Lord of the Flies Chapters 1-10

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What is Ralph frightened of?

"Us"- what they did to Simon, Ralph is honest with himself about the murder, no longer scared of the beast but of man's violence.

Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding the conch?

Ralph, the leader. He is setting rules because he is feeling the need for order.

"Let them go. I don't care." Who/why?

Ralph- before they go to the party.

Who hit the boar with his spear?

Ralph- feels the thrill, fright, pride, the surge of a hunter.

Who said it and why? "The thing is, we need and assembly."

Ralph- getting people to listen; state the clear, simple facts- trying to make all understand.

Why did the "littluns" always obey the summons of the conch?

Ralph- link to orderly and adult world. Meetings- a change in the routine and entertainment.

Who/why? "I'd like to put on war-paint and be a savage. But we must keep the fire burning."

Ralph- speaking after the raid. focus on fire! focus on reality! Focus on needs!

Why do the need a fire?

Rescue, passing ships or planes.

Who got hurt playing the role of the pig? Explain.

Robert- chanting, jabbing, dancing- caught up in the thrill (even Ralph), teasing- "Use a littlun" scarry

Who said, "You don't half look a mess?" To whom is it said? Why?

Roger to Jack, camouflaging their faces and bodies for the hunt. Tuning into an emotional and mental mess.

At the party, who acted like the pig?

Roger- wild dancing around the fire.

What was the "cannon" that "continued to play" through chapter 9?

Thunder/lightning (blue scar)- ominous, foreshadowing, dark!

What does Ralph's dad do?

A commander in the Navy.

How did Ralph call the first meeting?

A conch shell; blew in and kids came. It was Piggy's idea.

Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?

A littlun. (six year old with a birth mark)

Why did Jack want Samneric to get him a coconut?

A mirror- fill it with water to see his "mask". Excited with new freedom.

What happened to the parachutist?

Blew away- wind and storm blew it out to sea.

The island was roughly what shape?

Boat shaped.

Who is the first boy to die?

Boy with the birthmark (maybe other). Boys feel shame with the realization.

What nationality are the boys?

British (they speak of pounds).

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapters 6

Chapters 6

The boys look at something with "affectionate respect." What is it?

Conch=after Jack barges in as a savage. Feel the need to protect and defend.

What is Jack doing as the chapter opens? (be specific)

Crouching, hunting, smelling the air- very animal-like on all 4's. His eyes are nearly mad.

Who/why? "I'm not going to play with you any longer. Not with you."

Jack- no one voted him as chief, it is still a game to him, doesn't understand the seriousness of situation.

Ralph holds a two-fold mission statement. What are the two parts of the statement?

1. Boy=Have fun ("it's a good island") 2. Growing up= Get rescued (signal fire)

What is "taken short?"

Diarrhea- littluns sick and pooping everywhere, contaminating water and food.

What does Ralph think they ought to do before they let the fire go out?

Die! "Don't you understand?... We ought to die before we let the fire out!" If fire goes out, they will die.

Who was Ralph fighting in the dark?

Eric- ended up fighting themselves. Bloodying each other- desperate, frustrating.

How was Jack "liberated from the shame of self-consciousness?"

Face paint=mask. (charcoal and clay) Released from accountability and actions. (hidden) Freaking out even the hunters.

At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go? How does this relate to what he symbolizes?

Forest (cathedral, a church), sunlight streaming, solitude, thinking. Has a purpose to face the fear.

Why were the littluns used to "Stomach aches and a sort of chronic diarrhea?"

Fruit the was unripe or rotting. (Could not reach the good stuff- ate what was low or on the ground.)

What are Samneric doing at the beginning of the chapter?

Getting wood for the signal fire.

For whom did Piggy vote chief?

Hesitantly for Ralph. He was hoping for himself.

What did the boys want to do instead of going to the other side of the island to check on the fire?

Hunt the beast now! )aggression, peacocking)

"Do our dance! Come on! Dance!" Who/why?

Jack before they kill Simon. Trying to retain control, distracting them from the storm.

How did Piggy's specs get broken?

Jack hit Piggy and the specs fell and broke.

Who said, "We'll have rules! Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em--"

Jack, excited for power.

Who said, "We want meat!" How does this enforce what he symbolizes?

Jack- death, destruction, savage, decay. (society breaking down, living for a thrill)

Who/why? "The head is for the beast, it's a gift."

Jack- feeding fear (the beast), a ceremony to his "God" (sacrifice) God of darkness/violence/fear.

Who/why? "We'll hunt and I'm going to be chief."

Jack- feeding the fear of others, has split off from the group, has few followers.

"They don't smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink, under the trees." Who said it?

Jack- speaking of the hunted pigs, becoming primitive and animalistic. Painting face=blotting away his conscience

Who sat like an idol, painted and garlanded, in the center of the lawn?

Jack- tyrant leader, a pagan god in his own mind.

Who called the first assembly in this chapter?

Jack= anarchy and overthrow- "I called it!" A power challenge to Ralph.

