LECTURE 4 Gc, Gf, Gv (CHAP 4 page 76-105)

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what do verbal fluency tasks correlate with?

correlate with other measures of verbal ability and also with other Executive tasks like tower of hanoi and wisconsin car sorting task

Topkaraoglu & Dilman, 2015 - experimental design seeing if an implementation of vocab enhamcent activies increased vocab size levels ---> what did they find? ---->conclusion?

• Vocabulary size levels increased after the implementation of vocabulary enhancement activities. Conclusion : Experience indeed has an influence on Vocabulary scores

Keith and Reynolds (2010) reviewed 20 years of factor analytic research on intelligence 'with a CHC perspective' --- what was his conclusion?

"Gc remains an ELUSIVE CONSTRUCT , and researchers often talk past each other when discussing Gc, with it being referred to as crystallized intelligence, academic achievement, verbal ability, or comprehension/knowledge to name a few [...] ****Clarification about the nature of Gc versus verbal ability and achievement would be useful".**** - saying that gc vs Vebral abilites vs achievemnt is hard to entangle and defintions could be clearer

what is "the investment theory"? who?

"people invest their fluid intelligence to acquire specific skills, strategies, and knowledge in all kinds of fields" - hypothesis that knowledge acquisition, hence learning, requires relation perceiving, with fluid intelligence representing the capacity to do this. catell *gc and gf will interact in this theory

what are some examples of tasks similar to larsons "mental counter" tasks what is responisble for the corelation between "mental coutners" tasks and Gf?

- ABC numerical assignment - alphabet recording Although solving these problems ('mental counters' tasks) are simple, it is the requirement to hold the solution to one problem in mind while performing some further operation that is responsible for the correlation with measure of Gf - this is further supportd by stankov an crawford - uni students - the one-swap task imposed no load on working memory and it was the only tests with 0 corelation to Gf

what is mcgrew's 2005 version of the caroll's reasoning subfactors (Gf)

- Another factor analysis - Concludes that cognition is organized hierarchically - Gf is the one that is the closest to g - Gf can be decomposed in 3 sub factors. highlighting similar factors but more precisely

what are the 3 subfactors of reasoning? who was this proposed by orgincially? who reviewed itt?

- Deductive reasoning • Infer a rule from data - trying to deduct a rule • A poor inference would only be too vague, not specific or capture only a subset of the relationship among the elements in the set. --->syllogisms and transitive inference - Inductive reasoning • Infer from the rule to a specific case • The deductive process is not synonymous with truth - deduct a rule and then apply it! see if it works --->analogies and series completion tasks - Quantitative reasoning - Initially these 3 factors were suggested by Caroll, then reviewed by McGrew

MEASURES OF GF which index measures gf in the WAIS4? which tests does this inclue? what was this called in the WAIS 3?

- INDEX • Perceptual reasoning (PRI) index - Not a "pure" measure (eg. being colour blin dor not being able to see lines - needd to make sure ur assesing what u needd to asses) - TESTS • Matrices reasoning (similar to Raven Matrices) • Figure weights • Arithmetic WAIS 3 - INDEX Used to be called "Performance Scale"

when ppl have tried to "enhance Gf" what did they find?

- Mixed results and interpretation (Hayes, Petrov & Sederberg, 2015) --> claiming that they can increase intelligence -->u have to be careful with interpretation - notice that when we train people to increase their intelligence we often train them on tasks that are alot like the iQ test so obviously theyll do better on actual IQ test (luminocity court battle?) -> diff between getting better at the TASK than tthe FUNCTION -->may not be actually increasing intelligence but just increasing scores on tests that are rlly similar to what theyve trained them on

does gc have better predicitive validity than Gf?

