Management 301 Exam 4

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Situational leadership theory focuses on the​ ______________ because​ ________________. A. organization; the culture of the organization determines what is and is not acceptable behavior B. leaders; they control the situation C. followers; they are the ones who accept or reject the leader D.situation; that is what determines the effectiveness of the leader E.position; acceptable behavior is defined by the level of the leader in the organization


When the verbal message and the body language are in conflict with each​ other, ____________. A. the words carry the​ message; the body language is noise B. the listener should request the message be put in writing C. the receiver of the message will rely more on the body language than on the words D. the listener relies on the verbal intonation of the message E. the words are more important than the body language


Whether an employee is considered to be a​ leader, for the purposes of most research​ studies, depends on​ ____________. A. the​ employee's level on the organization chart B. whether the employee is respected by​ his/her peers C. whether the employee has managerial authority D. the degree of community involvement of the employee E. the​ employee's official title


One of the wisest things a manager can do about the grapevine is​ ____________. A. shut it down because most of the information it transmits is untrue B. appoint subordinates to serve on it C. to get on it to make sure the manager stays in the information loop D. understand the social and communication networks the employees use to do their work E. conceal it from upper management


One question managers can ask themselves to test the ethicality of their communication​ is: A. How can I make myself look best in this​ situation? B. Will I lose my job if I say​ this? C. Will the receiver know if​ I'm not telling the​ truth? D. Does the message help achieve the greatest possible good while minimizing​ harm? E. How much can I hide without being found​ out?


Thanks to social​ media, blogs, and other electronic communication​ options, _____________ has decreased in the workplace. ​A. water-cooler conversation B. interpersonal conflict C. interpersonal animosity D. personal interaction E. office politics


The glaring downside to most electronic communication options is​ ___________. A. there is too much room for misinterpretation of the message B. the slowness of the systems C. the message can easily be lost among the electronic noise D. the risk of security breaches E. employees are expected to respond to​ work-related messages even during​ off-work hours


To achieve quality improvement​ goals, it is helpful to​ _____________. A. implement an incentive program that pays employees for reductions in waste B. train all employees in Six Sigma C. impose strict guidelines on how work gets done D. make sure employees are​ well-trained, flexible, and empowered E. require all employees to participate on​ quality-improvement teams


To determine if the organization has the required​ capabilities, managers should​ __________. A. carefully examine the employee skills matrix to see which employees can do what B. eliminate all​ non-value-adding activities from the processes C. re-engineer the way work gets done D. conduct an extensive training needs analysis E. evaluate all organizational processes from beginning to end


Using active listening techniques helps the receiver of a message to​ _______________. A. reduce information overload B. avoid filtering C. decide how​ she/he will respond when the speaker finally stops talking D. eliminate emotion E. pay attention to the full meaning of the message


Managers can help to reduce the likelihood of workplace violence by​ ____________. A. managing by walking around B. hiring more employees so no one will experience burnout C. providing onsite exercise equipment so employees can work off their frustrations D. screening all applicants to disqualify candidates with any hint of violence in their backgrounds E. declining to hire spouses or significant others to keep​ romance-based violence out of the workplace


One advantage of personal observation is​ _____________. A. the observer gains​ firsthand, unbiased information B. the observations are objective and complete C. the observer has the chance to develop a relationship with the worker D. workers pay closer attention to their work when the boss is watching E. observers can see the obstacles to performance


One of the goals of value chain management is​ _________________. A. every participant and every activity in the chain will add some value to the process and product B. the number of suppliers will be reduced to the least number possible C. managers will drive fear out of the process D. efficiency will be achieved through the use of statistical process control E. management will have​ long-term goals in place


The​ month-end figures are in. Although the production quantity met​ goals, the scrap rate was over budget. The managers reviewing these numbers are engaging in​ _____________. A. planning B. organizing C. review D. leading E. control


Lila is summoned to her​ supervisor's office and hears the words project and deadline. She expects to be scolded for missing a recent deadline so she missed the part about an extension. This is an example of​ ____________. A. selective perception B. emotional noise C. information overload D. filtering E. non-verbal communication


