LUOA Biology M9 Review (includes Sentence Questions)

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producing living young from eggs that hatch within the body


Birth occurs inside mother's uterus


a network of canals filled with water used for gas and nutrient exchange and locomotion

Water vascular system

What is a blastula?

an embryonic stage of development in which a fluid-filled sphere of cells is formed

Which organism is a member of the Class Pelycypoda?




respiratory pigment that is involved in carrying blood


Name and describe the three morphological characteristics seen in all mollusks. Then choose an example of a specific mollusk, and describe each characteristic in that organism. Using your best grammar, write 4-6 sentences.

All mollusks contain the following morphological characteristics in a unique way: a visceral mass that is protected by the mantle, a foot that is muscular, and bodies that are soft. For example, a squid is a cephalopod that contain these three morphological characteristics that are unique to other mollusks. The squid's upper region that looks like a bag is its mantle, and its visceral mass is located inside of it. Plus, the squid's muscular "foot" region has tentacles and suckers inside the tentacles. Lastly, the squid has a soft body that can change color; this helps them hunt and protect themselves from predators.

comprises the remainder of the bones in the body

Appendicular skeleton

comprises the remainder of the bones in the body; girdle & limb bones

Appendicular skeleton

Describe the three main morphological characteristics of Arthropods. Then, define ecdysis and why it is needed. Using your best grammar, write 4-6 sentences.

Arthropods contain the following morphological characteristics: jointed legs, segmented bodies, and they each have an exoskeleton protecting their bodies. All arthropods have jointed legs throughout their lives. Also, they have repeating external and internal morphological elements, which gives each of them a segmented body. Plus, all arthropods have a strong exoskeleton, which protects their bodies but limits their free growth. Due to this, arthropods must undergo ecdysis periodically; ecdysis is the shedding of the exoskeleton.

sea stars


includes, skull, thorax (includes ribs), & backbone

Axial skeleton

distinguished subphylum vertebrata from anyone else

Backbone (vertebral column)



small articulating calcium carbonate plates making up the endoskeleton


Hollow tube of dense nerve tissues that is above the notochord; it includes the brain & CNS.

Dorsal nerve cord

sea urchin


sea cucumber


Describe the morphology and lifestyle of the medusa and polyp forms in cnidarians. Describe the role of each form in the lifecycle and reproduction of a sea jelly. Using your best grammar, write 4-6 sentences.

Medusas have the ability to move around the ocean, and they are cnidarians that reproduce sexually. Also, they look like umbrellas since their mouth openings are located in the lower part of their bodies. In contrast, polyps are sessile and reproduce asexually. However, sea anemones are polyps that reproduce sexually. Also, polyps' mouth openings are located on the top of their bodies.

A flexible, rod-like tissue that extends across the top/dorsal side


radially symmetric with five radial segments


Small openings to the pharynx

Pharyngeal Slits

Notochord extension outside of anus opening

Post-Anal tail

Describe the general body morphology of a sponge. Then discuss some of a sponge's specialized cells, their function, and where they can be found. Using your best grammar, write 4-6 sentences.

The body morphology of a sponge consists of pores, called ostia, that lead to the central cavity of the sponge, called the spongocoel. The spongocoel leads the nutrients to the top of the sponge, which is called the osculum. Also, a choanocyte is a specialized cell that helps the sponge get its nutrients by using the flagella. Another type of specialized cell that is in a sponge is called the amebocyte. An amebocyte is responsible for carrying nutrients and digesting food particles in the sponge.

List the five classes of vertebrates considered ectotherms. Give examples of each organism. Using your best grammar, write at least 5 sentences.

The following are the classes of vertebrates considered ectotherms: Osteichthyes, Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Amphibia, and Reptilia. The bony fish in class Osteichthyes are considered ectotherms, and an example of one is the white perch. The "jawless fish" are also considered ectotherms, and an example of one is the hagfish. Plus, the sting rays in class Chondrichthyes are also ectotherms. In addition, the frogs in class Amphibia are also ectotherms. Lastly, the snakes in class Reptilia are also ectotherms.