- Some authors say Gc is a better predictor of domain knowledge than Gf --->Undergraduate GPA was better predicted by Gc (r = .36) than Gf (r = .22).

whats wrong with the studies that suggest gf= g

- Some even suggested GF = "g" (e.g., Gustafsson, 1984) -->many such studies have small sample sizes (N < 250), non-representative samples, and/or a collection of subtests that should be considered insufficiently broad to justify such a conclusion.

what is evid3nce ahgainst the idea that the diff in aquire dknowldge can be attribute to iffs in opportunies to learn (rather than diffs in the effeciency with which ppl take advatange of their opportunities)

- gathercole and badley There is good experimental evidence that differences in Gc predict children's ability to learn new, arbitrary vocabulary than simply reflecting familiar material -children with higher scores on vocab and reading tests learned new associations substantially faster than those with lower scores, even though the two groups were closely matched for scored on the Raven's Matrices Gf

so do vocabulary and speed of processing measure tthe same process? why? 2

- they measure two distinctt processes! --->the corelation between vocab size and spee of perofrmance is moest (0.25-0.35) --> examination of age differences between the two types of tests : - vocab scores tendd tto increase as ppl get older - upt o age 50-60 -Performance on the sentence verification task declines over advancing years

Birren and Morrison (1961) Based on the WAIS normative sample -->are info and vocab correlated? -->suggests..

-- Correlation Information and Vocabulary at .81 - suggests 66% of their variance was shared. because theyre both part of Gc andd knwoing things they are correlated and their variance is shared

To solve a Gf problem : what are the 3 main processes involved in Raven Matrices CARPENTERs model

1. Visual Analyses - coding • Description of the figures + find correspondences by pairwise comparison. - not necessarily automatic and easy - can be actually difficuld to fio whats impirtant in coding 2. Storing part-solutions in working memory • Storing part-solutions + keep doing pairwisse comparisons + storing more rule discovery as u keep on studying the problem 3. Goal monitor • Planning overall strategy + setting up sequences of sub-goals, satisfying them + moving onto the next apporpriate step

fluid intelligence is he ability to... 4

Ability to: - Detect patterns and relations - Solve (most frequently) non verbal problems - "Figure things out" in novel environments - Reason abstractly (most of fluid intelligence tests are non-verbal)

Acquiring a vocabulary depends on processes of _________ and ________ as well as ____________

Acquiring a vocabulary depends on processes of inferences and reasoning as well as problem solving by rejecting certain hypothesis in favor of others

did carpenter acknoalage that there were differing difficulties to his rules?

Carpenter acknowledged not only that D2 was harder for their participants, but that the first four were not equally as easy -C and PP were easier than D3 and A/S

what is the test that is supposed to look at problem solving/ planning by steps that correlates well with f this test looks at ________ and _________

Carpenter et al (1990) : foun a corelation of -0.77 between the number of Errors made on the Tower of Hanoi and scores on Raven's Matrices - given a target and rules and u have to follow the rules - have to forward plan!! **ddespite surface differences - tower of ahnoi and ravens matrices might be tapping into similar unerlying operations - this test looks at executive functioning skills and planning

what is caroll's veiwpoint on whether Gc = verbal abiliies?

Carroll (1993) stated that it is a matter of preference whether Gc is interpreted as verbal ability or as crystallized intelligence

what is catells' veiwpoint on whether Gc = verbal abiliies?

Cattell (1987) maintained that verbal ability and crystallized intelligence are distinct variables

Could difference in memory contribute to Vocabulary size ? what did the study on children leanring arbitrary names suggest?

Catthercole and Baddeley (1990) suggests that yes memory could conrbue to vocab size

Children acquire a vocabulary mostly by ...... and later by...... (Makintosh course manual) For some authors (ritche, bates, plomin) _____________has a key contribution to IQ. ___________ is also included in many IQ tests

Children acquire a vocabulary mostly by listening to what they hear ppl saying, and later by reading (Makintosh course manual) For some authors, reading skills has a key contribution to IQ. - Ritchie, Bates, Plomin (2015) Reading comprehension is also included in many IQ tests

Catthercole and Baddeley (1990) study on children leanring arbitrary names - what were they matchedd on? differed on? for what purpose - found that.. - what part of thw study implied differences in vocabulary are not simply the result of opportunity differences.

