Linear Algebra Quiz true/false

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A vector space must contain at least two vectors.


Every basis of P4 contains at least one polynomial of degree 3 or less.


Every linearly independent subset of a vector space V is a basis for V.


Every subset pf a vector space V that contains the zero vector in V is a subspace of V.


If A is a 3 X 3 matrix and B is obtained from A by adding 5 times the first row to each of the second and third rows, then det(B) = 25det(A).


If A is a n X n matrix and B is obtained from A by multiplying each row of A by its row number, then det(B0 = ((n(n+1)/2)det(A))


If A is a square matrix, then A = P(b1 ->b2) for some bases B1 and B2 for R^n.


If A is square and Ax = b is inconsistent for some vector b, then the nullity of A is zero.


If E is a an m x m elementary matrix and A is an m x n matrix, then the column space of EA is the same as the column space of A.


If R is the reduced row echelon form of A, thent hose column vectors of R that contain the leading 1's form a basis for the column space of A.


If V = span{v1,...,Vn}, then {v1,...,Vn} is a basis for V.


If V is a subspace of R^n and W is a subspace of V, then W(perpendicular) is a subspace of V(perpendicular).


If each vector in B2 is a scalar multiple of some vector in B1, then P(b1->b2) is a diagonal matrix


If rank(A^t) = rank(A), then A is square.


If u is a vector and k is a scalar such that ku = 0, then it must be trust that k = 0.


In the vector space F(−∞,∞) any function whose graph passes through the origin is a zero vector.


The column space of a matrix A is the set of solutions of Ax = b.


The functions f1, and f2 are linearly dependent if there is a real number x such that k1f1(x) + k2f2(x) = 0 for some scalars k1 and k2.


The kernel of a matrix transformation Ta: R^n --> R^m is a subspace of R^m.


The polynomials x-1, (x-1)^2, and (x-1)^3 span P3


The set of 2 x 2 matrices that contain exactly two 1's and two 0's is a linearly independent set in M22.


The set of positive real numbers is a vector space if vector addition and scalar multiplication are the usual operations of addition and multiplication of real numbers.


The span of a single vector in R^2 is a line.


The span of two vectors in R^3 is a plane


The union of any two subspaces of a vector space V is a subspace of V.


There are at least two distinct three-dimensional subspaces of P2.


There are only three distinct two-demnsional subspaces of P2.


There is a set of 11 vectors that span R^17.


There is an invertible matrix A and a singular matrix B such that the row spaces of A and B are the same.


the solution set of a consistent linear system Aa = b of m equations in n unknowns is a subspace of R^n.


For every square matrix A and every scalar c, it is true that det(CA = cdet(A).


For all square matrices A and B, it is true that det(A + B) = det(A) + det(B)

False. Only works for multiples not sums.

The determinant of a lower triangular matrix is the sum of the entries along the main diagonal.

False. Its the multiple of all the entries along the main diagonal.

A set containing a single vector is linearly independent.

False. This is true only if the vector is a nonzero vector.

How do you know if it forms a basis?

If it spans and is linearly independent.

You put a matrix through RREF [1001][010(-1)][0011][0000]. Is this linearly dependent or Linearly independent.

Linearly Dependent.

You put a matrix through RREF [1000][0100][0010][0001]. Is this linearly dependent or Linearly independent.

Linearly independent.

A matrix with linearly independent row vectors and linearly independent column vectors is square.


Every linearly independent set of five vectors in R^5 is a basis for R^5.


Every linearly independent set of vectors in R^n is a contained in some basis for R^n.


Every set of fiver vectors that spans R^5 is a basis for R^5.


Every set of vectors that spans R^n contains a basis for R^n.


If A is a 3 X 3 matrix and B is obtained from A by multiplying the first column by 4 and multiplying the third column 3/4, then det(B) = 3det(A).


If E is a an m x m elementary matrix and A is an m x n matrix, then the null space of EA is the same as the null space of A.


If P(b1->b2) is a diagonal matrix, then each vector is a scalar multiple of some vector in B1.


If V1,...,Vn are linearly deendent nonzero vectors, then at least on vector Vl is a unique linear combination of v1,....,vk-1.


If the sum of the second and fourth row vectors of a 6 X 6 matrix A is equal to the last row vector, then det(A) = 0.


No Linearly independent set contains the zero vector.


The coordinate vector of a vector x in R^n relative to the standard basis for R^n is x.


The intersection of any two subspaces of a vector space V is a subspace of V.


The nullity of a square matrix with linearly dependent rows is at least one.


The span of a nonempty set S of vectors in V is the smallest subspace of V that contains S.


The three polynomials (x-1)(x+2), x(x+2), and x(x-1) are linearly independent.


There is a basis for M22 consisting of invertible matrices.


There is a set of 17 linearly independent vectors in R^17.


There is no 3 x 3 matrix whose row space and null space are both lines in 3-space


if A has a size n x n and In, A, A3,...A^n^2 are distinct matrices, then {In, A,A^2,....An^2} is a linearly dependent set.


if A is a 4 X 4 matrix and B is obtained from A by interchanging the first two rows and then interchanging the last two rows, then det(B) = det(A).


If E is a an m x m elementary matrix and A is an m x n matrix, then the row space of EA is the same as the row space of A.


What is the dimension of the vector space of all diagonal n x n matrices


What is the dimension of the vector space of all symmetric n x n matrices


What is the dimension of the vector space of all upper triangle n x n matrices,


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