Leadership midterm 1

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Advantages of being a leader-

1. A feeling of power and prestige 2. A chance to help others grow and develop 3. High income 4. Respect and status 5. Good opportunities 6. A feeling of being in on things 7. An opportunity to control money and other resources

Substitues for leadership

1. Closely knit teams of highly trained individuals. 2. Intrinsic satisfaction. 3. Computer technology. 4. Professional norms.

Important factors in building a partnership with group members

1. Exchange of purpose 2. A right to say no 3. Joint accountability- means that you share responsibility for a situation, including the consequences it creates. 4. Absolute honesty

Types and levels of intelligence-

1. Knowledge of the business or group task 2. Creativity 3. Insight into people and situations 4. Farsightedness and conceptual thinking 5. Cognitive (or analytical) intelligence *

Task related personality traits

1. Passion for work and the people 2. Emotional Intelligence*** 3. Flexibility and Adaptability 4. Internal locus and control 5. Courage

Personality traits/ characteristics of leaders-

1. Self-confidence* 2. Humility*- modest, *credit to others 3. Core self evaluation* don't blame bus for being late 4. Trustworthiness* Walk the talk 5. Authenticity* 6. Extraversion 7. Assertiveness 8. Enthusiasm, Optimism, and Warmth 9. Sense of Humor

Characteristics/ traits/ behaviors of effective followers

1. Self-management- think for ones self and work well without close supervision 2. Commitment 3. Competence and focus- mastering skills. 4. Courage- independent and critical thinkers that fight for what they believe is right.

Disadvantages of being a leader-

1. Too much uncompensated overtime 2. Too many headaches 3. Facing a perform-or-perish mentality 4. Not enough authority to carry out responsibility 5. Loneliness 6. Too many problems involving people 7. Too much organizational politics 8. The pursuit of conflicting goals 9. Being perceived as unethical, especially if you are corporate executive

Effective ways for collaboration between leader/members

A key role for followers is to collaborate with leaders in achieving organizational goals. Every organizational member needs to contribute energy and talent to help leaders carry out their roles successfully.

Democratic Leader-

A person in charge who confers final authority on the group

Consultative Leader-

A person in charge who confers with group members before making a decision

Autocratic Leader-

A person in charge who retains most of the authority for himself or herself

Participative Leader-

A person in charge who shares decision making with group members

Leadership roles

A role in this context is an expected set of activities or behaviors stemming from ones job. Leadership roles are a subset of the managerial roles studied by Henry Mintsberg and others. Has to inspire or influence others.

Develop personal brand:

Also called, the brand called you, or your basket of strengths that makes you unique.


Answer inquires; report information about the group to outsiders.

Levels of engagement

Barbara Kellerman 1. Isolates- completely detached, ordered around 2. Bystanders- are free riders, typically detached, followers worst 3. Participants- show enough engagement, they care, participate. best 4. Activists- are considerably engaged, show support 5. Diehards- super engaged

Create vision for others:

Being able to create visions for others will be a major factor in your being perceived as charismatic. Vision- • The ability to imagine different and better conditions and ways to achieve them. • Charismatic leaders inspire others with their visions, which are often lofty, long-term goals. • Being a visionary is far from an ordinary task, and recent research in neuroscience suggests that visionary leaders use their brain differently from others.

Tenacity/ resilience-

Big change, keep trying.Tenacity multiplies in importance for organizational leaders because it takes a long time to implement a new program or to consummate a business deal. Resilience is part of tenacity because the tenacious person will bounce back from a setback through continuous effort.

How leadership is practiced

Blanchard quote


CHALLENGING but possible,

Consideration / initiating structure:

Consideration- • The degree to which the leader creates an environment of emotional support, warmth, friendliness, and trust • Typically are friendly and trustful, earn respect, and have a warm relationship with team members • Soft-spoken in that the leader is not dominating the discussions taking place between leader and group members Initiating Structure- • Organizing and defining relationships in the group by activities such as assigning specific tasks, specifying procedures to be followed, scheduling work, and clarifying expectations of team members. • Leader clearly defines his / her personal role as well as those of each and every group member.