Children asked to learn arbitrary names (like "Tikal") for stuffed animals. - Children were matched for Gf (Raven Matrices) - they have all the "same" ability to reason on Matrices - Children differed on scores on reading and vocabulary tests (measures of Gc) --->trying to see if the children with lower vocab scores were also no as efficient as others at learning new words and is this why they had lower vocab scores?? is it cuz some children are more efficient a leanring new words? found that **The children who had lower vocabulary scores also did poorly on memorizing the new words. **highlighting there may be a memory component for leanring words that comes into play - The 2 groups had equal opportunity to learn. - implies differences in vocabulary are not simply the result of opportunity differences. - Could be secondary to memory differences?

what is sternbergs theory for how humans solve a Gf problems? (analogical reasoning problems) what 4 components of analogical reasoning does he highlight?

Componential model of analogical reasoning. theres different components in analgocial reasoning Sternberg and Pellegrino argue that solving simple figural analogy tasks involve: 1. Encoding (listing all the attributes) 2. inference (seeing the relationship btw A and B), 3.mapping (seeing the relationship between A and C) 4. application (applying A:B application to C) - measure reaction time

Gignac (2016) Analyzed the Woodcock-Johnson - Revised normative sample and found that there was a correlaiton between Gc and ...... what correlation did they fin hat was actually larger than this ^ suggests...

Correlation of .56 between Glr and Gc - Measure of long term memory correlate with measures of Gc ** further highlgihts that there may be a memory component to Gc Curiously, the correlation between Gsm (short term/working mem) and Gc was larger .. at .68 !! --->Gc may be related more strongly with short-term memory processes than longer-term memory processes!

gc is inddicate by a person's depth and breadth of ... 3 can be associated with...

Crystallized intelligence : Indicated by a person's depth and breadth of general knowledge, vocabulary, and the ability to reason using words and numbers. Can be associated with abilities across different domains -- doesnt have to be 100% verbal although it usual;ly is (hunt) ---Their expression is tied to particular areas (Cattell, 1987) ex. geography

How can gc dissociate from reasoning? video - what is a case that shows that gc verbal skills can be dissociated from reasoning

Ex William syndrome - genetic condition thats associate wiht a specifc cognitive profile in which their verbal abilities azre really good but their reaosning skills are really bad **distinction between verbal ability and reasoning ability - also associated with a particular facial profile too (not just congitive) - they like making people happy, love music, love dancing, inttense emotional responses to music - poor focusing ability - inabiltiy to filter ou other stuents in the room (hypersensitive hearing) *an example of how yes all scores tend to vary but there are cases where u can be really good at one set of tests and rlly bad at others

Early factor analysis show another distinct factor, aside from Gc and Gf - what is it?


Tests of Vocabulary size have a High loading in ___

Gc eg. if ur running out of titme cuz u didnt get lots of funding - you would keep the vocab test cuz it has a high loaidng in Gc

Are differences in scores on vocab ests really caused by differences in opportunity (i.e. experience) to learn words? ---->Individuals from impoverished environments do poorly on this tests. Is it because they didn't have the same opportunity to learn?

Gc correlates with age and education - Scores on tests of Vocabulary and knowledge of worldly facts are correlated with age and years of education completed (i.e. more experience to learn words) - This correlation is stronger for Gc than other component of an IQ battery**** These measures have been criticized ++ to be less valid indicators or intellectual functioning bc they are heavily influenced by educational opportunities and experiences (Brown, 1994) - Some say they are like "learned intelligence" (Ford, 2004) **there is a part on ur vocab that is related with ur exposer to words an experience

which intelligence is also known as "knowing a bunch of styff"

Gc crystalize dintelligence

what did catell say Gc is the product of?

Gc is the product of educational and cultural experience in interaction with fluid intelligence **Gc is related to not only Gf but also educationla an culutral experiences Crystalized = freezing in a specific shape of what was once fluid ability

which G is seen by many as intellectual "potential"


why would practice on a test of Gf lower the validity?