Name and briefly describe the four characteristic features of the phylum Chordata. Using your best grammar, write at least 4 sentences.

The following are the four characteristics of phylum Chordata: a post-anal tail, a notochord, pharyngeal slits, and dorsal nerve cord. A post-anal tail is a notochord extension that is outside of the anus opening; however, some animals from this phylum will only have this characteristics will inside the mother's womb. Another characteristic of this phylum is the notochord, which is a flexible, rod-like tissue that extends across the dorsal side. Also, animals from this phylum have small opening to the pharynx called pharyngeal slits. Lastly, there is the dorsal nerve cord, which is a hollow tube of dense, nerve tissues located above the notochord; this includes the brain and the central nervous system.

What are at least three defining characteristics of mammals? Give a description of each characteristic mentioned. Using your best grammar, write 3-5 sentences.

The following are three defining characteristics of mammals: hairy bodies, females producing milk, and four-chambered hearts. Mammals will have hairy bodies to help them cope with their environment, but marine animals such as dolphins will only have hair during their infant stages. In addition, every female mammal will have the ability to produce milk for their young children. Lastly, every mammal will have a four-chambered heart to separate the oxygenated blood from the deoxygenated blood.

Name the three phyla of worms and give their common names. Then briefly compare and contrast the nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, and respiration (hint: none have true respiratory systems) in each phylum. Using your best grammar, write 4-6 sentences.

The following three phyla of worms are similar and different in body formation: platyhelminthes, nematoda, and annelida. The phyla of platyhelminthes are nicknamed flatworms and have nervous tissue and an incomplete digestive system. However, they do not have a true circulatory system, but they use diffusion for gas exchange. The circulatory and respiratory systems of nematodes, or roundworms, are similar to those of flatworms. However, nematodes have a complete digestive system, and they have four nerve cords that intersect each other. Annelids, or earthworms, have a true circulatory system, have well-developed nervous and digestive systems, and rely on moisture for respiration.

What is the water vascular system in echinoderms? Describe its general morphological features, how it is used by the organism, and its extensions (tube feet). Using your best grammar, write 3-5 sentences.

The water vascular system is a network of canals that is used to transport seawater and nutrients in echinoderms. This system's morphological features include a system of canals that branch into the ampulla. Also, it includes the tube feet, which is a network of extensions that echinoderms use for movement. Other than locomotion, echinoderms use this system to exchange gasses and nutrients, to explore the environment through their sensory receptors, and to move nutrients and seawater inside their bodies.

Explain the different types of body symmetry and how they affect an organism's function in the environment. Then, give an example. Using your best grammar, write 4-8 sentences.

There are three different types of body symmetry, which include the following: bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, and asymmetry. Bilateral symmetry animals are animals that have mirroring left and right sides. A human is an example of a bilateral symmetric animal. Also, radial symmetry defines animals that are centrally arranged, and an example of this is a sea star. Lastly, asymmetry defines animals that lack symmetry such as an asymmetrical sponge.

extensions of the water vascular system with sucker-like tips used for locomotion

Tube feet

Tube feet are extensions of what system in echinoderms?

Tube feet are in the Water Vascular System

What is the term for the upper surface of most echinoderms?


How is the underside of an echinoderm referred to?

as the oral surface




brittle stars and basket stars



Cephalopods have a ___________ circulatory system.






Lay eggs


What feature is relatively unique to echinoderms and is a subject of research for possible application to healing injuries in humans?

regeneration of damaged parts and whole body regions


sea lilies and feather stars

What method of reproduction is the primary means of reproduction in echinoderms?

sexual reproduction via dioecious individuals


shield bugs ("true bugs")

In arthropods, segments within certain regions of the body have fused to create what?


One of the major morphological characteristics of mollusks is a large, flexible muscular region used for locomation. What is this called?

the foot

A morphological feature of mollusks is an area containing all the major organs. What is this termed?

the visceral mass

The word "Arthropoda" refers to what about arthropod morphology?

their jointed legs

A unique feature in gastropod development is the ____________ of the gut so that the anus opens in the front half of their body.


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