Learning key question

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Anorexia is a serious problem for society as 8% of people with the disorder die within 5 years, so having the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. Regulating media exposure should therefore be a top priority if there is believed to be a link with anorexia. For example, Bandura et al and Sabidio et al have used telenovelas to tackle social problems using popular characters who become role models. This could help educate viewers about the dangers of overexposure to unrealistic models. Research has shown the Sabido to be highly effective in increasing the use of contraception, therefore it's a strength of the learning explanation for anorexia as it provides suggestions for health promotion. Therefore, the learning theory is useful because it can explain where the illness comes from and provide routes for treatment.

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Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by self—induced weight loss, fear of gaining weight and disturbances of body image. The symptoms of anorexia could be refusal to eat and maintain a minimum average expected body weight. Anorexia most commonly affects girls and women, although it has become more common in boys and men in recent years. This is a problem as over 1.6 million people in the UK are estimated to be directly affected by eating disorders.


Is the influence of role models and celebrities something that causes anorexia nervosa?

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Picture sharing apps such as Instagram have made users more body conscious than ever. As celebrity and role model "instagrammers" who promote dieting and fitness are particular popular now and easily accessible. When the celebrities/ role models upload photos post weight lost, "likes" and nice comments act as rewards (positive reinforcement), and operant conditioning suggests these behaviours will be repeated. This could lead excessive exercise and dieting. However, despite widespread exposure to celebrity culture, only a small percentage become anorexic. This can suggest that it's reductionist to assume Anorexia is caused by learning theories. Genetic factors may also be involved as Holland et al did a twin study of Mz and Dz twins with anorexia and found a genetic link. Therefore, learning theories provide an incomplete explanation - as they cannot explain how millions of teenagers are exposed to X and yet only 10% develop the illness.

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The number of under 19s hospitalised for eating disorders for example, anorexia, binge eating, has tripled in the last ten years. This has been blamed on exposure to celebrity culture through hand held mobile devices. For example, Social learning theory by Bandura suggests that young women pay attention to the fact that celebrities and role models are thin, they will retain this information and have the ability to reproduce being thin via excessive dieting if motivated. If the celebrities are rewarded, e.g. through Instagram likes, young woman experience vicarious reinforcement, meaning they will be even more likely to imitate the celebrities. Teenagers develop eating disorders as they see the celebrities being rewarded for being thin, and they lose weight to receive the same rewards. Becker et al study supports this as the finding showed that excessive dieting rocketed when TV was introduced to Fiji. This suggests that celebrity culture may be partly responsible for the increase prevalence of anorexia


To conclude, the learning theories for anorexia offer plausible reasons for excessive weight loss and important interventions that could save lives. However, it must be noted that correlation isn't causation and there are other explanations for anorexia due to biological factors such as genes.

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