Advances in technology have given managers useful tools to control their organizations but have also created concerns about​ ___________. A. worker privacy B. worker safety C. monitoring costs D. Internet safety E. healthcare costs


Although emails have eliminated the need for sending letters via the postal​ service, __________. A. they may not be opened as quickly as the sender might like B. documents requiring signatures cannot be emailed C. they cannot be sent to other countries D. they are subject to the emotions of the recipient E. other types of business documents​ (invoices, purchase​ orders, etc.) should still be sent through the post office


Customers decide what has value by​ _____________. A. evaluating the characteristics and performance of goods and services relative to their cost B. researching reports about the safety of similar products or services C. reading customer reviews of similar items or services D. comparing the costs of similar items or services E. estimating​ long-term costs of​ items, including maintenance and repairs


In a global​ organization, managers must often rely on​ _________ and technology to control its operations. A. formal reports B. video surveillance C. physical trips to the​ far-flung sites D. financial ratios E. concurrent feedback


In addition to reading and writing​ skills, the success of understanding depends on the​ __________ of both the sender and the receiver. A. attitudes B. leadership skills C. non-verbal signals D. position in the organization E. feedback


Reuben runs the fry station at a fast food joint. His manager asked him to mop the floors but Reuben​ doesn't want to despite knowing how and having performed this task before. According to Hersey and​ Blanchard, the manager should​ ___________. A. allow Reuben to share in the decision making B. discipline Reuben for refusing to follow instructions C. delegate the task to another worker D. sympathize with Reuben but make him do it anyway E. tell Reuben he has no choice


The CEO of Marble Magic believes value chain management could improve his​ firm's profitability and its​ customers' satisfaction. But​ he's having a hard time getting his​ company's managers to support his ideas because they think it will mean more work for them. This company has a problem with the​ ________ element of value chain management. A. leadership B. employees C. coordination and collaboration D. organizational processes E. organizational culture and attitudes


The element of employees in value chain management is expressed in​ Deming's point​ _________. A. "train your employees in new skills as the need​ arises" B. "drive out​ fear" C. "train your employees to understand statistical​ methods" D. "require your workers to do quality​ work" E. "raise the quality of your line​ supervisors"


The standards to which performance is compared come from​ ___________. A. the planning process B. expectancy theory C. the organizing function D. the​ path-goal discussion E. performance reviews


When Esther was promoted to global business unit​ leader, the company handed her a cell phone and instructions to keep it on and charged​ 24/7. At first it seemed like a handy perk but as time went on Esther discovered​ ____________. A. she had no​ off-work time, not even on vacation B. the battery life was too short and she was constantly recharging C. remembering to carry the phone was a nuisance D. the connection quality of the service provider was poor and unreliable E. there were dead zones along her commute route


​Jay's subordinates would follow him​ anywhere, do anything for him because they know he would protect them and their interests. They know he would not ask them to do anything he​ wouldn't do himself. Jay is deserving of his​ subordinates' ______________. A. trust B. honesty C. contempt D. obedience E. derision


​Jeff, director of​ quality, won his​ company's MBWA award two years running. Because he spent so much time on the production​ floor, he developed good relationships with most of the quality auditors. But a few felt threatened by his​ presence, most likely because they​ _____________. A. felt Jeff did not trust them B. didn't trust Jeff C. didn't really know Jeff D. weren't good at their jobs E. wanted to take shortcuts to get done earlier


According to​ Robbins' definition, which one of the following would he consider a​ leader? A. Jewel is a respected group leader in the plumbing department. B. Emerald is an independent real estate broker who maintains her own office. C. Opal is the only person in the quality department. D. Ruby is the secretary in a small insurance office. E.Garnet is the production worker the other people in her department turn to for advice.