Team builder

Contribute to group morale; hold meetings to encourage members to talk about accomplishments and concerns.

Team player

Correct conduct; cooperate with others; be loyal.

Drive and achievement motive-

Drive- put forth high energy into achieving objectives and to persistence in applying that energy. Achievement motivation- finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake. Entrepreneurs and high-level corporate managers usually have strong achievement motivation. 1. Achieve through their efforts and take responsibility for success or failure. 2. Take moderate risks 3. Receive feedback 4. Introduce novel, innovative, or creative solutions 5. Plan and set goals


Engage in ceremonial activities; represent the group to outsiders. have power but no responsibilities. like having money

Know and be able to fully explain the six additional leadership factors in good-to great transformations

First Who- People first, strategy Second Stockdale- Future can hold something brighter Build-Up breakthrough flywheel- Build up and maintain momentum "Think about riding a bike" Hedgehog- Start focus on one area, 3 circle theory Technology Accelerator- if it doesn't fit into the 3 circle companies don't do it. Culture & Discipline-

What are effective leaders made of

General personality traits- self-confidence and trustworthiness. Task related traits- internal locus of control.

Technical problem solver

Help group members solve technical problems; perform individual contributor tasks.

Framework for understanding leadership/formula

L=f(l,gm,s)- The formula means that the leadership process is a function of the leader, group members (or followers), and other situational variables. Bruce J. Avolio emphasizes that leadership is a function of both the leader and the led and the complexity of the context (setting and environment).


Makes deals with others for needed resources.


Makes things happen; often helping translate plans into action.

Be able to identify and explain the two defining traits of Level 5 leaders that are present in companies that experience good-to-great transformations.

Personal Humility- "demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation; never boastful. Acts with quiet, calm determination; Looks in the mirror, not out the window, to apportion responsibility for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors, or bad luck". Professional Will-"creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great. Demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results no matter how difficult. Sets the standard of building an enduring great company; will settle for nothing less. Looks out the window, not in the mirror, to apportion credit for the success of the company—to other people, external factors, and good luck" Will is fierce resolve, determination and persistent & tenacity.

Coach and motivator

Recognize achievements; encourage; give feedback and advice; inspire people.

Emotional Intelligence-

Refers to the ability to do such things as understand ones feelings, have empathy for others, and regulate ones emotions to enhance ones quality of life. Someone who scores high in EI, is described as resonant. 1. Self-awareness 2.Self-management 3. Social awareness 4. Relationship management

SMART goal setting - Review what each letter in the acronym stands for. Be able to fully explain the meaning each letter in the acronym stands for / means and why it important in the goal setting process.

S- Specific: A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "W" questions: M- Measureable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. A- Attainable: When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals. R- Realistic: To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. T- Timely & Tangible: A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there's no sense of urgency - A goal is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses, that is, taste, touch, smell, sight or hearing.

Strategic planner

Set direction for others based on external environment.

Types of charismatic leaders - socialized / personal:

Socialized- • Is a leader who restrains the use of power in order to benefit others. • Attempts to bring group members values in lie with his or her values. Personal- • Individuals serve primarily their own interests and therefor exercise few restraints on their own use of power. • Impose self-serving goals on constituents, and they offer consideration and support to group members only when it facilitates their own goals. • They identify more with the leader than the leaders message and therefor might follow the leader down an unethical path.

Strengths / weaknesses (limitations) of the trait approach:

Strengths- • Serves as a guide to leader selection. • Can guide individuals in preparing for leadership responsibility. Limitations (weaknesses) - • Does not identify which amount of characteristics are absolutely needed. • Can breed an elitist conception of leadership. • Different situations call for different combinations of traits.


