MAGOOSH TEST-Unshifted Test

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physiognomy. attractive diminutive overbearing------Complacent winsome optimistic spirited

#The art of judging human character by facial features; facial features when regarded as revealing character # cocky, complacent, overbearing, smug, bumptious, assuming #pleasant #full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.Vigorous

Eponyms Derivatives Metaphors Tropes Diminutives

#a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc., is named or thought to be named. #Moshtaghat-Esteare-TAshbih-metaphor, conceit, trope, simile #metaphor, conceit, trope, simile-Esteaare-Tashbih "I had fallen through a trapdoor of depression," said Mark, who was fond of theatrical metaphors" #extremely or unusually small. "a diminutive figure dressed in black"

protracted prolonged Prennial

#takes time more than expected "a protracted and bitter dispute" "the region suffered a prolonged drought" #takes infinite time "his perennial distrust of the media"


(n.) A rich mass of ore in a mine; something very valuable, profitable, or rewarding; a source of wealth or prosperity; a very large amount; sudden profit or gain





Next Day-#2





=/Eutopia That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the _________ power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.


Making new discoveries The recent spate of quality television dramas—while clearly indebted to the cinematic idiom of the 1970's—represents a(n) ______________ achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative for 100 plus hours.

Superfluity cluster Outbreak

An increase in blood pressure, by itself, does not indicate that a person is at greater risk for a myocardial infarction; there must be a(n) __Cluster__ of symptoms before a doctor comes to such a conclusion. #Superfluous-Extra-Unnecessary-ZIADI va Efrat "a superfluity of unoccupied time" # A cluster of stars # A sudden or violent start of sth unpleasant "the outbreak of World War II-Typhoid"

$Disparate $Desperate Divergent Virtuous Earnest

An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have _____ aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible. # Different, Various, Diverse #Disappointed #Disparate #Behaving in good and moral-Monsef A wise and virtuous man #an earnest young man Sincere and honest

Querulous Petulant Grim sullen

As soon as his slightest whim was not met, the actor became _____, snapping even at those not involved in the filming of the scene. #Peevish-Bad tempered-Cavil #childishly sulky or bad-tempered. #Sad news and depressing depressing #bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.

Inadvertently unwittingly decisively subtly noticeably quell X4 grievance Thereby wrath Provoke

Attempting to quell the unrest, the mayor, addressing the gathering mob, highlighted the very grievances that had initially inflamed people's temper, thereby ________ provoking the collective wrath., #Accidentally; unintentionally #inadvertently, unknowingly, Without being aware # Able to decide sth quickly and with confidence قاطع #Clever #soothe, mitigate, placate, quell, mollify, pacify #complaint, grievance, protest, denunciation, discontent, murmur #be dan vasile #Extreme anger-anger, rage, wrath, resentment, fury, indignation #arouse, stimulate, annoy, incense, agitate, provoke


Cold & Un-Pleasure Very hot that make u uncomfortable

crony chum Languish in sth

Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his ________ and nothing for his languishing people. #TABEED SHDODAn A close friend or companion, a close friend

demanding PRECARIOUS bucolic

Dangerous, Unsafe






Despite creating the impression that his replies are ungoverned by any forethought, the mayor—even in his most seemingly impassioned moments—is plainly _____________ in his responses to the media. , anticipation, foresight #foresight- Door an Dishi


Disdain contempt, offense, disdain, disrespect, insolence, baffle Sb has no value

Misgiving furrowed brow haughty Wary of conciliatory of $$Conciliate

Martha was ______________ those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow. #, (n.) a feeling of fear, doubt, or uncertainty She decide to go despite her misgiving #Pishanie chin khorde #arrogant(متکبر)- #Leery of-Suspicious of-Sceptical #-intended or likely to placate or pacify.~approach,moveاشتی جویانه -Pacify

Duplicity Seductive Outright obtuse ------------ wily uncanny Cunning discerning crafty artless

