Lesson 1: Artificial Intelligence

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What are the Goals of Artificial Intelligence?

-To create expert systems -To implement Human intelligence in Machines

What are the goals of the scientific approach of AI?

1.) Build systems that think like humans 2.) Build systems that act like humans

What are the goals of the Engineering approach to AI?

1.) Build systems that think rationally 2.) Build systems that act rationally

How has the field of Mathematics contributed to A.I.?

Boolean logic, intractability, and probability(Gerolamo Cardano).

What question did "Computing Machinery and Intelligence ask?

Can machines think?

Who coined the term "Robotics"?

Isaac Asimov(1945)


The capacity to learn and solve problems

John McCarthy definition of A.I.

The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.


The science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application.

AI Technique

a manner to organize and use knowledge efficiently in such a way that it's perceivable by the people who provide it, easily modifiable to correct errors, useful in many situations though it is incomplete or inaccurate, and elevates the speed of execution of complex programs.

Who coined the phrase, "Artificial Intelligence"?

John McCarthy

What disciplines contribute to A.I.?

1.) Computer Science 2.) Psychology 3.) Neuroscience 4.) Biology 5.) Maths 6.) Sociology 7.) Philosophy

List the Cons of A.I.

1.) Cost incurred in maintenance and repair 2.) Not able to act any different 3.) Lack the human touch 4.) Lack a creative mind 5.) Lack common sense 6.) Unemployment 7.) Abilities of humans may diminish 8.) Robots superseding humans 9.) Humans may become dependent on machines 10.) Wrong hands can cause destruction.

List some modern applications of A.I.

1.) Gaming 2.) Natural Language Processing 3.) Vision systems 4.) Expert Systems 5.) Speech Recognition 6.) Handwriting Recognition 7.) Intelligent Robots

List the pros of A.I.

1.) Precision and Accuracy 2.) Space exploration 3.) Used for mining process 4.) Can do laborious tasks 5.) Fraud detection, manage records 6.) Lacking emotions 7.) Can do repetitive and time-consuming tasks 8.) Robotic pets, robotic radiosurgery 9.) Function without stopping, risk reducing diagnosis and treatment

In what year were the foundations for neural networks laid?


In what year did John McCarthy creat LISP programming language for AI?


Who wrote the the paper titled "Computing Machinery and INtelligence?

Alan Turing

Who is the father of AI?

John McCarthy


Mechanics, electronics and computing which, combined, make possible the generation of simpler, more economical, reliable and versatile systems.

Control Theory

Purposeful behavior as arising form a regulatory mechanism to minimize the difference between goal state and current state

Artificial Intelligence

The simulation of human intelligence by machines


The study of communication and control; typically involving regulatory feedback in living organisms, in machines, and in combinations of the two.

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