Although personal traits may vary among​ leaders, _________ has consistently been associated with the process of leadership. A. the desire to lead B. problem-solving ability C. good communication skill D. high emotional intelligence E. charisma


To be useful for​ control, information must be​ ______________. A. in written form B. the right​ type, at the right​ time, and in the right amount C. statistical and objective D. first-hand, oral reports E. computer generated and available electronically


With the help of​ a(n) _________________, Iris was able to electronically troubleshoot her machine malfunction and get it working again. A. analog delivery system B. knowledge management system C. coworker D. owner's manual E. reset button


​Martha, the office​ gossip, would like to be promoted. She is technically skilled but has not earned the trust of her peers. Your advice to her would be to​ _______________. A. speak your feelings B. maintain confidences C. tell the truth D. be open to new experiences E. learn new skills


Within appropriate​ limits, employees at ABC Company can make decisions about how and when they perform work. Each one must submit reports of their weekly work along with their time cards. This is evidence of an effective​ _____________. A. incentive program B. control system C. records-keeping system D. employee empowerment program E. checks-and-balance system


​"Come with me on a journey into the future. We will change the way people interact with each other and with their environment. The world will be a better place because of the products we will​ produce." These are statements likely made by​ a(n) _______________ leader. A. situational B. visionary C. charismatic D. transactional E. transformational


​"If we​ don't get those motherboards in by​ tomorrow, the whole order will be​ late." This statement indicates that the arrival of the motherboards is an event on the​ ____________. A. project calendar B. critical path C. review board D. Gantt chart E. quality report


Jamie opened her knit shop with great hopes and ideas. After about six months she received a notice from her bank that her business account was overdrawn.​ Dumbfounded, she asked herself how this could have happened. She had plenty of customers and thought things were going well. Which one of the following might explain​ Jamie's situation? A. Jamie had too many customers buying on credit. B. Jamie neglected to compare her actual results with her budget—she overlooked the control function of management. C. Jamie was taking too much money out for personal income. D. Jamie had too much inventory. E. Jamie's employee was embezzling.


Kitty thought it humorous when Margaret told her she was​ "fixin' to go​ home," a phrase common to the southern U.S. This is an example of​ ____________. A. jargon B. how language affects communication C. poor communication D. emotional interpretation E. selective perception


Leaving out an important detail about an incident is a form of​ _______________. A. non-verbal communication B. filtering C. noise D. information overload E. selective perception


Solomon uplifts the spirits of his​ employees, making them believe they can accomplish anything and some have reached levels of performance they thought impossible. He has the lowest turnover of any department in his company. Solomon is a​ ___________ leader. A. supportive B. transformational C. participative D. delegative E. transactional


Statistical reports can tell managers what happened but tend to omit​ _____________. A. where it happened B. why it happened C. when it happened D. who was responsible E. details


The Michigan studies found that​ ____________. A. democratic leadership was preferred by the majority of workers B. job satisfaction is higher when the leader developed relationship with employees and took care of their needs C. while employees preferred an​ employee-centered leader, their output declined under such a leader D. leaders who emphasized production were more likely to be respected by their followers E. leadership style​ didn't matter so long as the leader kept the workers focused on their tasks


An organizational culture based on​ _______________ will be more likely to succeed at value chain management. A. micromanagement, empire-building,​ information-hoarding, and rigidity B. collaborating, openness, mutual​ respect, and trust C. achievement, esteem-building,​ security, and​ self-actualization D. innovation, cost​ control, centralization, and honesty E. coordinating, sharing, statistical​ control, and opportunism


During her termination​ interview, Claudette learned her manager had read her personal blog and found Claudette was sharing insider information with her readers. She claimed her privacy had been invaded. Her​ manager's explanation was​ ___________. A. the content of her blog could be considered offensive by management B. the company needed to ensure company secrets​ weren't being leaked C. she had signed the electronic monitoring policy and should have known she had violated it D. it owned the equipment and had every right to monitor its use E. she was creating a hostile environment because others in the office did not have their own blogs


For a​ manager, communication is important because​ __________. A. they have to write performance reviews B. everything a manager does involves communication C. they must give orders to subordinates D. they must read reports from subordinates E. they are responsible for generating ideas for process improvements


