Macroeconomics Chapter 11

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The net export schedule lists the amount of net exports that will occur at each level of


__________ is an injection into the income-expenditure circular flow in a private closed economy.


in a mixed open economy, equilibrium GDP is identified where:

S + T + M = I + G + X

using the graph provided, if real domestic output (GDP) was $430B what would have to happen to the C+Ig curve in order to reach equilibrium GDP?

The C + Ig curve would have to shift downward

True or false: Actual investment equals savings at all GDP levels.


When there is overproduction of goods leading to output levels above equilibrium GDP, this results in:

a piling up of unsold goods and a cutback in production rates

when there is overproduction of goods leading to output levels above GDP at equilibrium, this results in:

a piling up of unsold goods and a cutback in production rates

which of the following reflects the total amount that will be spent at each possible output or income

aggregae expenditures schedule

The __________ helps to explain the situation of massive unemployment, as well as to better understand how an economy will react to such economic shocks as changes in tax rates as well as government and household spending.

aggregate expenditure model

the ___ helps to explain the situation of massive unemployment, as well as to better understand...

aggregate expenditure model

the ______ helps to explain the situation of massive unemployment, as well as to better understand how an economy will react to such economic shocks as changes in tax rates as well as government and household spending

aggregate expenditure model

how is the aggregate expenditures schedule impacted graphically when government introduces a tax?

aggregate expenditures schedule shifts down by T*MPC

when government spending and taxes are equal...

aggregate expenditures... part of the taxes is paid

which of the following will result from the depreciation of the dollar relative to other currencies

an increase in us exports a decrease in the price, in terms of the other currencies, of us goods

GDP __________ is the desired level of output because total spending is just sufficient to purchase total output.

at equilibrium

according to table 28.2, when real domestic output is at $470 billion, the tendency of employment, output and income is to be:

at equilibrium

the aggregate expenditure schedule in a private...

consumption investment

using the figure provided, it is evident that no levels above equilibrium are sustainable because ____ and ____ spending fall short of GDP

consumption investment

The aggregate expenditure schedule in a private closed economy is the sum of __________ plus planned __________.

consumption; investment

The formula for aggregate expenditures in an open mixed economy is __________+__________+__________+__________=GDP.

consumption; investment; government purchases; net exports

When GDP is above equilibrium, firms will __________ the rate of production.


it is undesirable for gdp to be greater than the equilibrium level because it will lead to a

decline in output, jobs and total income

an increase in lump-sum taxes will:

decrease equilibrium real GDP

when the level of gdp is above the equilibrium level, businesses will...

decrease the rate of production

when the government imposes a lump-sum tax on its citizens...

decreasing savings

when the level of GDP is above the equilibrium level, businesses will respond to the unintended accumulation of unsold goods by

decreasing the rate of production

When the dollar __________ relative to other currencies it enables people abroad to obtain more dollars with each unit of their own currency.


when the dollar ____ relative to other currencies it enables people abroad to obtain more dollars with each unit of their own currency


the level of gdp is considered to be in ___ when the output level is greater than or equal to...


The level of GDP at which the total quantity of goods produced equals the total quantity of goods purchased is the __________ level of output.


the level of GDP at which the total quantity of goods produced equals the total quantity of goods purchased is the _____ level of output


An inflationary gap is the amount by which aggregate expenditures at the full-employment GDP:

exceed those required to achieve full-employment GDP

____ are included as part of US gdp because...


______ are included as part of U.S. GDP because they create jobs and income when purchased by foreigners


Net exports are calculated as total __________ minus total __________.

exports; imports

A recessionary gap is the amount by which aggregate expenditures at full-employment GDP __________ those required to achieve full-employment GDP.

fall short of

A fundamental assumption behind Keynesian aggregate expenditures model is that prices in the economy are:


a fundamental assumption behind the Keynesian aggregate expenditure model is that prices in the economy are:


although an economy may be at equilibrium GDP on the aggregate expenditures model...

full employment potential

A private closed economy is one without international trade or __________ spending.