Suggest innovative ideas and further business activity of the group; search for new undertakings for the group.

Consensus Leader-

The person in charge who encourages group discussion about an issue and then makes a decision that reflects general agreement and that group members will support

Leadership styles:

The relatively consistent pattern of behavior that characterizes a leader.

Gender differences in leadership style:

Women are more likely to exhibit higher levels of people skills than men AND consequently men and women have different leadership styles. • However, this naturally draws criticism and controversy due to the insufficient evidence to draw decisive conclusions. • INDIVIDUAL differences among women and men are probably far more important than any relatively small overall average difference between the two gender groups.


achieved in a specific time frame.

Laissez-faire Leader-

are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions, the result is extreme micromanagement

Influence of nature / nurture, born / bred, heredity / environment on effective leadership:

both, develop yourself and situation both is typically thought, need a combination of both and the right traits & development to be effective.


clear, understandable, not subjective. objective.

Where leadership is practiced


Knowledge of the business/ hands-on/ deeply engaged leadership-

expertise, have experience, 1. cognitive, 2. practical, 3. knowledge (expertise).

Power motives (personalized/social)-

have three dominant characteristics- 1. they act with vigor and determination to exert their power. 2. they invest much time in thinking about ways to alter the behavior and thinking of others. 3. they care about heir personal standing with those around them. Personalized- seek power mostly to further their own interests. Status, symbols, luxury, and money. Socialized- use power primarily to achieve organizational goals or a vision. Helps others.

Transformational leadership:

one who brings about positive, major changes in an organization. are charismatic


pertain to achieving your goal


quantifiable, did happen or not, to what degree

Leadership effectiveness

refers to attaining desirable outcomes such as productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation.

Conceptual Thinking:

refers to the ability to see the overall perspective, and it makes farsightedness possible. Is also a systems thinker.

Influence of age on emotional intelligence:

research reinforces the statements made so far about leadership being a combination of inherited and learned factors. A persons experience is important for emotional intelligence because it increases in age, and usually becomes better at managing relationships with practice. age and maturity


the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals.

Farsightedness - practical application of farsightedness:

the ability to understand the long-range implications of actions and policies. seeng ahead Ex. a farsighted leader recognizes that hiring talented workers today will give the firm a long-range competitive advantage.

Task related attitudes and behaviors:

• 1. Adaptability to the situation- adapt to situation • 2. Direction Setting- produce change, create a vision • 3. High performance standards- challenge others of thinking • 4. Concentrating on strengths of group members- effective leader helps people improve • 5. Risk taking and execution of plans- bring constructive change; leader must take risks and willing to implement those risky decisions. • 6. Hands on guidance and feedback- technical competence and knowledge of business are important for leadership characteristics. • 7. Ability to ask tough questions- ask tough questions rather than providing answers • 8. Organizing for collaboration- leadership is borderline between task-orientation and a relationship orientation that demands workers to collaborate with each other.

Relationship-oriented attitudes and behaviors:

• 1. Aligning people- get people to pull in the same direction and collaborate smoothly leading an interpersonal challenge. • 2. Openness to worker opinions- engage in management openness, or a set of leader behaviors particularly relevant to subordinates. • 3. Creating inspiration and visibility- inspiring others, involves appealing to their emotions and values • 4. Satisfying higher level needs- motivate people by satisfying higher-level needs, such as need for achievement, personal growth and a sense of belonging, recognition, self esteem and a feeling of control over ones life. • 5. Giving emotional support and encouragement- supportive behavior toward team members usually increases leadership effectiveness. • 6. Promoting principles and values- can be classified as relationship oriented because it deals directly with the emotions and attitudes of people, and indirectly with the tasks. • 7. Being a servant leader- serves constituents by working on their behalf to help them achieve their goals, not the leaders own goals.

