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which responses from management suggest a suppression approach to diversity issues?

"quit whining" "you've got to pay your dues"

benefits of emotional intelligence

- better social relationships - greater well-being - increased satisfaction

heider's attribution theory proposed that behavior can be attributed to either ____ factors, such as ability, or _______ factors, such as a difficult task

- internal - external

perceived organizational support

Increased organizational commitment organizational citizenship behavior task performance lower turnover

cognitive ability

ability to learn and acquire new knowledge and skill - best predictor of task performance - if you pick it up faster, better job knowledge

the relationship building response to diversity issues seeks to foster relationships between diverse employee groups characterized by which features

acceptance understanding

what is the three - step problem solving approach and why is it important

define the problem identify OB concepts to solve the problem make recommendations and take action it closes the gap between an actual and a desired outcome

locus of control

describes how much personal responsibility someone takes for their behavior and its consequences

what situation factors

elements outside us that influence what we do, the way we do it, and the ultimate results of our actions

which process theory explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships

equity theory

barriers to implementing successful diversity programs

ethnocentrism prejudice inaccurate stereotypes


excessive self-love and self-absorption

what are the three components of a (personal) attitude

feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects

what are some ways to promote goal commitment

giving yourself a reward for making progress on your goals creating a record of your goals

according to goal setting theory, which of the following are needed in order for goals to motivate employees

goal specificity ability to achieve the goal commitment to the goal

organizational commitment leads to

greater employee retention greater motivation in pursuit of organizational goals

reinforcement theory states that you can

increase desired behavior by providing pleasing consequences strengthen desired behaviors by withdrawing a displeasing consequence

in adam's equity theory, knowledge, experience, education, and effort expanded are all perceived as


which of the following are true of personality? - It is comprised of constantly changing characteristics - it results from the interaction of genes and the environment - it is relatively stable across situations - it combines characteristics that give people unique identities

it results from the interaction of genes and the environment it is relatively stable across situations it combines characteristics that give people unique identities

what are reasons for employees to have negative reviews of performance management systems

limited guidance on how to improve performance infrequent feedback failure of managers to understand the responsibilities of the jobs they are reviewing

using vroom's expectancy theory to predict motivation, it can be said that

motivation will be high when all three elements are high

the acquired needs in mcclelland's acquired needs theory include the

need for achievement need for power

the idea that older coworkers are less motivated is a

negative stereotype

a cognitive pattern that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called


object recognition is a major function of


in Vroom's expectancy theory, instrumentality is the relationship between which two factors

performance outcomes

in the isolation approach, managers respond to diversity issues by

placing certain employees in functionally independent "silos"

the three acquired needs stated in mcclelland's theory are the needs for achievement, affiliation, and


barriers to successful diversity programs at work

prejudice and stereotyping of women and minorities negative diversity climate assumption that majority culture is universal

the form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness the process and procedures used to make organizational decisions is

procedural justice

emotional stability

relaxed, secure, unworried

barriers to successful diversity programs whilst at work

resistance to change lack of organizational priority for diversity a poor performance appraisal and reward system

which theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness

self-determination theory

one's inclination to take more credit for success than failure is called ____ ____


4 steps in the goal-setting process

set goals promote goal commitment provide support and feedback create action plans

the acronym SMART refers to which step in the goal-setting process

setting goals

what are strong situations

situation strength is the degree to which norms, cures, or standards dictate appropriate behavior - driving or a code red

what is trait activation

some situations, events, or interventions "activate" a trait more than others

SMART goals are those that include

time bound results oriented specific

the action option that is among the least preferred responses to diversity issues



trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted

what are the main ideas behind the access-and-legitimacy perspective?

- an organization's workforce should reflect the diversity of its customers - an organization's markets and constituencies are culturally diverse

what are three ways people are motivated to reduce cognitive dissonance

- changing attitudes, behavior, or both - belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior - find consonant elements that outweigh dissonant behavior

four workplace attitudes include

- organizational commitment (what is it and what are its outcomes) - employee engagement (what is it and what are its outcomes) - perceived organizational support (what is it and what are its outcomes) - job satisfaction (what Is it and what are its outcomes)

barriers to implementing successful diversity programs

- unsupportive or hostile work environment - negative diversity climate - poor career planning


