping in mind the overall common objective is reinforced when it is the ______ that gets rewarded and not simply individual efforts. PG 235

1) Collaboration 2) End results

1) What truly differentiates the expert from the good performers is hours of ______. 2) If you want a rough metric of what it takes to achieve the highest level of expertise, the estimate is about ______ hrs of deliberate practice over a 10 yr period. That is ______. PG 336

1) Deliberate practice 2) 10,00 hrs ... / 2.7 hrs a day for 10 yrs

Tips for receiving feedback (5) PG 86

1) Don't be defensive 2) Listen carefully 3) Suspend judgement 4) Ask questions and ask for examples 5) Say "thank you"

According to leadership developers, Belle Linda Halprew and Kathy Lubar "______ drives expressiveness." They explain that leaders must communicate their emotions using all means of expression - verbal and nonverbal - if they are to generate the intense enthusiasm that's required to mobilize people to struggle for ______. PG 147

1) Emotion 2) Shared aspirations

1) Leaders envision the future by imagining exciting and ______. 2) You can't command commitment you have to ______. 3) You have to enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared ______. PG 18

1) Ennobling possibilities 2) Inspire it 3) Aspirations

1) To recognize contributions, you need to utilize these 2 essentials: PG 275 2) Exemplary leaders elicit high performance because they strongly believe in the abilities of their constituents to achieve even the most challenging goals. That's because positive expectations profoundly influence not only your constituents' aspirations but also, often unconsciously, how you behave toward them...social psychologists have referred to this as the ______. PG 276

1) Expect the best // Personalize recognition 2) Pygmalion effect

1) When you increase the latitude and discretion of your constituents you also have to increase what? 2) Ensuring that employees are given the training they need and involving them in decisions that impact their work creates both ______. PG 258

1) Expenditures on training and development 2) Competence and confidence

1) To create conditions in which people know they can count on each other, a leader needs to develop cooperative goals and rule, support norms of reciprocity, structure projects to promote joint efforts and support ______. . PG 230 2) For cooperation to succeed, rules must also be designed so that every person's contributions are both ______. PG 232

1) Face to face interactions 2) Additive and cumulative to the final outcome.

Enable others to act 1) Leaders foster collaboration by building trust and______. This sense of teamwork extends far beyond a few direct reports or close confidants. You have to engage all who must make the project work and in some way, all who must live w/the results. 2) Constituents neither perform at their best nor stick around for very long if you make them feel week, dependent or alienated. What will make them stronger and more capable? 3) when you strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing confidence, they are more likely to give it their all and exceed their own ______. PG 21

1) Facilitating relationships 2) Giving your power away and fostering their personal power and ownership. 3) Expectations

1) As individuals move into more senior levels in orgs, which bring with them responsibilities for longer-term projects and results, they see the value of looking ______. PG 111 2) In a series of studies, researchers have shown how leaders who are focused on the future attract follower more readily, induce more effort and intrinsic motivation from group members, promote group ID, mobilize collective action and ultimately achieve better performance on measured of both ______. PG 112

1) Farther into the future 2) Individual and organizational outcomes.

1) People's motivation to perform a task increases only when they have a challenging goal and receive ______. PG 282 2) When we've asked people to tell us about their "most meaningful recognition" they consistently report that it's what? PG 287 3) Goals w/o feedback or feedback w/o goals has little effect on ______. PG 282

1) Feedback on their progress 2) "Personal" 3) People's willingness to put extra effort into the task

1) The quality and accuracy of communication and the integrity of the decision making process, increase when people ______. 2) Our research and others, clearly reveals that when there's congruence between ______ values and ______ values, there's significant payoff for leaders to their orgs. 3) We found that nearly ______ of people surveyed felt that orgs and their leaders should be spending more time talking about values. PG 63

1) Feel part of the same team 2) Individual values and organizational values 3) Two thirds

1) Being ________ is the 2nd most admired characteristic that people look for in those people they would willingly follow. 2) It is this quality of focusing on the future that most differentiates people who are seen as ________. 3) Nearly ________ respondents expect this from their leaders where as less than ________ expect this quality from colleagues. 4) Unfortunately, only about ________ of the typical business person's time is spent thinking about the future. PG 105

1) Forward looking 2) Leaders from those who are not 3) 3 out of 4; 30% 4) 3%

1) It is because there are so many leaders -not so few- that extraordinary things get done on a regular basis in orgs, especially in time of ________. 2) Leaders never get extraordinary things accomplished all by themselves. Leaders mobilize other to want to struggle for shared aspirations,and this means that, fundamentally, leadership is a ________. 3) A relationship characterized by ________ will overcome the greatest adversities and leave a legacy of significance. PG 30

1) Great uncertainty 2) Relationship....between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. 3) Mutual respect and confidence.