Gf = "Figure things out" in novel environments - If you have seen this test before, its not as valid because its not novel - practice = ↓ validity - Implications for training programs : knowing the test doesn't make you "more intelligent" - Knowing the test will increase your score but not the concept it is supposed to measure

_____ is the most substantial indicaor of g

Gf is the most substantial indicator of "g" Some even suggested GF = "g" (e.g., Gustafsson, 1984)

Gf predicts very well.... good for what exams? useful in which settings

Gf predicts very well many forms of achievement - Especially school achievement (Gottfredson, 1997) - Quick and easy test for school entry exams - Very useful clinically -->good to know where kids need help and designing intervention, knowing wheich kids need lots of help -->putting kids into groups in high school

gignac used WAIS-IV norms and found thag gf correlated to G at ___ --> _____% of variance in f overlappe with g

Gignac (2014) - Used the WAIS-IV normative sample, - found that Gf, measured by Figure Weights, Matrix Reasoning, and Block Design, correlated to general intelligence at .94 - thus, 88% of the variance in Gf overlapped with "g" Conclusion : Gf is not 100% the same as g, but its a great indicator!

who is the student of catell who reminded us gthat Gf and Gc are both fafotrs of G what distinction between the two did he make?

Horn Gc increases with age : accumulation of knowledge • Gf peaks in late adolescence, then declines steadily.

Hunt (1987) showed how measures of Gc correlate with RT tasks where the stimuli was....

Hunt (1987) showed how measures of Gc correlate with RT tasks where the stimuli was letters, words or sentences, deciding whether two stimuli are the same or different (Two simplest versions are Posner's letter-matching tasks (physical identity, letter name identity) - ppl with higher G scores respond more rapidly than those with lower scores - and these differences become greater as one progresses throgut hte list

does Gc correlate well with G?

In general, it correlates very well with g - Crystallized measures of intelligence have a substantial predictive validity (Jensen, 2001) also called "g loading --> preicting comptemnce at work, gpa etc.

Individuals with high Gf scores also provide ____ and________

Individuals with high Gf scores also provide faster reaction times and better WM scores (e.g., Bjorklund, 2005). - will be faster and more accurate at wokring memory tests

what is Kan et al's veiwpoint on whether Gc = verbal abiliies?

Kan et al (2011) reanalyzed the original dataset (HCA)(for the CHC) , controlling for education, Gc is the same as verbal comprehension

what have researchers found ten to correlate together in terms of subsets of Gf ?

Many researchers have found that the inductive and deductive tend to correlate (Wilhelm 2015) --ability to extract a rule and apply a rule tendd to correlate together

Comprehension subtest from the WAIS IV - what would a question look like? - asseses.. - how do raw scores change with age

Meaning of sayings or proverbs• What is the appropriate thing to do in certain situations- Ex. why is it important to vote in a general election? asking an 8 year old - tell me the meaning of this proverb --> u wanna see how they reason with it, how they articulate their thoughts and explain it - Assesses: Conceptualization and verbal reasoning, social judgement/knowledge of social rules and crystallized intelligence. -Raw scores tend to increase w age :

Measures of reading or word span predict ... what did daneman an dgreen find about the correlation of reading or word span and vocab scores and bility to efine wors fromt heir context?

Measures of reading or word span predict a variety of measures of verbal intelligence, including vocabulary, comprehension, and SAT-V scores - daneman an dgreen foun that the correlation of 0.61 between students vocab scores and ability to efine wors fromt heir context was largely mediated by their reaing span scores

COULD GC BE INFLUENCED BY LOW-LEVEL SKILLS ? Lexical Access Speed - what didd macintosh find correlations between Gc an RT on? (3 modest correlations) what is one possible explanation for this an dhow id jackson 1980 disprove this what can we conclude ?

Modest correlations between Gc and RT on 1. Letter matching or Word matching 2. Sentence verification task (say as quick as u can if a sentence provides tru or false description of a diagram) 3. rapid retreival from short term memory (given list of digits or letters and then aslked whether a given probe item was on the list) could be due to differences in the amoutn of practice ppl habe witth related task (eg. reading) ? Jackson 1980 - equatedd ppls experineces with the symbols and still found correlations between measures of reaing skills an dRT on this sttimulus-matching task (The experiment was done with a made up alphabet and arbitrary symbols and still showed a correlation between reading skills and RT) dofferences in Gc are assocoatedd with differences in spee dof access to and efficiency of procesing and retrieval or lexical metrial !! (not ue to familiarity ^) Low-level linguistic skills influenced by speed of processing? Some people will understand verbal information faster?l

information subtest from WAIS IV what is an example of one question wedd ask?whats the importance of it?

