leadership study guide

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List five ways that adaptability can help you

-Improve your current circumstances -Encourage positive risk-taking -Build your confidence -Increase your resourcefulness -Promote creativity -Solve problemersonal relationships -Lead to promotions

What are five common traits of adaptable people

-Objectivity -Empathy -Confidence -Attentiveness -Respect -Positivity -Self-corrective behavior -Risk-taking -A sense of humor -Persistences

Who can be a leader?

Each of us has great leadership potential inside. The skills, behaviors, and characteristics associated with leadership can be studied and practiced by anyone with a desire to learn.


Flexibility is the ability to respond appropriately to changes as they occur. This is a very important trait for business leaders since business is constantly changing. Leaders must be able to go with the flow. Flexibility also refers to a willingness to learn, to change, and to take occasional risks.

Why do we need leaders?

Humans need leaders, and always have, for a number of reasons. In times of uncertainty, we look to leaders to give us direction. If we are in new situations and do not know how to respond, we want to find people who can tell us what to do. Leaders also serve as important role models. Humans naturally learn by example, and we often imitate the behavior of our leaders. Company leaders cannot reasonably expect employees to get on board with their visions and goals if they aren't first setting the example themselves. We also need leaders to help us reach our potential. This is especially important today because human capital is highly valued in the workplace. Human capital is the sum of a person's knowledge, skills, health, and values. We need leaders willing to invest in our education, training, and experience, thereby increasing our human capital and our value as employees.

What are four questions you can ask yourself to evaluate your behavior and reflect on your decisions

When evaluating how you're doing, it's important to reflect on the decisions you're making and analyze how you're handling the situation. Four questions you should answer are: a. Am I demonstrating the characteristics of a highly adaptable person? b. Do I have a good attitude? c. Has adapting to new situations resulted in more self-confidence? d. Am I taking positive risks?

What is adaptability?

Your ability or capacity to adjust to new circumstances

business knowledge

A leader should be an expert at what s/he does. A person may be self-confident, responsible, and creative, but this does not necessarily make him/her a great leader for a certain business. A thorough knowledge of the company and the industry are essential as well. Leadership involves making many decisions—decisions that can't be made by someone who doesn't know all the facts.

Name six types of situations that require adaptability

Adaptability is always helpful, but it's especially important in certain situations such as unfamiliar conditions, emergencies, resource issues, personal interactions, government regulations, and transition periods.

What are three reasons that many people have trouble adapting?

Adapting to new circumstances isn't always easy. Many people avoid trying new things at all costs, and new situations can often make people feel lost, confused, or uncomfortable. Three reasons that people might have trouble adapting are fear, contentment, and lack of control or trust.


Creativity is a vital, often overlooked, leadership trait. Leaders are typically good managers. That is, they know how to get things done using available resources. But, a leader also must be creative. S/He must have the ability to generate unique ideas, approaches, and solutions. A leader must be able to imagine a better way of doing things and have a clear vision of the future that is not tied to the status quo. Leadership demands imagination, enthusiasm, and openness to new ideas

What is credibility?

Credibility refers to how much people believe what you say. It determines whether or not they are willing to follow you. For long-lasting, real credibility, a leader demonstrates authenticity and keeps his/her word. There are two ways to establish credibility—demonstrating competence and being reliable.

passion for work and people

Effective leaders genuinely care about the work they're doing and the people they're leading. Work outcomes and relationships matter to them. They don't just contribute the bare minimum or make themselves available during office hours only. They are fully committed at all times.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and in others. It means that you are aware of your own emotions, respond to them appropriately, and then do the same with the emotions of other people. Emotional intelligence can be broken down into four components—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social management.

Why is leadership important in business?

Every organization needs good leadership. It's especially important in the beginning, when a business is just starting up. It isn't easy to get a new business off the ground. A strong leader with a vision for the future can help a new business weather the early storms and frustrations and stay on track for future success. Leadership is also important in times of crisis. Businesses may face any number of problems which can be discouraging and overwhelming for employees. A strong leader can rally the troops. S/He doesn't give up or become rattled; instead, s/he focuses on dealing with the problem effectively and getting the business to the other side of the rough patch. Businesses need leadership when things are going well, too. Good leaders make sure that employees stay on task, and they lead change when necessary. They are able to overcome the fears and objections of others to make the right changes happen.

Ability to share a vision

It's very important for a leader to be able to share a vision and use it to inspire other people. When a leader has an idea for a better way of doing things, s/he is able to communicate it to others in a way that gives them ownership of the vision as well. An effective leader can convince and motivate others to accomplish his/her ideas.

What is a leader?

Leaders are people who help guide the decisions we make, people we can look to for inspiration. They might be well-known, famous people or people who are close to us. All leaders have certain qualities that make people willing to listen to their opinions, take their advice, or follow their example. Simply put, a leader is an individual with the ability to guide or direct the actions of others in a desired manner to achieve goals

Name five negative consequences that occur when someone refuses to adapt

People who refuse to adapt can face many negative consequences, including increased stress, missed opportunities, lost jobs, poor leadership, and bad choices.

What is Integrity?

People with integrity adhere to an established set of personal ethics and sound moral principles. Leaders tend to behave according to a common set of values and rules, even though they may have different or no specific religious beliefs. People with integrity are also trustworthy. Others know they can count on them to be honest at all times.

Name five things you can do to become more adaptable

Recognize that change is constant. Examine your attitude. Identify the circumstances that you can control or manage. Determine and evaluate your options. Determine if a contingency plan is needed. Seek support from others. Evaluate how you're doing. Think of change as a learning experience. Keep your goals in mind.

What does responsibility?

Responsibility means more than taking the blame for something that goes wrong. It also means taking ownership of a problem, making sure it is fixed, and taking steps to prevent it from happening again. A responsible leader is truly invested in her/his work team and genuinely cares about the outcomes that occur.

What is Self- confidence?

Self-confidence is a positive belief in your own talents, skills, and objectives. It's difficult for a leader to lead effectively without a reasonable amount of self-confidence. Followers feel comfortable with leaders who have a handle on the different situations that may arise and who are cool under pressure. Self-confident leaders are decisive, even in uncertain circumstances. However, good leaders don't take their self-confidence to a level of being arrogant or overbearing. Instead, they use their self-confidence to inspire confidence among all members of the team. They are not afraid to admit mistakes and don't hesitate to share credit for successes with others.

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