Lifespan Chapter 13

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86. As people age, there is a need for consistency and stabilization in their life. However, this change in attitude can reduce issues regarding risk-taking behavior and force people to acquire the ability to support their family. This is referred to as a) maturation reform. b) maturational rebellion. c) responsibility. d) need-acquiring behavior.

Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 445 Skill: Factual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

48. An interest in, and appreciation for, argument, counterargument, and debate is called a) dialectical thinking. b) moralistic thinking. c) postformal thought. d) logical thinking.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 436-437 Skill: Factual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

24. This new field of study suggests that when a stressful situation is encountered, several biological reactions occur, including which of the following? a) hormone secretion b) lowered in heart rate and blood pressure c) decreased respiration and sweating d) lightheadedness or unconscious episodes

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

30. Which of the following is most likely to lead to the greatest increase in stress? a) adopting a new baby b) cooking dinner for the family c) driving in the car with kids d) studying for a final exam

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 432 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

19. Fewer than ____ of disabled people finish high school. a) 10% b) 25% c) 15% d) 35%

Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 428-429 Skill: Factual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

31. Medical problems caused by the interaction of psychological, emotional, and physical difficulties are called a) psychosomatic disorders. b) psychological disorders. c) neuropsychological conditions. d) psychotic episodes.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 432 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

42. Ashley and her brother, Tim, react to stressful family situations entirely differently. Ashley is easily frustrated and tends to look at the negative side when things go wrong, while Tim has always been a person who enjoys challenges and feels capable of responding effectively no matter what the situation. Tim is demonstrating a) hardiness. b) coping style. c) emotion-focused coping. d) defensive coping.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 434 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

69. In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, the experiential aspect of intelligence deals with a) how prior experiences are used in problem solving, which involves the ability to cope with new situations. b) the analysis of data to solve problems, using previously learned information. c) how intelligence is used to face real-world demands (i.e., practical intelligence). d) how emotional experiences affect our interpretation of the information around us, and how we choose to affect change (i.e., emotional intelligence).

Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 440 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

79. Sarnoff Mednick discussed the fact that the more people know about a particular subject, the less likely they are to be creative in that subject area. Which of the following quotations addresses this issue? a) "Familiarity breeds rigidity." b) "Familiarity enhances creativity." c) "Creativity compounds suggestibility." d) "Creativity stifles negative thought."

Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 441 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

82. What percent of students entering college finish four years later with a degree? a) 40% b) 45% c) 55% d) 50%

Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 443 Skill: Factual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

44. According to Labouvie-Vief, the complexity of society requires specialization of thought. Therefore, thought is not necessarily based on only logic but also requires which of the following? a) practical experience b) intellectual superiority c) immoral judgments d) physical proclivity

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 436 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

54. According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attainment of long-term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions is called the a) achieving stage. b) acquisitive stage. c) reintegrative stage. d) responsible stage.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 438-439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

57. According to Schaie, what is the mission of the late stages of early adulthood through middle adulthood? a) responsibility b) acquisition c) achievement d) reintegration

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

60. According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the period in middle adulthood when people take a broader perspective than they did earlier, including concerns about the world, is called the a) executive stage. b) acquisitive stage. c) responsible stage. d) reintegrative stage.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

70. According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, which type of intellectual assessment measure would be useful when trying to predict adult success? a) contextual intelligence b) experiential intelligence c) practical intelligence d) componential intelligence

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

71. When a person exhibits success facing everyday, real-world demands such as those found in on-the-job professional demands, Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence would suggest that person was demonstrating a) contextual intelligence. b) experiential intelligence. c) practical intelligence. d) componential intelligence.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

77. Skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of feelings are referred to as a) emotional intelligence. b) practical intelligence. c) accurate intelligence. d) virtual intelligence.

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 441 Skill: Factual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

85. Which of the following is a reason why older, nontraditional students attend college? a) economic opportunity b) social stimulation c) intellectual stimulation d) therapeutic reasons

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 444 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

89. Differences in gender distribution and attrition rates across subject areas reflect which of the following? a) gender stereotypes b) gender inhabitation c) first-year adjustment reaction d) gender concerns

Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 447 Skill: Factual LO 13.10: Describe how gender affects the treatment of college students. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

3. In general, a professional athlete's career peaks when the athlete reaches his/her a)30s. b)40s. c)late teens. d)early 20s.