Questions of general knowledge (remember ellen show?) asking a 5 year old a question like "where is matchu pitchu?" - not the fact that he knwos this specific info thats importnant but its how id he know this andd what does this mean to him --- going through the informaiton subtest we can evaluate the breath and dept of his knowldegdd and that in turn becomes a good predictor of later success

why are ravens advances progressive matrices ifficult?

RAPM is difficult even when given the rules because it is hard to know which rules apply - the problem is of discovering the appropriate description of the figures which amounts to seeing which attributes are relevant and allowin a solution

explain how raw scores on vocab tests vary with age why is this?

Raw scores improve with age, until at least 60 (unlike most other IQ subtests). Why? • more experience / more time to learn many words? some studies say yes experinece is important (age, and eucattion) but macintosh also highlgihts tat theres more than just experience...

what is reasoing? - when u reason u have to...

Reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions or inferences from information. - When people reason they must "go beyond the information given" (Bruner, 1955)

what is different about the trajectory of scores on vocab tests throughout age?

Scores on vocabulary tests, unlike other IQ tests carry on improving until at least 50- 60 before slowly beginning to decline -older ppl have longer to learn wors?

what is the sex diff on he WAIS info test? recent research says....

Sex difference on this WAIS test - Men > Women recent research says his is smaller than orignically thoguht " Previous research likely overestimated sex differences in general knowledge. explained to a large part by school-related moderators (school type, school, student age, parental education) and selection processes." Still, boys had a remaining advantage over girls.

what di dthe washinghotn vs lincoln analogy explain about how we encode in analogical reasoning?

Sternbergs moel says u kin dof naturally figure out things while u look at them but other models say that theres more to it -Is not as 'automatic' as Sternberg's model initially suggested -->encoding isnt the automatic process implied in the orignal model Easy analogies may not reveal all the processes engaged in the solution of more difficult problems - there can be analgies were irrelevant isctracting info makes u think its the main connection between two things --->Another componential model of analogical reasoning - Reasoning involves WM, and EF!

in the tower or hanoi, where did the errors occur and when did more errors occur?

The Tower Hanoi problem: all errors occurred on moves that initiated each new sub-goal, and the number or errors increased sharply with the number of moves required to complete that sub-goal **the more the depth of forward processing required - the more errors

The accumulation of a vocabulary and knowledge of worldly facts rests upon the ability to........, rather than simply ......as suggested by some (e.g., Groth- Marnat, 1997). exampls by sternberg and powell on highschool stuents:

The accumulation of a vocabulary and knowledge of worldly facts rests upon the ability to comprehend and reason with language (verbal comprehension), rather than simply store information in long-term memory, as suggested by some (e.g., Groth- Marnat, 1997). For many, it also implies reasoning. - eg. ternberg and powell students aske to provide definitons of unfamiliar words in a paragraph - mesures of the accuracy andd addequacy of their defintions correlated 0.6 with verbal IQ scores ***Students who score high on verbal IQ are better at defining unfamiliar words in a passage

the function of the goal moniter is similar to the functions assigne to the __________ also known as

The central executive system which can switch attention, compare alternative representations, inhibit inappropriate but prepotent tendencies, and plan, control, and monitor actions, and has been seen as the critical mechanism underlying cognitive development in children aka "supervisatory attnetional system"

when talking about intellectual development over time and the patterns - why does she make reference to raw scores?

