MAN2021 Chapter 8 (2)

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A type of open innovation is ________________________, in which an organization uses the Internet to invite the public to contribute ideas. has used this approach to engage 200,000 people in 145 countries in mapping the human brain, neuron by neuron, and improve Princeton University Seung Lab's artificial intelligence algorithm that drives the brain-mapping game.


When you first decided to start making more friends, it was hard for you to greet people with a smile. Now you have a friendly smile and a wave for almost everyone you see—you don't even have to think about it. You are most likely in the ___________ part of the change process


Crowdsourcing, an open innovation approach used by many companies,

taps into ideas from around the world and lets thousands or hundreds of thousands of people participate in the innovation process, usually via the Internet.


The first stage of the theory of organizational development, unfreezing, makes people throughout the organization aware of problems and the need for change.

Force-field analysis is

a technique for determining which forces drive a proposed change and which forces restrain it.

Disruptive innovation refers to

innovations in products, services, or processes that radically change competition in an industry, such as the advent of streaming video or e-books.

Apple has traditionally been known for a _____ approach, in which it generated its own ideas in house and then developed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed the products

closed innovation

Sixteen-year-old Elisa's parents have decided that she should go to camp again this summer, as she has in the past, because the experience of being away from home will prepare her for college and because as a senior camper, she will be given leadership responsibilities that will look good on her college application. However, Elisa thinks that because she's now old enough to work, she could spend her summer better by earning money for college. Also, she has been to camp many times before, and she thinks she could learn more from the different experience she would get on a job

Different viewpoint


the third stage of organization development, occurs when individuals acquire new attitudes or values and are rewarded for them by the organization. The impact of new behaviors is evaluated and reinforced.

Organizational design influences the level of creativity expressed in a company. More creative companies hire a wide range of sometimes eccentric employees, give them the freedom to make mistakes, limit the rules that govern their behavior, and reward them for having creative ideas, not just for profitable results.

Solicit new ideas from existing employees

The formal definition of an idea champion is

a person who sees the need for and champions productive change within the organization.

Team building is

an OD intervention that enhances cohesiveness by helping groups of people learn to work together as a team.

Phone center staff think that putting more troubleshooting information on the company website will result in fewer customer calls and the elimination of phone center jobs


According to this force-field analysis, change ______ occur.


An organization invests in ________ to help certain employees improve a given skill or set of skills


The theory underlying OD proposes three distinct stages for achieving behavioral and attitudinal change:

(1)unfreezing, (2)changing, and (3)refreezing

reverse innovation

Creating innovative, low-cost products for emerging markets and then quickly and inexpensively repackaging them for sale in developed countries.

Open innovation

extends the search for and commercialization of innovative ideas beyond the boundaries of the organization.

Managers conduct a _____ when they consider the problems and opportunities that drive change and the factors that restrain change

force-field analysis

A skunkworks is

one variation of a new-venture team, a separate small, informal, highly autonomous, and often secretive group that focuses on breakthrough ideas for a business.

Organizational change is defined as

the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization.

Because organizational change is a difficult endeavor, a company may use a ___________, who is an OD expert, to diagnosis problems, develop a training plan, and document performance.

change agent

in the past, most businesses generated their own ideas in house and then developed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed them, which is a _______

closed innovation approach

A product change is

a change in the organization's product or service outputs.

A technology change is

a change in the organization's production process—how the organization does its work. Technology changes are designed to make the production of a product or service more efficient.

Groupon may have felt ______ when it repeatedly missed goals for revenues and profits, negotiated less favorable deals with merchants, and saw a sharp drop in share price.

a need for change

Sometimes when an organization first starts horizontal coordination efforts to promote innovation, __________ is needed to help employees communicate with each other and constructively deal with conflict.

team building

The fear of personal loss is perhaps

the biggest obstacle to organizational change

Creativity is

the generation of novel ideas that may meet perceived needs or respond to opportunities for the organization.

The Google X Lab is a secretive ________, where employees work on technologies that sound like science fiction


The traditional organizational development model applies to:

A specific problem or group

innovation by acquisition

A strategy to obtain innovation by buying other companies, recognizing that the cutting edge of innovation often happens with young, small, entrepreneurial companies rather than inside the walls of established firms.

________ is not just for technology companies. Haemonetics, a blood management solutions company, purchased Hemerus Medical which gave Haemonetics access to innovative blood collection and storage techniques.

Innovation by acquisition

internal coordination

Innovation often requires internal coordination because it takes the combined expertise of a number of different team players, each with their own areas of specialization, to come up with a single creative, yet realistic, solution.

The change agent is

an OD specialist who performs a systematic diagnosis of the organization and identifies work-related problems by gathering and analyzing data through personal interviews, questionnaires, and observations of meetings.

For each of the situations below, choose whether training or organizational development (OD) would be the more appropriate response. All managers need to know how to interact with people of different sexes, races, religions, etc. without giving rise to legal issues, and they need to know how to handle allegations of discrimination that subordinates bring to them.


