Lesson 9 Test

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digested with EcoRI.

A plasmid that has been cleaved with EcoRI can recombine with another plasmid that has been: digested with EcoRI. digested with HindIII. cloned. cleaved with BamHI.


A surprising finding of the Human Genome Project is that less than 2% of the genome encodes functional product.


DNA can only be introduced into plant cells if the cell wall is first removed.

the order of nucleotides

Sequencing a genome provides: restriction fragments proteins expressed by the cell the gene sequence the order of nucleotides


Yeasts cannot express foreign, eukaryotic genes.


A disadvantage of using E. coli to produce recombinant proteins for human pharmaceuticals is the possibility of endotoxin contamination.

is a collection of DNA fragments from a genome.

A gene library: involves phage but not plasmid clones. is created without the aid of restriction enzymes. involves plasmid but not phage clones. is a collection of DNA fragments from a genome. must be made with DNA isolated from a cell lysate.


A gene that hybridizes with mRNA. antisense clone library Southern blot vector


All restriction enzymes produce short stretches of single-stranded DNA called "sticky ends".

ampicillin resistant, but do not contain the new gene.

Assume you insert a specific gene into a plasmid and use blue-white screening. You plate the transformed E. coli cells on an ampicillin X-gal medium. Cells that produce blue colonies are: ampicillin resistant and contain the gene of interest. ampicillin sensitive and can hydrolyze X-gal. ampicillin sensitive and cannot hydrolyze X-gal. ampicillin resistant, but do not contain the new gene.

bacteria contain the same plasmid.

Assume you isolate, digest, and electrophorese plasmids from two bacteria. If the resulting DNA fingerprints are identical, this proves the: bacteria are related. bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. bacteria contain the same plasmid. bacteria can hydrolyze X-gal.

restriction fragments.

DNA fingerprints are actually: cDNA. genes. restriction fragments. RNA.


In eukaryotes, the exact gene sequence can be determined from the known sequence of a polypeptide chain.

make direct selection of a clone possible.

In genetic engineering, antibiotic resistance is often cloned into a vector to: enhance survival of the cloned cell. select for cells that cannot grow. kill bacteria. make direct selection of a clone possible.

usually cannot remove intron

In order to express a human gene in a bacterium, cDNA must be made because bacteria: splice RNA. usually destroy human DNA. have reverse transcriptase. usually cannot remove intron


In protoplast fusion, a chemical can induce fusion between the two wall-less cells.

produce white colonies.

In the blue-white screening procedure, bacteria that are transformed with recombinant plasmid and cultured in media containing ampicillin and X-gal will: produce blue colonies. produce white colonies. not grow in this medium. produce the enzyme beta-galactosidase. grow more rapidly than cells without recombinant DNA.


Pieces of DNA stored in yeast cells are called a Library. Clone. Vector. Southern blot. PCR.

binding siRNA with DNA.

RNA interference involves: translating siRNA to produce a repressor protein. binding siRNA with DNA. deleting undesirable genes. binding siRNA with mRNA.

Phage DNA is destroyed is a host cell

Restriction enzymes were first discovered with the observation that DNA is restricted to the nucleus Phage DNA is destroyed is a host cell Foreign DNA is kept out of a cell Foreign DNA is restricted to the cytoplasm All of the above

DNA in a cell

Southern blotting is used to identify: RNA in a cell. a protein in a cell. antibiotic resistance in a cell. DNA in a cell.

RNA processing to remove introns

The following steps are sued to make cDNA. Which is the second step? RNA processing to remove introns Reverse transcription Transcription Translation

Digest with a restriction enzyme.

The following steps are used to make DNA fingerprints. What is the third step? Collect DNA. Digest with a restriction enzyme. Perform electrophoresis. Lyse cells. Add stain.


Viral DNA is an important cloning vector because it can typically be combined with relatively large pieces of DNA.


When bacteria are genetically modified to produce a protein product, technical difficulties arise because that product is not always secreted from the cell.

Restriction enzymes are useful in genetic engineering when they make staggered cuts in DNA.

Which of the following is true for restriction enzymes? Restriction enzymes are useful in genetic engineering when they make staggered cuts in DNA. Each restriction enzyme known is able to make a staggered cut at its recognition site. A different restriction enzyme must be used to open the vector DNA than to excise the gene sequence to be cloned. A given restriction enzyme will always recognize the same DNA sequence, but it will cut differently depending on the species of origin of the DNA. Any restriction enzyme can cut any piece of DNA.

mRNA template.

cDNA is made from a: mRNA template. tRNA template. rRNA template. DNA template

should have a gene or genes that allows for selection of transformed host cells.