Transform scores (iq) wouldd stay stable even if ur raw score is ddeclining if everyone is ddeclining with u - ur ddistance from ppl ur age would stay the same raw scores would decline but for everyone so ur IQ term-11would stay the same!!

what are verbal fluency tasks? test remarkably sensitive to damage to the_________ - the locus of ________

Typically require you to generate as many words as possible that start with the letter F, or as many boy names or animals you can think of in a minute test remarkably sensitive to damage to the prefrontal cortex - the locus of executive fucntion -->must ensure that the word is appropriate and are not repetitions of words you already gave -frontal patients make both these errors (similar to random number generation where u have to say digits 0-9 in ranomd order)

what has research shown about verbal IQ andd providing definitions of wors from context?

Verbal IQ and providing definitions of words from context (r = 0.6) **the higher the iQ the higher the chance of prividing deifntion of a wordd from a missing context ---->Example from a test like WIAT-II FRENCH : "the girl was disappointed because her friend could not come to her birthday" - What does disappointed means? Young children(5-7) with high IQ do better at supplying a missing word to complete a sentence

Vocabulary is a good measure of verbal ability because....

Vocabulary is a good measure of verbal ability because we do not acquire our vocabulary though rote memorization, but rather by a process of inferential reasoning that appears to be dependent on working memory

does Gc include verbal ability factors AND a factor of numerical ability? who postulate this?

YES caroll and vernon thought that this broa V:ed factor compromise distignusihable verbal and numerical factors - scores on verbal and numerical factors can be extractted from large test batteries - they are partially disticnt - but to the extent that they fall uner the same borag Gc or v:ed factor they arw also related

do vocabulary tests correlate with global IQ?

YES aroundd 0.8

the hallmarsk of the intelligent problem solver is...

a willingness to retrace your steps when confronted with an impasse and to question ur intial assumptions rathet han persist with them - carpeneter et al ackockleddges this idea

give an example of an error of induction

all women have two eyes (general rule) that person has two eyes (observation) therefore that person is a women

graph showing the trajectories of Gc and Gf over time

as we age, semantic access becomes more ddifficult (experience tip of the tougne more often) - Gc will eventually decline

carolls distinction between 3 factors of reasoning can be described din terms of _______as ...__, ___ and _____

carolls distinction between 3 factors of reasoning can be ddescribed in terms of CONTENT verbal, figural, quantitative

who said this ? "Crystalized = freezing in a specific shape of what was once fluid ability"


in the optional book she gave - the authors were wonering is knowledge important for reasoning - what ddistinction di they make? what is their point?

distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge Implicit knowledge • Reasoning occurs without awareness • does not require attention • reasoning while relying unconsciously associations made with your unconscious (memorized) network of information • decision quickly or intuitively - not aware of your reasoning processes *they highlighte dthat generally ppl will be aware of theconsequence of their implicitt judgement but they odnt rlly unerstand allthe reasoning that goes behind it Explicit knowledge •Reasoning occurs within awareness •typically requires effort •aware of the outcome as well as reasoning processes themselves •strategic or rule-based - can be more flexible •faster than "gut feeling" because you can use your conscious logic instead of accumulated experience - cuz in implicit reasonigng u nee to wait till u have experiences with situations to have this gut feeling *ex. learning consciously that we capitalize proper nouns versus learning it unconsciously theory is that when ur relying on ur implicit knowledge its bassically tht i was exposed to a certain number of experiences and ive developed an understanding that things work this way (eg. situations in life where u think oh things work like this! without rlly being aware of it) authors point: some ppl are rlly good at implicit reasoning and some ppl are gonna have a taste for picking up eg. logic in matht or picking up whats beautiful in art or about people

Number span task (ddaneman and tarif) - what is it? Scores on the memory span part of this task correlate with...3

each item consisted of 3 numbers (3,7,14) and the requirement was to join two of the numbers to create a number divisible by 3 Scores on the memory span part of this task which required them to remember the answer to each of the items at the end of the series correlated with the word span test, and with composite vocabulary and comprehension scores

whats an example of what u would ask ur patient in a vocabulary subtest? diff between standford binet and WAIS IV

ex. "what does flooding mean?" - trying to asses vocabulary Multiple choices of definition (Standford- Binet) Provide your own definition (WAIS IV) *scores on tests of vocab are gonna be derive from how abstract they are in their thiking , how specific hey are - how well they can recongize or descibre it (eg. water vs an overflow of water)

conclusions are that Gf involves ____,____ and _____ - is this a tightly specifie dtheory of congition? where are these operations (metacomponents) located physically?conceptually?