1) For them to willingly follow someone else, they must believe that the leader's word can be trusted, that she is personally passionate and enthusiastic about the work and that she ________. 2) An expectation that their leaders be ________ is what sets leaders apart from other credible individuals. 3) your ability to take strong stands, challenge the status quo, and point to new directions depends on you being ________. PG 37-38

1) Has the knowledge and skill to lead. 2) Forward-looking. 3) Highly credible.

1) People who reciprocate are more likely to be successful than those why try to maximize what? 2) Reciprocity leads to what in relationships? PG 233

1) Individual advantage 2) Predictability and stability

1) The evidence from our research and from studies by many others, is that if people are going to do their best, they must be ______. 2) When it comes to excellence, it's definitely not "what gets rewarded gets done", it's "What is ______" PG 170 3) There's very convincing evidence that reliance on extrinsic motivators can actually lower performance and create a culture of divisiveness and selfishness, precisely because ______. PG 171-172

1) Internally motivated 2) Rewarding get done 3) It diminishes an inner sense of purpose

1) Leaders can't impose their values on org members. Instead, they must be proactive in ______. 2) Shared values are the result of listening, appreciating, building consensus and ______.3) For people to better understand the values and come to agree w/them, they must ______. PG 66

1) Involving people in the process of creating shared values 2) Resolving conflicts 3) Participating in the process: unity is forged not forced

1) Small wins produce big result for a very simple reason: ______. 2) Harvard Busn School Prof Teresa Amabile and researcher Steven Kramer found that people are more creative and productive when their inner-work lives are postitive - when they feel happy, are intrinsically motivated by the work itself and have positive perceptions of their colleagues and orgs. And what triggers these feelings? PG 197-198

1) It's hard to argue w/success 2) The key to motivating performance is supporting progress in meaningful work.

1) the questions you ask are also quite powerful in focusing attention. When leaders ask questions, they send constituents on mental ________. 2) The questions that a leader asks send messages about the focus of the org, and they're indication of________. 3) They're one more measure of how serious you are about your exposed beliefs. Question direct attention to the ________. PG 81-82

1) Journey-quests-in search of answers. 2) What is of most concern to the leader 3) Values that should be attended to; How much energy should be devoted to them.

1) Building trust is a process that begins when someone (either you or the other party) is willing to risk being the 1st to open up, to show vulnerability, and to let go of control. ________ go first. PG 222-223 2) What is one of the clearest and most unambiguous signals of your trust? PG 223 3) when others know you will put their interests ahead of your own, they ________. PG 223

1) Leaders 2) The concern you show for others 3) Won't hesitate to trust you

Most innovations do not come from ______, they come from ______. They also come from outsight. PG 156

1) Leaders 2) The people closest to the work

1 ) Leaders exercise guided autonomy: although they do set standards and hold everyone accountable for shared values and visions, they still give people the opportunity to ________. PG 248 2) If you want higher levels of performance and greater initiative from your constituents, you must be proactive in designing work that allows them ________, a close cousin of choice. PG 250 3) In order to foster accountability, you need to delegate authority and ________. PG 248

1) Make choices about how they will reach these objectives 2) Latitude 3) Give others a chance to take responsibility

1) Milton Rokeach, one of the leading school scholars in the field of human values, referred to A values as an enduring belief. He noted that values are organized into 2 sets: 2) In the context of our work on leadership, we use the term values to refer to here-and-now beliefs about how things shold be accomplished - what Milt calls ______. 3) We will use ______ when we refer to the long term ends values that leaders and constituents aspire to attain leadership requires both. 4) All of the most critical decisions a leader makes involve? PG 48

1) Means and ends 2) Means value 3) Vision 4) Values ** Values constitute your personal "bottom line." They serve as guides to action