Max was so ______________ that he never could be caught in an outright lie; his duplicity* worked its seductive spell through a calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness #deceitfulness; double-dealing. DOROOYEE #Tempting, Eghva Konnade #Complete and Direct # slow to understand., Zavie Monfaraje ------------- #Clever,deceitful, cunning, tricky, wily, Smart, MAKKAR #Weird, Strange # cunning, trickery, hanky-panky-HILEGAR #Understanding-Fahmide #glamorous, deceptive, charming, enchanting,

protracted bouts of Malankhulia

Extended in time; prolonged attack of illness Depression


Favoring quantity over substance, many amateur writers labor under the delusion that the more _involved_ the sentence structure the more ____________ the thought being conveyed. #very great-Experienced very strongly Showing great knowledge "Profound Insights"

triathletes Voracious Ravenous

For triathletes to remain _____ even after a large meal is unsurprising, given that their training regimens require them to burn thousands of calories each day. #سه گانه #hungry

Clemency entreaties implacable

Ignoring the crowd's entreaties for _______, the judge remained implacable, meting out a punishment that was as harsh as it was arbitrary. #A plea for clemency (Afv va bakhshesh) #Emotional request #kine tooz- Unchangable

huffy- Morose apathetic

In a bad mood because annoyed Unhappy, bad-tempered and not talking very much-GLOOMY reluctant

eccentricity reversion heresy vanquished lionized ostracized

In conservative scientific circles, embracing an unorthodox theory, especially one that is backed up by little empirical evidence, is tantamount to ___heresy_____; indeed, any scientist who does so may be _ostracized__ . # irregularity, abnormality #Reverse=makoos kardan #Ertedad #concur-Defeat Sb #Respect Sb #exclude (someone) from a society or group.

coalesce persist Perish Triumph Flounder Dissipate

Most nascent memories are evanescent - unless the brain has sufficient time to make sense of them, they will ________ #amalgamate, Merge #To die, to be destroyed # To defeat # #Scatter to vanish, (cloud dissipated)2. Lavish, Esraf kardan, SQUANDER


Insult(v) affront to sb/sth (n) Initially deemed an affront to X's skyline


Lacking respect; scornful-DISDAINFUL She gave him a contemptuous look,

outdated banal ^litigious virulent benign Virulent and Benign Tumor

Much of the consumer protection movement is predicated on the notion that routine exposure to seemingly _______________ products can actually have long-term deleterious consequences. #commonplace, common, ordinary, quotidian, well-known,HACKNEYED #DAVAYEE #extremely DANGEROUS, severe or harmful in its effects. contagious(Mosri),infectious, epidemic, catching, transmissible #mild, gentle, moderate, soft, smooth, benign

$Candidly $Notwithstanding

Notwithstanding her tendency to ______________ when journalists' questions blatantly pried into her personal life, the senator always spoke directly and candidly on issues relating to her public role. truly, frankly, candidly- رک و راست #ِDespite sth

Dissent Biligerrent

Presidents who filled their cabinets with (i) ____Dissimilar viewpoints tend to have a more storied legacy than those whose cabinets were made up of men with a more (ii) ___Uniform__ outlook, men who dissented little with their respective presidents. #Holding different ideas #hostile, belligerent, antagonistic, adversary


RAHN Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a ____________: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses

-vituperative -Exacerbate -Intrigued -incensed -further

Refusing to ___Moderate_______ his vituperative words, the ambassador only further __incensed__ members of the multinational committee. #, (adj.) harshly abusive, severely scolding &----"the criticism soon turned into a vituperative attack" #Aggravate-Make Worsen #Very interested in #very angry; enraged. the progress or development "he had depended on using them to further his own career"

canopy Indigenous

SAYEBAN- A Glorious Canopy of stars Indigenous people( Native) To the ____________ eye the jungle canopy can seem little more than a dense lattice work of branches and leaves. For the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, even a small area can serve as a veritable ____________ of pharmaceutical cures. The field of ethnobotany, which relates both to the natural pharmacy offered up by the jungle and the peoples who serve as a store of such knowledge, has become increasingly popular in the last decades as many anthropologists, hoping to take advantage of this vast bounty, learn the language and customs of the tribes in order to ____________ them thousands of years worth of knowledge.

