leadership: power and influence (chapter 4)

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a strong relationship exists between _______?

- between relative power and types of influence tactics used

leaders with only coercive or legitimate power use

- coalition - legitimizing - pressure tactics

Legitimate power

- depends on a persons organizational role (formal/official) - allows exertion of influence through requests or demands deemed appropriate by virtue of role and position ** holding a position and being a leader are not synonymous: - effective leaders: realize they need more than legitimate power to be successful - followers: use their legitimate power to influence leaders

four generalizations about power and influence:

- effective leaders typically take advantage of all their sources of power - leaders in well-functioning organizations are open to being influenced by their subordinates - leaders vary in the extent to which they share power with subordinates - effective leaders generally work to increase their various power bases or become more willing to sue their coercive power

list five types of power ***look at slide 11***

- expert power - referent power - legitimate power - reward power - coercive power

the situation and power: situational factors affect power and influence

- furniture arrangement - office size and type - prominently displayed symbols and awards - appearances of title and authority - choice of clothing (uniforms) - presence or absence of crisis

- hard tactics are used when:

- influencer has upper hand - resistance is anticipated - persons behaviour violates important norms

expert power

- is the power of knowledge - some people are able to influence others with their relative expertise in particular areas - is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to other group members, so followers may have more expert power than leaders at times - if different followers have greater amounts of expert power, the leader may be unable to influence them using expert power alone

how does power and influence help as a follower?

- know what types of power are being used to influence you

how does power and influence help as a leader?

- know what types of power to use and when

what is the best from this theory?

- leaders can usually exert more power during a crisis than during periods of calm - during a crisis followers may be more eager to receive direction and control from leaders

rational tactics are used when

- parties are equal in power - resistance is not anticipated - benefits are organizational as well as personal

reward power

- potential to influence others through control over desired resources - ^^^joint function of leader, followers, situation - overemphasizing performance rewards can lead workers feeling resentful and manipulated - extrinsic rewards (praise) may not have the same behavioural effects as intrinsic rewards (personal growth) Followers can used this power over leaders: - modifying their level of effort based on the leader's performance - compliments

referent power

- refers to potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers - often takes time to develop but can be lost quickly - the stronger the relationship, the more influence leaders and followers exert over each other - followers with relatively more referent power than their peers are often spokespersons for their units and have more latitude to deviate from work-unit norms

who created the 5 types of power

- social psychologists john french and Bertram raven in 1959

coercive power

- to influence others through the administration of negative sanctions or the removal of positive events - reliance on this power has inherent limitations - most common form of this power is a superior's temperamental outbursts followers can use this over leaders: - influencing the leaders behaviour results in high amount of referent power among co-workers

how do you use power or influence tactics?

- use a variety (verbal, non-verbal, emotional appeals, exchange of favours, threats) - depends on the power possessed by each party (the more you know and have the more you use)

influence tactics

a persons actual behaviours designed to change another person's attitude, beliefs, values or behaviours

using influence tactics is ____?

a social skill

where does power exist?



is the capacity to produce effects on others or the potential to influence others - power is a reflection of leader, follower and situation

leaders with high referent power do not use ??

legitimizing or pressure tactics

power vs influence

power: - the capacity to change - many different levels of power and how to use it influence: - the degree of actual change - can be measured by the behaviours or attitudes manifested by followers as the result of a leaders influence tactics


the change in a target agents attitudes, values, beliefs or behaviours as the result of influence tactics

leaders benefit from being concioius of the__?

type of influence tactic to use and its effects

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