Embedded in the 5 practices of exemplary leadership behaviors that can source as the basis for learning to lead. We call these the 10 commandments of leadership. They focus on actions you need to apply to yourself and that you need to take w/others. These 10 commandments serve as the template for explaining, understanding, appreciating and learning how leaders get extraordinary things done in orgs... They are: PG 28

1) Model the way - Clarify values by finding your own voice: affirming shared values - Set the example by aligning actions w/shared values 2) Inspire a share vision - Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities - Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations 3) Challenging the process - Search for opportunities by seizing initiative and looking outward for innovative ways to improve - Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from experience 4) Enable others to act - Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships - Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competition 5) Encourage the heart - Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence - Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community

1) Univ of Michigan Prof Karl Weick describes a small win as a concrete, complete, implemented outcome of ______. PG 190 2) The conditions people faced during their person-best leadership experiences were just as uncertain and stressful as his. Although, 95% of the cases were described as exiting, about 20% of leaders also called the experiences frustrating and approx ______% said that their experiences aroused few or anxiety. 3) But instead of being debilitated by the stress of a difficult experience leaders said they were ______. PG 192

1) Moderate importance 2) 15% 3) Challenged and energized by it

1) Despite the acknowledged potency of clearly communicated and compelling visions, or research finds people ________. PG 140 2) It's not necessary to be a charismatic person to inspire a shared vision. you have to ________ and you have to ________. PG 140

1) More uncomfortable w/ inspiring a shared vision than w/any of the other leadership practices. their discomfort comes mostly from having to actually express their emotions. 2) Believe; Develop the skills to transmit your belief. It's your passion that brings the vision to life.

1) Constituents look for leaders who demonstrate an enthusiastic, genuine belief in the capacity of others who strengthen people's will, who supply the means to achieve, who express ________. PG 145 2) Researchers working w/neutral networks have documented that when people feel rebuffed or left out, the brain activates a site for ________. PG 146

1) Optimism for the future 2) Registering physical pain

1) ________ values drive commitment and are the route to motivation and productivity. PG 55-56 2) You wont stick around a place for very long when you feel in your heart and soul that you don't belong. This is why people's years of managerial experience and hierarchical level help explain differences in the extent of personal values clarity, whereas such factors as ________ do not. PG 55-56

1) Personal 2) Gender, education level and functional discipline.

1) Results of our research clearly indicate that clarity of ______ values makes a significant difference in behavior at work. 2) The highest levels of commitment are found where ______ values are the clearest. 3) Clarity about these values was consistently more significant in accounting for positive work place attitudes and levels of engagement than was clarity around ______ values. PG 55

1) Personal 2) Personal 3) Organizational

1) those people who felt that they were challenged and who observed that their leaders were also challenging themselves, experienced between 25 to 35% stronger feelings of ______. 2) The biggest difference between the 2 groups was in how they viewed their leaders' effectiveness. The least challenging leaders earned evaluations from their constituents that were nearly ______% lower than those received by leaders viewed as seeking out challenges for themselves and their teams. PG 168

1) Pride, motivation and team spirit 2) 40%

1) Psychologists, intrigued by people who experience a high degree of stress and yet are able to cope w/it in a positive manner, have discovered that these individuals have a distinctive attitude toward stress, which they call ______. Researchers over the last 40yrs have discovered... those high in ______ are much more likely to w/stand serious challenges and bounce back from failure than those low in hardiness and the good news is that hardiness is a quality that people can learn and that leaders can support. 2) There are 3 factor to psychological hardiness: PG 194

1) Psychological hardiness (x2) 2) Commitment, control, and challenge

1) Barbara Fredrickson's, Prof at U of NC, findings indicate that being positive open up up. "The first core truth about positive emotion is that they open our heart and our minds, make us more ______. " 2) People who enjoy more positivity are better able to cope w/adversity and are more resilient during times of ______. PG 146

1) Receptive and more creative 2) High stress

Challenge the Process 1) Because innovation and change involved experimenting and taking risks, your major contribution will be to create a climate for experimentation on which there is ______. 2) Taking risks is necessary because it requires you and those you are working w/to challenge not only what you are working on, but how______. 3) One way of dealing w/potential failures of experimentation is by ______. 4) The best leaders are the simply best ______, life is their laboratory. PG 201