A private open economy is a private economy that includes international trade but not __________ spending.


a private closed economy is one without international trade or ___

government spending

when the U.S. _______, part of U.S. income must be subtracted from aggregate expenditures in order to avoid overstating the value of domestic production (investment) and domestic spending.


when the us ___, part of US income must be subtracted from aggregate...


An increase in government spending will shift the aggregate expenditure schedule upward, as well as __________ the equilibrium level of real GDP.


an increase in government spending will shift the aggregate expenditure schedule upward, as well as _______ the equilibrium level of real GDP


when gdp is below its equilibrium level businesses will...

increase employment

keynes proposed what two different policies that a government might pursue...

increase government spending decrease taxes

The Great Depression was worsened because of the imposition of a trade policy by the United States government that

increased tariffs on imports

when net exports increase or net imports decrease, this _____ aggregate expenditures and _____ the nation's GDP

increases; raises

when US's foreign trading partners experience higher incomes...

increasing GDP increase US income increasing US exports

when the level of GDP is below the equilibrium level, businesses will respond to the unplanned decline in business inventories by:

increasing output and employment

a(n) ____ is the amount by which aggregate expenditures at the full-employment GDP exceed those required to achieve full-employment

inflationary gap

The two components of aggregate expenditures in a private closed economy are consumption and gross private __________.


___ is an injection inot the income-expenditure circular


_____ is an injection into the income-expenditure circular flow


the two components of aggregate expenditures in a private closed economy...


the two compounds of aggregate expenditures in a private closed economy are consumption and gross private


in an expanded economy, all of the following are leakages in an economy except:


Saving is a __________ or withdrawal of spending from the economy's circular flow of income and expenditures.


Saving is a(n) ______ or withdrawal of spending from the economy's circular flow of income and expenditures


savings is an ___ or withdrawal...


when GDP is ______ than its equilibrium level, businesses will raise the rate of production, leading to more employment and consequently raising the levels of consumption and income


When GDP is __________ than its equilibrium level, businesses will raise the rate of production, leading to more employment and consequently raising the levels of consumption and income.


A tax that yields the same amount of tax revenue at each level of GDP regardless of the level of government purchases is called a __________ tax.


a tax that yields the same amount of tax revenue at each level of GDP regardless of the level of government purchases is called

lump-sum tax

A __________ economy includes both private and public (government) sectors.


a _____ open economy includes both private and public (government) sectors


An economy that includes consumption spending, investment spending, government spending, taxes and international trade is called a:

mixed economy

an economy that includes consumption spending, investment spending, government spending, taxes and international trades is called a:

mixed economy

when the dollar depreciates relative to other currencies it enables people abroad to obtain _____ dollars with each unit of their own currency


if the rate of return on a firm's potential project or the real interest rate increases or decreases, the size of the effect this will have on the aggregate expenditures curve is based on the effect of the investment spending


if the rate of return on a firm's potential project or the real interest rate increases or decreases, the size of the effect...


why does a $5B increase or decrease in investment spending by firms cause the real gdp to decrease by $20B?

multiplier effect

Total tax revenues minus transfer payments is called government's __________ tax revenues.


total tax revenues minus transfer payments is called ______ tax revenues


total tax revenues minus transfer payments...

net tax revenues

C + I9 + Xn = GDP is the formula for aggregate expenditures in a private ___ economy


C+I+G = GDP is the formula for aggregate expenditures in a private ___ economy


a mixed economy is a(n) ______ economy that includes government spending and taxation


a private ___ economy is a private economy that includes international trade in its GDP


the amounts that business firms collectively intend to invest at each level of GDP is called their ______ investment


The amounts that businesses firms collectively intend to invest at each level of GDP is called their:

planned investment

during the 2007-2009 recession, which components of aggregate expenditures were significant contributors to the downturn?

