Leg, ankle, and foot anatomy

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What is the function of the extensor hallucis longus?

extension of big toe

What is the function of the extensor digitorum longus?

extension of four other toes

Which bone is the lateral malleolus found on?


What is another name for the lateral collateral ligament?

fibular collateral ligament

What is plantar fasciitis?

heel pain due to microtears and being on your feet all day

What holds the tibia and fibula together and supports the ankle joint?

interosseous ligament

What do you sprain with an inversion of the foot?

lateral ligament

Which ligament connects the fibula to the talus?

lateral ligament

What is the plantar fascia?

ligament from the calcareous to the metatarsal and phalanges

What branches does the tibial n. give off?

medial and lateral branches

What do you sprain with an eversion of the foot?

medial ligament

Which ligament connects the tibia to the talus?

medial ligament

What could compress the tibial n. in the ankle/foot?

medial malleolus

Which bone does the talus articulate with?

navicular b.

Which are the medial ankle bones?

navicular bone and cuneiform bones

What are the seven muscles of the posterior compartment?

1. gastrocnemius 2. soleus 3. plantaris 4. popliteus 5. tibialis posterior 6. flexor digitorum longus 7. flexor hallucis longus

What are the two muscles of the lateral compartment?

1. peroneus brevis 2. peroneus longus

What are the five muscles of the anterior compartment?

1. tibialis anterior 2. extensor hallucis longus 3. extensor digitorum longus 4. peroneus tertius 5. extensor digitorum brevis

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the wedge between the big toe and second toe, on the top of the foot?


Which nerve is found in the anterior compartment of the lower leg?


Which nerve is compressed by an L4/L5 disc herniation?

L5 nerve

Which nerve is compressed by an L5/S1 herniation?

S1 nerve

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the rest of the top of the foot?


Which nerve is found in the lateral compartment of the lower leg?


What other two ligaments support the tibia and fibula?

anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments

Which bone is deep to the talus?


Which are the lateral ankle bones?

cuboid bone

What is the action of the muscles of the anterior compartment?

dorsiflexion of foot and extension of toes

What is the action of the muscles in the lateral compartment?

eversion of the foot

Where is the pain felt for an L5/S1 herniation?

over the buttocks and posterior thigh and leg

Where is the pain felt for an L4/L5 herniation?

over the lateral buttocks, thigh, and anterior part of the leg/foot

How does the tibial n. enter the foot?

passes posterior to the medial malleolus, beneath the flexor retinaculum

What is the action of the muscles in the posterior compartment?

plantar flexion

What path do the lateral muscles take to attach to the foot?

run deep to the superior retinaculum

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the medial part of the bottom of the foot?

saphenous n.

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the medial part of the top of the foot?

saphenous nerve

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the lateral part of the top of the foot?

sural nerve

Which compartment is most susceptible to increased pressure, and how do you relieve the pressure?

the anterior compartment, which you relieve by cutting the fascia over the compartment

What is the most commonly sprained foot/ankle ligament?

the anterior talofibular ligament

Which bone isn't part of the knee joint?

the fibula

What wraps around the medial malleolus?

the great saphenous vein passes anterior to the medial malleolus

What attaches to the tibial tuberosity?

the quads send a ligament down over the knee, and attach to the tibial tuberosity

What wraps around the lateral malleolus

the small saphenous vein passes posterior to the lateral malleolus

What bone do the tibia and fibula articulate with in the ankle?

the talus

What do the posterior muscles travel through, and where is it located?

they travel through the tarsal tunnel on the medial aspect of the ankle

Which bone is the medial malleolus located on?


What is another name for the medial collateral ligament?

tibial collateral ligament

Which nerve gives sensory innervation to the rest of the bottom of the foot?

tibial n.

Which nerve is found in the posterior compartment of the lower leg?

tibial n.

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