machine learning chapter 1
What are the 4 types of machine learning?
Association, Supervised Learning (Classification and Regression), Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning
What is the example of data mining used in association?
Basket analysis
What are some examples of data mining in manufacturing?
Control, robotics, troubleshooting
What are some example applications of reinforcement learning?
Credit assignment problem, Game playing, Robot in a maze, Multiple agents and partial observability
What are some examples of data mining in finance?
Credit scoring, fraud detection
What is the example of data mining used in classification?
Credit scoring.
What are some example applications of unsupervised learning?
Customer segmentation in CRM, Image compression: Color quantization, Bioinformatics: Learning motifs
What is an example used in Regression?
Determine the price of a used car using the car attributes (x) and the price (y). y=g(x|@) where g is the model and @ is the parameters.
What is the role of computer science in machine learning?
Efficient algorithms to solve the optimization problem and to represent and evaluate the model for inference
What are the 4 ways learning is utilized?
Human expertise does not exist like navigating on Mars, Humans are unable to explain their expertise like speech recognition, Solutions changes in time like routing on a computer network, Solution needs to be adapted to certain cases like in user biometrics
What is the formula used in credit scoring?
If income > theta1 AND savings > theta2 THEN low-risk ELSE high-risk
What is the role of statistics in machine learning?
Inference from a sample
What is Reinforcement Learning?
Learning a policy: A sequence of outputs, No supervised output but delayed reward
What are the 4 things we mean when we say "Learning"
Learning general models from a data of particular examples, Data is cheap and abundant and knowledge is expensive and scarce, Turning customer transactions into consumer behavior, Building a model that is a good approximation to the data.
What is unsupervised learning?
Learning what normally happens, You have no output, Clustering: Grouping similar instances
What are some examples of Data mining in retail?
Market basket analysis, customer relationship management
What are some examples of data mining in medicine?
Medical diagnosis
What are some examples of data mining in Bioinformatics?
Motifs, alignment
What are all the applications of regression?
Navigating a car (angle of the steering), Kinematics of a robot arm.
Explain basket analysis
P(X|Y) probability that somebody who buys X will also buy Y where X and Y are products/services.
What are all the applications in classification?
Pattern recognition, Face recognition, Character recognition, Speech recognition, Medical diagnosis, Biometrics.
What are the uses of supervised learning?
Prediction of future uses, Knowledge extraction, Compression, Outlier detection.
What is machine learning?
Programming computers to optimize a performance criterion using example data or past experience
What are some examples of data mining in web mining?
Search engines
What are some examples of data mining in telecommunications?
Spam filters, intrusion detection