planned investment spending consumption spending

When exports are greater than imports, net exports will be:


when exports are greater than imports, net exports will be:


aggregate expenditures and GDP will be increased beyond what they would be in a closed economy with the addition of:

positive net exports

which of the following is the most fundamental assumption behind the keynesian aggregate expenditure model

prices in the economy are fixed

which of the following is the most fundamental assumption behind the keynesian aggregate expenditure model?

prices in the economy are fixed

even during times of massive unemplyment...


an economy that does not include government spending or international trade in their GDP is called a:

private closed economy

The level of investment spending by firms is based upon the current __________ interest rate together with the investment __________ curve.

real; demand

A(n) ______ is the amount by which aggregate expenditures at the full-employment GDP fall short of those required to achieve full-employment

recessionary gap

when potential output is $520B and the aggregate expenditures curve intersects the 45 degree line below $520B implying that equilibrium real GDP is less than potential output, then there is a(n):

recessionary gap and current employment is below full employment

when GDP is above equilibrium, firms will _______ the rate of production.


suppose country A and country B are trading partners. The imposition of tariffs by country A on goods from country B may not be a sound economic idea because it would likely lead to:

retaliation by country B

In the income-expenditure circular flow, investment is a replacement for the leakage of __________.


a withdrawal of spending from the economy's circular flow of income and expenditures is also called:


When government imposes a lump-sum tax on its citizens, this has the effect of decreasing equilibrium real GDP by reducing both consumption and __________.


in the income-expenditure circular flow, investment is the replacement for the leakage of savings


in the income-expenditures circular flow, investment is a replacement for the leakage of


if the economy is at equilibrium real GDP, then:

savings equals planned investment by businesses

The investment __________ shows the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of GDP.


the investment ___ shows the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of gdp


using the figure provided, it is evident that at levels of gdp below equilibrium the amount of...

spending;greater than

To avoid overstating the value of domestic production, the amount spent on important goods in the U.S. must be subtracted from exports or total spending because __________.

such spending generates production a and income abroad

the amount spent on imported goods in the U.S. must be subtracted from exports or total spending because:

such spending generates production and income abroad

select the statements that best summarize the conditions present during the Great Depression

surplus of productive resources Real GDP was significantly below potential output the unemployment rate was at double digits

the investment schedule

the amount investment forthcoming at each level of gdp

what happens when aggregat expenditures are so high that the models predict an equilibrium level of gdp beyond potential?

the economy produces either at potential or just above potential the economy experiences demand-pull inflation nominal gdp will increase but real gdp will not

in a private closed economy the equilibrium GDP will change in response to changes in either:

the investment and consumption schedules

the difference between an investment schedule and an investment demand curve....

the investment schedule is the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of gdp the investment demand curve is based upon and determined by the real rate of interest

If the rate of return of a firm's potential project or the real interest rate increases or decreases, the size of the effect they will have on the equilibrium GDP is based on:

the multiplier

The level of investment spending by firms and the investment demand curve are based upon:

the real interest rate

in a closed economy, the two characteristics of equilibrium gdp are:

there are no unplanned changes in inventories savings and planned investment are equal

The multiplier effect means that:

there is a bigger chance in equilibrium GDP than the change in aggregate expenditures

equilibrium gdp is the desirable level of output for which of the following reasons?

there is not an increase in inventories of goods the total quantity of goods produced equals the total quantity of goods purchased there is not an excess of total spending

when the leakages of savings are less than the injections of investment in the income-expenditure circular flow then:

there will be a below-equilibrium level of GDP

if the leakage of saving is greater than the injection of investment then:

there will be an above-equilibrium level of GDP

Exports are included as a component of US aggregate expenditures because:

these are goods and services that created income in the US

actual inestment equals savings at all gdp levels


when sales fall short of planned production...

unplanned actual

It is undesirable for actual GDP to be less than the equilibrium level because there will be an:

unplanned decline in business inventories

it is undesirable for actual GDP to be less than the equilibrium level because there will be a(n):

unplanned decline in business inventories

since price changes cannot be used by firms...


currently the country's GDP = $500B and the MPC = .90. if consumption spending increases by $15B, what is the country's new level of real GDP?


in a private closed economy equilibrium GDP is $600B with a MPS=.20. when the country begins to trade, exports are $50B are imports are $40B. What is equilibrium GDP for this new private open economy and why?