Answer: A Page: 425

16. The term for body weight that is 20% or more above the average weight for a person of a given height is called a) gluttony. b) obesity. c) maturity. d) disability.

Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 427 Skill: Factual LO 13.2: Explain why a healthy diet is particularly important in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

34. When a person attempts to control stress by using conscious regulation of emotions, this is known as a) coping. b) emotion-focused coping. c) defensive coping. d) hardiness.

Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 432-433 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

10. Molly is a 27-year-old female who looks years older than her actual age. She lives a high-risk lifestyle that includes regular use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, and she has never exercised regularly. Molly's behavioral choices have likely brought about a) illness and disease. b) secondary aging. c) mental illness. d) early death.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 426 Skill: Applied LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

13. Which is the most likely cause of death for African American men? a) automobile accidents b) murder c) drug overdose d) suicide

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 426 Skill: Factual LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

11. Which of the following groups of people are more likely to die in young adulthood as a result of risky lifestyle decisions and secondary aging? a) Caucasian American women b) African American men c) Caucasian American men d) African American women

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 426 Skill: Factual LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

15. Many people who have normal weight for their height during young adulthood put on weight as they age because a) as they become more successful, they can afford to eat more expensive and fattening food. b) they never learn to reduce their caloric intake as they age. c) they have no access to good nutritional information. d) they do not have an accurate body image of themselves as they gain weight.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 427 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.2: Explain why a healthy diet is particularly important in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

22. How well people cope with stress is an interplay between a) financial assets and family support system. b) physical and psychological factors. c) family support and ability to prioritize. d) intellectual/cognitive abilities and management skills.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

26. According to researchers Arnold Lazarus and Susan Folkman, the assessment of an event to determine whether its implications are positive, negative, or neutral is called a) psychological review. b) primary appraisal. c) secondary appraisal. d) psychological challenge.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 431 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

29. If a student assesses the situation to determine how much time he/she has available to devote to studying for an upcoming exam, this is an example of a) academic review. b) secondary appraisal. c) primary appraisal. d) time-management skills.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 431 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

35. Jayne is having difficulty finding adequate, affordable daycare for her child while she is at work. Instead of focusing on the negative, she looks at the bright side and realizes that at least she has a good job in a tight economy. Jayne is utilizing a) coping. b) emotion-focused coping. c) defensive coping. d) problem-focused coping.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 433 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

36. Assistance and comfort provided to a person dealing with a stressful situation is known as a) counseling. b) social support. c) sounding off. d) stress management.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 433 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

39. When people unconsciously try to prevent themselves from experiencing emotions to avoid the pain brought about by the experience, this is known as a) passive-aggressive behavior. b) emotional insulation. c) hardiness. d) emotion-focused coping.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 433-434 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

45. Researcher Gisela Labouvie-Vief promoted _________, and Piaget believed in ________. a) formal operations: postformal thought b) postformal thought; formal operations c) postformal thought; postformal thought d) concrete operational thought; postformal thought;

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 436 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

50. According to research by psychologist William Perry, students entering Harvard University tended to have a view of the world where they reasoned that something was good or bad, people were good or bad, and others were for them or against them. He called this a) postformal thought. b) dualistic thinking. c) dialectical thinking. d) formal operational thought.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 437 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

53. According to Schaie, what is the mission of childhood and adolescence? a) responsibility b) acquisition c) achievement d) reintegration

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 438 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

52. Information that is gathered as we grow up, and stored away for future use (e.g., education during childhood and adolescence) is an example of what Schaie calls the ________ stage. a) achieving b) acquisitive c) reintegrative d) responsible

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 438 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

62. According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the period of late adulthood during which the focus is on tasks that have personal meaning is called the a) responsible stage. b) reintegrative stage. c) executive stage. d) achieving stage.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

67. When a person solves problems by utilizing his/her prior experience, as well as insight and coping ability/skills for new situations, Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence would suggest that person was demonstrating a) contextual intelligence. b) experiential intelligence. c) practical intelligence. d) componential intelligence.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