In addition to the theories proposed by experts in industrial​ security, criminology, and clinical​ psychology, employee theft could be the result of​ __________. A. unmet physiological needs B. perceived inequity of inputs and outputs C. a need for power D. excessive controls E. a lack of motivation


In some instances the actions of leaders​ don't matter because​ _________. A. workers will do what they want regardless B. characteristics of the work or the worker may substitute for formal leadership C. in a global​ organization, leaders​ can't be everywhere and have little influence D. in a team​ environment, leaders are superfluous E. the effects of the marketplace neutralize the actions of leaders


In which one of the following situations would employees be most likely to provide their​ input? A. Target Company conducted an employee satisfaction survey but did nothing with the results. B. Ross Dress for More Company holds quarterly meetings for all employees at which it shares information about company finances and customer service or product issues and asks for ideas from employees to address those issues. C. MacD Company hangs the suggestion box above the wastebasket. D. Bed, Blanket, and All Company posts employee absence rates by name on the bulletin board in the break room along with a request for ideas to reduce absenteeism. E. Employees of​ Brothers' Keeper Company read in the newspaper that sales are down and the company will be reducing its workforce.


The common theme of the contingency theories is​ _________. A. they all assume that for a given​ situation, there is one best behavior the leader should display B. each seeks to define the best leadership style for different kinds of situations C. each was trying to identify the best situation for a leader D. as long as the relationship with followers is​ positive, the situation is irrelevant E. each looked at leadership from the perspective of the follower


A leader with strong position power who is​ relationship-oriented will be most effective when​ leader-member relations are​ _____________ and task structure is​ ___________. A. good; low B. weak; strong C. poor; high D. good; high E. poor; low


An objection to oral reports is​ ___________. A. they provide incomplete and inaccurate information B. they put the employee on the defense C. there is no permanent record D. they are impractical for geographically dispersed organizations E. they are time consuming for the manager


At a​ fast-food restaurant, cooks hear a symphony of buzzers and beepers. Some tell the burger people when to turn the meat and when to remove it from the grill. Others warn that the french fries are done. Each of these is a type of​ ___________ control. A. facedown B. preventive C. concurrent D. feedback E. feedforward


For value chain management to contribute significantly to organizational​ success, __________. A. the production process must be as efficient as humanly possible B. vendors must certify that their inputs meet the​ producer's specifications C. managers must make sure the customers are satisfied D. labor costs must be minimized E. on-time delivery must be a primary goal


In the Michigan​ studies, the behaviors of interest were​ __________ and​ _____________. A. task​ completion; employee development B. quality-centered; quantity centered C. job-centered; employee-centered D. nurturing; commanding E. structure; consideration


In the days of tube​ televisions, each set was inspected at the end of the production process by plugging it in and turning it on. Some​ worked, some​ didn't. Then one American company decided to test the sets as they rolled down the assembly​ line, leading to the slogan​ "The quality goes in before the name goes​ on." This company understood the concept of​ ______________. A. leading for quality B. organizing for quality C. controlling for quality D. planning for quality E. designing for quality


Kontek knew a drill bit could make approximately​ 100,000 holes within tolerance before the bit was so worn that the hole size was too small. So it changed the bits after about​ 95,000 holes drilled. This is an example of​ _____________ control. A. concurrent B. preventive C. feedforward D. feedback E. facedown


Last​ month's sales at a new car dealership were pleasantly higher than expected. The sales manager was willing to forego the usual scrutiny of the sales figures and celebrate the success but the owner said he expected to see the explanatory report on his desk as usual. Which one of the following would explain the​ owner's reaction? A. The owner wanted to recognize publicly the sales person responsible for the increase. B. Any performance beyond the range of variation is unacceptable. C. It is difficult to repeat performance if you​ don't know how you achieved it. D. The sales came at the sacrifice of profits. E. He​ didn't trust the original report.


