level f seereader sunrise
mike nicknamed his therapist the pest. this gives the idea that he
thought she was annoying
mike liked horses, but he refused to ride one. why?
he was afraid of falling off and hurting himself
at the beginning of this selection, mike enjoyed yelling and causing people to stare at him because
it showed that he was not like the disabled kids on tv
according to mike, in what way did sunrise give mikes life new meaning?
mike could strengthen his muscles, and maybe someday he could walk
read this part of the selection. why was mike bothered when the pest mentioned 'real horseback riders?'
mike thought the pest meant that he was not a real horseback rider cus of his disability
a simile is a figure of speech that compares two things. choose the excerpt in this sentence that includes a simile.
rocked me like the horse was a boat and I was the mast
the pest said the horseback riding program would help mike by
excersising muscles he didn't really use.
story is mainly about
boy who overcomes his fears of riding a horse