80. Combining responses or ideas in novel ways defines a) intelligence. b) creativity. c) emotional enhancement. d) intellectual capacity.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 442 Skill: Factual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

84. Which of the following would be considered a reasonable answer as to why there is a gender gap in college attendance? a) societal stereotypes b) men have more opportunities to earn money when they graduate from high school c) women have more opportunities to earn money d) diversity issues

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 444 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

90. Dionne has entered college and decided to major in chemical engineering. She has discovered she is treated differently because of stereotyped behavior and restrictiveness in her role as a student in this major. Dionne is experiencing a) stereotyped gender. b) benevolent sexism. c) racism. d) prejudice.

Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 448 Skill: Applied LO 13.10: Describe how gender affects the treatment of college students. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

5. Regular exercise improves a person's overall physical health by improving which of the following? a)dietary intake b)lung capacity and endurance c)brain density d)sensory organ functioning

Answer: B Page: 426

7. Adults who are in their 20s and 30s are at higher risk of dying from a) alcoholism. b) automobile accidents. c) drug abuse. d) AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and suicide.

Answer: B Page: 426

14. _________ of adults in the United States are obese. a) One-quarter b) One-half c) One-third d) Three-quarters

Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 427-428 Skill: Factual LO 13.2: Explain why a healthy diet is particularly important in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

49. According to psychologist Jan Sinnot, postformal thought also takes into consideration which of the following? a) inability to consider real-world constraints b) a shift back and forth between an abstract, ideal solution and real-world constraints that might prevent a solution c) that usually a person cannot reach the postformal thought process without first establishing Piaget's formal operations d) only seeks a single right answer and an inability to consider alternative solutions

Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 437 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

65. Using Schaie's stages of adult development, which of the following is an issue that a senior citizen is most likely to be focused on and interested in? a) No Child Left Behind education legislation b) legislation to balance the federal budget c) legislation to enact universal health care benefits d) legislation to enact stricter environmental regulations for protection of forests and wetlands

Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 439 Skill: Applied LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

81. What percent of white high school graduates enter college? a) 71% b) 82% c) 69% d) 57%

Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 443 Skill: Factual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

12. Which of the following developed countries has the highest murder rate? a) Israel b) Scotland c) United States d) Japan

Answer: C Level: Easy Page: 426 Skill: Factual LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

17. The term for a condition that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking or vision is a(n) a) impediment. b) birth defect. c) disability. d) setback.

Answer: C Level: Easy Page: 428-429 Skill: Factual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

9. Physical declines brought about by environmental factors of an individual's behavioral choices are called a) risk factors. b) maturity. c) secondary aging. d) primary aging.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 426 Skill: Factual LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

18. Statistics suggest that disabled people are generally a) well taken care of by the government. b) well taken care of by their families. c) undereducated and underemployed. d) better off than nondisabled Americans.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 429 Skill: Factual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

21. The physical and emotional response to events that threaten or challenge us is called a) fear. b) fight or flight. c) stress. d) psychosis.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

27. According to researchers Arnold Lazarus and Susan Folkman, the assessment of whether one's coping abilities and resources are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challenge posed by the potential stressor is called a) psychological review. b) primary appraisal. c) secondary appraisal. d) psychological challenge.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 431 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

28. If a student assesses the situation to determine how much time it will take to adequately study for the upcoming exam, this is an example of a) academic review. b) secondary appraisal. c) primary appraisal. d) time-management skills.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 431 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

33. The effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress is called a) stress management. b) hardiness. c) coping. d) defensive coping.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 432-433 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

38. When a person attempts coping that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation, this is called a) emotion-focused coping. b) hardiness. c) defensive coping. d) substitution.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 433 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

40. The success with which young adults deal with stress depends upon their general tendency to deal with stress in a particular way, called a) hardiness. b) social support. c) coping style. d) emotion-focused coping.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 434 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

41. A personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness is known as a) emotion-focused coping. b) coping style. c) hardiness. d) social support.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 434 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

43. What is the term for the ability to withstand, overcome, and actually thrive following profound adversity? a) hardiness b) coping style c) resilience d) defensive coping