$650B because net exports are positive

when government spending inceases by $20 billion and the multiplier is 4, there will be an increase in equilibrium real GDP of:

$80 billion

Which of the following will result from the depreciation of the US dollar relative to other currencies?

(1) A decrease in the price, in terms of the other currencies, of US goods (2) An increase in US net exports

Keynes proposed what two different policies that a government might pursue to close a recessionary expenditure gap and achieve full employment?

(1) Decrease taxes (2) Increase government spending

Which of the following is likely to occur when aggregate expenditures are so high that the equilibrium level of GDP is beyond the potential output?

(1) The economy is likely to produce either at potential or just above potential output (2) The economy is likely to experience demand-pull inflation (3) Nominal GDP is likely to increase, but real GDP is not likely to increase

Which of the following statements are true of investment schedule and investment demand curve?

(1) The investment demand curve is based upon and determined b the real rate of interest. (2) The investment schedule is the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of GDP.

Equilibrium GDP is the desirable level of output for which of the following reasons?

(1) The total quantity of goods produced equals the total quantity of goods purchased (2) There is no increase in inventories of goods (3) There is no excess of total spending

What are the two ways that equilibrium GDP will change in a private closed economy?

(1) changes in investment schedule (2) changes in consumption schedule

Although an economy may be at equilibrium GDP on the aggregate expenditures model, this does not mean that the economy is also at

(1) full-employment (2) long-run (3) potential

During the 2007-2009 recession, which components of aggregate expenditures were significant contributors to the downturn?

(1) planned investment spending (2) consumption spending

In a closed economy, two characteristics of equilibrium GDP are:

(1) savings and planned investment are equal (2) there are no unplanned changes in inventories

when the current production level of goods and services leads to output levels below GDP at equilibrium, this results in:

- a reduction of goods in inventory and too low a production rate

which of the following will result from the depreciation of the US dollar relative to other currencies?

-an increase in US net exports -a decrease in the price, in terms of the other currencies, of US goods

if the economy is operating below its full-employment level, the depreciation of the dollar will likely lead to:

-an increase in net exports and aggregate expenditures and an expansion of real GDP

investment is _____ of spending into the income-expenditure stream

-an injection

What outlets do firms have to sell their output?

-business markets -consumer markets

what are the two ways that equilibrium GDP will change in a private closed economy?

-changes in investment schedule -changes in consumption schedule

using the figure provided, it is evident that no levels of GDP above equilibrium are sustainable because _________ and _____________ (no abbreviations) spending fall short of GDP

-consumption -investment

the aggregate expenditure schedule in a private closed economy is the sum of ____ plus planned ______.

-consumption; investment

the investment demand _____ and the real interest rate together determine the amount of investment spending while the investment _____ shows the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of GDP

-curve -schedule

a decrease in government spending by $10 billion with a multiplier of 5 will cause aggregate expenditures to:

-decline by $50B

in a closed economy, if households save $40 billion and firms investment $30 billion, then the level of real GDP will _____


Keynes proposed what two different policies that a government might pursue to close a recessionary expenditure gap and achieve full employment?

-decrease taxes -increase government spending

when the government imposes a lump-sum tax on its citizens, this has the effect of _____ equilibrium real GDP by reducing both consumption and _____.

