LS 102 Final Exam
Examples of phrase searching
"charter schools" "double helix" "to be or not to be" "The Old Man and the Sea" "Gulf of Mexico"
Examples of Truncation
- Educat$ (Library Catalog)- will search for educate, education, educated, educator, educators, educating, etc. - Pollut* (Academic Search Complete) - will search for pollution, polluted, pollutant, pollutants, pollute, polluting, etc.
- is a search technique that allows you to group your search terms and to dictate the order in which the Boolean operators will be carried out. - allows you to group the terms you want searched together by enclosing them in parentheses. - An example is Smoking AND (teenagers or adolescents) or Insurance AND (automobile OR car)
What is the difference between a record and a field?
In a database, each record contains collected information to describe one source; for this reason, it's considered one unit of information. a field is a single piece of information within a record.
Where can you find controlled vocabulary?
In records, these may be called different things in different databases. Common terms are subjects, subject terms, descriptors, concepts, etc.
What does a Library of Congress Call Number look like?
PR 6052 .I7728 A6 2016
which sources tend to be more objective
Scholarly sources tend to be more objective because they show all points of view and are more about research and factual information than about opinions and trying to please their audience like popular sources.
What is the difference between the periodical title and the article title?
The periodical title is the title of a full scholarly journal. An article title is the title of the articles that are inside a periodical like a newspaper article, magazine article, or scholarly journal article
"AND" Boolean Operator
When you connect search terms with the Boolean operator AND, the computer is instructed to search for records that contain all the search terms entered. If each and every search term is not found, that record will not be returned in your list of results. Thus, the AND operator narrows a search. The more terms you connect with AND, the narrower and more focuses your search becomes - Yoga AND Stress
Does the PDF Full Text of an article look exactly like the article appears in the print journal?
What does a record tell you about a source?
a catalog record gives a preview of the source, it includes the author's name, source, document type, subject terms, an abstract, and many other components. A record tells you a brief summary about a source, which helps you decide whether or not the source will be useful for your research.
are anything published periodically; examples are newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals
Boolean operators
are used to connect search terms in ways that allow you to narrow or broaden a search - There are three of these operators: AND, OR, and NOT. - An example of a is college students AND Internet AND addiction "AND'' Boolean Operator
I'm interested in attention deficit disorder- put in Boolean Search
attention and deficit and disorder
NOT Boolean Operator
excludes a term from your search. It is commonly used when a word has more than one definition and you would like to exclude meaning not relevant to your search - narrows a search because it excludes them
What does "controlled vocabulary mean"?
is a list of standardized terms used in a database to describe and organize the contents by subject. -Use of these makes retrieval of information efficient because it enables you to search for a concept, not just the words entered.
phrase searching
is a technique that allows you to search for two or more words as an exact phrase. In most databases, this is accomplished by enclosing the search terms in double quotation marks, e.g. "affirmative action"
Examples of Secondary sources
literary criticism biography historical commentary case study review
mean "to cut short". With this technique, you cut off your search term to its root and add a symbol that instructs the computer to search for the root word plus any endings. Its a very efficient way to search.
Examples of Primary Sources
novel, poem diary, autobiography, letters, historical documents, oral testimony
What is the difference between primary and secondary sources
primary sources offer original intellectual content. Secondary sources interpret and analyze primary sources. In other words, when a writer looks at a primary document and produces a work that tries to make sense of what he or she finds, the result is a secondary study or secondary source.
OR Boolean Operator
retrieves all records that contain at least one of the search terms entered. If any one of the terms is found, that item will show up in your list of results. Thus, using OR to connect search terms broadens or expands your search.
objective site
seeks to show how all points few
What do you use a call number for?
tells where the book is located on the library shelf
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
During Developing A Topic, why did we start investing our topic with encyclopedia articles
to get a broad overview of the topic and help you identify subtopics to learn more about Also can help you to develop a research question
biased site
wants to influence the way you see a subject