Logical Fallacies

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Bill is hungry because he wants to eat something.

Circular Reasoning Why? - Wanting to eat something is the definition of being hungry.

Joe Biden is a bad president because he is a terrible leader.

Circular reasoning Why? - Being a bad president is the same as being a terrible leader.

We can't make abortion illegal. Women will still get them in shady backrooms by hacks who think they are doctors.

Relative Privation Why?

Ad Populum

- Argument aimed at appealing to prejudice and emotions of the mass. - Uses scare tactics and appeals to fear. - Relies on probability - unsubstantiated blanket statements about group of people/set ideas.

Hasty Generalization

- Arriving at a conclusion based on little evidence. - Makes a broad claim that cannot be applied to most, if any, circumstances. - Raises more questions than answers - Blanket statements

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

- Causes relationship based on temporal order. -If "x" happened, "y" is blamed for the cause. -Bad coincidence. -Attempting to connect.


- Conclusion and claim do not make sense. - Two random statements thrown together and has no effort to make sense. - No logica

Red Herring

- Evidence used incorrectly to distract the audience from the real issue at hand. - Legality is not an argument. - Not in audience's best interest (politics) - A claim in search of an argument.

Why shouldn't you argue false analogue?

- Highlights only the differences, not the similarities - It cannot support the premise or the conclusion of the argument.

Why shouldn't you argue Ad Misericordiuam?

- Ignores Logic - Attempts to manipulate someone's feelings - Plays sympathy card

Why shouldn't you argue Ad Populum?

- Just because a majority of the people believe something is true does not make it logical, valid or fact. - Relies on probability not reason - Unsubstantiated blanket statement about group of people/ideas - Appeals to fear and uses scare tactics

Why shouldn't we argue dicto simplicitor?

- Lack of depth - Makes an overly simplistic assumption - Denies any exceptions to a truth.

Why shouldn't you argue straw man?

- Misrepresentation of someone's argument - Mischaracterizes the argument then knocks it down.

Straw Man

- Offers distorted view of the opponents position then knocking it down. - Speaker claims argument is false because of one error in a small part of the argument. -Distortion. -Keywords: "Putting words in my mouth," "You're twisting my words."

Why shouldn't you argue Bandwagon?

- Promotes group thinking - Just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean someone should. - Attempts to make people feel left out for not joining in

Why shouldn't you argue Hasty G?

- Raises more questions than answers - Makes an unsubstantiated assumption -Doesn't consider other very plausible conclusion - Makes blanket statements about groups of people

Why shouldn't you argue circular reasoning?

- Shows lack of understanding of claims and lacks understanding of the relationship between cause effect of claims/example. - Just repeating what you just said. - Specific, not broad.

Why shouldn't you argue slippery slope?

- Uses fear tactic - Shows a lack of understanding of relationships

Why shouldn't you argue relative privation?

- Uses fear to dissuade thoughtful attempts at solutions to problems - It could be worse... - Denies the relativity of the issue - Invalidates the issue

Why shouldn't you argue begging the question?

- Uses the claim to support a claim - Unsubstantiated assumption - Leads the witness - Asks a loaded question - Self incrimnating

Begging the Question

-"Raising the Question" -Assuming the conclusion. -Unsubstantiated assumption -Uses claim to support claim -Leads the witness -Implicates one's self

Appeal to Tradition

-A fallacy which assumes that something old is automatically better than something new. -"Grumpy old man syndrome." -Argue for personal taste.

What is the difference between Ad Populum and Bandwagon Appeal?

-Ad Populum is based on the numbers and stirring up feelings. -Bandwagon stir up feelings of the mass by making you feel left out.

False Dichotomy

-Argues only two choices. -Ultimatum -Key words: "Either or"

Dicto Simpliciter

-Assuming that something true in general is true in every possible case. -There is never an exception.

Still Begging

-Assuming the conclusion. -All examples of Begging the Questions and circulation.

Shooting the Messenger

-Blaming the bearer of bad news if we do not like the information. -Blame deliver of a message not the issue at heart. -Can include Ad Populum statements.

False Analogy

-Comparing two things that are irrelevant and do not measure up to each other. -Highlights differences not the similarities.

Circular Reasoning

-Conclusion is hidden in the claim. -The conclusion is the definition of the claim. -Repeating what you said. -Specific and not broad.

Thought-Terminating Cliché

-Cutting of a thought. -Attempts to stop discourse through the use of a catch phrase (Love it or leave it). -Used to control, contain or restrict a thought.