Entrepreneurial leadership behaviors / characteristics:

• 1. Strong achievement drive & sensible risk taking- have stronger achievement motives than most leaders. • 2. High degree of enthusiasm & creativity- Entrepreneurs are highly enthusiastic, partially because they are so excited about their achievements. • 3. Tendency to act when opportunity arises- noted for seizing upon opportunity. • 4. Constant hurry combined with impatience- are always in a hurry • 5. Visionary perspective combined with tenacity- at their best, are visionaries. They have the ability to identify a problem and arrive at a solution • 6. Dislike of hierarchy and bureaucracy- are not ideally suited by temperament to working within the mainstream of a bureaucracy. • 7. Preference for dealing with external customers- have difficulty with bureaucracy is that they focus their energies on products, services, and customers, rather than on employees. • 8. Eye on the future- pronounced characteristics of thinking about future deals and business opportunities even before a current business is running smoothly.

Purpose of 360-degree feedback for a leader:

• A formal evaluation of superiors based on input from people who work for and with them, sometimes including customers and suppliers. • The data from the survey can be used to help leaders fine tune their attitudes and behaviors. • Measurement of leadership effectiveness. • Benefit is when this feedback reflects the behaviors and attitudes valued by the organization - and connects to: • Organization's business goals and strategy • Feedback reflects leadership functioning • Workers have been trained on giving & receiving feedback • Action plans for improvement are implemented • Individual leader has ownership of the feedback received • Problem is with the anonymous feedback and potential for group member to "anonymously strike" at leader.

Charismatic leadership, relationships, and impression management:

• Charisma is a positive and compelling quality that makes many others want to be led by the person who has it. Charisma relationship - • Charismatic Leadership involves the ATTRIBUTIONS made by group members about the characteristics of leaders and the results they achieve. • When group members PERCEIVE a leader to have a certain characteristic, the leader will more likely be perceived as charismatic. • Charismatic leaders use***- impression management to cultivate their relationships with group members. In other words they take steps to create favorable, successful impression, recognizing that the perceptions of constituents determine whether they function as charismatic leaders.

Transformational / Transactional leadership:

• Focuses on what the leader accomplishes, yet it still pays attention to the leaders personal characteristics and his or her relationship with group members. • The essence of this type of leader develops and transforms people. transaction- routine, exchange)

Most effective / sound leadership style on the Leadership Grid system:

• Leadership Effectiveness means helping group member attain productivity. Objective Data- Sales, Production, Cost-cutting Subjective Data- Judgments and perceptions by others about the leaders effectiveness • A framework for specifying the extent of a leader's concern for the production and people. • Study suggests the best way to achieve effective leadership is to integrate the task and relationship orientations. • The creators of the grid argue strongly for the value of 9,9 sound (contribute and commit) The 7 managerial grid styles 1. 9,1 Controlling (Direct & Dominate) Authority-Compliance 2. 1,9 Accommodating (Yield & Comply) Country Club Management 3. 5,5 Status Quo (Balance & Compromise) Middle-of-the-Road Management 4. 1,1 Indifferent (Evade & Elude) Impoverished Management 5. PAT Paternalistic (Prescribe & Guide) 6. OPP Opportunistic (Exploit & Manipulate) 7. 9,9 Sound (Contribute & Commit) Team Management

Concerns about charismatic leadership / the dark side:

• Robert Tucker warned about the dark side of charisma • Unethical and lead their organizations and outsiders toward illegal and immoral ends.

Using multiple leadership styles to get the best results:

• There is no one best or most effective leadership style. • Leaders who get the best results do not rely on one style. • Effective leaders need to focus on BOTH structuring the work (task behaviors) AND supporting and developing good interpersonal relationships with and among group members (relationship behaviors).

Characteristics of charismatic leaders:

• Visionary • Masterful communication skills • Ability to inspire trust • Able to make group members feel capable • Energy and action orientation • Emotional expressiveness and warmth • Romanticize risk • Unconventional strategies • Self-promoting personality • Dramatic and unique

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