Lesson 9 Muslim Innovations and Adaptations ISN Questions/Lesson 8 & 9 Vocab/Study Guide Answers

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List three important details about the city of Baghdad.

1) In the center of Baghdad there is the grand mosque and the caliph's palace. 2) Baghdad is one of the largest cities in the world. 3) It took four years to build the new capital of Baghdad.


Adaptations are a change made to an existing object or way of doing things.


An equation is a mathematical statement in which the answer equals the statement.


Evolution is the slow process of change in plants and animals from simpler forms to more complex forms.

List two ways Muslims adapted and expanded bookmaking.

The illuminated bindings and pages with designs in gold as well as mini paintings, and in Baghdad, more than one hundred bookshops lined Paper Sellers' Street.


The qiblah is the direction of the Ka'bah.


The shari'ah is the body of Islamic law based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Describe the purpose of the two navigational instruments adapted and perfected by Muslims.

The two navigational instruments that were adapted and perfected by Muslims were the compass and the astrolabe. The compass identifies directions while the astrolabe computes the time and location of the sun and stars.

Describe two contributions made by Muslim scholars in these two categories.

Zoology: -Made medicine from animal parts -Theories for evolution Astronomy: -Navigational tools/locate the direction of Mecca


Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets.

Why was Baghdad important?

Baghdad was important because it was the capital city of the Muslim rulers (Abbasid Caliphate).


Illuminated means to decorate a book with detailed designs and small pictures, especially using gold, silver, or bright colors.


Immortal means to be able to live forever.

Why did Islamic culture flourish, despite the fact that the Muslim empire did not last?

Islamic flourished because they built built cities where scholars and artists would meet. When meeting they would discuss adaptations and innovations.


The Qur'an is the holy book of the religion of Islam.


The mosque is a Muslim house of worship.


The qadi is a judge (in Islamic countries).

Why was chess important?

Chess was important because it was an intellectual challenge the could be played by all members of society.


Logic is a way of thinking that uses reason.

Describe how mosques are designed.

Mosques are designed to express the great diversity of Muslim lands.

Who was Muhammad?

Muhammad was a man who was born around 570 C. E., in Mecca. Muhammad founded and taught Islam, a religion that believes in monotheism. As a young boy he was an orphan and passed around through his family. Muhammad ended up becoming a successful merchant at one point in his life and has a great reputation throughout Mecca for his honesty. At 25 he was married and had several children over the next course of the years and is still known today for founding the religion of the Islamic faith.

Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam are the most basic acts of worship for Muslims: declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting and hajj.


The Sunnah is the example that Muhammad set for Muslims about how to live.

List one example of famous Muslim literature. Where did these stories originate, and where did they spread?

"Arabain Nights", a famous Muslim literature piece, originated in India and Persia, but spread across Europe.

Who was al-Khwarizmi?

al-Khwarizmi was a mathematician and astronomer who is best known as the father of algebra and his book on Algebra, which was later translated into Latin in the 12th century, became the most important mathematics textbook used in the universities of Europe.


Philosophers are a scholar, teacher, or thinker who seeks knowledge.


The jihad is the Muslims' struggle with challenges within themselves and the world as they strive to please God.


Innovations are something new; an improvement.

List two accomplishments of Muslims in this category.

1) The Book of Roads and Provinces 2) The Book of Countries

Be able to name four Muslim contributions to world civilization and explain in a short answer paragraph.

Choose four contributions or whatever, good luck!

Know what cultural diffusion means.

Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one society to another.

What is cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one society to another.

cultural diffusion

Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one society to another.

Look at the map of medieval trade routes, below. How did the location of Islamic lands make cultural diffusion possible?

Cultural diffusion was possible due to the location of the Islamic lands because the lands were near each other and near water.


Diverse represents a group of people or things with obvious differences between one another.

In the chart, list one example of Muslim contributions in each area of medicine:

Hospitals: Muslims built the world's first hospital. Medication: The Muslims made painkillers, antiseptics, ointments, and remedies made from plants, herbs, animals, and minerals. Surgery: Muslim doctors used stitches made from animal guts to sew up wounds and putting patients asleep before surgical operations with opium or hemlock. Disease: Dr. al-Razi found that the disease was caused by bacteria.