A good cloning vector: should be large. should have a gene or genes that allows for selection of transformed host cells. should not be able to be cut by more than one restriction enzyme. should be readily degraded in the host. should not be capable of replication.


A population of cells carrying a desired plasmid is called a Library. Clone. Vector. Southern blot. PCR.


A population of cells carrying a desired plasmid. antisense clone library Southern blot vector

Thermus aquaticus.

A source of heat-stable DNA polymerase is Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Thermus aquaticus. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bacillus thuringiensis. Pseudomonas.

Large amounts of DNA must be isolated from the source organism.

All of the following are true of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) except: Short pieces of DNA called primers are added to the reaction mixtures. Billions of copies of a DNA sequence are made in a few hours. An automated thermocycler is used to heat and cool the reaction samples. A heat-stable DNA polymerase is used in the reaction process. Large amounts of DNA must be isolated from the source organism.

only the bacteria with the plasmid will grow.

An ampicillin-sensitive culture of E. coli is transformed with a plasmid that contains the gene of interest plus an ampicillin-resistance gene. If it is then plated on an ampicillin-containing growth medium: no bacteria will grow. only the bacteria with the plasmid will grow. only the ampicillin-sensitive bacteria will grow. all bacteria will grow. only the lactose-positive bacteria will grow.

inactivate the beta-galactosidase gene.

Assume a cloning vector contains an antibiotic resistance gene and an appropriate restriction enzyme recognition site in the lacZ site. The gene of interest, if inserted, will: inactivate the antibiotic resistance gene. inactivate the beta-galactosidase gene. have no effect of either the beta-galactosidase gene or the ampicillin resistance gene. activate the beta-galactosidase gene. activate the antibiotic resistance gene.

expose the bacteria to a mutagen.

Assume you have isolated a bacterium that produces a useful antibiotic but at a low rate. One way to increase production of the antibiotic is to: isolate the gene for antibiotic production. expose the bacteria to a mutagen. culture the bacteria. insert the gene for antibiotic production into another organism.

inserted into the T-DNA region of the Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens

For Agrobacterium tumefaciens to be used to introduce foreign DNA into a plant cell, that DNA must first be: inserted into the Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens outside the T-DNA region. inserted into the main chromosome of A. tumefaciens. inserted in an A. tumefaciens plasmid other than the Ti plasmid. inserted into the T-DNA region of the Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens. isolated from the crown gall using the appropriate restriction enzyme.

calcium chloride and heat shock can be used

For the introduction of a genetically modified plasmid into E. coli,: calcium chloride and heat shock can be used. a gene gun must be used. no treatment is used as the cells as naturally competent. protoplast fusion must be used. microinjection must be used.

base-pairing would occur but the sugar phosphate backbone would not be connected.

If DNA ligase was not used in the creation of a recombinant plasmid: links between guanine and cytosine would not occur. hydrogen bonds between complementary bases could not form. base-pairing would occur but the sugar phosphate backbone would not be connected. links between adenine and thymine would not occur. the bacterium to receive the recombinant plasmid would not be competent and thus would be unable to take up the plasmid.


If a foreign gene inserted into a plasmid inactivates the beta-galactosidase gene, a bacterium containing that plasmid would form white colonies on X-gal medium.


If a recombinant plasmid is put in solution with E. coli, the bacteria may pick up the plasmid by: protoplast fusion. transduction. conjugation. transformation.

Inserting Ti into Agrobacterium.

If you have inserted a gene in the Ti, the next step in genetic engineering is Transformation of E. coli with Ti. Splicing Ti into a plasmid. Transformation of an animal cell. Inserting Ti into Agrobacterium. None of the above


If you put a gene in a virus, the next step in genetic engineering would be Insertion of a plasmid Transformation Transduction PCR Southern blotting

be toxic to insects that eat the plants.

If you put the gene for Bt toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis into a tomato plant, the resulting plants will: have a Bacillus infection. be toxic to humans who eat the tomatoes. die. be toxic to insects that eat the plants.

destroy phage DNA

In nature, the function of restriction enzymes is to: destroy foreign DNA in animal cells. cut plasmids destroy phage DNA. splice DNA in a cell.


Pieces of human DNA stored in yeast cells. antisense clone library Southern blot vector

polymerase chain reaction

Recombinant DNA can be introduced into a host cell by any of the following methods except: transformation. polymerase chain reaction. electroporation. protoplast fusion. microinjection.

culturing unknown organisms

Recombinant DNA technology is used for all of the following except: amplification of DNA for microbe identification. culturing unknown organisms. insertion of genes from humans or plants into bacteria or viruses. human insulin production by bacterial cells. hepatitis B vaccine production using yeast cells.


