Locomotive Mechanical GE Dash 9 Basic

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The low water pressure feature on a GE locomotive governor will typically take action a this pressure___and shut down the engine at this pressure___

11-14 (A)

When indexing FDL cam sections, what number lines up with the letter when replacing L3 cam section

3 because you are working in the #3 position

Every time the crankshaft make 10 rotations, the camshaft will rotate how many times?

5 (C)

The purpose(s) of valve overlap includes?


On GE fuel systems, a frothy, bubbling in the fuel return sight glass at idle indicates

A normal appearance (C)

How should torque wrenches be stored

At the lowest setting (B)

The General Electric locomotive engine rotates which direction as viewed from the re the engine?

Counter clockwise (B)

Ideal fuel temperature is 60 degrees F. As temperatures increases, horsepower

Decreases (B)

Protection against low coolant pressure on EFI locomotives is accomplished by the


To accurately adjust pump timing on an FDL engine, bar the engine over TDC for the cylinder being timed

False (B)

Whether Dash 8 and Dash 9 or AC4400, after combustion air leaves the turbo it must pass through before entering the intake manifold

Intercoolers (C)

The purpose of heating the fuel is to?

Introduce heated fuel back into fuel tank to minimize problems with para (D)

Raising the pressure on a liquid will cause

Its boiling point to rise (A)

At ful load the governor tail rod gap should be approximately

Longer than .344" (C)

A failed bonded drive coupling on an FDL engine will result in

Low oil and low water pressure faults (C)

Each and every GE engine uses two distinct fuel systems. They are?

Low pressure/ High pressure (B)

Each and every GE engine uses two distinct fuel systems, they are

Low pressure/High pressure (B)

What is the most likely problem on an EFI engine with low water pressure faults even though the coolant pressures appear to be normal

Malfunctioning pressure sensors (B)

Rotating electrical equipment and traction motors are pressurized with air from blowers to do

Pretty much, all of these (D)

Rotating electrical equipment and traction motors are pressurized with air from blowers to do what?

Pretty much, all of these (D)

Using a tram bar on an FDL engine will do what

Set R1 at TDC (D)

General electric locomotives use a four stroke cycle engine. This means that once the engine is running?

The crankshaft must complete 2 revolutions to complete one operating cycle for cylinder (A)

The inertial air filters "spin" filters, used in GE locomotives are directional. That means

The propellers must face the dirty air; the open end must have an evacuation source (A B)

After the rack settings are complete add the governor jack removed, verify the pump racks read 0-3 MM if not, do not start the engine

True (A)

On a GE Dash and or Dash 9 locomotive, a ruptured fuel heater will result in

Water in the fuel system (B)

Valve overlap?

When both valves are open at the same time (B)

After the fuel pump is timed, can the valve lashes be set without barring the engine further?

Yes (A)

A frothy appearance in the fuel return sight glass when priming would indicate

a fuel suction leak (A)

On GE fuel systems, a frothy bubbling in the fuel return sight glass ar idle indicates

a normal appearance (C)

The V1 and V2 valves on a split cooling cooling system are physically moved by

air pressure (C)

Fuel racks should be checked

all of the above (E)

A GE "dry radiator" locomotive arrives for routine service. The water level is about 18" low and the coolant temperature is about 195" degrees F you should

allow the system to cool off and then recheck the water level (C)

A GE dry radiator locomotive arrives for routine service. The water level is about 18" low and the coolant temperature is about 195" degrees F you should

allow the system to cool off and then recheck the water level (C)

If the engine is barred past the timing mark for the cylinder being timed the best practice is to

bar the engine in the opposite direction a few degrees past the mark and then bar back in the correct direction (C)

While inspecting main bearing on a GE engine, the upper main bearing

both B and C are functionally correct (E)

connecting rod bearing fretting at the split line or on the back of the bearing is caused by

both improper torque and improper bearing installation (D)

If the governor drive is changed you should

both reset the fuel racks; use the tram bar to index the timing pointer to the crankshaft (D)

When adjusting valves on an dFDL engine

both they are set with cam lobe on base circle; they should be set at room temperature and check hot (F)

How does the GE locomotive react to excessive coolant temperatures?

by reducing engine load; by reducing engine speed; by shutting down the engine for hot coolant (A.C.D

A fuel pressure relief valve is used to?

bypass fuel to the tank due to a restriction in the fuel system (B)

The proper rack settings for any GE engine for purposes of rack adjustment

can be found in the data section of maintenance manual (B)

Fuel injection begins during which stroke?

compression (B)

A fuel regulating valve is used to

control the amount of fuel returned to the fuel tank to ensure adequate fuel supply (C)

Some general electric locomotives utilize a dry radiator cooling system, This means that

coolant is diverted ti the radiators only when cooling is needed (A)

When replacing a cam bearing in an EFI EDL engine, the notch foes where?

down (A)

The fuel return drain valve handle should be

down in the summer (B)

How should you determine which end of the locomotive is the front end

end with F stenciled on side sill (C)

When coolant begins to flow to the radiators, the fan will come on if the

engine coolant temperature continues to rise (D)

You are loading a GE locomotive and it has low horsepower. Load pot is in max power pistion gap is .500", racks are 20mm. The most likely cause of the low horsepower is

excitation circuits (C)

All cam sections on an FDL EFI engine are interchangable

false (B)

Engine lube oil pressure is monitored by the low oil pressure device at a point:

furthest from the source (pump) (B)

while timing a GE engine you should bar the engine

in a CCW direction (B)

FDL Grooveless connecting rod bearings must be installed

in the upper position (A)

Raising the pressure on a liquid will cause

its boiling point to rise (A)

At full load the governor tail rod gap should be approximately

longer than .344" (C)

While inspecting main bearings on a GE engine, the upper main bearing

needs no inspection (B)

During an FDL connecting rod bearing inspection you must

never remove a bearing (C)

What should be used as lubricant between a bearing shell and its saddle

nothing (C)

As the lube oil filters become dirty and restricted on a GE locomotive

protective features will initially limit load and speed, an engine shut down may occur if pressure continues to drop (D)

If the lube oil filters become plugged on GE locomotive

protective features will initially limit load and speed, an engine shut down may occur if pressure continues to drop (D)

The main electrical cabinet, behind the operator's cab is?

safe to enter if the interlock is open, but should be considered hot (B)

The main electrical cabinet, behind the operator's cab, is

safe to enter if the interlock is open, but should be hot (B)

Thrust collars on an FDL engine are mounted with which main bearing?

second from rear (D)

Using a tram bar on an FDL engine will do what?

set R1 at TDC (D)

On a pre EVO split cooling locomotive, what component physically controls coolant to flow to the radiatora when the engine coolant temperature rises?

the V1 valve (C)

Later model Dash 8 and all Dash GE locomotives monitor oil pressure at

the camshaft support bearings (D)

When installing FDL cam sections, the letter always goes to

the direction the letter states (C)

The front of the GE diesel engine is

the end opposite the main generator (D)

the visual indicator for setting fuel rack is

to sight squarely off head of the calibration screw of the pump body ot the MM bar (C)

After the rack settings are complete and the governor jack removed, verify the pump racks read 0-3 MM if not do not start the engine

true (A)

What is the proper method for adding coolant to a GE locomotive?

vent the system and add coolant through the fill pipe (D)

On GE Dash 8 or Dash 9 locomotive, ruptured fuel eater will result in

water in the fuel system (B)

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