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Jerry lost his job shortly after he was divorced. He developed a(n) _____, or exogenous, depression.


russelll was first diagnosed with social phobia several years ago he visited a therpist because of his extreme anxiety about speaking in front of other students in classes. the dsm 5 has made changed to terminoly so russels diagnosis will now be reffered to as

social anxiety disorder

helga is participating in a therapy session in which she is role plaing and rehearsing desirable behaviors that she can perform when dealing with other people helga is enganing in ... traning

social skills

margo is a psychological theorist who is conducting research with low-income people who have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. she has found that anxiety problems in this group of people are related to problems involving poverty and poor job and educational opportunities. margo's findings support the ... perspective.


if a client-centered therapist were treating a very anxious woman, the therapist would try to:

show unconditional positve regard for her statements

Keanu has bipolar disorder. Which is NOT a behavior one would expect during one of his manic episodes?

sleeping at work because it is too boring

fozia was first diagnosed with social phobia several years ago she visited a therapist because of her extreme anxiety about speaking in front of other students in her classes the dsm 5 made changes to terminoly so fozias diagnosis now is referred to as

social anxiety disorder

jomary does not like to speak in front of others in fact she cannot tolerate public speaking because she worries that she will embarrass herself jomary may be suffering from

social anxiety disorder

Research has suggested the there are several outcomes associated with suffering from a mental illness. which of the following is not one of those outcomes?

sufferers make a full recovery

roseline is struggling with depression. she is very pessimistic, does not see the world as a very positive place, and spends most of her time in bed. a cognitive theorist might suggest that roseline's depression is caused by:

illogical thinking

the psychodynamic perspective suggest that the anxiety related to obessive compulsive disorder

is consciously played out in overt thoughts and actions

jose intentionally steps in front of his wife as a mugger attempts to attack her. recalling "the four Ds" which of the following statements is true regarding this situation?

jose's behavior fits the definition of danger but is not abnormal

olivia recently earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a practiving clinician. her grandmother, trudy, is a retired psychotherapist who was educated and practiced before the 1950s. assuming both women are typical, which statement is most apt to be true?

olivia may specialize in an area such as suicide prevention, while Trudy provided less specialized therapy for a range of psychological problems.

jorge's behavior has become more erratic over the last several weeks. he hears voices, sees things, that are not real, and appears not to respond to simple commands. if jorge lived during the middle ages, which model would have attempted to explain his behavior?

the demonological model

dr. meredith was appointed to a DSM-5 task force. before she began her task force work, she was required limit the income she recieved from a pharamaceutical company she works with to $10,000. why was this required of her?

there is a risk that pharmaceutical companies will pay to have a new disorder included in the DSM-5 because they have developed a drug for it.

... considered deviation called abnormal by society as simply "problems in living"

thomas szasz

sigmund freud believed that there were ... central forces that shap personality


rika has been working with a therapist for a few months discussing her difficult relationship with her father, who was very strict and yelled at her frequently when she was a child. recently in her therapy sessions, rika has been increasingly quiet and timid. this is an example of:


drawing from the cognitive-behaviroal and psychodynamic models, developmental psychopathologists are interested in research findings that highlight the role of parenting style that determine whether a child's early temperament will actually foreshadow all of the following except:

accpetance behaviors

Maria has very little energy or interest in the world. She has stopped cooking, gardening, and spending time with friends. She is unable to experience any pleasure at all. This is MOST likely a symptom of:


5b- .... are the medications of choice for people suffering from social anxiety disorders


a doctor prescribed ron ... in order to lessen the voices he was hearing and the persistent thoughts that someone was trying to kill him


Chase experiences _____ thoughts. According to Aaron Beck, these are a steady stream of unpleasant thoughts that keep suggesting to Chase that he is inadequate and that his situation is hopeless.


