Lesson 6/Chapter 19: Blood Vessels and Circulation

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Which of these contribute(s) to the formation of the popliteal vein? a. anterior and posterior tibial and fibular b. internal iliac c. small saphenous and great saphenous d. peroneal and popliteal e. great saphenous and posterior tibial

Anterior and posterior tibial and fibular

Branches of the popliteal artery include the a. dorsalis pedis. b. plantar arch. c. femoral artery. d. anterior tibial. e. iliac artery.

Anterior tibial

Which is greater: arterial pressure or venous pressure? a. venous pressure b. arterial pressure

Arterial pressure

Each of the following arteries is a component of the cerebral arterial circle except the a. anterior communicating artery. b. basilar artery. c. anterior cerebral artery. d. posterior communicating artery. e. posterior cerebral artery.

Basilar artery

All of the vessel names below refer to both an artery and a vein except a. gonadal b. femoral c. axillary c. basilic e. radial


Metabolites exchange by diffusion with the tissues and the cells in which of the following locations? a. vein b. capillary c. artery d. arteriole e. venule


Describe a capillary. a. A capillary is a large blood vessel whose thick wall consists of a thick tunica media with diffuse elastic fibers. b. A capillary is a small blood vessel whose thin wall permits exchange between blood and interstitial fluid by diffusion. c. A capillary is a medium-sized blood vessel that has a poorly defined tunica externa, and the tunica media has only a few layers of smooth muscle cells. d. A capillary is a large blood vessel whose thick wall consists of a thick tunica media with few elastic fibers. e. A capillary is a large blood vessel whose wall is thin but all three layers are present.

A capillary is a small blood vessel whose thin wall permits exchange between blood and interstitial fluid by diffusion

In which of the following would the blood flow be highest? a. a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long b. a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long c. a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long d. a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

A vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

In which of the following would the resistance be greater? a. a vessel 1 mm in diameter b. a vessel 10 microns in diameter

A vessel 10 microns in diameter

Materials can move across capillary walls by a. diffusion b. filtration c. reabsorption d. All of the answers are correct e. None of these answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

To defend blood volume against dehydration, the body a. accelerates reabsorption of water at the kidneys. b. experiences a recall of interstitial fluids. c. experiences an increase in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. d. increases water intake. e. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

________ is the regulation of blood flow by local mechanisms within a capillary bed. a. Central regulation b. Autoregulation c. Tissue perfusion d. All of the answers are correct. e. None of these answers are correct.


Identify the artery labeled "12." a. axillary b. splenic c. celiac trunk d. superior mesenteric e. inferior mesenteric

Celiac trunk

List the unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta that supply blood to the visceral organs. a. gastric, gonadal, and lumbar arteries b. celiac trunk, gonadal, and renal arteries c. celiac trunk, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric artery d. renal, hepatic, splenic, and adrenal arteries e. phrenic, hepatic, and renal arteries

Celiac trunk, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric artery

The ________ vein is a superficial vein that ascends along the radial side of the forearm. a. brachial b. radial c. basilic d. ulnar e. cephalic


The internal carotids and the basilar artery are interconnected by an anastomosis called the a. common carotid artery. b. arterial bypass. c. cerebral arterial circle. d. basal ring. e. external carotid artery.

Cerebral arterial circle

________ are multiple arteries that fuse in order to serve a single capillary network. a. Elastic arteries b. Sinusoids c. Thoroughfares d. Anastomoses e. Collaterals


Identify the arteries labeled "9." a. brachial b. brachiocephalic c. common carotid d. aorta e. axillary

Common carotid

Which of the following factors will not increase the net filtration pressure to move fluid out of capillaries? a. decreased net filtration rate b. decreased lymphatic flow c. decreased plasma albumin d. decreased blood colloidal pressure e. increased blood hydrostatic pressure

Decreased net filtration rate

Describe the pattern of fetal blood flow to and from the placenta. a. Oxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a pair of umbilical arteries, and deoxygenated blood returns from the placenta in a single umbilical vein. b. Deoxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a pair of umbilical arteries, and oxygenated blood returns from the placenta in a single umbilical vein. c. Oxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a pair of umbilical veins, and deoxygenated blood returns from the placenta in a single umbilical artery. d. Deoxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a pair of umbilical veins, and oxygenated blood returns from the placenta in a single umbilical artery. e. Deoxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a single umbilical vein, and oxygenated blood returns from the placenta through a pair of umbilical arteries.

Deoxygenated blood flows from the fetus to the placenta through a pair of umbilical arteries, and oxygenated blood returns from the placenta in a single umbilical vein

The fetal dorsal aorta later forms the adult a. inferior vena cava b. superior vena cava c. arch of the aorta d. ascending aorta e. descending aorta

Descending aorta

The ________ divides the aorta into the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta. a. diaphragm b. peritoneum c. pericardium d. pleura e. mediastinum


The most inferior of the following blood vessels is the a. popliteal. b. fibular artery. c. posterior tibial artery. d. dorsalis pedis artery. e. anterior tibial artery.