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 435 Skill: Factual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

47. Thinking that acknowledges that adult predicaments must sometimes be solved in relativistic terms is called a) dialectical thinking. b) moralistic thinking. c) postformal thought. d) logical thinking.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 436 Skill: Factual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

46. Researcher Gisela Labouvie-Vief suggests that a) the nature of thinking does not change much quantitatively or qualitatively during early adulthood. b) the nature of thinking does change quantitatively during early adulthood. c) the nature of thinking does change qualitatively during early adulthood. d) thinking based upon Piaget's formal operations is sufficient to explain the demands and complexities that young adults face.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 436 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.5: Describe how cognitive development continues in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

51. According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the first stage of cognitive development, encompassing all of childhood and adolescence, in which the main developmental task is to acquire information, is called the a) achieving stage. b) responsible stage. c) acquisitive stage. d) executive stage.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 438 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

61. According to Schaie, the stage in which people in middle adulthood may become involved in town government, service clubs, charitable groups, unions and organizations, where they have a larger purpose in society and can look beyond their individual/family situations is called the a) responsible stage. b) reintegrative stage. c) executive stage. d) achieving stage.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Applied LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

56. According to Schaie, what is the mission of young adulthood? a) responsibility b) acquisition c) achievement d) reintegration

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

59. According to Schaie, the stage in which people in early adulthood through middle adulthood are mainly concerned with protecting and nourishing their families and careers is called the a) executive stage. b) acquisitive stage. c) responsible stage. d) reintegrative stage.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

64. According to Schaie, old age marks a period in which people no longer focus on acquiring knowledge to solve potential problems, but rather focus on acquiring information directed toward issues of personal interest. He calls this stage the a) responsible stage. b) executive stage. c) reintegrative stage. d) acquisitive stage.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

73. According to the text, which of the following of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence has come to be called "practical intelligence"? a) componential intelligence b) experiential intelligence c) contextual intelligence d) emotional intelligence

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Factual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

75. When it comes to predicting a person's business success as an adult, including rate of career advancement, research suggests traditional IQ tests are a) highly reliable in predicting the success of business executives. b) moderately reliable in predicting the success of business executives. c) only marginally reliable in predicting the success of business executives. d) totally unreliable in predicting the success of business executives.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Factual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

76. Johnny has watched his twin brother climb up and down the stairs. When his brother reaches the top of the stairs, he immediately goes to his mother and she gives him a treat. Johnny is now attempting to climb stairs. According to Sternberg, this is an example of a) emotional intelligence. b) intellectual intelligence. c) practical intelligence. d) social intelligence.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 441 Skill: Applied LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

88. Recent research indicates that first generation college students a) are as well adjusted as other students. b) have more emotional issues. c) are particularly susceptible to difficulties during their first year of college. d) do not do as well academically as other students.

Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 445-446 Skill: Factual LO 13.9: Summarize the difficulties students face as they enter college. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

4. According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention people should participate in at least a) 1 hour of exercise at least 5 days a week. b)30 minutes of vigorous activity at least 5 days a week. c)30 minutes of moderate activity at least 5 days a week. d)10 minutes of activity at least 5 days a week.

Answer: C Page: 425

8. By age ____, illness and disease overtake accidents as the leading cause of death, and, statistically speaking, this is the first time this occurs since infancy. a) 50 b) 40 c) 25 d) 35

Answer: D Level: Difficult Page: 426 Skill: Factual LO 13.1: Describe how the body develops and stays healthy during early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

72. Traditional intelligence tests, such as those used in psychoeducational evaluations in schools, usually focus on which of Sternberg's aspects of intelligence? a) contextual intelligence b) experiential intelligence c) practical intelligence d) componential intelligence

Answer: D Level: Difficult Page: 440 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

83. The national dropout rate for African American college students is approximately a) 50%. b) 60%. c) 65%. d) 70%.

Answer: D Level: Difficult Page: 443 Skill: Factual LO 13.8: Describe who attends college today and how the college population is changing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

91. Bernice's male science professor gives her an easier research project than the males in the class. Although the professor thinks he is being helpful, this makes Bernice feel that she is not being taken seriously and this undermines her view of her competence. The professor is practicing a) stereotype threat. b) blatant sexism. c) poor advising. d) benevolent sexism.

