Linux Chapter 8

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

which option for the cut command is used to specify a delimiter


which option for the cut command is used to specify the field


which option for wc command will print the number of lines in a file


Which option of the head command will display only the first five lines of a file

-n 5

which option for the wc command will print the total number of words in a file


which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with start?

Grep ^start file. txt

Channel 2 is


Error messages generated by commands are sent where by default?


The grep command can be used with glob characters


A successful command will print out put to STDOUT


Which of the following commands will append its output to output.file?

echo Testing >> output.file

which of the following command will display lines that contain either start or end

egrep 'start|end'file.txt

the command echo "text" > file.txt will not overwrite file.txt if it already exists.


which of the following commands scans the file to determine file location


which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with test

grep ^test file.txt

which of the following commands can be used to scroll through a text file

less more

which command can be used to print line numbers


A pipe allows you to

send the output of one command to another

Which command(s) can be used to sort the lines of list.file alphabetically and display it on the screen?

sort < list.file cat list.file | sort

the command echo "text" > file.txt will create file.txt if it does not already exist.


the command echo "text" >> file.txt will not overwrite file.text if it already exists


the find command can search for files based on the size of the file


The grep command

will display all the lines in a file containing the specified Regular Expression

Which of the following commands will direct error messages to the file, error.log?

✔ ls /root 2&gt; error.log

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