executive control, planning and allocation of resources no, this statement an dsternbergs metacomponents font specify any precise sert of cogntive operations -> planning, monitoring goals and evaluating the consequences are all ignredients to the sort of reasoningand problem solving abilites that Gf test measure these operations are locate din the PFC and parietal cortex and conceptually in the cnetral executive

ppl have attributedd a ddecline in gf in the oldd to a decline in ________ what oes sternberg describe these as?

executive function stenrberg escribes these and similar fucntions as "metacomponents" - higher order executtive process used to plan what one is going to do, to monitor it while oding it and evaluate it once its done

which test was added to WAIS 4 cuz the the production company wanted to "Enhance Measure of Fluid Intelligence"

figure weights

Gf is highly ________

heritable - its your genes - your intellecual potential, how far u can go, how much info can we give to u - Not as influenced by culture and education as Gc : Gc tends to be seen as "acquired"

could Working Memory be contirbuting to Gc? - what could a high working memory allow u to do? what is the "reading span" test wha is the hypothesis?

if you have a high Working Memory span, you may be able to decode long and complex sentences and explanations ? "reading span" test (Daneman &Carpenter, 1980) - People quickly read sentences and then are asked to report the words at the end of each sentence - Task is difficult. Many words could crowd WM - this test is correlatedd with some measures of Gc Hypothesis : with a larger working memory, one can hold on to information (long sentences) and infer the meaning of a new word in this sentence. - Facilitates learning of new words and development of larger vocabulary (working memory tasks require u to remember some info and at the same time process some new info)

MEASURES OF CRYSTALIZED INTELLIGENCE - what is crystalized intellignece genrally evaluated in?

in the WAIS III - verbal scale (mostly Gc) vs perfomance scale (mostly Gf) - semanic connecetion between Gc in the WAIS IV - 4 indexes - Gc is mostly in the verbal comprehension index (VCI) whihc is compossed of the vocabulary subtest, informattion subtest, and comprehension subtext

what is evience that the rules escribed by carpenter must be engaging in diff cognitive operartions?

male advantage on ravens may be largely confine to items requiring A/S or DD2 rules for their solution when particpants were require to escribe out loud how they were going about solving RAPM items, this interfere with their performance on A/S an 2 items but not D3 items (A/S an DD3 items are mayve spatial?)

are Gc Gf and Gv unitary processes?

no like Gs, verbal, spatial and fluid abilites all depend on partially distinct cognitve processes

is verbal fluency measuring the same thing as other measures of Gc? why or why not (main ddiffernece betwen other measures of Gc)?

no - thurstone an caroll both identifiedd it as a separate factor unlike otther measures of Gc (vocab/lexical descision time) where theres only a small sex ifference between average scores - Females are substantially better than males at verbal fluency because they plan their search more efficiently by group their responses better into defined clusters

is verbal ability just ddifferences in past opportunites to aqucire relevant information? hunt says:

no! difference in Gc partly reflect differences in the way ppl take avantage of opportunies hunt: verabl ability is the result of somewhat coreelated set of skills - these skills depen on a variety of more primative psycholgical processes

did carpenter propose that it was the indivuals ability to recognize the diff rules?

no! they supplie the rules because he said that all paricipants correctly identified the 5 rules so iffs in test performance couldnt be due to differences in the vailablity of those rules (but this 5th rule could have accounted for the difference)

why is it a problem if one test has oldd norms and done has new? which test has old norms?

old norms may not still be accurate cuz of the flynn effectt ravens matrices have old norms, wais 4 has new upddtated norms

which r the two tests that tap the most into Gf? how many items do each of them have?

raven matrices (black and white) WAIS matrices an culture fair test (in book)

In the CHC model, ________ falls into Gf factor (McGrew, 2009)

reasoning a big part of fluid intelligence

analogies require us to...

