Library Overview
After searching for a topic in the Library Catalog, you can limit your search results by which of the following?
Content Type Library Subject Term Publication Date
What log-in information will allow you to access the library databases?
ECPI ID and network password
According to the APA Style Guide, you should cite your source when you:
Quote sources word-for-word Paraphrase information Summarize information
Where is the BEST place to locate a scholarly article?
article database
the library catalog allows you to search for books, DVDS, library ebooks, and multimedia
books, dvds, ebooks
which of teh following is used to find a book in the ECPI library?
library catalog
Where can you find how-to-videos on navigating the library website, using the Library Catalog and databases, requesting books on Interlibrary Loan, and more?
online library tutorials
What type of information is PRIMARILY found in article databases?
Full-text journal, magazine, and newspaper articles
many library databases provide which tools
The search box at the top of the library page searches magazine and journal articles.
In addition to articles, library databases may provide other content such as audio recordings, videos, and recommended websites.
You can borrow books and videos from other ECPI University campus libraries using Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
ebooks are electronic versions of books that can be read on a computer or mobile device
libguides include direct links to useful online library resources, as well as quality resources
you can find library ebooks in the library catalog or by selecting the ebook collection link