MANA Exam 2

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What is General Electric's ecomagination effort?

"Ecomagination is GE's growth strategy to enhance resource productivity and reduce environmental impact at a global scale through commercial solutions for our customers and through our own operations"

What is the advantage of a firm having an environmental compliance program in place?

(Penalties would reflect not only the severity of the offense but also a company's demonstrated environmental commitment.) Businesses that have an active compliance program, cooperate with government investigators, and promptly assist any victims would receive lighter sentences than those with no environmental programs or who knowingly violate the law.

What can happen with rapid economic development?

(internet) reductions in global poverty and increase in general well-being, but also growing inequality and escalating environmental pressure

What is the role of the CIO?

-Businesses often entrust the responsibility for managing information technology and its many privacy and security issues to the chief information officer (CIO)

What is regulatory impact analysis?

-weighing the costs and benefits of proposed and existing regulations

What is behavioral addiction?

A compulsion to engage in rewarding behaviors, despite negative consequences

What does the right to privacy mean?

A person's entitlement to protection from invasion of his or her private life by government, business, or other persons.

Where has the fastest growth in internet usage been in the first 20 years of this century?

According to slide 6 of the PowerPoint as well as the textbook: China / Asia If it comes to a specific category / industry... no idea

Which industries have been deregulated?

Airline, trucking, railroad, banking, and natural gas

What is common law?

Another source of authority is common law, or past decisions of the courts, the original basis of the U.S. legal system.

What is biotechnology?

Application of engineering and biological sciences... uses skills of Networking and artificial creation

Define arable land.

Arable (fertile) land is needed to grow crops to feed the world's population. If properly cared for, it is going to be a renewable resource.

Define the right to be forgotten.

Ask to remove from internet search results some personal information which is believed was damaging

Does a firm take a risk if it engages in politics?

Business risks its credibility by engaging in partisan politics.

Where is expert testimony given?

CEOs and other executives to give testimony in various public forums. One way that government officials collect information in the United States is through public congressional hearings, where business leaders may be invited to speak. These hearings may influence whether legislation is introduced in Congress, change the language or funding of a proposed piece of legislation, or shape how regulation is implemented.

Be able to provide examples of common resources.

Clean Water, Clean Air, Public Land, Fertile Soil Common resources or "the commons" are any scarce resources, such as water or pasture, that provides users with tangible benefits but which nobody in particular owns or has exclusive claim to.

What is constituency building?

Constituency-building strategy (where businesses seek to gain support from other affected organizations to better influence government policymakers to act in a way that helps them

What is sustainable development?

Development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

What is economic leverage?

Economic leverage occurs when a business uses its economic power to threaten to leave a city, state, or country unless a desired political action is taken. Economic leverage also can be used to persuade a government body to act in a certain way that would favor the business

What is the digital divide?

Gap between those that have technology and those that do not... Problem: less advantaged individuals and societies may not enjoy the same benefits of technology as others. Argument: Mobile broadband access isn't the same as at- home connectivity

When are economic sanctions used

Governments may also order companies not to conduct business in another country because of a war, human rights violations, or lack of a legitimate government.

What is government's role in creating and enforcing laws?

In good and bad times, government's role is to create and enforce laws that balance the relationship between business and society Hold the power to grant and refuse permission for many types of business activities

What is the ethical concern regarding firms collecting vast amounts of data?

Individuals are under a technology microscope with vast amounts of data collected each minute and available to be analyzed in detail Collecting more data increases the ethical responsibility for its usage.

Do manager's need to understand government regulations, both domestic and international?

Managers must understand the objectives and effects of government policy and regulation, both at home and abroad, in order to conduct business in an ethical and legal manner.

What happens to most solid waste in the United States?

Of this, half is recycled, composted, or incinerated, and the other half ends up in municipal landfills

What is a white hatter?

Reduce criminal intrusion of their sites by paying hackers, often called white hatters

What regulations must lobbyists follow in the United States?

Register with the government, Must file regular reports on their earnings or expenses. Indicate the issues and legislation that were the focus of their efforts

What does self-reinforcing technology mean?

Self-reinforcing: Acts as a multiplier to encourage its own faster development

What is artificial intelligence?

The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.

What is phishing?

The practice of stealing consumers' personal identity data and financial account credentials by using fake e-mails

What is net neutrality?

The principle that Internet service providers should give customers equal access to their services

What are public policy tools?

The tools of public policy involve combinations of incentives and penalties that government uses to prompt citizens, including businesses, to act in ways that achieve policy goals.

How can a firm use its stakeholder to influence government?

They need to ensure that their company is seen as a relevant stakeholder when government officials make public policy decisions and must be familiar with the many ways that business can influence these decisions.

What is the market-based systems of environmental regulation?

This approach is based on the idea that the market is a better control than extensive standards that specify precisely what companies must do

Define carbon neutrality.

When a business or a person produces net zero emission of greenhouse gases Usually accomplished by a combination of energy efficiencies and carbon offsets / carbon credits

What is natural capital?

World's stocks of natural assets, including its geology, soil, air, water and all living things

If a firm has a vision of sustainability, what must it allow its managers to do?

allow top managers to assess the full range of the firm's effects on the environment.

Where has green marketing been most effective?

best at brand level Patagonia, Timberland, IKEA Green marketing (or environmental marketing) is the promotion of environmentally friendly products, services, and initiatives. More specifically, green marketing refers a broad range of environmentally friendly practices and strategies. Some green marketing examples include: Creating eco-friendly products.

Internationally do governments work with or against business?


What is M-Commerce?

conducted via mobile or cell phones, allows consumers to use their mobile phones as an electronic wallet.

Define Dark Money.

contributions made to the organizations where the donors' names and amount of their contributions were not reported to the Federal Election Commission

Define cybercrime.

criminal activity done using computers and the Internet

How is limiting internet access justified by some countries?

increased national security

What is ecological product life cycle?

involves environmental impact of product from sourcing to its end

pollution prevention stage

minimize/eliminate waste before it occurs

Know the difference between fiscal and monetary policies.

monetary deals with currency. The term fiscal policy refers to patterns of government collecting and spending funds that are intended to stimulate or support the economy. - the term monetary policy refers to policies that affect the supply, demand, and value of a nation's currency. (DISCOUNT rate, interest rates)

What restrictions are on Super PACs?

not contribute directly to candidates, parties, or other PAC

What is a natural monopoly?

railroad and electric utilities

What has been a major factor in the current environmental crisis?

rapid industrialization

Why does the EPA release the TRI report?

reporting manufacturers in the United States cut their releases and disposal of these chemicals to the air, water, and land, apparently fearing negative publicity.

What is bundling?

the company takes all of the contributions to the candidates, clearly indicating that the contributions are from the firm's stockholders.

What is an ecological footprint?

the ecological footprint. This term refers to the amount of land and water a human population needs to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes, given prevailing technology

What is omnichannel?

the idea that every distribution channel must work together to deliver a unified and consistent customer experience. Example: Alibaba

What is intellectual property?

the private ownership of certain kinds of information and a citizens' right to express themselves.

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