Dorsalis pedis artery

Distinguish among efferent vessels, afferent vessels, and exchange vessels. a. Efferent vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid, afferent vessels carry blood to the heart, and exchange vessels carry blood away from the heart. b. Efferent vessels carry blood away from the heart, afferent vessels carry blood to the heart, and exchange vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid. c. Efferent vessels carry blood to the heart, afferent vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid, and exchange vessels carry blood away from the heart. d. Efferent vessels carry blood to the heart, afferent vessels carry blood away from the heart, and exchange vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid. e. Efferent vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid, afferent vessels carry blood away from the heart, and exchange vessels carry blood to the heart.

Efferent vessels carry blood away from the heart, afferent vessels carry blood to the heart, and exchange vessels exchange nutrients, dissolved gases, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid

The common iliac artery is an example of which type of artery? a. vascular b. arteriolar c. connective d. muscular e. elastic


The ________ vein is formed by the fusion of the greater saphenous vein, femoral vein, and deep femoral vein. a. azygos b. internal iliac c. common iliac d. external iliac e. inferior vena cava

External iliac

When the popliteal vein reaches the popliteal fossa, it becomes the ________ vein. a. femoral b. external iliac c. fibular d. internal iliac e. posterior tibial


Blood is drained from the liver by the a. hepatic vein b. phrenic vein c. hepatic portal vein d. celiac trunk e. common iliac vein

Hepatic vein

Stimulation of the aortic baroreceptors results in a. stimulation of the vasoconstrictive center. b. stimulation of the cardio acceleratory center in the brain. c. increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart. d. increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system. e. increased heart rate.

Increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system

Each of the following will cause an increase in blood pressure except a. increased blood volume. b. increased levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone). c. increased levels of aldosterone. d. increased levels of angiotensin II. e. increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide).

Increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide)

The continual movement of fluid through the interstitial spaces produced by capillary filtration serves all of the following functions except a. increases edema. b. accelerates the distribution of nutrients and hormones. c. helps carry toxins and bacteria to cells of the immune system. d. assists the transport of insoluble substances that cannot enter the capillaries. e. flushes hormones and wastes from the interstitial spaces.

Increases edema

Identify the artery labeled "16." a. superior mesenteric b. axillary c. celiac d. splenic e. inferior mesenteric

Inferior mesenteric

Blood is drained from the lower portion of the large intestine by the a. superior mesenteric vein. b. inferior mesenteric vein. c. intestinal vein. d. celiac trunk. e. gastro-epiploic vein.

Inferior mesenteric vein

Which vessel collects most of the venous blood inferior to the diaphragm? a. abdominal aorta b. inferior vena cava c. superior vena cava d. azygos vein e. phrenic vein

Inferior vena cava

Homeostatic mechanisms in response to blood loss include all of the following except a. increased thirst and water intake. b. uptake of interstitial fluid due to reduced capillary pressure. c. activation of ADH secretion. d. inhibition of EPO secretion. e. activation of aldosterone secretion.

Inhibition of EPO secretion

An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the ________ artery. a. internal carotid b. external carotid c. azygos d. mental e. maxillary

Internal carotid

Blood from the brain returns to the heart through the ________ vein. a. vertebral b. azygos c. innominate d. external jugular e. internal jugular

Internal jugular

Which of the following is true regarding the inferior vena cava? a. It is colored red in diagrams. b. It lacks a tunica externa. c. It carries oxygenated blood. d. It has a very thick tunica media. e. It is considered a large vein.

It is considered a large vein

A blockage of which branch of the aortic arch would interfere with blood flow to the left arm? a. right subclavian artery b. brachiocephalic trunk c. left common carotid artery d. right common carotid artery e. left subclavian artery

Left subclavian artery

Identify the major branches of the inferior vena cava. a. left gastric, splenic, and common hepatic veins b. lumbar, gonadal, hepatic, renal, adrenal, and phrenic veins c. intercostal, esophageal, mesenteric, lumbar, and phrenic veins d. bronchial, esophageal, azygos, hemi-azygos, intercostal, and mediastinal veins e. superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric and celiac trunks

Lumbar, gonadal, hepatic, renal, adrenal, and phrenic veins

Sensory neurons that are part of the chemoreceptor reflexes are found in all of the following except the a. lungs b. common carotid artery c. arch of the aorta d. medulla oblongata


The vein in the arm commonly sampled for blood by venipuncture is the a. ulnar vein b. brachial vein c. radial vein d. cephalic vein e. median cubital vein

Median cubital vein

Name the two large veins that collect blood from the systemic circuit. a. external jugular vein and internal jugular vein b. ascending aorta and descending aorta c. superior vena cava and inferior vena cava d. brachiocephalic vein and subclavian vein e. thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta

Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava

A "blue baby" is often associated with what congenital heart defect? a. patent ductus arteriosus b. tetralogy of Fallot c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect e. transposition of the great vessels

Patent ductus arteriosus

As blood travels from arteries to veins, a. pressure drops. b. flow becomes turbulent. c. diameter of the blood vessels gets progressively smaller. d. viscosity increases. e. pressure builds.