Know the bodies of water around the Arabian Peninsula (Black Sea, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea,Persian Gulf)

I can't really help you with this just memorize the spots where they are on the map, I hope this helps! :D

Who was Ibn Sina?

Ibn Sina was a man that believed that all knowledge came from God and that truth could be known through revelation and reason. For example, he presented an argument that the soul was immortal. His writings were widely translated and influenced many thinkers in medieval Europe. He was known as "the prince of physicians," his important medical book, The Canon of Medicine explored the treatment of diseases. Europeans later translated his book and many other Muslim works into Latin. Medical schools then used these texts to teach their students. In this way, Muslim doctors had a major impact on European medicine.

What role did Ibn Sina's book, The Canon of Medicine, play in the medieval?

Ibn Sina's book played a major role in the medieval world because it was used in medical schools to teach their students.


Intellectual is related to the interest or study of ideas

What types of designs did Muslims use in their decorative art?

Muslims used geometric shapes, floral, and arabesque designs in their decorative art.

List two ways textiles were important to medieval times.

Muslims used textiles to make valuable cloths and fabrics, and textiles that were fine served as awnings and carpets in the royal palace.

How did trade help to spread and connect ideas from different cultures? List at least two ideas that may have traveled along the trade routes on the map.

People traded their aspects of culture as well as goods. Two ideas that may have traveled along the trade routes were how to make paper, Chinese; and the concept of zero; India.

Why was polo important?

Polo was important because it was learned from the Persians which is an example of cultural diffusion and polo became popular among the wealthier social class therefore it was considered a status symbol to show you were rich.

For each of the favorite pastimes below, write one sentence explaining what the pastime involves and another sentence explaining why it became popular with medieval Muslims.

Polo: -Polo involved two teams on horseback with mallets to strike a ball through a goal. -The Muslims enjoyed polo because they thought of horses as status symbols. Chess: -Chess involves players moving pieces that represent an army across a board. -The Muslims loved chess because they loved its intellectual challenge.

Why is the Indian concept of zero, which Muslims helped spread, significant?

The Indian concept of zero is significant because zero allowed people to distinguish numbers apart from each other like 123 and 1230.

How did Muslim philosophers follow the example of Greek scholars?

The Muslim philosophers used reason and logic to try and improve important truths to follow the example of Greek scholars.

What technological advancements did Muslims make to take advantage of scarce water resources?

The Muslims built dams and aqueducts for water and restored old irrigation systems.

Know how Muslims contributed to European knowledge of Aristotle and Plato.

The Muslims preserved and translated ancient Greek texts which contributed to the European knowledge of Aristotle and Plato.

Describe the art and architecture.

The art and architecture was designed and made using arabesques, floral designs, geometric shapes, and calligraphy.

Why was the astrolabe important?

The astrolabe was important because it was used for computing time based on the location of the sun or stars and could help sailors at sea could use the position of celestial objects to pinpoint their location by knowing how far they had traveled.


The imam is a person who leads prayer in a mosque.

What was the language of scholarship and science?

The language of scholarship and science was the Arabic language through the Islamic lands.


The muezzin is a man who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret (a tall slender tower, typically part of a mosque) of a mosque.

What was unique about the music that developed in Cordoba, Spain?

The music created in Cordoba was unique because it was home to the world's first music school and it was highly influenced by parts of Arab and native Spanish cultures.

Why was the number zero important?

The number zero was important because it would be difficult to express with an answer without the number. It also makes it easier to write large numbers. For example, it allows one to distinguish between 123 and 1,230.

What factors combined to promote learning in Muslim lands?

The people used their building skills and the acceptance of the Arabic language to build schools, colleges, libraries, and etc.

What are two reasons why al-Khwarizmi's books were important to the field of mathematics?

Two reasons why al-Khwarizmi's books were important to the field of mathematics because it taught how to find unknown numbers, and it helped to popularize Arabic numerals in Europe.

Why were the water wheels important?

Water wheels were important because Muslims used them to bring water up from the canals and reservoirs.

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