Management Ch. 10

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Role Ambiguity

Refers to uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role.

Organizational Citizenship

Refers to work behavior that goes beyond job requirements and contributes as needed to the organization's success.

Fundamental Attribution Error

When evaluating others, we tend to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors.


Refers to general assurance in one's own ideas, judgment, and capabilities.


A cognitive and affective evaluation that predisposes a person to act in a certain way.


A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes.

Job Satisfaction

A positive attitude toward one's job

Cognitive Dissonance

A psychological discomfort that occurs when two attitudes or an attitude and a behavior conflict.


An individual's strong belief that he or she can accomplish a specific task or outcome successfully.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Assessment measures a person's preferences for introversion versus extroversion, sensation versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving.

Type B Behavior

Behavior pattern that reflects few of the Type A characteristics and includes a more balanced, relaxed approach to life.


Being aware of the internal aspects of one's nature, such as personality traits, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, and perceptions, and appreciating how your patterns affect other people.

Type A Behavior

Characterized by extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, and devotion to work.


Cognitive process that people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment.

Locus of Control

Defines whether an individual places the primary responsibility for his successes and failures within himself or on outside forces.

Big Five Personality Factors

Describe an individual's extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience

Perceptual Distortions

Errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perception process.

Role Conflict

Refers to incompatible demands of different roles, such as the demands of a manager's superiors conflicting with those of the manager's subordinates.

Organizational Commitment

Refers to loyalty to and engagement with one's work organization.


Judgments about what caused a person's behavior—something about the person or something about the situation. People make this as an attempt to understand why others behave as they do.

Halo Effect

Occurs when a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions of the job, even though performance may be good on some dimensions and poor on others.


Performance evaluation error that occurs when a manager places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics.


Physiological and emotional response to stimuli that place physical or psychological demands on an individual and create uncertainty and lack of personal control when important outcomes are at stake.


Refers to a tendency to direct one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of other people for personal gain.


The ability to engage in self-regulating thoughts and behavior to accomplish all your tasks and handle difficult or challenging situations.


The belief that power and status differences should exist within an organization.


The set of characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects, or people in the environment.

Self-Serving Bias

The tendency to overestimate the contribution of internal factors to one's successes and the contribution of external factors to one's failures.

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