Cold & no facial affect, antisocial, thrill-seeking, like police officer task performance (like POWER)

what is cognitive ability and how is it related to job performance

ability to learn, or potential to learn, and acquire new knowledge and skills because they can learn it leads to job knowledge and then better job performance

criteria determining which employee is promoted

ability to manage people strong team skills ability to build and manage relationships managers type soft skills

emotional intelligence

ability to monitor one's own emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and use this information to guide one's thinking and action

what are personal values

abstract ideals that guide our thinking and behavior across all situations

recognition that the organization's markets and constituencies are culturally diverse is call a(n) ____ - and - _____ perspective on diversity

access legitimacy


appreciate, compose, and perform music

job satisfaction or dissatisfaction leads to

attitudes - motivation - job involvement - withdrawal cognitions - perceived stress behaviors - job performance - organizational citizenship behavior - counterproductive work behavior - turnover

what are considered outputs in equity theory

bonuses recognition

individual differences are determined by

both genetics and environment

the ____ ______ option in thomas' framework is based on the belief that good relationships can rise above differences

building relationships

the most preferred action responses to diversity issues

building relationships mutual adaptation inclusion

ways in which organizations pursue an assimilation approach to diversity issues

by using recruitment practices that emphasize company values by employing orientation programs that introduce standard operating procedures by providing policies that instruct employees on what to do in specific situations

emotional stability

calm under pressure, able to keep team focused on task under stress may not understand or empathize with others' emotional reaction


can recognize and use patterns

steps in the process of stereotyping

categorization inferences maintenance expectation

what are person factors

characteristics that give individuals their unique identities


compares a person's performance on one task to behavior on other tasks


compares an individual's behavior to that of his or her peers

self-determination theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by these innate needs

competence autonomy relatedness

what are examples of intrinsic rewards

completing quarterly financial statements without errors providing donations to a food cupboard


complex, relatively brief responses aimed at particular person, information, experience, or event can change off of psychological and physiological states felt vs. displayed felt = feelings expressed = what others can see

kelley hypothesized that people make casual attributions by observing three dimensions of behavior called

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

a person who attributes behavior to external causes would give a low rank which dimension of behavior?


what type of common perceptual error occurs when an employee is rated as being average after being compared to top performers

contrast effect


deductive reasoning, problem analysis

the first step in the goal-setting process is to

define clear goals

components of the performance management process include

defining expectations creating consequences overseeing performance

a firm that lacks diversity among its workforce but insists that the company does not take into account factors such as age, gender, or ethnicity in making hiring decisions is using which generic action option in response to diversity issues


the ___ option in thomas's framework means people refute that differences exist



dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent

the key components of an organizational reward system include

desired outcomes distribution criteria types of rewards


differentiating minority individuals from ourselves

comparing performance on one task with performance on other tasks is characteristic of which dimension of attribution theory


the form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of how rewards are allocated is

distributive justice

according to research on the elements of organizational justice, two of them relate strongly to desired outcomes

distributive justice procedural justice

toleration differs from isolation as an approach to diversity issues in that

diverse people are included, but their differences are not valued or appreciated

what has been shown to kick-start mutual adaptation

diversity training

openness to experience

eager to entertain alternative points of view, think "big picture", eager to learn new information, skills, etc. - may be indecisive as a decision maker

big 5 personality traits

emotional stability extraversion openness to experience agreeableness conscientiousness

what is affective events theory and can you provide an example to explain it

employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work, and this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction ex. Coworker randomly delivers coffee and you feel happy and surprised

the outcomes of an equity comparison include

equity negative inequity positive inequity

which term describes the idea that not all individuals prefer an equal ratio of output to incomes

equity sensitivity

managers have more influence over

flexible individual differences

fundamental characteristics of action plans include

focusing on results incorporating specific time limits being specific about what will be achieved

the ____ option in thomas' framework means people are willing to adapt or change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships

foster mutual adaption

one's tendency to blame other people's behavior on that person's personal characteristics as opposed to situational influences know as __ _____ bias

fundamental attribution


grouping criteria such as gender, age, race, and occupation

which term describes someone who cares more about what they put into a group project than the rewards they receive from participating in the project

high equity sensitivity

it is important to monitor progress toward goal achievement in order to

identify problems while pursuing a goal

commitment to goals can be promoted by

identifying who or what might keep you from achieving them imagining how you will feel when you achieve them

which statement is an example of Vroom's concept of instrumentality

if I meet my performance goals, I will receive a promotion

wage compression

in order to hire them in at or above what others are making

which generic action option is an outgrowth of affirmative action programs and attempts to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people throughout an organization


employee engagement leads to

increased customer loyalty and satisfaction increased employee engagement well-being greater financial performance


intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-minded

which element of organizational justice has the weakest relationship to desired workplace outcomes

interactional justice

what are two common means for timing the administration of positive reinforcers

intermittent reinforcement continuous reinforcement

a person who ranks both consensus and distinctiveness low and consistency high is likely to attribute behavior to _____ causes



interpreting people's behavior according to our expectations

why does self-determination theory emphasize intrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation is longer lasting and more positive than extrinsic motivation

managing diversity and targeting specific demographics

is a good business move


judges whether a person's performance on a task is consistent over time

the theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is ___ theory


lindsay is a manager who wants to use mcclelland's theory when assigning responsibility for a major project. to which employee should delegate leadership of the team

kyle, who has a strong need for personal power

what are some of the biggest perceived detriments of the performance management system

lack of clarity on how to improve lack of fairness by managers too much focus on pay and incentives


learn and use spoken and written languages


likely to build good relationships, cooperate + high emotional competency may lack ability to make tough calls


live in harmony with the environment

monitoring performance involves

measuring the progress toward the goals tracking the achievement of the goal

reasons for managing diversity go beyond its ___, _____ or ___ dimensions

moral social legal

according to mcclelland's acquired needs theory, which need involves the desire to influence or teach others to achieve?

need for power

david mcclelland's theory states that employee behavior is driven by

needs we acquire as we live our lives

david mcclelland's acquired needs theory states that

one need often dominates over the others people vary in the extent to which they possess certain needs

skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ____ behavior



organized, good planner, hard working may lack spontaneity, flexible, change orientation


outgoing, social, talkative, and assertive

pay, promotions, challenging assignments, participation in decision making are all considered _____ in adam's equity theory


when a manager monitors, evaluates, and creates consequences for an employee's work so that it meets defined performance expectations, it is an example of

performance management

key components of emotional intelligence

personal competence - self-awareness - self management social competence - social awareness - relationship management

what is cognitive dissonance

physical discomfort a person experiences when they experience inconsistency between two or more attitudes (cognitions) or between behavior and attitudes

kaya and franklin just received their end-of-year bonuses. kaya's bonus was 10% larger than franklin's but kaya knows she regularly worked overtime while franklin rarely did. based on this equity comparison, which equity relationship is kaya most likely to perceive?

positive equity

central tendency

rating an employee average on all dimensions


rating an employee high across all dimensions because they are likeable


rating an employee high across all dimensions regardless of actual performance


rating an employee low for the year based on one late report at the end of the year

studies show that women have a harder time being perceived as effective leaders, which is a result of a negative


which statements are consistent with Locke and Latham's findings about goal setting

successful goal achievement reinforces employee satisfaction and leads to setting higher goals people need the ability and resources to achieve the goal goals that are specific and difficult lead to higher performance

the ___ option in thomas' framework means that differences are squelched or discouraged


casual attributions refer to

suspected causes of behavior


the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means

external locus of control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond your personal control determine your fate. - things happen to me, I blame others for failures, I cannot control the future - more anxious, earn less, receive smaller raises, less motivated by incentives

internal locus of control

the perception that you control your own fate - I make things happen, I can determine my future, I accept personal responsibility for failures - higher motivation, higher expectations, exert more offer when given difficult tasks

as part of the contingency approach to goal setting, what elements should fit in the situation

the policy the practice the behavior

according to equity theory, people compare

their output-to-input ratio to that of relevant others

what is true of people motivated by a high need for affilation

they prefer to work in cooperative teams


understand and regulate oneself


understand, connect, and work with others


using one's mind and body to coordinate physical movement

the question that asks "how much do I value the outcomes I will receive by achieving my performance goals?" represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


schwartz's value theory and application of personal values impacting behavior

values are motivational and represent broad goals over time bipolar values are incongruent while adjacent values are complementary

application of schwartz's value theory entails...

workplace: managers can better manage when they understand employee's goals and if different goals are greater than conflicting employee actions personal: employees have more meaning for work when goals align with values

what is the dark triad

Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy


assertive, influential in group settings, sociable and likeable may generate status conflicts

according to mcclelland's acquired needs theory to motivate an employee with high need for achievement would include

assigning challenging but achievable performance providing balanced feedback so they can improve performance

the ____ option in thomas' framework of options that organizations use to deal with any diversity issue based on the premise that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group



assuming people in a certain category possess the same traits

SMART goals are those that include which characteristics

attainable specific measurable

the premise that people infer causes for observed behavior is the basis of ___ theory


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