Expedite Dicey Exposed Spurios

Stranded north of the Arctic Circle and with few remaining supplies, the expedition was in a _____ position # #Risky, Unsafe, Dangerous #safe #False

Languish Bleak Cogent Sanguine Grim

That Alexander Solzhenitsyn languished for many years in a Siberian prison camp can perhaps account for the _____ tone of many of his novels. #suffered sth bad for a long time #Depressive, Gloomy #Persuasive, Convinving% Cogent arguement # #Shoom

eclectic unbounded fleeting

The gallery hinted at the curator's affinity for ______________ works: despite an overarching theme to the exhibit, the pieces ranged from Incan pottery to African tribal masks. #Golchin #boundless-infinity-Bi karan-Na mahdodd #Transitory, Temporary

Calumny ardor flattery Commensurate with

The gossip columnist's ____________ was ____________ the number of her published columns - the more articles she wrote, the more untruths she spread. #Scandle-Rosvayee #passion, fervor, zeal, # praise, adulation, compliments, #proportional to

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Pretentious Unpretentious Contend perception Append Connote

The neighborhood French Bistro, though typically unpretentious, has had to contend with the common perception that any eatery with the word 'French' appended to its name must connote something _____. # Attempting to impress others by appearance. pretentious, bigheaded, goopy پر مدعا بی تکلف-not attempting to impress others with an appearance #unpretentious, unassuming,humble,modest #Maintain, assert #understanding #Add- الحاق کردن #imply


The professor began to work ______________ on various research projects—though never to the point that she failed to attend to her classes, since whether she received tenure was determined not only by published research but also, to some extent, by student recommendations. Beneficial-Creative Utilitarian-Productive

subtle alluring pedantic contemptuous edifying

The professor repelled many students with his ____________ asides, often droning on about some trivial academic point. #so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe #attractive, Tempting #too worried(-) #instructive,didactic

retroactive Spasmodic incessant spurious

The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred _______ with each side taking much needed rest during the respites. Retrospective(عطف به ما سبق) #happen in short time-not regular-Sporadic "spasmodic fighting continued" #Constant-not stop #Fake-جعلی

Timidity Diffidence Tenacious Persistent Determined Complacent

The two writers were of equal talent—indeed Mikhail may have been the more gifted—yet it was his _____ that led him to switch careers, whereas Dimitri was able to rely on his skills of self- promotion to thrive in a competitive marketplace. #Shy, not brave #Shy, not having confidence #too satisfied with yourself, Az khod razi%"you can't afford to be complacent about security"

Noble Viable Unviable intuitive(intuit-intuition-intuitive) archaic ingenious

Though many are apt to believe that the bones from a recent discovery are those of a direct ancestor of modern humans, some scientists are skeptical, and contend that the remains, while suggesting a common ancestor, are but a vestige of one of evolution's many ______ experiments. #Original- Aseel++ righteous, virtuous #Feasible, Durable # Based on feeling% Intuition told her he was telling the truth #Old fashioned- Outdated #Clever and intentive

Toil(away) Lucrative diligent X2 chagrin X3

Though she had spent years toiling away, she had again, much to her ____________, been passed over for a lucrative post that went to someone far less senior. #work extremely hard #profitable-Beneficial # diligent, industrious, studious, trying, $SEDULOUS #To her chagrin, Gham andooh grief, distress, heartache, chagrin, dolor, dole