according to jerome frank, the healer as part of the therapy should:

be recognized as an expert by the sufferer as well as his or her social group

ramone walker is a licensed clinical social worker who consults with dr. robinson, a psychiatrist who is treating his client for depression using an antidepressant medication. ramone sees his client once a week for therapy, whereas the psychiatrist follows up with him once a month. this collaboration is called an:

combined approach

carson was hiking through yosemite national park when he rounded a corner and found a big black bear. which of the following would be an appropriate response?


leah enjoys watching cartoons on television. after watching an episode of her favorite show, she will walk around the house repeating the lines spoken by the numerous characters and mimicking their behavior. leahs mimicking of the characters is caused by:


julie would have bouts of depression followed by periods of normalcy. on her last trip to the hospital, she presented with increased excitability, euphoric mood, and rapid speech. she was most likely prescribed:

mood stabilizers

In the text, an excerpt from a woman's journal describes her dramatic mood swings. She describes how she may wake up late feeling down, but then be very energetic by the afternoon. She likely has bipolar disorder with:

rapid cycling.

psychologists, psychiatrits, and counselors have each concluded all of the following about religion except:

religion helps produce greater mental health

5a- in any given year, approximately .... percent of the U.S. adult population suffers from one or another of the six anxiety disorders


in 2013, about ... percent of psychologists identified themseleves as psychodynamic therapists.


Sean has bipolar I disorder, while Kevin has bipolar II disorder. How do Kevin's symptoms differ from Sean's symptoms?

Kevin experiences hypomania, which is less severe than the symptoms of mania that Sean experiences.

during the 1300s, a woman who acted eccentric was MOST apt to be identified as:

a witch

3a - the ... model emphasizes behavior and the ways in which it is learned.


fear is to ..., as anxiety is to ...

known; unknown

current research suggests that ... percent of respondents believe that people during mental disorders onton themselves


All women experience a kind of hormone "withdrawal" after delivery. Estrogen and progesterone levels, which rise as much as _____ times above normal during pregnancy, now drop sharply to levels far below normal.


What is the difference between delusions and hallucinations?

Delusions are bizarre ideas without foundation, whereas hallucinations are perceptions of things that are not actually present.

malcolm began suffering from mood swings when he was a teenager. as he continued to age his moods became even more distinctive until he was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. he has difficulty holding a job and moves from one romantic relationship ti the next. according to the textbook, what will most likely be the type of intervention taken by Malcom?

He will become involved in an outpatient program

Which statement is FALSE regarding biological research conducted on bipolar disorder?

Some research has linked bipolar disorder to a number of infectious diseases.

_____ refers to depression without a history of mania.

Unipolar depression

which of the following models and causes of dysfunction has the strongest research support?

cognitive-behavioral- maladaptive thinking and learning

john fears contamination of dirt and insect in his apartment he stores his garbage bag in his fridge and cleans constanly he repeatedly checks the the bag is still in the frige and that it is securely tied joshs behaviors are called


which feature is NOT a requirement of Jerome Frank's framework for all therapy?

a sufferer pays a healer for his or her services

what is treatment?

a systematic procedure designed to change abnormal behavior into more functional or normal behavior

brandi has been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and she has certain beliefs about herself that are a part of her anxiety according the cognitive theorists which belief does brandi not hold about herself

i am socially skilled but no one notices

Oswaldo was diagnosed with hypochondriasis due to his anxiety about ilness. according to the DSM-5, the name of his disorder has changed to:

illness anxiety disorder

danzita would have bouts of depression followed by periods of normalcy. on her last trip to the hospital, she presented with increased excitability, euphoric mood, and rapis speech. danzita was most likely prescribed ... drugs


natasha has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. her therapist has been working with her to educate her about the role of worrying. natasha is trying to understand when triggers her worrying and how worrying is not a positive way to control her life. natasha's thereapist's techniques are noted in which theoritical perspective


In _____ disorder, hypomanic episodes alternate with major depressive episodes over the course of time.

bipolar II

Shirley suffers from alternating or intermixed periods of extreme mania and extreme depression known as:

bipolar disorder.