One important premise of​ Fiedler's contingency model is​ ____________. A. leaders are able to adjust their leadership style to fit the situation B. leaders who focus on production more than relationships need not worry about the situation factors C. a​ person's leadership style does not change D. two contingency variables exist along with three leadership​ styles, resulting in six total combinations E. followers will naturally prefer leaders who are​ employee-oriented


​Alyssa's computer was confiscated by law enforcement officers after a coworker filed a hostile environment harassment suit. Apparently Alyssa did not know​ _________. A. accessing her private email account on a company computer would create a record of her messages B. her company email account had been hacked C. the contents of a computer can be presented as evidence in a court of law D. her coworker was so upset E. hostile environment harassment was an actionable offense


​Florence, an interior​ decorator, has invested in a​ high-end computer and specialized software that allows her to upload photos of the​ client's premises before and after her decorating. These photos can be sent electronically to the client and the vendors for approval and can be edited quickly and easily to accommodate requests from the client. Which element of value chain management is in play​ here? A. Leadership B. Coordination and collaboration C. Technology investment D. Employees E. Organizational processes


​Florence, an interior​ decorator, meets often with her clients and with her vendors during a project to make sure her designs have the​ clients' approval and the vendors will be able to meet the​ clients' specifications and timelines. Which element of value chain management is in play​ here? A. Technology investment B. Organizational processes C. Coordination and collaboration D. Organizational culture and attitudes E. Leadership


According to the managerial​ grid, _____________. A. followers would not support a leader who showed a balanced concern for both production and people B. leaders who showed a greater concern for production than for people were promoted at a greater speed than those showed a greater concern for people C. most successful leaders exercised a concern for production more than a concern for people D. leaders performed best with a high concern for people and a high concern for production E. a​ middle-of-the-road leadership style was least effective


An important advantage of written communication is​ ___________. A. feedback is not necessary B. it takes time to create C. it takes less effort D. it leaves a more permanent record E. it is guaranteed to be received


Attempts to identify a set of traits that distinguished leaders from​ non-leaders failed because​ __________. A. traits associated with leadership are distributed equally throughout the population B. leaders are​ made, not born C. parental guidance and​ early-life experiences were more likely to determine whether a person later became a leader D. these attempts ignored the interactions between leaders and their group members E. traits associated with leadership are​ culture-specific


Before the Ohio and Michigan​ studies, researchers​ believed___________. A. leaders shared a set of traits​ non-leaders did not possess B. leadership was​ unnecessary; managers were hired to​ manage, not to lead C. the attention placed on leadership was​ misplaced; the power rested with the followers D. there was one right way to​ lead; all other ways were wrong E. leaders were​ born, not made


Bob and Tom had worked together for​ years, although not always in peace. One day they ended up in a fistfight. Each claimed the other started the fight. Both were fired in accordance with company policy of zero tolerance for any type of violent behavior. In this​ instance, the company used a​ _________ control mechanism. A. preventive B. feedback C. deterrent D. feedforward E. concurrent


Harry thought nothing of leaving the customer file open on his computer screen while he and a vendor worked together. Later he discovered the vendor had contacted several of​ Harry's customers to offer its services directly to​ them, bypassing​ Harry's company. Which obstacle to value chain management exists​ here? A. Too little trust B. Too little control C. Too much collaboration D. Too much trust E. Too much control


His followers have a real issue with Charles. He will say one thing to his crew but tell a different story to his supervisor. Later he will deny having said what his followers heard. He rarely keeps his promises but must rely heavily on his followers to cover his mistakes. Charles lacks​ __________ as a leader. A. openness to new experiences B. a need for achievement C. a need for affiliation D. credibility E. emotional intelligence


In March the scrap rate from the machining department was two​ percent; in April it was three percent. Management went into a​ frenzy, claiming a 50 percent jump in waste from March to​ April, and causing the employees to think they were about to lose their jobs. But in​ fact, even the three percent rate was well below the industry average. Management engaged in unethical communication by​ _________. A. misstating the facts B. releasing confidential information C. distorting the visuals D. distorting the truth and deceiving the employees E. implied threats