Stacking the Deck

-Loaded question. -Telling half a story because the other side might not support your argument. -Data beautification. -Only offering evidence that supports the premise, while disregarding contrary evidence.

Slippery Slope

-Not sufficient evidence offered to show that event "x" will cause events "y" and "z" -Catastrophizing. -Always a negative, hypothetically outcome. -Worse case scenario.

Why shouldn't you argue Ad Hominem?

-Shows lack of empathy -Amounts to name calling -Shows lack of maturity -Attacking someone because you don't like something about them

Bandwagon Appeal

-The argument that since something is popular or everybody is doing it, so should you. -Leads to group thinking -Persuades undecided and un-conformists. -Keywords: left out

Faulty Use of Authority

-The writer relies on "authorities" who are not convincing sources. -Expert in one area is used as an authority outside of their area of expertise.

Relative Privation

-Trying to make a scenario appear better or worse by comparing it to the best or worst case scenario. -Making one scenario look worse by comparing to a more tragic issue.

Jim can't have an engaging conversation about a woman's right to have an abortion, he's catholic.

Ad Hominem Why? Because it's attacking Jim for being a man/catholic.

You cannot convict m client of this crime, he is eighty years old and uses a walker.

Ad Misericordiam Why? How could an old man be dangerous.... He uses a walker. Trying to guilt the audience

It's wrong to tax corporations - think of al the money they give to charity and of the costs they already have to pay to run their businesses.

Ad Misericordiam Why? It is trying to the guilt the audience and make them feel ad because the corporation donates to charity and does good — why should they pay taxes....

"We shouldn't let foreigners teach in elementary schools. Our children need to be taught by Americans."

Ad Populum Why? Implies that foreigners cannot teach American children. Implies that foreigners cannot teach.

"There are 1.1 billion Hindus in the world. I don't see why I shouldn't convert."

Ad Populum Why? Just because 1.1 billion people are Hindu, maybe the religion doesn't match your beliefs. Don't do it because a majority of people are.

It's clear the majority of Americans support banning many types of firearms. Therefore, it is the right thing to do.

Ad Populum Why? Just because a majority of people believe in the idea doesn't make it logical or valid.

If everyone had a gun we wouldn't have to worry about all of these school shootings.

Ad Populum Why? Reasoning is appealing to fear. Everyone having a un would not stop school shootings. There is no logic.

Casper College has never charged students to park on campus. Therefore, they cannot start now.

Appeal to Tradition Why? - They cannot start charging because it has never happened. - Tradition can't change because that's how it's always been.

You always let me stay the night Stacy's house. You can't change your mind and not let me go anymore.

Appeal to Tradition Why? - You can't change your mind after you set it. - Doesn't like the change so you can't change it because that's how it has always been.

Ad Misericordiam

Attempts to use emotions or sympathize, manipulating feelings, to win an argument.

"No true Christian would have voted for Donald Trump. And we all know that true Americans are all true Christians."

Bandwagon Why? - Feel the need to be included. - Implies that all Americans are Christians. - Implies that non-Christians are the only people that could have voted for Trump. - Makes any Christian who voted for Trump to feel bad and that if you are a good Christian you should not have voted for Trump.

"Smart Shoppers shop at Sears."

Bandwagon Why? - Not all smart shoppers shop at Sears. Some smart people shop at target or Macys. - It implies that if you want to be a smart shopper, you need to shop at Sears.

"Everyone knows that Global Warming is a Threat" or "everyone knows that Global Warming is a liberal conspiracy."

Bandwagon Why? - Because it implies that everyone knows about Global Warning or that everyone knows it is a conspiracy - Keyword: everyone

Dave likes to work on cars. Therefore, he is a mechanic.

Begging the Question Why? - It is making the assumption that just because Dave works on cars, he has to be mechanic. Dave could be someone who likes to work on cars as a hobby.

If poor people would just work harder they wouldn't need welfare.

Begging the Question Why? - It makes the assumption that people stay poor so they can have welfare. - It does not consider that poor people aren't hard-workers or that only poor people are on welfare.

She is peppy because she's a cheerleader.

Begging the Question Why? - Making an assumption that in order to be peppy, you must be a cheerleader. - That she is only peppy because she is a cheerleaders and no other reasons.

I believe one should never deliberately hurt another person, that's why I can never be a surgeon.

Classifying surgery under "hurting" someone is to ignore the obvious benefits that will go with the surgery. These kinds of extreme views are rarely built on reason.

Overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer. Therefore, I am not going outside any more.