Which of the following factors would lead a person to change in this situation? Check all that apply

Wanting to look good on a hot date Wanting to spend less money on food

Organization development (OD) is

a planned, systematic process of change that uses behavioral science knowledge and techniques to improve an organization's health and effectiveness through its ability to adapt to the environment, improve internal relationships, and increase learning and problem-solving capabilities.

A new-venture team is

a unit separate from the rest of the organization that is responsible for developing and initiating a major innovation. New venture teams give free rein to members' creativity because their separate facilities and location unleash people from the restrictions imposed by organizational rules and procedures.

A company has strong __________ if it continuously seeks new ideas from customers and from looks for ways to use new technologies.

external coordination

The Melton Foundation invites people to submit ideas for global change and selects certain individuals to participate in its __________, where they are supported with mentorship, feedback, and other resources so they can implement their projects, such as a chemical-leasing project that incentivized companies to reduce their chemical waste.

idea incubator

An ambidextrous approach means

incorporating structures and processes that are appropriate for both the creative impulse and the systematic implementation of innovations.

The traditional organizational development model leads to __________

incremental change

Taco Bell and McDonald's are considering adding kiosks in restaurants for customers to place their orders. This __________ will hopefully make the ordering process more efficient and increase accuracy.

technology change


the second stage of organization development, occurs when individuals experiment with new behavior and learn new skills to be used in the workplace. This process is sometimes known as intervention, during which the change agent implements a specific plan for training managers and employees.

Which of the following factors would keep an ad agency from changing in this situation? Check all that apply.

The high commissions associated with traditional advertising Memories of past success

If the publisher of Central Times wanted to use reverse innovation to increase profits, what might she do?

Figure out a way to print and distribute a very inexpensive newspaper that people want to read in Haiti, then use the same technology and processes to revamp Central Times in the United States

Which of the following examples involve an innovation roles strategy? Check all that apply.

In 1943, a small team of Lockheed Martin engineers designed and built a new fighter jet in only 143 days. One of the rules for the team encouraged them to allow vendors to do basic inspections, thus allowing the team (known as the SKUNK WORKS) to spend more of their time on creating the product. Nissan's CEO, Carlos Ghosn, stubbornly insisted on investing in an all-electric car, even when his 350,000 employees were against it. The result was the Leaf, the first mass-market, zero-emission car

With survey feedback,

OD change agents survey employees to gather their opinions regarding corporate values, leadership, participation, cohesiveness, and other aspects of the organization, then meet with small groups to share the results and brainstorm solutions to problems identified by the results.

Last year, the CEO of Aguirre Advertising put $50,000 in the company budget to make sure that the company changes this year. According to force-field analysis, what's the best way to spend that money?

Provide employees with training in digital technologies.

new-venture fund

Provides resources from which individuals and groups can draw to develop new ideas, products, or businesses.

Employees have heard that their company is merging with another company, but management has not made any announcements about how the merger is expected to affect what products the company makes and how it makes them or what the likely effect on the bottom line will be. Employees aren't sure whether the merger will be positive for the firm or not


horizontal linkage model

Using a horizontal linkage model means that several departments, such as marketing, research, and manufacturing, work closely together to develop new products.

The smartphone, which essentially put a computer in people's pockets, is an example of a __________ because it has replaced other technologies

disruptive innovation


involves designing the organization to encourage creativity and the initiation of new ideas.

You work for a company whose mobile apps help children with various kinds of learning disabilities complete schoolwork more easily. Your company markets its products primarily to parents, but it is beginning to approach school system administrators and teachers about using the software in the classroom. Currently, the research department determines what kinds of apps to make, the software development department makes the apps, and the marketing department sells the apps. To be competitive, it is necessary to constantly update products to reflect the latest learning science research and users' preferences. Your boss has read about the horizontal linkage model, shown above, and asks you how it might help the company innovate more effectively. If the company implements the horizontal linkage model, which of the following are likely to occur? Check all that apply.

-Employees in research will share the latest learning science research with the marketing department so those employees can gauge its importance to customers. -Cross-functional teams and/or task forces will be formed and meet regularly to coordinate activities between departments. -Employees in marketing will pass along feedback to the software development and research departments about how enjoyable kids find the apps.

You have just started a new web-based business, and now you realize that if you want your company to succeed, you will have to create at least 10 new products over the next six months. Which of the following organizational characteristics would not help the company to be more creative? Check all that apply.

-Run the company like a tight ship. Create rules about how much creativity is expected and ensure that people follow them. -Set up a reward system that encourages success. Pay people only for doing things that make the company more profitable. -Hire only recognized experts, and don't hire anyone who is eccentric.

Okay, this time you're really going to do it. Healthy living, here you come! According to force-field analysis, what's the first thing you should do?

Get rid of the couch

For each of the situations below, choose whether training or organizational development (OD) would be the more appropriate response. Employees do not trust the company to listen respectfully to their ideas or provide them with growth opportunities.

Organizational Development

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