1) Recognition of good ideas, support of those ideas, and the willingness to challenge the system 2) You work 3) Constantly generating small wins and learning from experience 4) Leaders

1) ______ capital has been added to physical and intellectual capital as a major source of success and happiness. 2) What are among the best ways to capitalize on the need to connect, to socialize and to form community? PG 305 3) ______ relationships at work - relationship characterized by a genuine belief in and advocacy for the interests of others - are critically important in maintaining personal and org vitality. PG 309

1) Social 2) Corporate celebrations 3) Supportive

1) One of the significant lessons learned from an extensive 10yr study of service quality is that ______ networks are essential for sustaining the motivation to serve. PG 310 2) Researcher and former Harvard teaching fellow Shawn Achor has found that among undergrad students, ______ was a far greater predictor of happiness than any other factor. 3) Other studies have found that ______ not only enhances wellness, but also buffers against disease, particularly during times of high stress. PG 311

1) Social support 2) Social support 3) Social support

1) Short falls in service performance are highly correlated w/the absence of ______. PG 310 2) People w/few close contacts were ______ more likely to die during a study period than those who regularly had friends to turn to. PG 311

1) Social support and team work 2) 2 to 3 times

1) To achieve the extraordinary, you have to be willing to do things that have never been done before. Every single personal-best story we have heard and read speaks to the need to ________. PG 188 2) The difference between an exemplary leader and an individual risk-taker is that leaders are able to create the conditions where people ________. PG 188 3) Leaders make risk safe, they don't define boldness solely in terms of go-for-broke giant-leap projects. More often than not, they see change as starting ________. PG 188

1) Take risks w/bold ideas 2) People want to join w/them in the struggle 3) Small, using pilot projects;, and gaining momentum

1) Every team member, partner and colleague is a sender of signals about what's valued. Therefore, you need to look for opportunities to teach not just by your example but also by talking on the rule of ______. 2) Exemplary leaders know that if they're going to create a high performance culture, they have to pay attention to ______. 3) In order to show others what's expected and ensure that they hold themselves accountable you need to ______. PG 88

1) Teacher; coach 2) Bringing on board people who share the values that are held dear. 3) Confront critical incidents, tell stories and make sure that organizational systems reinforce the behaviors you want repeated.

1) Learning ability, as they (researchers) define it is: 2) Learning agility requires self-confidence to honestly examine oneself, self-awareness to seek feedback and suggestions and self-disciplining to engage in ______. PG 202

1) The ability to reflect on experience and then engage in new behavior based on those reflections 2) New behaviors

1) The past serves as a prologue for? PG 108 2) Another benefit to looking back before looking ahead is that you gain greater appreciation for? PG 108 3) Envisioning the future is about paying attention to the little things that are going on all around you and being able to recognize ________. PG 110

1) The future 2) How long it can take to fulfill aspirations 3) Patterns that point to the future.

Challenge the process 1) Challenge is the crucible for greatness. Every single personal-best leadership case involved a change from ______. 2) Rob Pearson quote: Change was thrust upon me when I had to choose between being passive (______) or seizing the initiative and bending the rules to suit my needs (______). 3) Innovation comes more from ______ than from ______. You have to constantly be looking outside yourself and your org for new and innovative products, processes and services. PG 19-20

1) The status quo 2) Guaranteed to fail; Increasing the possibility of success 3) Listening; telling

1) Empirical study of self-confidence....when faced w/difficult performance standards, those managers who believed that decision making was an acquirable skill did what? 2) What about their counterparts who believed decision making ability was latent, either you have it or you don't? PG 263

1) They continued to set challenging goals for themselves, used good problem solving strategies, and fostered organizational productivity 2) They lost confidence in themselves over time as they encountered difficulties

"The leader of the future asks; The leader of the past tells". the benefits of asking questions are numerous. first, it gives other people the room to ______. Second, asking questions indicates an underlying ______. Asking questions also puts leaders in a coaching position, more of a guiding role, which ______. PG 266

1) Think and to frame issues from their own perspective. 2) Trust in people's abilities by shifting accountability and it has the benefit of creating almost immediate buy-in for the solution. 3) Frees them up to think more freely and strategically.