Dicto-Simplicitor Why? - Going outside does not mean that you will get cancer, especially if you have sunscreen on.

Basketball players are tall. Ed is tall, therefore he is a good basketball player.

Dicto-Simplicitor Why? - Makes the assumption that because Ed is tall that he plays basketball and is a good basketball player. - Short basketball players can be good. - Not all tall people should play basketball.

Water is liquid and is therefore good for you to drink.

False Analogue Why? - It compares Water to all liquids. Not all liquids are safe to drink. - The water could be mixed with bleach and that is not a healthy liquid to drink.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

False Analogue Why? - Not all people who own guns, hunt or kill. - Guns cannot get up and shoot theirselves.

Fred: Hey Ted, did you read about that guy who was stabbed to death with a screwdriver? Ted: Yeah, I guess people are going to want to ban screwdrivers now like they want to ban guns when someone is killed by one.

False Analogue Why? - The screwdriver is not a gun nor at the level of danger. - The screwdriver was invented to screw nails.

Look at the kid there who is wearing baggy pants and a sideways baseball hat. His attire conclusively proves that he must be a troublemaking hooligan.

False Analogue Why? - The way a person dresses does not always define who they are as a person. - Stereotypes are true.

Either we cut these social programs or we live huge debt increases.

False Dichotomy Why? - Gives an ultimatum

America: Love it or leave it

False Dichotomy Why? - It gives an ultimatum of you love America or you don't.

I'm Peyton Manning, I played for the Broncos, you should buy Nationwide insurance.

Faulty Use of Authority Why? - Just because Peyton Manning is an expert in football it doesn't mean that he is an expert in insurance sales.

What is a logical fallacy?

Flaw in logic of an argument.

Bill's diner is terrible. I ate there once eleven years ago and my fries were soggy.

Hasty Why? - Makes the assumption that the diner is bad based on only trying fries. - In the amount of 10 years, thing could have changed along with the fries. - Jumps to conclusions

Students in America are learning less than in the past because their SAT scores are lower.

Hasty Why? - It is making the assumption that children are learning less based on standardized test scores.

Floyd: Isn't it great that the elementary schools offer programs to help students with severe ADHD. Lloyd: Nobody gave me extra help when I was in school and I turned out fine.

Hasty Generalization Why? - Do we know that Lloyd turned out fine.

Jim is driving a brand new pickup truck. He must have gotten a substantial raise.

Hasty Generalization Why? - Jim could have taken a lease out on his pickup truck. - Maybe someone bought him a new pickup truck.

You don't need to go to college to give yourself a better life. Bill Gates dropped out and he's one of the richest people on Earth.

Hasty Generalization Why? - Not everyone will get the same opportunities that Bill Gates had.

My father smoked four packs of cigarettes a day since age fourteen and lived until age sixty-nine. Therefore, smoking really can't be that bad for you.

Hasty Generalization Why? - It is extremely unreasonable and dangerous to draw a universal conclusion about health risks of smoking by the case study of one man. - This guy might be lucky while medical research has shown that smoking, indeed, is dangerous and bad for a person.

Ad Hominem

In an argument, this is an attack on the person rather than on the opponent's ideas because they do not like something about the person.

She's so pretty; she must not be smart.

Non-Sequitur Why? - Someone's looks has nothing to do with their intelligence

Blue is my favorite color. Therefore, tomorrow is Friday.

Non-Sequitur Why? - Two random statements that make no sense.

Most heroin users tried marijuana before they used heroin. Therefore, marijuana use leads to heroin use.

Post Hoc Why? - Because "y" follows "x", it says that "x" causes "y" without any evidence - Heroin use happened after smoking marijuana so that means that smoking caused heroin use.

I got fired from my job the day after the election. Therefore, Joe Biden is directly responsible for my unemployment.

Post Hoc Why? - It claims that just because they lost their job the day after the election, the winner of the election personally caused him to lose his job.

It rained after I washed my car. Therefore, washing my car causes rain to fall.

Post Hoc Why? - They claim that washing their car causes rain because it once rained after they washed their car.

Most people who are read their last rites die shortly afterwards. Why do we let these priests run around killing people with magic words?

Post Hoc Why? This argument commits the post hoc fallacy because it infers a casual connection based solely on temporal order. It doesn't consider the reality that priests only read last rites to those who are terminally sick.

Why are people making such a big deal about Biden signing executive orders? Trump signed them all the time.

Red Herring Why? - Drawing attention from people making a big deal to saying that Trump did it all the time.