7b- Brodmann Area 25, located just under the _____ cortex, tends to be smaller in depressed people than nondepressed people.


1a- clinicians who view psychological abnormality as a problem in living refer to those who receive therapy as:


4b- a diagnosis is a determination that a persons psychological problems:

constitute a particular disorder

Jolene is married and a mother with three children. she works part time as a paralegal. she also has numerous tattoos and body piercings and prefers to dress in dark clothing. although not abnormal, jolene's behavior could be considered:


dr. brown is a family clinician who has a client who meets DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia. however, she is reluctant to diagnose the client due to her belief that:

diagnostic labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies

according to the textbook, this alone does NOT indicate abnormality


the inability to care for oneself and work productively MOST clearly describes which aspect of the defition of abnormailty?


5b- besides the panic attacks themselves people who suffer from panic disorder also experience

dysfunctional thoughts

in ..., a therapist meets with all members of a family, points out of problem behaviors and interactions, and helps the whole family to change its ways

family therapyy

eileen has chosen not to get married or have children. she lives with ten dogs and rarely goes out, yet she does not bother anyone. her behavior would be considered an example of:


Nick is a father of an 11 year old boy named tobias. nick never leaves tobias alone at gymnastics. choir practice. or birthday parties, no matter how well supersivied he is. Nick designated himself room aprent and is in tobias classroom at least half of every school day. a family system therapist might say that nick and tobisias relationship was:


Julius recently suffered through the death of his father, to whom he was very close. Soon after the death, Julius began to feel depressed and helpless, and he had difficulty functioning. Julius is diagnosed with depression. This depression might be described as:


7a- Which symptom does NOT fit a diagnosis of clinical depression?

experiencing unhappy thoughts

Juanita was diagnosed with clinical depression after years of suffering. Which of her behaviors is MOST likely responsible for this diagnosis?

experiencing unrelenting misery

according to some studies, between 60 and 80 percent of agoraphobics who recieve ... find it easier to enter public places

exposure therapy

carlie is studying for her final exams on a daily basis. unfortunatly, she is finding it harder and harder to concentrate. she has not been sleeping very well, and even when she is confident she knows the material, she constantly doubts herself and thinks that she is not capable of ding well. furthermore, she is finding that her anxiety and self-doubt have begun to affect other aspects of her life. she struggles to keep up with other parts of life, such as laundry and grocery shopping. carlie's situation is an example of:

generalized anxiety disorder

one problem highlighted in diagnostic labeling is the sociocultural belief that it leads to self-fulfilling prophecies. which statement would likely be true of a man who has fallen prey to a self-fulfilling prophecy

he takes on the sick role once labeled as mentally ill

todd has difficulty regulating his emotions. he often displays hostile behavior and becomes angry quickly. a follower of the biological perspective would most likely believe that todd's difficulties were caused by a malfunctioning:


the somatogenic perspective of abnormal psychological functioning has its roots in:

hippocrates' ideas of brain disease and humor imbalance

Charles has been diagnosed with unipolar depression. Which of his relatives would have the GREATEST likelihood of also developing unipolar depression?

his fraternal brother

dr. tresart says, "when we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. "a psychologist adhering to the ... model would most agree with dr. tresarts statement.

humanistic existential

... believe that people are born with a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative, and constructive.


during the middle ages, bernardo and three of his friends believed that they turned into foxes when there was a new moon. during this time, they lost control over their bodies and ran through a nearby wood in the dark, hoping to catch a rabbit or other small animal. if they did catch one, they ate it raw. these men suffered from:


Pedro, a twenty-year-old university student, was asked to meet with a health care professional after fellow students witnessed some strange behavior. He breathlessly reported to the psychologist that climbing the railings in the courtyard brought him closer to God, especially when he raised his arms above his head and sang hymns. The psychologist is MOST likely to diagnose Pedro with:


1b- during the middle ages, large numbers of people shared absurd false beliefs and imagined sights or sounds. this was known as:

mass madness

According to the text, people who experience a recurrence of depression each winter may secrete more _____ during the winter's long nights than other individuals.


a special statistical technique designed to combine the findings from multiple studies is called:


dr. rakeem follows a psychodynamic perspective. this perspective guides dr. rakeem's assumptions about abnormality and influences the type of info he collects, as well as the ways in which he interprets that info. psychodynamic theory is, there ..


dr. napolitano is petting a cat in front of her client marian, who is afraid of cats. he then encourages marian to pet the cat as well. this is known as:


instead of gradually exposing felix to the object that he fears, his therapist confronts the object while felix watches. felix's therapist is using:


People who are depressed have _____ medical problems and a _____ mortality rate than other people.

more; higher

Peter has suffered from recurrent symptoms of major and mild depression for more than two years, and his symptoms have not been absent for more than two months at a time. He has no history of mania or hypomania. His MOST likely diagnosis is:

persistent depressive disorder with major depressive episodes.

Phillip is a war veteran who had to have one of his legs amputated. because of his amputated leg, phillip can no longer walk nor can he perform many of his needed day-to-day tasks. considering this situation, which of the following statements is true?

phillip is dysfunctional but not abnormal

Chaise lives during the middle ages. he hears voices and spontaneously dances for no apparent reason. how would chaise's behavior most likely be explained?


a psychopharmacologist is an appropriate person to work with a therapist who adheres to a biological model because such a person:

prescribes medications that could correct biochemical abnormalities

8a- Depressive symptoms disappear in at least 50 to 60 percent of clients who receive all of the following, EXCEPT:

psychodynamic therapy.

samatha frequents facebook on a daily basis and actively posts on social media message boards. her firends' list is always growing with new people she chats with everyday. based on how social she is online, what can be said about her offline relationships?

samatha is also particularly social offline

a model, or paradigm, is a :

set of assumptions and concepts that help scientists explain and interpret observations

elizabeth lived in fifteenth-century belgium, and she had symptoms of what would now be diagnosed as schizophrenia. she could not care for herself, and her family abandoned her. what most likely happened to her given her location and time in history?

she was probably taken in by another family and treated respectfully

sayeed is a very happy person who is practicing coptic christian. is there a correlation?

spirituality correlates with psychological health, but does not necessarily cause it.

dylan uses prescription pain medication excessively. he is willing to spend most of his money buying these pills from dealers because he has developed a strong addiction. dylan has been in and out of rehab, when he was diagnosed with drug abused and drug dependence. the DSM-5 has now collapsed these two problems into one disorder called:

substance use disorder

espiritu is a straight "A" student who volunteers to work at the local homeless shelter. he often sacrifices his time and energy to help others because he feels it is the right thing to do. an adherent of psychodynamic theory might theorize that espiritu's ... is governing his behavior


under managed care programs, who determines which psychological problems require treatment?

the patient's insurance company

Therapist A has conducted 10 sessions of exposure therapy with a client and reported the treatment was successful as defined by the client no longer having an anxiety response when confronted with the feared stimuli. therepist B conducted 10 sessions with a similar client who had a similar anxiety disorder and found success in treatment as defined by the client being able to cope with the anxiety reaction upon exposure to the stimuli. Why would combining the treatment data for these two cases be misleading?

the therapists have 2 diff operational definitions of success

3b- according to carl rogers, those who recieve unconditional positive regard will develop:

unconditional self-regard

a case study is described in the book where a woman acquired a fear of running water through classical conditioning when her feet became trapped between some rocks near a stream as a child. in this example, her fear of being trapped is the:

unconditioned response

Kevin has experienced extreme depressive symptoms but he has no history of manic symptoms. Kevin is MOST likely suffering from:

unipolar depression

according to the sociocultural model, who is most likely to develop generalized anxiety disorder?

verna, who lives with her two children in post-earthquake Haiti

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