Leadership Final Direct

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________ may be more effective at changing behavior than more traditional learning and training approaches.


Mentors and sponsors have helped executives develop "three (3) C's" critical to advancement, they are:

confidence, competence, and credibility

______ concerns those behaviors related to people's approach to work.


_________ thinking has a single best answer"


________ is the process of pinpointing development needs

development planning

Tests of creativity or ________ thinking have many possible answers


_________ involves a willingness to confront one's own views and an invitation to other's to do so.

double-loop learning

Four methods of learning discussed in the text under Leader Development include the following:

e-Learning, Training Seminars, On-The-Job Training, Targeted Coaching

________ can be defined as a group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others:

emotional intelligence

_______ refer to those in which ethical standards and norms have been consistently, clearly and pervasively communicated throughout the organization:

ethical climates

_______ involves behaviors that are more likely to be exhibited in group settings


The ___________ dimension is fundamentally concerned with where people get their energy

extraversion, introversion

________ type of leadership provides oversight, control, moral guidance, and caring protectiveness:


Informal coaching consists of five (5) steps:

forging a partnership, inspiring commitment, growing skills, promoting persistence, shaping the environment

Three (3) factors that affect the attribution process are:

fundamental atributtion error, self-serving bias, actor/observer difference

Leaders who do not attack or belittle others can expect to:

get more complete and timely information from their followers

An example in the text about leadership discussed two detectives playing the roles of "good cop" and "bad copy" when interviewing a suspect, this is ____________:

inauthentic leadership

IDP is the acronym for:

individual development plan

Whether you should protect the confidentiality of someone's medical condition when the condition itself may pose threat to the larger community. This matches which paradigm?

individual versus community

______programs provide a similar kind of service for executives and managers in leadership positions.

informal coaching

CRT consists of several key concepts, one of which is _________:


_______ is a person's all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought.


The _________ is based on the idea that leadership involves complex interactions between the leader, the followers and the situations they are in:

interactional framework

The ___________dimension describes the amount of information a leader needs before feeling comfortable making a decision.:


"Do as I say, not as I do" is NOT a form of:

lead by example

Cognitive Resources Theory (CRT) explains the interesting relationships between _______ and ________.:

leader intelligence, experience levels

What is the three (3) elements of the Interactional Framework for analyzing leadership: _______, _________, _________.

leaders, followers, situation

___________ is the process of influencing an organized group toward achieving its goals:


Three leadership myths are:_____, ______, ______.

leaderships is all common senses, leaders are born, not made and the only school you learn leadership from is the school of hard knocks

Critical lessons learned from Formal Coaching include:

choose this one person being coached must want to change, assessments are important, some behaviors cannot be changed, practice is critical and accountability

The best followers are those who:

are independent, innovative, and willing to stand up to superiors

One important aspect of perception is a process called:


People sometimes try to justify immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions. This is called_______:

attribution of blame

________ is grounded in the principles found in the familiar adage "to thine own self be true":

authentic leadership

The four definitions of Emotional Intelligence can be broken down into two models:

character and values

Cults are characteristic as having these four qualities:

charismatic leadership, a compelling vision, a conversion process, a common culture

________ type of leadership cares about developing others and works besides them as a role model:


Earliest theory of leadership was:

the great man theory

Douglas McGregor identified two (2) contrasting sets of assumptions people make about human nature, calling them _____ and _____:

theory x, theory y

The___________ dimension is concerned with the considerations leaders prefer when making decisions.:


A significant issue with CRT concerns the leader's ability to _________:

tolerate stress

______ refer to recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior.


A major advantage of the OCEAN model is that it appears universally applicable across all cultures:


In the text they discussed Colin Powell's life and his career as it commenced in the military. This was based on the Spiral of Experience concept.


The mixed model provides a much broader, more comprehensive definition of emotional intelligence:


To be successful, learning must continue throughout life?


Honestly answering a question when doing so could compromise a real or implied promise of confidentiality to others. This matches which paradigm?

truth versus loyalty

________ are an alternative framework to describe the differences in people's day-to-day behavior patterns and are thought as relatively discrete categories:


______ are constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important:


Values can be defined (regarding this leadership course)

Beliefs about behaviors and states of affairs that are important to the person.

"Do what you want others to do to you" aligns with which of Kidder's principles for resolving ethical dilemmas?