Mack: We need to do something about all of this inner city gun violence. Jack: Haven't you ever heard of the second amendment? I have the right to bare arms.

Red Herring Why? - It distracts the audience from the real problem of inner city gun violence with a comment on the second amendment and right to bare arms.

How dare you accuse me of being late! You make personal phone calls on company time everyday.

Red Herring Why? - Tries to distract the audience from the problem of being late by bringing attention to personal calls on company time.

Larry: We need to reconsider the drug laws regarding the sale and use of small amounts of marihuana. These laws are ripping families apart in this country. Jerry: But what about the drug addicts and the dealer who sell drugs to children.

Red Herring Why? Larry's argument only addresses the law and how it impacts families. Jerry's answer does not reflect that argument, it reflects the argument that there is a drug problem or the argument that there are drug dealers who sell drugs to children. He has changed the subject.

Mom: Tom! It's time for dinner. Come and eat your liver and broccoli. Tom: Aww mom, you know I hate liver and broccoli. Mom: Don't you know there are starving people out there would be grateful for some home cooked liver and broccoli.

Relative Privation Why? - Compares personal taste with real world issue. No relevancy.

If we ban smoking, then people will start taking soft drugs and then move onto hard drugs, and the crime rate will go up and up. We should therefore prevent crime by allowing smoking.

Slippery Slope Why? - It is assuming that hard drugs will ultimately replace smoking so we need to keep smoking around to prevent hard drugs. - They are not related.

If we pass this health care bill eventually the government will take over the decision-making from patients and doctors.

Slippery Slope Why? - It is saying that passing the health bill will give the government ultimate power. - Catastrophizing.

Gay marriage will lead to polygamy and incest.

Slippery Slope Why? - Just because someone doesn't like gay marriages doesn't mean that negative outcomes will occur.

Tasty Treats peanut butter contains 20% less fat.

Stacking the Deck Why? - Data beautification - 20% less from what? - Tells only half the story - how much sugar is in the PB?

Only three people who received the new flu vaccine actually got the flu this year.

Stacking the Deck Why? - Just because people got a vaccine and got sick, doesn't mean that every vaccine will cause the flu. - Three people is a low number for the flu.

The New Ford F-150 has the best fuel efficiency in its class.

Stacking the Deck Why? - People do not buy trucks for fuel efficency

Climate change isn't real. Antarctica is still cold.

Stacking the Deck Why? - Yes the Antartica may be cold but it doesn't dismiss that icebergs are melting. - It might not be as cold as it once was.

She is compassionate because she is a woman.

Still Begging Why? - It insinuates that she is only compassionate because she is a woman and that all women are compassionate.

The foolish law should be repealed.

Still Begging Why? - It makes the assumption that the law is foolish.

Paranormal activity is real because I have experienced what can only be described as paranormal activity.

Still Begging Why? The claim "paranormal activity is real" is supported by the premise "I have experienced what can only be described as paranormal activity." The premise presupposes, or assumes, that the claim, "paranormal activity is real" is already true.

Student: Why didn't I receive full credit on my essay? Teacher: Because your paper did not meet the requirements for full credit.

Still Begging the Question Why? - It doesn't ask the full story and just makes an assumption.

Bill: "God must exist." Jill: "How do you know." Bill: "Because the Bible says so." Jill: "Why should I believe the Bible?" Bill: "Because the Bible was written by God."

Still Begging the Question Why? - Makes the assumption that God exist because of the bible. - The bible was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, among others.

When are you people going to stop paying people to write your research papers?

Still Begging the Question Why? - Makes the assumption that the person is buying research papers.

How long have you been lying to me?

Still Begging the Question Why? - Makes the assumption that the person lied in the first place.

He opposes the proposal for the new condo development. He just wants people to go back to living in caves.

Straw Man Why? - Argues that opposing condos means that he opposes all shelters.

Jim supports universal single-payer health care for all Americans. I didn't realize the was just another socialist.

Straw Man Why? - Makes a huge assumption that Jim is a socialist because he believes in single payer health. - Socialism isn't just about single-payer health care.

Bill: We should relax the marijuana laws in this country. Jill: No, any society with unrestricted access to drugs puts too many people in danger.

Straw Man Why? - Takes the simple idea of relaxing marijuana laws will cause an increased danger due to access of drugs. - Relaxing marijuana laws will not cause unrestricted access to other drugs.

Why shouldn't you argue stacking the deck?

Your credibility can be ruined if you leave out obvious information that your reader might already know.

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