Self-replicating DNA for transmitting a gene from one organism to another. antisense clone library Southern blot vector


Self-replicating DNA used to transmit a gene from one organism to another is a Library. Clone. Vector. Southern blot. PCR.

Cells making fimbriae.

Suicide genes can be controlled by the fimbriae-gene operator. This would result in the death of All cells. Cells making flagella. Cells making fimbriae. Cells at 37°C. Conjugating cells


The DNA probe, 3'GGCTTA, will hybridize with DNA containing 5'CCGUUA 5'CCGAAT 5'GGCTTA 3'CCGAAT 3'GGCAAU

lacks exons

The advantage of a cDNA library of eukaryotic genes compared with a genomic library is that the cDNA library: consists of single-stranded DNA. contains both introns and exons. always has the entire gene sequence. lacks exons. consists of RNA and DNA.


The basic steps to genetically modify a cell are listed below. What is the third step? transformation ligation restriction digestion of gene restriction digestion of plasmid

splice exons together

The following steps are necessary to clone eukaryotic genes in bacteria. What is the third step? remove of introns reverse transcription of mRNA transcription splice exons together

clone cell containing vector

The following steps are used to make a recombinant cell. What is the fourth step? vector is taken up by cell clone cell containing vector isolate gene of interest insert gene into a vector


The process of making multiple copies of a DNA molecule is referred to as: protoplast fusion. DNA fingerprinting. amplification. transformation. hybridization.

put RFLPs in the order they occur in a chromosome.

The shotgun sequencing technique is used to: locate genes. put RFLPs in the order they occur in a chromosome. cut chromosomes into fragments. make a bacterial artificial chromosome.

associate by complementary base pairing and hydrogen bonds.

When two DNA pieces cut with the same restriction enzyme are combined, sticky ends will: associate by complementary base pairing and hydrogen bonds. associate by covalent bonds. not associate. associate due to DNA ligase. associate only if they are double stranded.

all of the above

Which of the following can be used as vectors to genetically modify cells? all of the above Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium plasmids viruses

All of the above.

Which of the following can be used to make recombinant DNA? Protoplast fusion Tungsten "bullets" Microinjection Transformation All of the above.


Which of the following is an example of a cloning vector? Plasmid Human growth hormone Ribosomal RNA Mosquito Tick

Crossing two plants.

Which of the following is not a method used to create plants with a human gene? Use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the Ti plasmid. Use of gene gun. Use of electroporation following creation of protoplasts. Crossing two plants. Growth of plants from genetically modified cells.

To remove antibiotic resistant plasmids from bacteria.

Which of the following is not a purpose of genetic modification? To create proteins used in vaccines (e.g. hepatitis B vaccine). To remove antibiotic resistant plasmids from bacteria. To modify the characteristics of an organism. To create hormones such as insulin or human growth hormone. To create multiple copies of a gene of interest.

Addition of heat-stable DNA polymerase.

Which of the following is not a step in Southern blotting? Separation of DNA fragments by gel electrophoresis. Transfer DNA fragments to filters. Digestion of sample DNA with restriction enzyme. Addition of radioactive probe made from the gene of interest. Addition of heat-stable DNA polymerase.

production of endotoxins

Which of the following is not an advantage of obtaining the protein product human growth hormone by recombinant DNA technology rather than extraction from cadavers? Cost-effectiveness. Speed. Purity. Production of endotoxins. Eliminates the need to extract the protein from tissues that might harbor pathogens.


Which of the following is the fourth basic step of genetic engineering? Transformation Restriction-enzyme digestion of gene Plasmid cleavage Ligation Isolation of gene


Which of the following methods would you use to isolate a bacterium that degrades oil? transformation mutations selection Southern blotting


Which organism degrades PCBs and has been engineered to produce BT toxin? Agrobacterium tumefaciens Thermus aquaticus Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bacillus thuringiensis Pseudomonas

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Which organism naturally possesses the Ti plasmid? Agrobacterium tumefaciens Thermus aquaticus Saccharomyces cervisiae Bacillus thuringiensis Pseudomonas


You have a small gene that you want replicated by PCR. You add radioactively labeled nucleotides to PCR thermalcycler. After three replication cycles, what percentage of the DNA single-strands are radioactively labeled? 0% 12.5% 50% 87.5% 100%

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