Who said it and why? "Serves you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!"

Jack= bully- Bawling out the littluns for being afraid, blaming them for things falling apart. IRONIC- Jack is source of chaos.

Who went with Jack to take fire from the others?

Maurice (lacky) and Roger (sadist)

Who "still felt the unease of wrongdoing?"

Maurice-after kicking sand in the little boy's eye; moving into excessive meanness.

During the assembly, how many voted that Ralph shouldn't be chief? Why?

No one. They still feel Ralph is best and safest choice for chief. Jack called the vote- Offended "I'm not playing!"

What was the "sign that came down from the world of the grown-ups?"

Parachuter- battle from above. (aggression, evil) Beast= bowing movement + fear gives it life.

Who are the two littluns who hold the conch and speak about the beast at the assembly?

Phil- saw something in the forest. (simon going to the "cathedral") Percival- sets off all the littluns in tears and sorrow.

What did Jack take from the others?

Piggy's glasses- Piggy 100% helpless. No fire = no rescue

What did the boys use to start the fire?

Piggy's glasses- grabbed them.

"P'raps we ought to go too... I mean to make sure nothing happens." Who/why?

Piggy- of Jack's party- hungry, scared, isolated. Feeling "Which is worse? Being apart from them or with them?"

Who said, "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?"

Piggy- scolding boys about their irresponsible behavior.

Who said it and why? "What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?"

Piggy- the assembly is breaking down, no one is following the rules, Jack is a negative catalyst.

Who said it and why? "Life... scientific, that's what it is."

Piggy= reason- there is source for everything! Identifies the source of fear as fear of people (Jack)

How did the boys arrive on the island?

Plane crash- attacked and shot down.

Who said it and why? "We want smoke. And you go wasting your time. You roll rocks."

Ralph As the boys play and roll rocks- they don't get it or care about fire, rescue, responsibility. "We've got plenty of time" don't understand opportunity or responsibility.

Who said, "I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you talk about is pig, pig, pig!" What does this show about the growth of this character?

Ralph Becoming increasingly serious, mature, comprehending their situation

Which boys are building huts? What does this say about their characters?

Ralph and Simon. These boys follow through and are committed to group welfare. They understand that talk must be followed by action.

Who said, "I told you to. I told you to get a list of names!"

Ralph to Piggy, panicking about the first disaster.

Who climbed the mountain to look for the beast?

Ralph, Jack, Roger- Ralph wanted to go back (no good in the dark), Jack bullies "coward." Jack ended up going the last distance.

Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

Ralph, Jack, Simon. (leaders)

Who says again and again the there isn't a beast?

Ralph, he feels the fear of the others and is trying to fight it.

Who was affected by the "taboo of the old life"?

Roger= evil/sadist (feeds of the pain of others)- throwing rocks "around" Henry, but wants to throw "at" him; feels the rush of it--"breathing quickly" "eyes fluttering"

What are the names of the twins?

Sam and Eric - SamNEric.

Who saw the "beast" on top of the mountain?

Sam and Eric- heard and saw movement in the dark.

The Hunters get a new name. What is it? How/why?

Savages- breaking away, strip down, painting faces and bodies, kill, torture. "Little boys with sticks."

What happened to the body on the beach?

Simon washed out to sea. Left laying in the sand, rain washed away blood, foam in hair (halo), body washed out.

Who helps the littluns get fruit?

Simon- Christ figure

Who/why? "I think we ought to climb the mountain."

Simon- beast=fear- must be confronted and overcome. "What else is there to do?"

Who was killed because the boys thought he was the beast?

Simon- crowd gaping, becoming one body. Simon "crucified"

Who went through the forest alone to tell Piggy that the group hunting the beast wouldn't be back until after dark?

Simon- not afraid, doesn't believe in the beast.

Who said it and why? "I don't believe in the beast."

Simon= as "inward sight" (pg. 103) While they are searching at castle rock- knows that it is man; it us us.

Who said it and why? "What I mean is... maybe it's only us."

Simon= enlightened Christ figure- "Maybe the beast is only us." Teaching others to look at self- Ralph, Piggy, Simon see the root of chaos is... "us"

Where have all the hunters, but Jack, gone?

Swimming, Jack compelled to go on, compelled to kill.

Before they were attacked, what did Ralph "desperately pray?"

That the beast preferred "littluns." Knows Simon is dead, still thinks there is a beast.

Why weren't the boys rescued?

The fire was out, ship passed. Hunters neglected it on a first kill. (anarchy winning) Ralph rushes (desperate, bleeding)

What is the "scar?"

The gash in the jungle from where the plane crashed.

Who/why? "You knew didn't you? I'm part of you?"

The lord of the flies- fear and evil are a part of man.

Who/why? "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill."

The lord of the flies- the beast has life as long as a man lives and feels it through beliefs and actions.

During the party, evening had come, not with calm beauty, but with the threat of violence. Discuss this.

The storm brewing above. Foreshadow- Simon's death, conflict between Ralph and Jack, Jacks tyranny.

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