Macroeconomics Chapter 20

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If the inflation rate is 6% and the nominal interest rate is 4%, then the real interest rate is


If nominal GDP in a given year is $11, and real GDP is $10, then the GDP price deflator in that year equals


The census survey asks the employment status of people over this age


How many people are sampled in the census survey?


Formula to find equivalent value

Base year $ x CPI current/CPI base

An average of the prices of the goods and services purchased by the typical urban family of four

Consumer price index

The inflation rate is the percentage change in the

GDP deflator from one year to the next

The stated interest rate on a loan

Nominal interest rate

An average of the prices received by producers of goods and service at all stages of the production process

Producer price index

The nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate

Real interest rate

Which of the following is a better measure of the average prices of all goods and services included in the GDP?

The GDP deflator

Suppose that you are available for work but have not looked for a job for at least the last four weeks because you believe that no jobs are available. You would then be counted as

a discouraged worker

Unemployment caused by a business cycle recession

cyclical unemployment

At full employment, what happens?

cyclical unemployment is zero

A decline in the price level


People who are available for work but have not looked for a job during the previous four weeks because they believe no jobs are available for them.

discouraged workers

The unemployment rate rises when

during a recession

When does the unemployment rate drop?

during expansion

A higher than market wage that a firm pays to increase worker productivity

efficiency wage

The labor force is the sum of the

employed and unemployed

Who is part of the labor force

employed and unemployed

When the economy is at full employment, which types of unemployment remain?

frictional and structural

Short term unemployment that arises from the process of matching workers with jobs

frictional unemployment

The short-term unemployment that arises from the process of matching workers with jobs is called

frictional unemployment

The percentage increase in the price level from one year to the next

inflation rate

The sum of employed and unemployed workers in the economy

labor force

The percentage of the working age population in the labor force

labor force participation rate

In the U.S economy today, how long does the typical unemployed person stay unemployed?

less than 5 weeks

The normal rate of unemployment, consisting of frictional unemployment plus structural unemployment

natural rate of unemployment

Are home makers, retirees, full time students, and the military in the labor force?


Are people who are available for work but not currently working a part of the labor force?


If you are available for work and have looked for a job at some point during the previous twelve months, but have not actively looked during the previous four weeks, you are considered

not in the labor force

A measure of the average prices of goods and services in the economy

price level

Unemployment arising from a persistent mismatch between the skills and characteristics of workers and the requirements of jobs is called

structural unemployment

Unemployment that arises from a persistent mismatch between the skills and attributes of workers and the requirements of jobs

structural unemployment

The normal underlying level of unemployment in the economy is the sum of

structural unemployment and frictional unemployment

Which market basket targets intermediate goods?

the basket used by the producer price index

How would employment statistics be affected if they included people in the military?

the unemployment rate would decrease

What would be the impact of counting as unemployed both discouraged workers and those who work part-time but would prefer to work full time?

the unemployment rate would increase

What is the formula for calculating the unemployment rate?

unemployed/labor force x 100

The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed

unemployment rate

Are unemployed people included in the labor force?


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