Care-based thinking

Going far beyond what is termed participative management by sharing power and information is labeled as _________

. Interactive Leadership

Five (5) fundamental archetypes of leadership were identified as:

. Teacher-Mentor, Father-Judge, Warrior-Knight, RevoluƟonary-Crusader, Visionary-Alchemist

Moral Reasoning can be described as

. The process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors.

The term _______ has been used to refer to "leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher-ups":

. upward ethical leadership

Three key elements of Triarchic theory are:

.Analytical, Practical, Creative

The ability model of EQ is broken down into how many related abilities:


Two forms of thinking are:

Convergent and Divergent

The Emotional Intelligence is often referred to as :


"Do what's best for the greatest number of people" aligns with which of Kidder's principles for resolving ethical dilemmas?

Ends-based thinking

Ethical role models may exhibit four (4) general categories of attitudes and behaviors:

Interpersonal behaviors, Basic fairness, Ethical actions and self-expectations, Articulations & ethical standards

Deciding whether to excuse a person's misbehavior because of extenuating circumstances or a conviction that he or she has 'learned a lesson'. This matches which paradigm?

Justice vs. Mercy

One of the most popular psychological tests or measures of preferences is the_________:

Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test (16 personalities)

Moral potency has three (3) main components:

Moral ownership, Moral courage, Moral efficacy

Another name for the Five Factor Model (FFM) of Personality:

OCEAN model

Theory X and Theory Y represent which of the following assumptions of human nature?

One theory is pessimistic about the motivations of workers and the need to be coercive and the other is positive and takes advantage of workers motivation

Leaders higher in_____________ tend to be imaginative, broad-minded and curious.

Openness to Experience

The five factors of the FFM or Ocean Model:

Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism

The ___________ dimension is concerned with how people look at data.:


How a parent chooses to balance spending time with children now as compared with investments in a career that may provide greater benefits for the family in the long run. This matches which paradigm?

Short-term vs. Long-Term

_____ focuses on what a leader does when solving complex mental problems, such as how information is combined and synthesized when solving problems:

Triarchic theory

Types of ethical dilemmas (choosing between two rights) include

Truth vs. Loyalty, Individual vs. Community, Short-Term vs. Long-Term, Justice vs. Mercy

Types of ethical dilemmas (choosing between two rights) include:

Truth vs. Loyalty, Individual vs. Community, Short-Term vs. Long-Term, Justice vs. Mercy

Four (4) popular and increasingly common methods of leader development

action learning, development planning, coaching, mentoring

Leadership development is enhanced when the experience involves three (3) different processes:

action, observation and reflection

_________ is the use of actual work issues and challenges as the developmental activity itself.

active learning

Leadership and management are interrelated however they are distinctive as managers _________ and leaders ____________:

administer - innovate

_________concerns how one gets along with, as opposed to gets ahead of, others.


An experienced person, typically several levels higher, who takes someone "under his or her wings" is a:


________ describes the process by which an older and more experienced person helps to socialize and encourage younger organizational colleagues.


______ involves reinterpreting otherwise immoral behavior in terms of a higher purpose:

moral justification

______ refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors:

moral reasoning

Sensitivity to stressful situations would be characterized by which component of the 5 factor model


________ is concerned with how people react to stress, change, failure, or personal criticism


When incorporating the the components of the AOR Model as a means of advancing leadership skills, which components could be adversely influenced by your "perceptive set"

observation and reflection

_____ refers to the impression a person makes on others


_______ postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial, and the organizaƟonal levels of leadership:

principle-centered leadership

Ethics are:

principles of right conduct or a system of moral values

Leadership is a ___________, not a position


"Following the highest principle or duty" aligns with which of Kidder's principles for resolving ethical dilemmas?

rule-based thinking

Leadership is both _________ and ___________:

science art

A________ is what occurs when our expectations or predictions play a causal role in bringing about the events we predict.

self-fulfilling prophecy

________ emerges when one's primary motivation is to help others:

servant leadership

Social responsibility and the expectation to become engaged in one's community is called_________:

service learning

The most productive way to develop a leaders is to travel along the:

spiral of experience

Which tool is most closely associated with the AOR model

spiral of experience

Another term for "Practical Intelligence" is:

street smarts

A former term for followers:


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