To confuse, Confound گیج کردن knock down, confuse, confound, distract, befuddle, bewilder

presumptuous well-prepared INTREPID innocuous

Too confident to show low respect for others Very brave-FEAR Less Harmless Long regarded as one of the most dangerous summits, Mt. Rainier presents numerous challenges— ____________ weather can form from seemingly innocuous clouds, making the slopes so ____________ that even the most ____________ hiker can be caught unawares.

hackneyed $prematurely antiquated refreshingly novel highly derivative Mishmash of motifs wring

True, to the classically trained ear, Haydn's early works can often seem ____________, a mishmash of motifs from which anything fresh has been wrung dry by subsequent composers—to the ears of Haydn's contemporaries, however, Haydn's music was ____________. #cliched-Lacking significance through having been overused; #old-fashioned or outdated. before the due time; ahead of time. "his son died prematurely" #Copy from sth else #Ashe shole ghalamkar* Patterns #squeeze and twist (something) to force liquid from it. "she wrung the cloth out in the sink"

Seamless decrepit comical volatile mechanical contrived

Uniform elderly and infirm-FARTOOT Unstable-Change from one mood to another Planned in advance Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were ____________ as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."

conquerors Conquer impregnable thwart,

_Thwarting___ centuries of would-be conquerors, the Aztec fortress of Chapultepec seemed __impregnable__, until U.S. forces under General Winfield Scott were able to take the fortress with surprisingly little effort. #Take control of a country #unable to be captured or broken into. #Khonsa KARDAN,neutralize, thwart, counteract, neuter, negate, foil

edifice imposive

a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building very impressive because of great size, stately appearance, dignity, elegance, etc.: Notre Dame, Rheims, and other imposing cathedrals of France.


a place of residence; abode; house or home, a home; residence. Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a ____________: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses


behavior, treatment, conduct, manner, action, demeanor The professor's Disdainful demeanor not only made others reluctant to approach her, but also the intellectual growth that comes from the interchange of ideas.

synoptic ephemeral comprehensive apolitical prophetic

brief, short, concise, little, summary, synoptic*"a synoptic outline of the contents"* Short-living* "fashions are ephemeral" unpolitical accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future. That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the _Prophetic power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.


cemetery -GOORESTAN Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a ____________: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses

----vitriol ++++hauteur ++++civility dash(for sth) playfulness

cruel and bitter criticism. disdainful pride. propriety, decorum, politeness, tact, civility, gentilesse, politesse-نزاکت "I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect" an act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily. "she made a dash for the door" With characteristic ____________, H.L. Mencken skewered the sacred cows of his time, criticizing social trends and government institutions with equal asperity.


example, sample, model, instance سابقه


generous, gracious, merciful, bountiful, indulgent, placable "indulgent parents"


loving and respectful Showing much admiration and love Her adoring fans adoring grandmother


never having happened before, Novel The recent spate of quality television dramas—while clearly indebted to the cinematic idiom of the 1970's—represents a(n) ______________ achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative for 100 plus hours.


tomb-بقعه تاریخی Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a ____________: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses

tighter succession

توالی $What is currently worrying civil engineers is not so much a predicted increase in $annual precipitation as the likelihood that many storms will come in tighter succession, $thereby making flooding in lower lying riparian regions far more likely.



conscience $indelible mark fleeting impression significant diversion

وجدان ineffaceable-PAK NASHODANI-PERSISTANT-PERPETUATE Lasting for short time-ephemeral recreation, amusement-تفریح J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan project as the architect of the atomic bomb left such a(n) (i)_____________ on the public conscience that the remaining fifteen years Oppenheimer spent (ii) ____________ nuclear weapons seem a mere historical footnote.

intractable Amenable

چقر Very difficult to deal with-Intractable Problem(Unemployment) Easy to control- That we can, from a piece of art, (i) derive the unconscious urges of the artist—urges that remain hidden even from the artist himself—will remain 2 an intractable issue, as it is one hardly amenable empirical analysis: we can never definitively know what is submerged deep inside the artist's psyche, let alone reconcile any such revelations with the artist's work.

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