see the relationships between the terms in a seiries

sternberg argue that encoding should be _________ what is one implication of this? .

selective - only encode relevant attributes - lohman sai du needd to take note of all terms in order to discover what the relevant attributes may be -implication: a succesful problme sovler may be the one who encodes careful and therefore slowly

Could difference in inferring from context contribute to Vocabulary size ?

some researchers say diffs in vocab come from the ability to infer from context -- most studies say it ddoes contribute

how do oler chilren vs younger chidlren iffer in analogical reasoning?

sternberg later found that analytical reasoning after the age of 9 or 10, an increase in age with a decrease in the time to execute inference and application components, was also associated with an increase in the time spent on encoding -the difference in age differs their way they ALLOCATE resources to a problem, however was partly responsible for their superior performance

Language is (generally) a ___ learning

tacit -- language is learne dimplicitly Infer meaning from context/sentence Infer information about subcomponents of the word

base don a study by tullos - caroll thinks that the primary source of ddifference in ravens matrices is..?

the abilitty to apply rules of inference alon with lack of knowledge of certain types of rule frequently involved in raven test items

what is g loading? does crystalize intelligence have this?

the preictive validity of g in preciting gpa, competence at work etc. --> crystalized intelligence has this predictive validity Gc Predicts domain knowledge in later life - Some authors say Gc is a better predictor of domain knowledge than Gf --->Undergraduate GPA was better predicted by Gc (r = .36) than Gf (r = .22).

Rules for Carpenters proposed model for Ravens matrices what else oes this moddel assume is required? 3

this model assumed that most items could be solved by the application of one or more of these rules to describe the relations between the items in eahc row or colum: -C or constant in a row -PP or pairwise progression -D3 or distribution of three values -A/S or addition and/or subtraction -D2 or distribution of two values

what is the factor on IQ batterys that are the most cricizedd for being less valid inficators of intellectual functitoning? why?

vocab tests (Gc) because they are heavily influenced by educaitonal opportunieis and experiences AND culure!! have to take this into account gc is a little bit like "learned intellignece"

what is one of the processes that overlaps between numerical factor tetss and verbal tests? evidence from logie et al?

working memory logie et. al - performance on simple mental arithmetic tasks can be disrupted by ppl having to perform concurrently other atsks

do measures of working memory span predict performance on mental arithmetic problems? whay ddid lether and henry show in their experiemnt on this?

yes An experiment by Leather and Henry show that when children are given a listen span and a count span, ---> the listen span predicted vocabulary and reading comprehension better than the count span --->the count span predicted arithmetic better than the verbal tests, but the two spans correlated well and also predicted arithmetic scores equally as well

A good reasoning test would measure .......

• A good reasoning test would measure all 3 of these reasoning factors, rather than being biased towards one (e.g. Raven) (Wilhelm 2005) - hence all the revisions of the WAIS

Birren and Morrison (1961) what norms did they use? once they controlled for years of education andd age what didd they find? what are they suggesting? conclusions?

• Based on the WAIS normative sample • Information and Vocabulary correlate with years of education - .66 and .62, respectively. • ***Controlling for years of education and age, the correlation between Information and Vocabulary reduced only to .68 (from .81) - Suggests 46% of the shared variance was independent of years of education and age. ***yes exposition and experience is important but there may also be something else Conclusions : "Although years of education and age may possibly influence performance on crystallized subtests such as Information and Vocabulary, clearly there is more to the story. Scores may be determined by more than age and education"

who is the first to propose a distincion between Gf andd Gc? what are these?

• Catell = First to propose Gf Gc distinction (saidd Gf was biolical and manifestr on Gc which is aqcuired) 2 main factors : Gf Gc - "fluid intelligence" : reasoning, novel problem solving - "crystallised intelligence" : general knowledge and vocabulary -- accumulation of knowledge

• Gf and Ravens correlate well with_______tasks - The implication is that ......

• Gf and Ravens correlate well with WM tasks - The implication is that the number of mental operations to be kept in WM correlates well with Raven's and Gf.

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