Answer: D Level: Difficult Page: 448 Skill: Applied LO 13.10: Describe how gender affects the treatment of college students. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

25. Theo returned home from vacationing in Europe. While he was flying home, his father died after suffering a heart attack. When told of his father's death, Theo suffered from symptoms similar to a panic attack. Which of the following terms provides the best description of the immediate effect of Theo's reaction to his father's death? a) chronic stressor b) primary appraisal c) secondary appraisal d) acute stressor

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

20. The landmark legislation which mandates full access for people in wheelchairs to public establishments such as stores, office buildings, hotels, and theaters is called the a) Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA). b) Equal Employment Act. c) Civil Rights Act. d) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Factual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

23. What is the name for the new field of study that researches the relationship among the brain, immune system, and psychological factors with regard to stress-related events? a) psychosocial medicine b) interpersonal relationship development c) neuropsychology d) psychoneuroimmunology

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 430 Skill: Factual LO 13.3: Describe the challenges people with physical disabilities face in early adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

32. Which of the following is NOT considered a psychosomatic disorder? a) asthma b) arthritis c) ulcers d) cancer

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 432 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

37. Allison is having a great deal of difficulty in her statistics class. She goes to her teacher to discuss ways in which she can improve her skills, or even drop the class if necessary. Allison is demonstrating a) coping. b) emotion-focused coping. c) defensive coping. d) problem-focused coping.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 432-433 Skill: Applied LO 13.4: Summarize the effects of stress and what can be done about it. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

55. Schaie believed that when young adults apply their intelligence to attain long-term goals and confront and resolve major issues such as what job to take and whom to marry, they are using an operation in the a) responsible stage. b) acquisitive stage. c) reintegrative stage. d) achieving stage.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 438-439 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

63. According to Schaie, what is the mission of people in late adulthood? a) responsibility b) executive c) achievement d) reintegration

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

58. According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the stage where the major concerns of middle-aged adults relate to their personal situations is called the a) achieving stage. b) acquisitive stage. c) executive stage. d) responsible stage.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 439 Skill: Factual LO 13.6: Compare and contrast Perry's and Schaie's approaches to cognitive development in young adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

68. Psychologist Robert Sternberg proposed a theory that intelligence is made up of three major components: componential, experiential, and contextual, which he called a) stages of adult development theory. b) formal operational thought theory. c) postformal thought theory. d) triarchic theory of intelligence.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 440 Skill: Factual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember

74. According to Robert Sternberg, the IQ score from traditional tests, such as those administered in a psychoeducational evaluation in schools, relates well to a) emotional and interpersonal relationship success. b) adult career success. c) success in adult relationships. d) academic success.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 440-441 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

66. When a person uses information he/she has been taught (e.g., choose formulas and problem-solving strategies) to solve problems in a rational way, Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence would suggest that person was demonstrating a) contextual intelligence. b) experiential intelligence. c) practical intelligence. d) componential intelligence.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 441 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

78. What type of intelligence allows some people to acquire the ability to relate to others, understand what others are experiencing, and respond to needs of others? a) intellectual intelligence b) practical intelligence c) virtual intelligence d) emotional intelligence

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 441 Skill: Conceptual LO 13.7: Explain how intelligence is defined today and how life events cause cognitive growth in young adults. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand

87. Rasheed is attending college. He feels depressed, lonely, anxious, and somewhat withdrawn from his family. Rasheed is experiencing what is commonly referred to as a) separation anxiety. b) an adjustment disorder. c) being away from home. d) first-year adjustment reaction.

Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 445 Skill: Applied LO 13.9: Summarize the difficulties students face as they enter college. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply

6. Regular exercise is related to which of the following? a) decreased mortality b) improved mental health and stress management c) decreased longevity d) increased physical injuries

Answer: D Page: 426

1. The natural physical decline brought about by aging is called a)maturation b)puberty. c)senescence. d)adolescence.

C pg 424

2. Which body part continues to exhibit growth in both size and weight during early adulthood? a)legs b)chest and arms c)feet d)brain

D pg 424-425

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