-decreasing -savings

if an economy is operating at its full-employment level, a depreciation in the value of its currency will likely lead to _____

-demand-pull inflation

net exports are calculated as total ______ minus total ____ (do not use acronyms)

-exports -imports

equilibrium real GDP will decline when:

-imports are greater than exports

When the United States' foreign trading partners experience higher incomes it benefits the U.S. by:

-increasing U.S. exports -increasing U.S. GDP -increasing U.S. income

when potential output is $510B and the aggregate expenditures curve intersects the 45 degree line above $510B implying that equilibrium real GDP is greater than potential output, then there is a(n):

-inflationary gap and current employment is above full employment

when GDP is below equilibrium, higher levels of spending causes:

-inventory levels to fall and informs businesses to increase production levels toward equilibrium output

suppose the real interest rate falls, causing businesses to increase investment spending. using the figure provided, what happens to the aggregate expenditures curve?

-it shifts upward to (C +Ig)1

a $10billion change in investment will lead to a $50 billion change in output and income, therefore the:

-multiplier is 5

aggregate expenditures and GDP will be decreased beyond what they would be in a closed economy with the addition of:

-negative net exports

which of the following is likely to occur when aggregate expenditures are so high that the equilibrium level of GDP is beyond the potential output?

-nominal GDP is likely to increase, but real GDP is not likely to increase -the economy is likely to experience demand-pull inflation -the economy is likely to produce either at potential or just above potential output

using the table provided, if planned investment by firms was $30B rather than $20B, the equilibrium level of output and employment

-output is $510B and employment is 75M

when government spending and taxes are equal, government spending will have a greater impact on aggregate expenditures and GDP because

-part of the tax is paid out of income that would otherwise have been saved -aggregate expenditures are impacted by only a fraction of the tax, T=MPC

during the 2007-2009 recession, which components of aggregate expenditures were significant contributors to the downturn?

-planned investment spending -consumption spending

although an economy may be at equilibrium GDP on the aggregate expenditures model, this does not mean that the economy is also at _____ real GDP

-potential -full-employment -long-run

Although an economy may be at equilibrium GDP on the aggregate expenditures model, this does not mean that the economy is also at ____ real GDP.

-potential -long-run -full-employment

to completely construct the aggregate expenditures model we must move from a ___ (no government) open economy to a ____ economy that also includes the public sector (government)


the level of investment spending by firms is based upon the current ______ interest rate together with the investment ______ curve

-real -demand

when net exports decrease or net imports increase, this ____ aggregate expenditures and _____ the nation's GDP

-reduces; lowers

in a closed economy, two characteristics of equilibrium GDP are:

-saving and planned investment are equal -there are no unplanned changes in inventories

select the statements that best summarize the conditions present during the Great Depression

-surplus of productive resources -the unemployment rate was at double digits -real GDP was significantly below potential output

-firms are willing and able to produce any level of output as long as::

-the costs of producing the output are lower than the revenues from selling the output

the difference between an investment schedule and an investment demand curve is:

-the investment schedule is the amount of investment forthcoming at each level of GDP -the investment demand curve is based upon and determined by the real rate of interest

equilibrium GDP is the desirable level of output for which of the following reasons?

-there is no excess of total spending -there is no increase in inventories of goods -the total quantity of goods produced equals the total quantity of goods purchased

at levels above GDP at equilibrium, consumption underspending causes firms

-to reduce production output to move the level of GDP back to equilibrium

when sales fall short of planned production output, the unsold output is known as ___________ changes in inventory and is included in ______ investment.

-unplanned -actual

at equilibrium GDP in a mixed open economy

-unplanned inventories don't change

The MPC=.7 and government imposes a tax of $10B. Calculate the impact on aggregate expenditures

Aggregate expenditures fall by $7B

in a private closed economy, the formula for aggregate expenditures is:

C + Ig

__________ are included as part of U.S. GDP because they create jobs and income when purchased by foreigners.


True or false: Equilibrium GDP always occurs at the full-employment GDP.


the formula for equilibrium GDP in a mixed, open economy is


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