1) Researchers have documented the power of language in shaping ________. 2) Just a few words from someone can make the difference in the ________. 3) "Watch your language" is now about setting an example for others, demonstrating how they need to ________. PG 80-81

1) Thoughts and actions 2) Beliefs that people articulate 3) Think and act

1) ______ is a strong, significant predictor of employee satisfaction, the quality of communication, honest sharing of info, acceptance of change, acceptance of the leader's influence, and team and org performance. PG 219-220 2) High-trust orgs have been shown to out perform low-trust orgs by ______ percent. Pg 220 3) In a PricewaterhouseCoopers study on corporate innovation in companies listed on the financial time 100, trust was the #1 difference between what? PG 220

1) Trust 2) 286% 3) The top 20% of companies surveyed and the bottom 20%.

1) 3 of the 4 characteristics (a leader must be) make up what communications experts refer to as "source credibility". In assessing the believably of sources of communication... researchers typically evaluate them on 3 criteria: Their perceived ______. 2) Notice how remarkably similar these 3 characteristics are to the essential leader qualities of ______. 3) People want to follow leader who are, more than anything ______. ______ is the foundation of leadership. PG 36-37

1) Trustworthiness, expertise, and dynamism. 2) Honest, competent and inspiring 3) Credible; Credibility

Just as architects make drawings and engineers build models, leaders find ways of giving expression to collective hopes for the future. When talking about the future, people typically speak in terms of foresight, focus, forecasts, future scenarios , points of view and perspectives. What these words have in common is that they are ______. The word vision itself has at its root the verb "to see". Statements of vision, then, shouldn't be statements at all. They should be ______. They're more image than words. For visions to be shared, it needs to be ______. PG 143

1) Visual references 2) Picture - word pictures 3) Seen in the mind's eye.

1) Claremont Grad Univ Pro of Psychology Csikszgutmihaly, has spent his entire academic career studying the relationship of challenge and skill to optimal performance and he finds that... 2) People often refer to being "in ______" when they feel that they are performing effortlessly and expertly despite the difficulty of the experience. PG 256

1) When high challenges are matched w/high skills, the deep involvement that sets flow apart from ordinary life is likely to occur 2) The flow

1) What is the 1st question your constituents want you to answer? 2) The personal-best leadership experience cases we've collected are, at their core, the stories of individuals who were clear about their________ and understood how this clarity gave them the courage to navigate difficult situations and make tough choices. 3) People expect their leaders to speak out on matter of ________. PG 43

1) Who are you? 2) Values 3) Values and conscience

If you want your constituents to have a winning attitude, you have to do 2 things: PG 279

1) You have to believe that your constituents are already winners 2) If you want people to be winners, you have to behave in ways that communicate to them that they are winners - not just through your words, but also through tone of voice, posture, gestures, and facial expression.

1) To find your voice, you have to explore your inner-self. You have to discover what you care about, what defines you, and what makes________. You can be authentic only when you lead according to principles that matter most to you. 2) When we ask leaders how clear they are about their leadership philosophy, those who fall into the top 10% ....their attitude toward the workplace are significantly more ________. 3) When asked to rate their own effectiveness as a leader, the scores of those clear about their leadership philosophy are ________ than those.... note very clear about leadership philosophy. PG 46-47

1) You who you are 2) Positive 3) 25% higher

1) This realization leads to a straight forward prescription for the most significant way to establish credibility. We refer to it as Kouzes-Posner second law of leadership: 2) DWYSYWD has 2 essential parts: 3) The practice of ______ links directly to those 2 dimensions of the behavioral definition of credibility. PG 40

1) you build a credible foundation of leadership foundation when you DWYSYWD- Do what you say you will do 2) Say and do 3) Model the way

If you want higher levels of performance and greater initiative from your constituents, you must be proactive in designing work that allows them latitude, a close cousin of choice...a study of the fortune 200 revealed that in the most successful companies, divisional managers could spend ______ times the amount that their counterparts at the less successful orgs. PG 250-251


You need to coach constituents, because no one ever got to be the best at anything w/ the constructive feedback, probing questions, and ________ of respected coaches. PG 264

Active teaching

Our own studies using the leadership practices inventory (LPI), our 360* feedback instrument for assessing the frequency w/which people engage in the 5 practices of exemplary leadership consistently show that the statement that receives the lowest rating, both from leaders as well as their constituents is ________. PG 85

Asks for feedback on how his actions affect other peoples performance.