In most​ organizations, the financial budget serves as both a​ ________ tool and a​ ________ tool. ​A. leading; controlling B. controlling; disciplinary C. structure; performance D. planning; controlling E. planning; evaluation


It is important to carefully select what activities will be measured because​ ___________. A. of the Peter Principle B. some necessary activities detract from accomplishment of organizational goals C. measuring is time consuming and time is limited D. what gets measured gets monitored E. of the Pareto Principle


NuCor takes iron​ ore, coke,​ nickel, cobalt, and other metals and makes them into various steel alloys using processes unique to NuCor to meet customer specifications. This process of turning raw materials into products is called​ ___________. A. supply chain management B. quality control C. value chain management D. operations management E. systems management


One of the benefits of increased productivity is​ ___________ A. less waste B. lower interest rates C. less pollution D. lower costs E. higher revenues


Value chain management differs from supply chain management in that​ ______________. A. value chain management is internally focused and is​ effectiveness-oriented; supply chain management is externally focused and is​ efficiency-oriented B. value chain management involves​ production; supply chain management involves customers C. value chain management is externally focused and is​ efficiency-oriented; supply chain management is internally focused and is​ effectiveness-oriented D. value chain management is externally focused and is​ effectiveness-oriented; supply chain management is internally focused and is​ efficiency-oriented E. value chain management requires collaboration from​ vendors; supply chain management requires collaboration with distributors


Videoconferencing saves money by​ _____________. A. avoiding the cost of establishing an intranet B. eliminating the need to buy time on Skype or FaceTime C. reducing the number of meetings required for projects D. allowing conference attendees to work from their own​ desks, avoiding travel time and expense E. employing fax machines to transmit documents to participants


​John's subordinate brings him an idea for a process​ improvement, which John then presents to his supervisor without mentioning the source.​ John's actions could be considered a form of​ ________________. A. manipulation B. non-verbal communication C. filtering D. plagiarism E. encoding


An effective control system will​ ____________. A. make the organization an employer of choice B. eliminate poor performers from the organization C. reduce waste and inefficiency D. become a competitive advantage E. lead to the achievement of organizational goals


Dr. Weiss is a research scientist with a major pharmaceutical company. In his position he has great flexibility in determining his research projects but he is expected to work toward certain organizational goals. He has presented five technical papers to his national professional group and received high praise for his work. According to the​ path-goal theory, Dr. Weiss would respond best to​ a(n) ________ leadership style. ​A. laissez-faire B. directive C. participative D. supportive E. achievement-oriented


During the development​ phase, Leoni, Inc. places its own engineers in the​ customer's facility to work alongside the​ customer's engineers. This is a significant change from the days when the customer and Leoni separated their engineers into geographically dispersed facilities and emailed or FedExed drawings back and forth. Which element of value chain management is in play​ here? A. Technology investment B. Organizational culture and attitudes C. Leadership D. Employees E. Organizational processes


Improving productivity requires​ ________________. A. the use of​ cross-functional problem-solving teams B. starting with better quality raw materials C. offering attractive incentives for workers D. modifying employee behavior by reinforcing desired actions E. managing the interplay between people and operations variables by integrating people into the overall operations system


In the magnesium diecast​ industry, statistics show that a magnesium production facility will experience a significant fire every five years on average. To avoid this​ contingency, DEF Casting has an active safety program that identifies and eliminates safety hazards. Employees are all trained to safely handle combustible waste and to put out small fires. DEF is using the control function to​ ____________. A. satisfy OSHA B. empower employees C. control costs D. train employees E. protect the workplace


Just days before​ Hart-Land's scheduled introduction of a​ bullet-shaped towable RV light enough to be pulled behind most​ mid-size SUVs, a first in the​ industry, its​ competitor, RockStone, brought an identical unit to market. The IT people at​ Hart-Land discovered​ _____________. A. thieves from RockStone had broken into the R​ & D area of​ Hart-Land and stolen the plans B. an employee resigned from​ Hart-Land a week before the planned introduction and took the plans with him C. surveillance cameras had not been functioning properly in the production area D. RockStone had violated​ Hart-Land's patents E. its computer network had been hacked and RockStone stole the plans