Pressure drops

The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the ________ pressure. a. circulatory b. critical closing c. blood d. pulse e. mean arterial


Blood moves forward through veins because of all of the following except a. valves in the veins preventing the backward flow of blood b. valves permitting flow of blood in one direction only c. the pressure in the veins is lower than in the arteries d. pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein e. skeletal muscle compression

Pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein

Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure except a. decrease in blood volume. b. decreased peripheral resistance. c. reduced thirst. d. increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide). e. release of renin.

Release of renin

The ________ is the kidney's sole blood supply. a. adrenal artery b. celiac artery c. renal artery d. superior mesenteric artery e. common iliac artery

Renal artery

Blood returning from the systemic circuit enters the a. left atrium b. left ventricle c. right atrium d. right ventricle

Right atrium

The type of capillary that permits the free exchange of water and solutes as large as plasma proteins are the a. discontinuous capillaries. b. vasa vasorum. c. fenestrated capillaries. d. perforated capillaries. e. sinusoids.


Grace is in an automobile accident, and her celiac trunk is ruptured. Which organs will be affected most directly by this injury? a. lungs and diaphragm b. small intestine, large intestine, uterus, urinary bladder, and kidneys c. stomach, heart, lungs, and liver d. stomach, inferior portion of the esophagus, spleen, liver, gallbladder, and proximal portion of the small intestine e. heart and lungs

Stomach, inferior portion of the esophagus, spleen, liver, gallbladder, and proximal portion of the small intestine

At the level of the first rib, the axillary vein becomes the ________ vein. a. subclavian b. external jugular c. cephalic d. azygos e. innominate


The blood vessel that directly carries blood to the arm and shoulder is the a. common carotid artery b. aorta c. ulnar artery d. subclavian artery e. brachial artery

Subclavian artery

Identify the branches of the external carotid artery. a. carotid sinus b. vertebral and basilar arteries c. superficial temporal, maxillary, occipital, facial, and lingual arteries d. temporal, mandibular, and external jugular arteries e. vertebral, basilar, carotid sinus, maxillary, mandibular, and facial arteries

Superficial temporal, maxillary, occipital, facial, and lingual arteries

The blood vessel that supplies blood to the pancreas, the duodenum, and most of the large intestine is the a. inferior mesenteric artery. b. celiac artery. c. superior mesenteric artery. d. renal artery. e. gastric artery.

Superior mesenteric artery.

The fusion of the brachiocephalic veins forms the a. subclavian vein. b. superior vena cava. c. inferior vena cava. d. innominate vein. e. azygos vein.

Superior vena cava

Near the carotid sinus, a. the aorta gives rise to the common carotids. b. the internal carotids fuse with the vertebral arteries. c. the common carotid divides into an internal and an external branch d. veins and arteries form anastomoses. e. the external carotid forms the internal carotid.

The common carotid divides into an internal and an external branch.

Describe the distribution of total blood volume in the body. a. The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (20%), systemic arterial system (20%), in the heart (20%), pulmonary circulation (20%), and systemic capillaries (20%). b. The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (13%), systemic arterial system (64%), in the heart (7%), pulmonary circulation (9%), and systemic capillaries (7%). c. The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (50%), systemic arterial system (37%), in the heart (7%), pulmonary circulation (3%), and systemic capillaries (3%). d. The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (75%), systemic arterial system (5%), in the heart (5%), pulmonary circulation (5%), and systemic capillaries (10%). e. The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (64%), systemic arterial system (13%), in the heart (7%), pulmonary circulation (9%), and systemic capillaries (7%).

The volume is divided into the systemic venous system (64%), systemic arterial system (13%), in the heart (7%), pulmonary circulation (9%), and systemic capillaries (7%)

A blood clot that blocks the popliteal vein would interfere with blood flow in which other veins? a. tibial and fibular veins and the great saphenous vein b. gluteal and internal pudendal veins c. tibial and fibular veins and the small saphenous vein d. deep femoral and femoral circumflex veins e. lateral sacral and obturator veins

Tibial and fibular veins and the small saphenous vein

________ refers to all the factors that resist blood flow in the entire circulatory system. a. Venous return b. Vascular resistance c. Total peripheral resistance d. Cardiac output e. Capillary pressure

Total peripheral resistance

Identify the vein labeled "15." a. axillary b. brachial c. basilic d. radial e. ulnar


What factors are involved in the formation of varicose veins? a. Varicose veins form when the valves become stiff and fail to open. b. Varicose veins form when blood pressure is too high damaging the valves. c. Varicose veins form when blood pressure is too low so the valves do not open. d. Varicose veins form when sympathetic activation causes venoconstriction. e. Varicose veins form when the vein walls weaken and the valves fail so blood begins to pool in the veins.

Varicose veins form when the vein walls weaken and the valves fail so blood begins to pool in the veins

The thoroughfare channel ends at the a. capillary b. venule c. arteriole d. artery e. vein


After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the a. arteries b. capillaries c. venules d. arterioles e. veins


Which of the following are the smallest venous vessels? a. venules b. large veins c. venous valves d. capillaries e. medium veins


When will the blood pressure be greater? a. when the peripheral vessels dilate b. when the peripheral vessels constrict

When the peripheral vessels constrict

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