Studies of the innovation process make the point: success does not breed success. It breeds failure. It is failure which... PG 200

Breeds success

It's important to understand that genuine recognition foes not have to include anything tangible. Exemplary leaders make tremendous use of intrinsic rewards-rewards that are ______ - all directly tied to an individuals effort. PG 293

Built into the work itself, including such factors as sense of accomplishment, a chance to be creative and the challenge of the work.

To enlist others and inspire a shared vision, you must be able to draw on that very natural process of ______. PG 144

Creating images

Seeing and experiencing something first hand can shake people up in a way that abstract discussions around conference room tables can't. It's therefore extremely valuable to start creativity-building exercises or idea generation efforts outside the office by engineering personal experiences that ________. PG 173

Directly confront the participant's implicit or explicit assumptions

Leadership is also an art and just as w/any other art form , leadership is a means of personal expression. To become a credible leader, you have to learn to ________. PG 52

Express yourself in ways that are uniquely your own

Researchers have found that when there are high quality relationships at will, people engage in more of the behaviors that lead to ____. These relationships are characterized by positive regard for others a sense of mutuality & Trust. PG 204


People actually remember down-beat comments far more often, in greater detail, and w/more intensity than they do encouraging words. When negative remarks become preoccupation, an employee's brain does what? PG ___

Loses mental efficiency

When we asked people to tell us who initiated the projects that they selected as their personal bests, we assumed that the majority of the people would name themselves. Surprisingly, that's not what we found. Someone other than the leader, usually the person's immediate manager, initiated how many of the cases? PG 179

More than half.

People who work for leaders who more frequently celebrate rate their leaders' effectiveness nearly ______ higher compared to those who say their leaders celebrates less. PG 320

One third higher

Having everyone on the same page when it comes to operating principles (values) ensures consistency in words and deeds for everyone boosting in turn not just individual credibility but ______. PG 67

Org reputation

All exemplary leaders understand that you have to reinforce the key values that are important to building and sustaining the kind of culture you want. Key performance measures and reward systems are among they many methods available to you. ______ systems are also important means by which you can teach people how to enact values and align behavior. PG 95

Recruitment, selection, on-boarding, training, information, retention and promotion

Every leader needs a theme, something on which he can structure the rest of the performance... think about these questions: - What's your prominent message? - What's your recurring theme? - What idea, feeling, aspiration or concern grabs hold of you and wont let go? - What do you most want people to envision every time they think about the future? For many leaders, the answers don't come easily - at first ... improvement comes when you engage in conscious introspection. This requires you to ______ on your past, ______ to the present, ______ the future, and ______ you passion. PG 106

Reflect; attend; prospect; feel.

The more frequently people ask for and accept feedback, the easier it will be to deliver and to hear, especially when both parties ______. PG 87

Share similar values and aspirations

To be most effective, good feedback needs to be ________, not general; focused on ________, not the individual (personality); solicited rather than ________; timely rather than ________; and descriptive rather than ________. PG 85

Specific; behavior; imposed; delayed; evaluative

Values are guides. They supply you w/a compass by which to navigate the course of you daily life. Clarity of values is essential to knowing which way is north, south, east, and west. The clearer you are about you values, the easier it is for you and everyone else to ________. PG 51

Stay on the chosen path and commit to it.

The people who are clear about their personal beliefs but can't recite the corporate credo are significantly more likely to stick around and work hard than those people who've heard the organizational litany but have never listened to their own inner voice. (True or False )


Small, incremental, and consistent steps forward have a big impact on people's motivation... an extensive study involving 5 DuPont plants documented that minor technical changes... rather than major changes....accounted for over ______of the reductions in production costs over a 30yr period. PG 198

Two thirds

Ideals Reveal Higher- Order_______Preferences PG 130


Throughout the process of reflecting on your past, attending to the present and prospecting for the future, you need to keep in touch with what? PG 113

What moves you, what you care about, and where your passion is

Groups that had been together the longest reported lower levels of communication in all 3 areas ( intraproject, organizational , and professional) and were significantly more isolated from external sources of new ideas and technological advances and from info from where? PG 176 (*Study by MIT Sloan School of Management of Ralph Katk and Tom Allen)

Within other organizational divisions

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