Lily installs patient records software in hospitals in Arizona. Her company sells the software nationally. Lily and some other installers meet regularly online to discuss their latest​ projects, new versions of the​ software, and installation problems. These installers comprise​ a(n) ___________. A. expert system B. self-managed team C. problem-solving team D. community of interest E. community of practice


Mark and Cathy often stay at Kampgrounds of America​ (KOA). Each​ time, the campground staff gives them a site with reliable​ Wi-Fi, brings extra​ firewood, and arranges the picnic table and fire ring just the way they like it. This happens regardless of which state they are in. KOA is using​ _____________ to keep Mark and Cathy happy. A. good recordkeeping B. favoritism C. social media D. pampering E. personalization


People feel drawn to Collette as if by a magnet. She makes those around her feel indispensable to her​ "cause": a department that is the highest performing in the company. Her followers work hard to achieve their​ goals, knowing she will support them when they take calculated risks. Collette fits the description of​ a(n) _________ leader. A. achievement-oriented B. transactional C. directive D. supportive E. charismatic


Some retailers allow the​ "walk of​ shame" to occur to try to prevent employee theft. This would be considered a​ ___________ control. A. feedforward B. concurrent C. preventive D. predictive E. feedback


The Iowa State studies focused on the​ _____________. A. amount of instruction and explanation given to followers B. amount of concern the leader had for​ his/her followers C. emphasis placed on getting work done D. amount of latitude the leader had when determining how work was done E. leadership styles of​ democratic, autocratic, and​ laissez-faire


The main finding of the​ leader-member exchange theory is​ ____________. A. followers should seek to become like the leader if they wish to succeed B. leaders determine in advance who will succeed and who will​ not, then invest their resources in those who will C. leaders and members engage in an exchange of favors D. leaders exchange some of their power for the cooperation from the members E. leaders create​ in-groups and​ out-groups, with members of the​ in-group receiving greater rewards from the leader


The major problem with feedback control is​ ___________. A. employees prefer it B. it reveals the effectiveness of planning C. it cannot take into consideration variations caused by the external environment D. it enhances motivation E. the activity has already happened so there is no chance to make corrections if necessary


Valerie is an independent tax preparer who files income taxes for her clients. One way her clients define quality is​ _________________? A. features: what are the special characteristics her clients expect B. flexibility: is Valerie flexible in her interpretation of tax law C. aesthetics: are the completed forms attractive D. durability: will the completed forms last E. accuracy: are the forms Valerie files for them accurate every time


Which one of the following activities would be most difficult to quantify and​ measure? A. The impact on profits of reducing overtime. B. The impact of the economy on sales. C. The cost of developing a new pharmaceutical product. D. The effect of advising events on student enrollment at a university. E. The effect of the company summer picnic on employee morale.


Which one of the following statements best reflects an organizational​ barrier? A. Managers strive to minimize training costs while still assuring all employees have the needed skills. B. Distributors demand a larger commission on sales. C. Management meets regularly to discuss progress toward goals. D. Vendors cannot accurately predict the delivery of needed components. E. Hackers stole credit and debit card transaction information from​ Target, a large discount retailer.


​"Intelligence will get you into the game of leadership but you need​ ____________ to stay in the game and advance in the​ organization," according to some leadership experts. In​ fact, without​ it, promotions are decidedly less likely. A. charisma B. to be part of the​ in-group C. a mentor D. a​ strong, clear vision E. emotional intelligence


​"The truth, the whole​ truth, and nothing but the​ truth." These words are often heard in courtroom movie scenes to ensure that witness testimony is​ ___________. A. unbiased B. in direct response to the​ attorney's questions C. coerced D. fair and balanced E. ethical communication


​___________ studied in the Ohio State research is similar to the​ ___________ studied in the Michigan research. A. Employee​ orientation; consideration B. Team​ style; country club style C. Concern for​ people; concern for production D. Laissez-faire style; employee orientation E. Initiating​ structure; production orientation


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